practice test 10 Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. 1. A debris 2. A sew ! "!"#$%&"!"#$'()$ 3. *%+ C. algebra "" 4. *+," B. tightens -" $"" 5. *")$" ""$ "%$+ D. associate"%$. Choose the word whose stressed syllable is different. 6. *%-%"% " +% D. television 7. *$ ,-%$$% %/0%1D. severe " 8. *#, B. ingredient %$ % 9. *++ + C. reliance+""23%+,"+%/%/ 10. A notably %$+4&,54&67+ "% %" Choose the right word or phrase to complete the sentences. 11. 8%$"$9+%$%$:::::::::#% *%! % % %!% D. out for 12. 9,!"!!9"!::::::::: A shake his head +, %" "" 13. 9%$"%%$"%$+:::::::::-%%"" *, B. give 14. %:::::::::$"!%$%," A will be studying!++"$ ""$ !%$+"$ 15. 9+,"+%$++!":::::::::"" *% -%$ C. make , 16. 9 %+!:::::::::+%% * ! D. had met 17. ;-+"::::::::: %%% A. watering %! ! ! 18. ;"%%+"$::::::::: %<-="+(SUBJUNCTIVE1 A register " "" !"" 19. <":::::::::! %%$" %% *%,- ,- C. being kept ,- 20. %%"+!"%-!++!$"::::::::"%""" *% % D. for 21. <++-%>-" "%::::::::*9<"" %!-% *$" " D. whereas 22. ?"::::::::: %"9!%!%$! *%% B. each other % %" 23. 9=@@A:::::::::%"-%++$%% "B"++$%?++<%%$%" *! %$ % D. tired of 24. 9!+,:::::::::$" A. than catch % % 25. 9:::::::::%%"% %$"%C9++%%!%" %% *"+ + + D. have cleaned 26. +-+!":::::::::% "+%" *%% %%" "%%" C. one of the greatest comic actors %%% 27. *+%$!%%+"%!%$"9"++,-::::::::: % "-,%-% *$- B. in touch % !%, 28. 9+%%, % +%$-"%%+-:::::::::++%!+9%%$%!%,$ *, % -$$-! D. look after 29. ::::::::%$""$%%"D A. In which issue of which newspaper 9!!"--% !""$ 9!""$!"-- ?"""$% !!"-- 30. ::::::::-"%+)$+"9>-% !%,$+B%+ %- %" *" 9% 9"% D. Apart from 31. 9:::::::: $+ %$%$+++!$"%+"#% *!" !% C. would be 32. <"%$+!::::::::"%" A. almond-shaped eyes +%B"-""-+% +%B"- 33. 9!"$ $9+%%:::::::: *+ +%%, " D. a go ( 34. 9%,9"%::::::::"+%%! *" " %! D. lift 35. 9"%$%! $+%$$%$"+ C9%:::::::: %%$ *!% "- ! D. feelings 36. %::::::::""9"""D *% $+ C. look 37. E%"%$+%-+::::::::"$+;"%>-%9 *% % C. with 38. <!%"::::::::%$+" *"% "%+"" C. too much %% 39. 9::::::::$"F"-%,%% " A difficulty -%+" %$+% )$"%"% 40. G%!"-%-+::::::::%%""%%%, *!%$+ +, !%$+- D. prefer 41. ;%++%"::::::::% -+"$" A source "%$ % "-% 42. <-%""%"%%++-%+"!%$"%,%$+%%,::::::::%" *% +"" C. better than %!%" 43. 9$-"%,::::::::"$-"++%"% + *" D. which 44. ?%$*" "%%$"% #% %<%%"H0+% "%1"%+%I%" %+ +"$":::::::: A respectively + %+ %")$+ 45. 9,::::::::%%$"%!C9$"!-%-+ "%>:::::::: *%J B. on / about %J%$ !J% 46. K+B %!"$""$%::::::::$+"::::::::" % A to / along % J %J !J% 47. %$%$::::::::D *%! !"%$+9! % D. what to eat 48. ::::::::%-+%!!"", *;,"% "- ?%$ D. Because of 49. L$"%$9 +"$9:::::::: *"%$+%, B. must have broken !", %, 50. M""%$+%++:::::::::!! *% B. eat % Choose the sentence that is similar in meaning to the one given. 51. A. He has learnedN %O" 9!"">"%"+N F"+N %O" 9"">"""+N 52. *F"+!%+%% %%+% F!%+%% %%+%"+ C. He is believed%!%+%% %%+% F!"+%!+%% %%+% 53. ! *<!""%+++-+""#!+" *++-+""#!+""%+" *++-+""#!+"!%! %D. She was robbed% ++-+""#!+" 54. "# *<$""9"%$++ %!+B. Susan suggested9+%! %!+ <$""$"%+%! %!+ <$"%$%+%! %!+ 55. L"%% *L""!""+%% %%$"!%""%$%$ "" L""!%"%$ """%"!""+%% % C. Worrying%%$%$ """"!""+%% % N""!%""!"+%% % 56. #$ *<!++% %$+9 % B. She has% % % %% N%""% % <!++% %$+9 57. *;M"%$+-+"!%$- ?!%$--+"% "%%$+%" %M" ;M"!%$+% -+"%$+%" !% D. The President%$+-+"%! Choose the best answer to complete the sentences. 58. ;%",::::::::: A why I had)$#%9)$#%!%$)$%$#%D 9)$#% 59. ;,"%"+::::::::: *%E+ %"% B. England!"% %"% !+-E+%% %"% "E+ % %"% 60. 9"$::::::::: *""$-" " "!"$-" $9"$-" " D. which"$-" " 61. 9+ ++%%,"%::::::::: A so the!"! 9I "%%%! 62. <!%"$+"""::::::::: *"%"!++%%I "%%!%$+%%I C. so as%%%I %"!%$+%I 63. 9 9P% )$+::::::::: *9!%$++%"% B. I would be closer to her ?!+++%" " ?%+%" " 64. M$+""::::::::: *%! ""! %! D. to have received an award 65. 9%)$+ %"C::::::::: *; %#% ;"!#% L%%#% DHowever,#% Identify the error in each sentence. 66. Lfather's been!%,""%-""" %%=Q"%been1 67. M"%%"+%$"in spite being$+%"!(of 68. ;%%%$+ +%""*+!%$ $+carrying==%"% %carry) 69. E%$"their own%""%% !>" %$"(its) 70. M%-+%make+%% "% R"% 71. ?%+++numbers% %%$+% $"%1 72. 8%$unnecessary"%-"% +"!"%%$%& 73. ;%$P"+%""+!"finds excuses t o""%"%">- 74. S$E+I- " what#!+""%$++ %+"% 75. ?$!+,"%">"number% %%%$% Read the passage and choose the correct answers 9!%+%-$++!%%"$"+I"G%*E$%-+ "!"M%-++,%$-"%!!"%sensitive%% T+" !"%$"-%$""%;motto% +%"U'( '('U 9"%""% "%$-%$"+"-,"%>" >-"-+"! "*$ % " %%"$%"+%"% -,$"$++-- %>*++-,"!""%$"M%-+"%$+%$"! "-+ %$"$-"$"+")*+(,,*%!%$!""%$B)$+-%$"?+%! )$+ +",$"%"%!!$!%"B+%""% %"%$"% N%>-+ $"%$"B)$+ +"+-$ $ "-%""9"! $"%%%""-%$!+""-,$"% ""-%""%$ $";%$%!!$""%- 9"%$#$""% ,"$+%+"* $"%" -%+"$%"%;$ $"% ,"%++%+"!" ++;"""%,!%+"""9"%-"% !%+$ %+" %%"%%practice9%"-+"$-"+++++""-+" %%!!%+" <-%%%++$" *+$$">-"%,9,""%$% %,%+$$" %"%$%+%;V" %%$"?-%-+%++++$$0 %!"1+- "%% !%+"-%$""%$" 76. -D *%!%$"-%"+ !-%-+% $"%$recycle C. what is involved+%%!%+""+%% 77. -.D A. Europe *" L+E" <%$* 78. ?%"!%sensitive-"$$D *$%$" +%+ C. friendly "-% 79. EREM; *$B)$+-%$$"-+B! "$"$-"D. buy fewer hamburgers 80. -&D A. Because-%-+!++"%%%!!$"%-" $"$"%""++$"-%$+"" 81. -$Customers$D *%%"-"-%$" "+%%-"-%$ ",-%-+%%%"-%$"!+""-, D. they can tell-%$"!-%$"%% %%$ 82. The word 'motto' "+%""%::::::::: * +$ C. belief 83. ?"""-%""% $"D *;%+"%++!"$ ++ B. The bottles are ++ $%++!" ;%+"!"$ ++%++ ;%+"%++$ ++!" 84. *-%-+%%$%+" $%+" ! %%+"% +""%-+" D. each returned%+""- 85. ;!%practice"+%""%::::::::: W*++ >" C. deed + 86. ?!%"%">-+"% +D **+$$"-+"! " F$! ""-%%%+ C. Aluminum cans and spent motor oil. ;V""+$$" 87. ;$"%,"::::::::$"%$%+%;V" %X%$" A. as much as +"" % %!%%-% 88. ;!%precious"+%""%::::::::: *$+ "$"+ " D. invaluable Choose the best answers to fill in the blanks. ;"% L"% L>%!"0Y@1:::::::::!%-%% 0@Z1:::::::::$+$" ;!0@=1:::::::::!I%+=ZZZ" %%E$%-0@[1::::::::: *"%-$-%$"0@X1:::::::::"% L+E"%$!% E$%-0@\1:::::::::% I%"$;K,!%$"$"0@Q1::::::::% +- !T%$""!" $+%%"$0@O1:::::::::"%" %$ $"0 % >-+V991!%>-""%$0 %>-+A1GK,"0@A1:::::::::T%" %$+0@Y1:::::::::!+$"0@@1:::::::::%"L"%$+>-""$$" "%+"%"N%I%$""++0=ZZ1::::::::: 89. *% "$- C. superior % 90. * %" % D. other 91. * %$" B. familiar % % 92. * <% C. it 93. *%$ %$%$ C. across +% 94. A. concept !-% $"+ 95. *" B. letters $" +"" 96. *+%$ B.$" ! 97. A. nor "!++" % 98. *)$ +I C. deal - 99. *] N% N% D. ln 100. A. shape "I % -$