1 teddy bear 2 baby monitor/intercom 3 chest (of drawers) 4 crib 5 crib bumper / bumper pad 6 mobile 7 changing table 8 stretch suit 9 changing pad 1O diaper pail 11 night light 12 toy chest 13 stuffed animal 14 doll 15 swing 16 playpen 17 rattle 18 walker 19 cradle 20 stroller 21 baby carriage 22 car seat/safety seat 23 baby carrier 24 food warmer 25 booster seat 26 baby seat 27 high chair 28 portable crib 29 potty 30 baby frontpack 31 baby backpack A. Thank you for the teddy bear. It’s a very nice gift. B. You’re welcome. Tell me, when are you due? A. In a few more weeks. A. That’s a very nice _____________. Where did you get it? B. It was a gift from A. Do you have everything you need? Before the baby comes? B. Almost everything. We’re still looking for a / an ________ and a / an _________, . stroller 21 baby carriage 22 car seat/safety seat 23 baby carrier 24 food warmer 25 booster seat 26 baby seat 27 high chair 28 portable crib 29 potty 30 baby frontpack 31 baby backpack. 1 teddy bear 2 baby monitor/intercom 3 chest (of drawers) 4 crib 5 crib bumper / bumper pad 6 mobile 7 changing. _____________. Where did you get it? B. It was a gift from A. Do you have everything you need? Before the baby comes? B. Almost everything. We’re still looking for a / an ________ and a / an _________,