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Đề thi thử đại học môn Tiếng Anh (13)

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68 Test 13 Pronunciation 1. a. chancellor b. character c. challenger d. chapter > b 2. a. bought b. sought c. drought d. fought > c 3. a. read b. teach c. great d. meat  c 4. a. wait b. said c. rain d. laid  b 5. a. corn b. cut c. coat d. ceiling > d 6. a. break b. treat c. speak d. please > a Find the mistakes 7. If the water level had raised any higher, the dam would probably have broken. a. water level b. raised c. higher d. probably  b 8. One should try to reconcile his views with those of his company when they are on conflict. a. to reconcile b. those c. of his company d. on conflict  d 9. When a person is arrested, the crops must let him make one telephone call. a. the crops b. let c. him d. telephone call  a 10. With regard of your letter dated May 1, I am canceling my subscription to Time magazine because I am leaving the United States to return to my country. a. of b. because c. to return d. to  a 11. When the owner of the disco suspicious that their identification was not valid, he refused to serve them. a. suspicious b. was c. to serve d. them  a Grammar and Vocabulary 12. “What do you recommend about this tax problem?” “I strongly suggest that we consult an expert as soon as possible.” a. do we do b. we will do c. we do d. should we do  c 69 13. He annoyed me very much by ……… me. a. tease b. to tease c. teasing d. teased  c 14. “Who is eligible for the scholarship 7” “Anyone scholastic record is above average can apply for the scholarship.” a. who has a b. has a c. who’s a d. whose  d 15. I'll never regret ………. a kind action. a. do b. to do c. doing d. done  c 16. The severe drought took place last summer damaged the corn crop. a. that it b. which it c. it d. that  d 17. Why don't you advise him ………. to the police? a. go b. to go c. going d. gone  b 18. My brother’s marriage has been arranged by my family. He is marrying a woman . a. that he hardly knows her b. whom he hardly knows her c. he hardly knows d. he hardly knows her  c 19. Where would you recommend me for my holidays? a. go b. going c. to go d. gone  c 20. Mike didn't accept the job, surprised everyone. a. which b. whose c. who d. that it  a 21. At last I succeeded in ……. him to go camping with me. a. persuade b. to persuade c. persuading d. persuaded 70  c 22. The cookery book was a little expensive. a. that I bought it b. I bought that c. what I bought d. I bought  d 23. …… up by her aunt, she became a good person. a. Bring b. To bring c. Brought d. Bringing  c 24. A sleeping place on a boat or train is called a. a cabin b. a berth c. a sofa d. a sleeper  b 25. It is impossible ………… him this story. a. tell b. to tell c. telling d. told  b 26. Stop making that terrible sound. It’s really getting on my a. ears b. head c. spinal cord d. nerves  d 27. It is very unpleasant ……… him everyday. a. meet b. to meet c. meeting d. met  b 28. John's wife is dead. He’s a a. widow b. widower c. celibate d. funeral  b 29. Why does he ask me for money? I remember …… him. a. pay b. to pay c. paying d. paid  c 30. We’re laughing because we’ve just been a hilarious joke. a. told b. explained c. said d. informed  a 71 31. After ……… the matter for an hour, the committee decided to change their plan. a. discuss b. to discuss c. discussing d. discussed  c 32. Perry wouldn’t have got his new job if he the advertisement in the woman magazine. a. hadn’t seen b. didn’t see c. wouldn’t have seen d. hadn’t been seeing  a 33. Finally, they agreed him some money. a. lend b. to lend c. lending d. lent  b 34. The doctor told Jean that he would be well advised to some weight. a. light b. lighten c. lose d. loosen  c 35. He didn't dare ………. the house because he was afraid of meeting the police. a. leave b. to leave c. leaving d. left  b 36. This copper vase is tarnished. It needs a. to be polish b. polishing c. polished d. being polished  b 37. I know my tooth needs ……… but I never have time to go to the dentist's. a. to pull out b. pulled out c. pulling out d. pulls out  c 38. Would it be so kind of you lend me your bicycle? a. to b. as c. enough to d. as to  a 39. The police fined him for …… the speed limit. a. exceed b. to exceed c. exceeding 72 d. exceeded  c 40. I can't understand everything Claudia says but her sister speaks she does. a. better than b. clearer than c. more clear than d. as good as  a 41. Please go on …………. a. write b. to write c. writing d. written  c 42. He has been playing games on the computer for 5 hours and now he's tired playing. a. of b. with c. for d. by  a 43. He tried ……… her to have lunch with him. a. persuade b. to persuade c. persuading d. persuaded  b 44. “Mr. Middleton has come up with a good plan.” “ to tell everyone tomorrow?” a. Ought we b. Must we c. Should we d. May we  a 45. She always thinks ……… for another job. a. applying b. to apply c. of apply d. of applying  d 46. He realized that he wasn't on the right road. He thought he someone. a. had better ask b. should better ask c. had better asked d. have better ask  a 47. The spectators were very ……. with the match last night. a. pleasing b. pleasure c. please d. pleased  d 48. Some flowers have petals. a. bright color 73 b. bright colored c. brightly colored d. color-bright  c 49. They ……… more pictures if they had not run out of film. a. would take b. had take c. will have taken d. would have taken  d 50. They are running out of fuel. They a. have none b. have a lot c. haven’t much d. can’t have it  a . b. was c. to serve d. them  a Grammar and Vocabulary 12. “What do you recommend about this tax problem?” “I strongly suggest that we consult an expert as soon as possible.” a. do we. is called a. a cabin b. a berth c. a sofa d. a sleeper  b 25. It is impossible ………… him this story. a. tell b. to tell c. telling d. told  b 26. Stop making that terrible sound because he was afraid of meeting the police. a. leave b. to leave c. leaving d. left  b 36. This copper vase is tarnished. It needs a. to be polish b. polishing c. polished d. being polished

Ngày đăng: 31/07/2015, 03:05



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