Page 1 /10 S S S SỞ Ở Ở ỞGI GI GI GIÁ Á Á ÁO O O OD D D DỤ Ụ Ụ ỤC C C CV V V VÀ À À ÀĐÀ ĐÀ ĐÀ ĐÀO O O OT T T TẠ Ạ Ạ ẠO O O OPH PH PH PHÚ Ú Ú ÚTH TH TH THỌ Ọ Ọ ỌK K K KỲ Ỳ Ỳ ỲTHI THI THI THIHỌC HỌC HỌC HỌCSINH SINH SINH SINHGIỎI GIỎI GIỎI GIỎIL L L LỚ Ớ Ớ ỚP P P P12 12 12 12THPT THPT THPT THPTC C C CẤ Ấ Ấ ẤP P P PT T T TỈ Ỉ Ỉ ỈNH NH NH NH N N N NĂ Ă Ă ĂM M M MH H H HỌ Ọ Ọ ỌC C C C2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 M M M Mô ô ô ôn: n: n: n:TI TI TI TIẾ Ế Ế ẾNG NG NG NGANH ANH ANH ANH Thờigianlàmbài:180phút,khôngk ể thờigiangiao đề H H H HƯỚ ƯỚ ƯỚ ƯỚNG NG NG NGD D D DẪ Ẫ Ẫ ẪN N N NTH TH TH THÍ Í Í ÍSINH SINH SINH SINHL L L LÀ À À ÀM M M MB B B BÀ À À ÀI I I ITHI THI THI THI (Giámthịhướngdẫnchothísinh5phúttrướcgiờthi) A. A. A. A.C C C CẤ Ấ Ấ ẤU U U UT T T TẠ Ạ Ạ ẠO O O OĐỀ ĐỀ ĐỀ ĐỀTHI: THI: THI: THI:Đềthigồmcó4 4 4 4phầnchính: I.NGHEHIỂU(Listening)Gồmcó2 2 2 2phần (10câu) II.NGỮÂM(Phonetics):Gồmcó2 2 2 2phần (10câu) III.TỪVỰNGVÀNGỮPHÁP(GrammarandVocabulary):Gồmcó4 4 4 4phần (60câu) IV.ĐỌCHIỂU(Readingcomprehension):Gồmcó4 4 4 4phần (50câu) V.VIẾT(Writing):Gồmcó2 2 2 2phần (20câu) B. B. B. B.H H H HƯỚ ƯỚ ƯỚ ƯỚNG NG NG NGD D D DẪ Ẫ Ẫ ẪN N N NTH TH TH THÍ Í Í ÍSINH SINH SINH SINHL L L LÀ À À ÀM M M MB B B BÀ À À ÀI: I: I: I: •Thísinhl l l là à à àm m m mto to to toà à à àn n n nb b b bộ ộ ộ ộb b b bà à à ài i i ithi thi thi thitr tr tr trê ê ê ên n n nđề đề đề đềthi thi thi thitheoyêucầucủatừngphần.Th Th Th Thí í í ísinh sinh sinh sinhph ph ph phả ả ả ải i i ivi vi vi viế ế ế ết t t tc c c câ â â âu u u utr tr tr trả ả ả ảl l l lờ ờ ờ ời i i i v v v và à à ào o o oph ph ph phầ ầ ầ ần n n ntr tr tr trả ả ả ảl l l lờ ờ ờ ời i i iđượ đượ đượ được c c ccho cho cho chos s s sẵ ẵ ẵ ẵn n n nở ở ở ởm m m mỗ ỗ ỗ ỗi i i iph ph ph phầ ầ ầ ần. n. n. n.Tráivớiđiềunày,phầnbàilàmcủathísinhsẽkhông đượcchấmđiểm. •Đềthigồmcó10 10 10 10trang trang trang trang.Thísinhphảikiểmtrasốtờđềthitrướckhilàmbài. •Thísinhkhôngđượckýtênhoặcdùngbấtcứdấuhiệugìđểđánhdấubàithingoàiviệclàmbàitheo yêucầucủađềra.Kh Kh Kh Khô ô ô ông ng ng ngđượ đượ đượ được c c cvi vi vi viế ế ế ết t t tb b b bằ ằ ằ ằng ng ng ngm m m mự ự ự ực c c cđỏ đỏ đỏ đỏ, , , ,b b b bú ú ú út t t tch ch ch chì ì ì ì, , , ,kh kh kh khô ô ô ông ng ng ngvi vi vi viế ế ế ết t t thai hai hai haith th th thứ ứ ứ ứm m m mự ự ự ực c c ctr tr tr trê ê ê ên n n nt t t tờ ờ ờ ờgi gi gi giấ ấ ấ ấy y y y l l l là à à àm m m mb b b bà à à ài i i i.Phầnviếthỏng,ngoàicáchdùngthướcđểgạchchéo,khôngđượctẩyxóabằngbấtkỳcách gìkhác(kểcảbútxóamàutrắng).Tráivớiđiềunàybàithisẽbịloại. •Thísinhnênlàmnháptrướcrồighichépcẩnthậnvàophầnbàilàmtrênđềthi.Giámthịsẽkhông phátgiấylàmbàithaythếđềvàgiấylàmbàidothísinhlàmhỏng. •Giámthịkhônggiảithíchgìthêmvềđềthi.Thísinhkhôngđượcsửdụngbấtcứtàiliệugìkểcảtừ điển. I. I. I. I.LISTENING LISTENING LISTENING LISTENING Part Part Part Part1: 1: 1: 1:Listen Listen Listen Listento to to tothe the the theconversation conversation conversation conversationand and and andput put put puta a a atick tick tick tickon on on onthe the the thebox box box boxto to to toindicate indicate indicate indicatewhether whether whether whetherthe the the thefollowing following following followingstatements statements statements statements are are are areTrue True True True(T) (T) (T) (T)or or or orFalse False False False(F) (F) (F) (F)(10 (10 (10 (10points) points) points) points) TF 1.Theshoppingcentrewasopened3yearsago. 2.Peoplesometimeshavetowaitalongtimeforthebus. 3.Customerscannotgetintotheshoppingcentreuntil10a.mon Saturday. 4.Therearen’tanybanksintheshoppingcentre. 5.Youcangetamaponthefirstleveloftheshoppingcentre. Part Part Part Part2: 2: 2: 2:You You You Youwill will will willhear hear hear heara a a ajob job job jobinterview. interview. interview. interview.As As As Asyou you you youlisten listen listen listenchoose choose choose choosethe the the thebest best best bestanswer answer answer answerto to to toeach each each eachquestion question question question(10 (10 (10 (10points) points) points) points) 1.WhendidMr.Wilsongraduatefromtheuniversity? A.in1999B.twomonthsagoC.afewweeksagoD.in2002 2.Whydoeshewantanewjob? A.ForachangeB.Toearnmoremoney C.TogetapromotionD.Tohaveanewchallenge 3.Thethinghelikesmostabouthispresentjobis…. A.theresponsibilityB.goodsalaryC.hiscolleaguesD.workingconditions 4.Whatishispresentjob? A.ApersonnelmanagerB.AjournalistC.AclockwatcherD.Astudent 5.Howdoeshefindhispresentjob? A.BoringB.InterestingC.DifficultD.Stressful Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answers(A, (A, (A, (A,B, B, B, B,C C C Cor or or orD) D) D) D)here: here: here: here: 1. 1. 1. 1.____________2. 2. 2. 2.____________3. 3. 3. 3.____________4. 4. 4. 4.____________5. 5. 5. 5.____________ ĐỀCHÍNHTHỨC Page 2 /10 II. II. II. II.PHONETICS PHONETICS PHONETICS PHONETICS Part Part Part Part1: 1: 1: 1:Choose Choose Choose Choosethe the the theword word word wordwhose whose whose whoseunderlined underlined underlined underlinedpart part part partis is is ispronounced pronounced pronounced pronounceddifferently. differently. differently. differently.Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answersin in in inthe the the thesp sp sp sp ace ace ace aceprovided. provided. provided. provided.(5 (5 (5 (5points) points) points) points) 1.A.advisedB.devisedC.raisedD.practised 2.A.machineryB.marchC.cheerfullyD.merchant 3.A.referB.summerC.teacherD.mother 5.A.delicateB.concentrateC.privateD.accurate Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answers(A, (A, (A, (A,B, B, B, B,C C C Cor or or orD) D) D) D)here: here: here: here: 1. 1. 1. 1.____________2. 2. 2. 2.____________3. 3. 3. 3.____________4. 4. 4. 4.____________5. 5. 5. 5.____________ Part Part Part Part2: 2: 2: 2:Choose Choose Choose Choosethe the the theword word word wordwhose whose whose whosestress stress stress stresspattern pattern pattern patternis is is isdifferent different different differentfrom from from fromthe the the theother other other otherthree three three threeof of of ofthe the the thegroup. group. group. group.Write Write Write Writeyour your your your answers answers answers answersin in in inthe the the thespace space space spaceprovided. provided. provided. provided.(5 (5 (5 (5points) points) points) points) 2.A.industrialB.interfereC.developD.activity 3.A.mausoleumB.conservativeC.disqualifyD.magnificent 4.A.literatureB.preventiveC.measurementD.temperature 5.A.collectiveB.climaticC.abundantD.regional Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answers(A, (A, (A, (A,B, B, B, B,C C C Cor or or orD) D) D) D)here: here: here: here: 1. 1. 1. 1.____________2. 2. 2. 2.____________3. 3. 3. 3.____________4. 4. 4. 4.____________5. 5. 5. 5.____________ III. III. III. III.VOCABULARY VOCABULARY VOCABULARY VOCABULARY& & & &GRAMMAR GRAMMAR GRAMMAR GRAMMAR Part Part Part Part1: 1: 1: 1:Choose Choose Choose Choosethe the the thecorrect correct correct correctanswer answer answer answerto to to tocomplete complete complete completeeach each each eachof of of ofthe the the thefollowing following following followingsentences. sentences. sentences. sentences.THERE THERE THERE THERECAN CAN CAN CANBE BE BE BEMORE MORE MORE MORE THAN THAN THAN THANONE ONE ONE ONECORRECT CORRECT CORRECT CORRECTANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWERTO TO TO TOSOME SOME SOME SOMEQUESTIONS. QUESTIONS. QUESTIONS. QUESTIONS.Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answersin in in inthe the the thespace space space spaceprovided. provided. provided. provided. (30 (30 (30 (30points) points) points) points) 1.IwishIcould________thehabitofdrinkingcoffeelateatnight. A.breakBstopC.avoidD.getoutof 2. ChoosetheletterA,B,CorDtoindicatethewordorphrasethatisCLOSESTinmeaningtothe underlinedpartinthefollowingsentence. Tadpolestypicallydwellatthebottomofbodiesoffreshwater. A.swimB.feedC.liveD.reproduce 3.Hotspringsareoneofthemostcharacteristicfeaturesofareasofrecentvolcanicactivity,although_____ inotherareaslessabundantly. A.alsotohaveoccurredB.theiroccurrencealso C.alsooccurD.theyalsooccur 4.“___________” Nevermind! A.Thankyouforvisitingme B.WouldyoumindgoingoutfordinnernextSaturday? C.Congratulations!Howwonderful! D.Sorryforspillingyourcoffee.I’llmakeanothercupforyou. 5.Thisdish__________.Isitspicy? A.smellsgoodB.smellswellC.issmelledgoodD.issmelledwell 6.Theonlyway___________you'llbeabletocontactherisbye-mail. A.thatB.whichC.whatD. φ 7.Inthelate1970’sandearly1980’s,theUnitedStatesdevelopedthereusablespaceshuttle________to spacecheaperandeasier. A.tomakeaccessBandmakingaccess C.whichmadeaccessibleD.andmadeaccessible 8.Wecan’tgoskating.The_____hasbeenclosedforrepairs. A.ringB.courseC.rinkD.pitch Page 3 /10 9.Allstudentsshouldbe________andliteratewhentheyleaveschool A.numerateB.numericC.numeralD.numerous 10.The__________tolistenwhilenotbeinglistenedtoshouldnotbeunderestimated. A.aptitudeB.abilityC.techniqueD.skill 11.Onlyifyoupromisetostudyhard________totutoryou. A.willIagreeB.agreeIC.IagreeD.Iwillagree 12.Don’tleaveanythingbehind,______? A.doyouB.don’tyouC.willyouD.shallwe 13.Isawa___________scarfinashopnearmyhouse. A.sweetlittlegreensilkB.littlegreensilksweet C.sweetgreenlittlesilkD.greenlittlesweetsilk 14 Howwellyouareplaying!-“___________”. A.Sayitagain.IliketohearyourwordsB.Ithinkso.Iamproudofmyself C.ThankyoutoomuchD.Manythanks.Thatisanicecompliment 15.Theactress________tohavinghadfirst-nightnerves. A.admittedB.agreedC.confessedD.accepted 16.Genetically,thechimpanzeeismoresimilartohumans_______. A.arethananyotheranimalB.thanisanyotheranimal C.anyotheranimalisD.andanyotheranimalis 17.Mygirlfriendsuggested_______alonetothefootballmatch. A.IgoB.goingC.wentD.togo 18.____freshwaterspeciesoffishbuildnestsofsticks,stones,orscooped-outsand. A.AsthemanyB.OfthemanyC.ManyD.Manyofthemare 19.Thestolenjewelswere_______alotofmoney. A.valuedB.costC.pricedD.worth 20.Hardly_______thecaptainoftheteamwhenhehadtofacetheproblems. A.hadhebeenappointedB.didheappoint C.washebeingappointedD.washeappointing 21.“Canyoutellmethewaytothenearestpostoffice?”-“___________”. A.Turnleftandthenright.B.It'sabouttwokilometers. C.Itopensatnineo'clock.D.Youcanwalkorgotherebytaxi. 22.___________,particularlytheoxidesofsulfur,greatlyincreasestherateatwhichrustforms. A.AirpollutantsarepresentB.Thepresenceofairpollutants C.BecausethepresenceofairpollutantsD.Airpollutantswhosepresence 23._________ourchildrenmaybe,wecannotgopicnickinginthisweather. A.ThoughexcitedB.ExcitedasC.BecauseofexcitementD.Excitingas 24. ChoosetheletterA,B,CorDtoindicatethewordorphrasethatisOPPOSITEinmeaningtothe underlinedpartinthefollowingsentence. Othercharactersmaythinkthataproblemisinexplicable,butPoe’sdetective,AugusteDupin,findsiteasy tounderstand. A.boringB.mysteriousC.evidentD.simple 25.Whenhefinally_______,hecouldn’trememberwhathadhappened. A.stoodbackB.woreoffC.cameroundD.heldback 26.Despiteitsfishlikeform,thewhaleis_______andwilldrownifsubmergedtoolong. A.ananimalbreathesairthatB.ananimalthatbreathesair C.ananimalbreathesairD.thatananimalbreathesair 27.TheContinentalUnitedStatesis_______thattherearefourtimezones. A.sobiganareaB.verybigC.suchbigareaD.soabigarea 28.Thehourglass,aninstrumentused_________,usuallyconsistsoftwobulbsunitedbyanarrowneck. A.measurestimeB.timeismeasured C.formeasuringtimeD.thetimeformeasuring 29.________ofthefinancialcrisis,alltheycoulddowasholdonandhopethatthingswouldimprove. A.IntheendB.AttheheightC.OnthetopD.Atthebottom 30.Thetwentiethcenturyhasbeenaperiodofenormousgrowthinmathematicalresearchandin thenumberofmathematiciansandfields_________them. A.theyrequireB.requiringC.requireD.asrequired Page 4 /10 Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answers(A, (A, (A, (A,B, B, B, B,C C C Cor or or orD) D) D) D)here: here: here: here: 1. 1. 1. 1.___________2. 2. 2. 2.___________3. 3. 3. 3.___________4. 4. 4. 4.___________5. 5. 5. 5.___________ 6. 6. 6. 6.___________7. 7. 7. 7.___________8. 8. 8. 8.___________9. 9. 9. 9.___________10. 10. 10. 10.___________ 11. 11. 11. 11.___________12. 12. 12. 12.___________13. 13. 13. 13.___________14. 14. 14. 14.___________15. 15. 15. 15.___________ 16. 16. 16. 16.___________17. 17. 17. 17.___________18. 18. 18. 18.___________19. 19. 19. 19.___________20. 20. 20. 20.__________ 21. 21. 21. 21.___________22. 22. 22. 22.___________23. 23. 23. 23.___________24. 24. 24. 24.___________25. 25. 25. 25.___________ 26. 26. 26. 26.___________27. 27. 27. 27.___________28. 28. 28. 28.___________29. 29. 29. 29.___________30. 30. 30. 30.__________ Part Part Part Part2: 2: 2: 2:Choose Choose Choose Choosethe the the theunderlined underlined underlined underlinedword word word wordor or or orphrase phrase phrase phrasein in in ineach each each eachsentence sentence sentence sentencethat that that thatneeds needs needs needscorrecting. correcting. correcting. correcting.Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answers in in in inthe the the thespace space space spaceprovided. provided. provided. provided.(20 (20 (20 (20points) points) points) points) 1. . . .MostofthedamagepropertyattributedtotheSanFranciscoearthquakeof1906resultedfromthe ABC firethatfollowed. D 2.Howevercheapitis,thepoorqualityproductscannotalwaysappealtocustomers. ABCD 3.Inorderfornomoneywouldbewasted,wehadtoaccountforeverypennywespent. ABCD 4.Thedecompositionofmicroscopicanimalsatthebottomofthesearesultsinanaccumulationoftheoil. A BC D 5.Notonlythesupplyofmahoganyhasdwindledmarkedlyinthepasttenyears,butitspricehastripled ABCD duringthesameperiodoftime. 6.Anyonewithabsolute,orperfect,pitchareabletoidentifybyearanynoteatsomestandardpitchorto ABC singaspecifiednoteatwill. D 7 . Virtuallynodiseaseexiststodayforwhichthereisnodrugthatcanbegiven,neithertocurethedisease ABC ortoalleviateitssymptoms. D 8.Inthisworldofhightechnology,itiseasytoforgetthatthemostimportanttoolseverdevelopedfor ABCD learningisstillthebook. 9.Inthelate1800’s,UnitedStatespainterThomasEakinshasdevelopedabroad,powerfulrealiststylethat AB becamealmostexpressionisticinhislateryears. CD 10.The NorthAmericanReview ,amagazinewasfirstpublishedin1815,wasoneoftheleadingliterary ABC journalsofthepasttwocenturies. D Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answers(A, (A, (A, (A,B, B, B, B,C C C Cor or or orD) D) D) D)here: here: here: here: 1. 1. 1. 1.____________2. 2. 2. 2.____________3. 3. 3. 3.____________4. 4. 4. 4.____________5. 5. 5. 5.____________ 6. 6. 6. 6.____________7. 7. 7. 7.____________8. 8. 8. 8.____________9. 9. 9. 9.____________10. 10. 10. 10.___________ Part Part Part Part3: 3: 3: 3:Supply Supply Supply Supplythe the the thecorrect correct correct correctform form form formof of of ofthe the the thewords words words wordsin in in inbracket. bracket. bracket. bracket.Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answersin in in inthe the the thespace space space spaceprovided provided provided providedunder under under under this this this thispassage. passage. passage. passage.(20 (20 (20 (20points) points) points) points) 1. 1. 1. 1.Pandais________toChinaonly.(NATION) 2. 2. 2. 2.________,theprojectisimpossibletocarryoutbecauseofinsufficientfunds.(PRACTICE) 3. 3. 3. 3.Iobjectstronglytothe_______ofsport.(COMMERCE) Page 5 /10 4. 4. 4. 4.______arealarmedbytherateatwhichtropicalforestsarebeingdestroyed.(CONSERVE) 5. 5. 5. 5.Explosivesare_______weapons.(DIE) 6. 6. 6. 6.Heavyrainandexcessiveusehavethesoil_____.(POVERTY) 7. 7. 7. 7.Hetoldme_______thathe’sthinkingofresigningnextyear.(CONFIDE) 8. 8. 8. 8.Theseemingly_______oilandmineralshaveshownsignsofdepletionovertheyears.(EXHAUST) 9. 9. 9. 9.Isit_________totipwaitersinyourcountry?(CUSTOM) 10. 10. 10. 10.Iwillresignifyoucontinueto________whatIsay.(REGARD) Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answershere here here here 1. 1. 1. 1.____________2. 2. 2. 2.____________3. 3. 3. 3.____________4. 4. 4. 4.____________5. 5. 5. 5.____________ 6. 6. 6. 6.____________7. 7. 7. 7.____________8. 8. 8. 8.____________9. 9. 9. 9.____________10. 10. 10. 10.___________ Part Part Part Part4: 4: 4: 4:Choose Choose Choose Choosethe the the thebest best best bestanswer answer answer answerto to to tocomplete complete complete completeeach each each eachof of of ofthe the the thefollowing following following followingsentences. sentences. sentences. sentences.Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answersin in in inthe the the the space space space spaceprovided. provided. provided. provided.(10 (10 (10 (10points) points) points) points) 1.Theyshouldthinkweareagroupoftourists.Let’slooksurprisedasifwe________hereforthefirst time. A.wouldbeB.areC.wereD.havebeen 2.Ifyougooninsisting________acopyofeveryreport,you’llendupburiedunderapileofpaper. A.onbeinggivenB.ongivingyouC.tobegivenD.togiveyou 3.Jennyisanearlyriserandsheshouldn’tobject________thetripbefore7a.m. A.tohavetostartB.tostartingC.tostartD.againststarting 4.________thetruth,I’veneverdonethistypeofworkbefore. A.TotellB.TellingC.HavingtoldD.Beingtold 5.Bythetimewe____tothetrainstation,Susan_____forusformorethantwohours. A.willget/ 6.She________sopolitelyattheparty.Everyonewasincasualclothes. A.couldn’thavedressedB.mustn’thavedressed C.shouldhavedressedD.needn’thavedressed 7.Ifsomanypeople__________aboutit,howdowanttokeepitsecret? A.arediscussingB.aretobesaidC.aretobetoldD.willbesaying 8.“Howlonghaveyoubeenwiththecompany?” “I______therefortenyearsbySeptember” A.willworkB.wasworkingC.willbeworkingD.willhaveworked 9.Hewouldratherthey__________thesofabefore4p.m. A.deliverB.aredeliveredC.deliveredD.weredelivered 10.Ineverimaginedthemountains_________sohigh! Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answershere: here: here: here: 1. 1. 1. 1.____________2. 2. 2. 2.____________3. 3. 3. 3.____________4. 4. 4. 4.____________5. 5. 5. 5.____________ 6. 6. 6. 6.____________7. 7. 7. 7.____________8. 8. 8. 8.____________9. 9. 9. 9.____________10. 10. 10. 10.___________ IV. IV. IV. IV.READING READING READING READINGCOMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION COMPREHENSION Part Part Part Part1: 1: 1: 1:Read Read Read Readthe the the thepassage passage passage passageand and and andchoose choose choose choosethe the the thebest best best bestoption option option optionto to to tocomplete complete complete completethe the the thepassage passage passage passage(15 (15 (15 (15points) points) points) points) HAPPINESS HAPPINESS HAPPINESS HAPPINESS Inrecentyearstherehasbeenaremarkableincreaseinresearchintohappiness.Theresearchers have(1)________anumberoffactorswhichcontributetoadefinitionofhappiness. Firstofall,thereis,insomepeople,amoderategeneticpredispositiontobehappy:inotherwords, happiness(2)_____infamilies.Andhappinessseemstocorrelatequite(3)_____withthemain dimensionsofpersonality:extrovertsaregenerallyhappier,neuroticsarelessso. Page 6 /10 Second,peopleoften(4)_______goodsocialrelationsasareasonfortheirhappiness.Inparticular, friendsareagreat(5)____ofjoy,partlybecauseoftheagreeablethingstheydotogether,partlybecauseof thewayfriendsusepositivenon-verbal(6)_______,suchascaressingandtouching,toaffirmtheir friendship.Marriageandsimilar(7)_______relationshipscanalsoformthebasisoflastinghappiness. Third,jobsatisfactionundoubtedly(8)_______overallsatisfaction,andvice-versa-perhapsthisis whysomepeoplearehappyinboringjobs:it(9)_______bothways.Jobsatisfactioniscausednotonlyby theessentialnatureofthework,but(10)______bysocialinteractionswithco-workers.Unemployment,on the(11)_______,canbeaseriouscauseofunhappiness. Fourth,leisureisimportantbecauseitismoreunderindividual(12)______thanmostothercauses ofhappiness.Activities(13)________sportandmusic,andparticipationinvoluntaryworkandsocialclubs ofvariouskinds,cangivegreatjoy.Thisispartlybecauseofthe(14)_____themselves,butalsobecauseof thesocialsupportofothergroupmembers–itisverystrong(15)_____thecaseofreligiousgroups. 1.A.fallenbackonB.goneinforC.gotdowntoD.comeupwith 2.A.arrivesB.runsC.goesD.descends 3.A.stronglyB.nearlyC.firmlyD.hardly 5.A.meaningB.originC.baseD.source 6.A.movementsB.motionsC.slogansD.signals 7.A.nearB.closeC.tightD.heavy 8.A.consistofB.appliestoC.contributestoD.countson 9.A.worksB.effectsC.makesD.turns 11.AcommonB.contrastC.comparisonD.contrary 12.A.checkB.powerC.controlD.choice 14.A.facilitiesB.activitiesC.exercisesD.amenities 15.A.byB.forC.inDwith Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answershere here here here 1. 1. 1. 1.____________2. 2. 2. 2.____________3. 3. 3. 3.____________4. 4. 4. 4.____________5. 5. 5. 5.____________ 6. 6. 6. 6.____________7. 7. 7. 7.____________8. 8. 8. 8.____________9. 9. 9. 9.____________10. 10. 10. 10.___________ 11. 11. 11. 11.___________12. 12. 12. 12.___________13. 13. 13. 13.___________14. 14. 14. 14.___________15. 15. 15. 15.___________ Part Part Part Part2: 2: 2: 2:Read Read Read Readthe the the thefollowing following following followingpassages passages passages passagesand and and andchoose choose choose choosethe the the thebest best best bestanswer answer answer answerto to to toeach each each eachquestion. question. question. question.(15 (15 (15 (15points) points) points) points) Atmosphericpressurecansupportacolumnofwaterupto10metershigh.Butplantscanmove watermuchhigher,thesequoiatreecanpumpwatertoitsverytop,morethan100metersabovetheground. Untiltheendofthenineteenthcentury,themovementofwaterintreesandothertallplantswasamystery. Somebotanistshypothesizedthatthelivingcellsofplantsactedaspumps,butmanyexperiments demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demonstratedthatthestemsofplantsinwhichallthecellsarekilledcanstillmovewatertoappreciable heights.Otherexplanationsforthemovementofwaterinplantshavebeenbasedonrootpressure,apushon thewaterfromtherootsatthebottomoftheplant.Butrootpressureisnotnearlygreatenoughtopush watertothetopsoftalltrees.Furthermore,theconifers,whichareamongthetallesttreeshaveunusually lowrootpressures. Ifwaterisnotpumpedtothetopofatalltree,andifit it it itisnotpushed,tothetopofatalltree,thenwe mayask.Howdoesitgetthere?Accordingtothecurrentlyacceptedcohesion-tensiontheory,wateris pulledthere there there there.Thepullonarisingcolumnofwaterinaplantresultsfromtheevaporationofwateratthetop oftheplant.Aswaterislostfromthesurfaceoftheleaves,anegativepressureortensioniscreated.The evaporatedwaterisreplacedbywatermovingfrominsidetheplantinunbrokencolumnsthatextend extend extend extendfrom thetopofaplanttoitsroots.Thesameforcesthatcreatesurfacetensioninanysampleofwaterare responsibleforthemaintenanceoftheseunbrokencolumnsofwater.Whenwaterisconfinedintubesof verysmallbore,theforcesofcohesion(theattractionbetweenwatermolecules)aresogreatthatthe Page 7 /10 strengthofacolumnofwatercompareswiththestrengthofasteelwireofthesamediameter.Thiscohesive strengthpermitscolumnsofwatertobepulledtogreatheightswithoutbeingbroken. 1.Howmanytheoriesdoestheauthormention? A.OneB.TwoC.ThreeD.Four 2.Thepassageanswerswhichofthefollowingquestions? A.Whatistheeffectofatmosphericpressureonfoliage? B.Whendodeadcellsharmplantgrowth? C.Howdoeswatergettothetopsoftrees? D.Whyisrootpressureweak? 3.Theword"demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated"inline5isclosestinmeaningto A.ignoredB.showedC.disguisedD.distinguished 4.Whatdotheexperimentsmentionedinlines4-6prove? A.Plantstemsdiewhendeprivedofwater.B.Cellsinplantsternsdonotpumpwater. C.Plantscannotmovewatertohighaltitudes.D.Plantcellsregulatepressurewithinstems. 5.Howdobotanistsknowthatrootpressureisnottheonlyforcethatmoveswaterinplants? A.Someverytalltreeshaveweakrootpressure. B.Rootpressuresdecreaseinwinter. C.Plantscanliveaftertheirrootsdie. D.Waterinaplant'srootsisnotconnectedtowaterinitsstem. 6.Accordingtoparagraph1,allofthefollowingsentencesaretrueEXCEPT A.Themovementofwaterintreeswasnotknownuntiltheendofthenineteenthcentury. B.Thesequoiatreecanmovewatertoappreciableheights. C.Somebotaniststhoughtrootpressurewasthereasonwhywaterwaspushedtothetopofthetree. D.Tallplantsalwayshavehighrootpressure. 7.Whichofthefollowingstatementsdoesthepassagesupport? A.Waterispushedtothetopsoftrees. B.Botanistshaveproventhatlivingcellsactaspumps. C.Atmosphericpressuredrawswatertothetopsoftalltrees. D.Botanistshavechangedtheirtheoriesofhowwatermovesinplants. 8.Theword"it it it it"inline10refersto A.topB.treeC.waterD.cohesion-tensiontheory 9.Theword"there there there there"inline12refersto A.treetopsB.rootsC.watercolumnsD.tubes 10.Whatcausesthetensionthatdrawswaterupaplant? A.HumidityB.PlantgrowthC.RootpressureD.Evaporation 11.Theword"extend extend extend extend"inline14isclosestinmeaningto A.stretchB.branchC.increaseD.rotate 12.Accordingtothepassage,whydoeswatertravelthroughplantsinunbrokencolumns? A.Rootpressuremovesthewaterveryrapidly. B.Theattractionbetweenwatermoleculesisstrong. C.Thelivingcellofplantspushthewatermoleculestogether. D.Atmosphericpressuresupportsthecolumns. 13.Whydoestheauthormentionsteelwireinline18? A.Toillustrateanothermeansofpullingwater B.Todemonstratewhywoodisagoodbuildingmaterial C.Toindicatethesizeofacolumnofwinter D.Toemphasizethestrengthofcohesiveforcesinwater 14.Whichofthefollowingwordsisdefinedinthepassage? A.pressure(line1)B.pumps(line4)C.evaporation(line12)D.cohesion(line17) 15.Whereinthepassagedoestheauthorgiveanexampleofaplantwithlowrootpressure? A.Lines1-3B.Lines5-7C.Lines8-10D.Lines13-14 Page 8 /10 Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answershere here here here 1. 1. 1. 1.____________2. 2. 2. 2.____________3. 3. 3. 3.____________4. 4. 4. 4.____________5. 5. 5. 5.____________ 6. 6. 6. 6.____________7. 7. 7. 7.____________8. 8. 8. 8.____________9. 9. 9. 9.____________10. 10. 10. 10.___________ 11. 11. 11. 11.___________12. 12. 12. 12.___________13. 13. 13. 13.___________14. 14. 14. 14.___________15. 15. 15. 15.___________ Part Part Part Part3: 3: 3: 3:Choose Choose Choose Choosefrom from from fromthe the the thephrases phrases phrases phrasesA-J A-J A-J A-Jthe the the thebest best best bestphrase phrase phrase phraseto to to tofill fill fill fillin in in ineach each each eachgap. gap. gap. gap.Use Use Use Useeach each each eachphrase phrase phrase phraseonly only only onlyonce. once. once. once. (20 (20 (20 (20points) points) points) points) Mostpeopleareunawaretheypossessaquiteremarkableskill,(1) becauseitisexerciseddaily, andinthemostordinaryofcontexts.(2)………… ,ourliveswouldbeunfulfilledandempty.Itisthe abilitytorelatetoothers,toengagetheminconversation,toorperateassocialandsociableindividualsand todevelopbothshort-termandlong-termrelationships(3) ofourveryexistenceashumanbeings.We arenotbornwiththisability.Thereisnothingwiredintothehumanbrain(4) tosocialsituations.To performeffectivelyinaworld(5) onsocialinteraction,encountersandrelationships,wehavetolearn whattodo. Smallbabies,(6)…………….,areamongtheleastsociablebeings(7) Theyaretotally demanding,utterlyselfishandscreamwithrageiftheireverywhimisnotimmediatelysatisfied.Somehow thisunlikelyrawmaterialistransformedovertheyearintoabeingwhichreliesforsurvivalonbeingableto formreciprocalbondswithothersandtofollowcomplexrules(8) ofitssociallife.Themonstrous infantbecomesthecaring,responsibleadult(9)…………….aroundboththejoysandpains,andthegiving andreceivingoffriendshipsandotherrelationships.(10)……………whichisthecentralcharacteristicof beinghuman. A.thatyoucouldimagine B.thatreliessoheavily C.Butwithoutit D.Itisthisremarkabletransformation E.asanyparentwillremember F.whichliesattheheart G.whoselifeexperiencesrevolve H.thatgoverneveryaspect I.thatprovidesuswithsetresponses J.whichisusuallyoverlooked Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answershere here here here 1. 1. 1. 1.____________2. 2. 2. 2.____________3. 3. 3. 3.____________4. 4. 4. 4.____________5. 5. 5. 5.____________ 6. 6. 6. 6.____________7. 7. 7. 7.____________8. 8. 8. 8.____________9. 9. 9. 9.____________10. 10. 10. 10.___________ Part Part Part Part4: 4: 4: 4:Read Read Read Readthe the the thepassage passage passage passageand and and andpoint point point pointout out out outwhether whether whether whetherthe the the thestatements statements statements statementsare are are areTrue True True True(T), (T), (T), (T),False False False False(F) (F) (F) (F)or or or orNot Not Not NotGiven Given Given Given (NG). (NG). (NG). (NG).(10 (10 (10 (10points) points) points) points) Sinceancienttimes,ricehasbeenthemostcommonlyusedfoodgrainforthemajorityofpeoplein theworld.AmemberofthegrassfamilyGraminae,rice( Oryzasativa )canbegrownsuccessfullyunder climaticconditionsrangingfromtropicaltotemperate.Properlycultivated,riceproduceshigheryieldsthan anyothergrainwiththeexceptionofcorn,andalthoughthetotalareaplantedinriceisfarsmallerthanthat devotedtowheat(theworldtotalisaboutone-thirdless),thericecropfeedsafargreaterproportionofthe world’spopulation. Incontrasttowheatandcorn,onlyasmallpercentageofthetotalricecropentersinternationaltrade. Notquite4%ofthetotalworldwidebecomesanexportcommodity,althoughtheUnitedStatesexports approximately45%ofitstotalproduction.Limitedinternationaltradeinricehaspreventedthe establishmentoflarge,activetradingcenterslikethoseformarketingcerealgrains,andformulationof officialgrainstandardsforricehasbeenlowtodevelop. Page 9 /10 Duringthepastquarterofacentury,rice-breedingprogramshavebeeninitiatedinseveralcountries. Resistancetodiseasesandinsectswasthemajorobjectiveofthe earlierResearch, buthybridprograms havedominatedrecently.High-yieldingdwarfplantsthatcanwithstanddeepwaterandthatrespondto fertilizershavebeendeveloped.Improvedgrainqualityandhigherproteinlevelshavebeenadded objectivesofnewprogramsdesignedtoimprovenutrition. 1.Ricehasbeeneatensinceancienttimes. 2.Cornproduceshigheryieldsthanrice. 3.Ricecanonlybegrownintropicalclimates. 4.Somepeopleeatricethreetimesaday. 5.Ricefeedsmorepeoplethanwheat. 6.Riceistradedinternationallyallovertheworld. 7.Thailandisamajorexporterofrice. 8.MorethanhalfofriceintheUnitedStatesisexported. 9.Recentlymanycountrieshaveconductedresearchintoresistancetodiseasesandinsects. 10.Newprogramsdon’taimatimprovinggrainqualityandincreasingproteinlevelsinrice. Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answershere here here here 1. 1. 1. 1.____________2. 2. 2. 2.____________3. 3. 3. 3.____________4. 4. 4. 4.____________5. 5. 5. 5.____________ 6. 6. 6. 6.____________7. 7. 7. 7.____________8. 8. 8. 8.____________9. 9. 9. 9.____________10. 10. 10. 10.___________ V. V. V. V.WRITING WRITING WRITING WRITING Part Part Part Part1: 1: 1: 1:Rewrite Rewrite Rewrite Rewriteeach each each eachsentence sentence sentence sentenceso so so sothat that that thatit it it itbegins begins begins beginswith with with withthe the the thewords words words wordsand and and andthe the the themeaning meaning meaning meaningstays stays stays staysthe the the thesame. same. same. same. (20 (20 (20 (20points) points) points) points) 1.I’msureherecognizedusattheairport. →Hemust 2.Thejournalistsonlyheardaboutthechangestotheweddingplanswhentheyarrivedattheavenue →Notuntil 3.“Whycan’tyoudoyourworkmorecarefully?”Helen’sbosssaidtoher. →Helen’sbosscriticized 4.Allthepassengersofthejumbojetwerekilledinthecrash →None…………………………………………………………………………………………. 5.Theyhaven’tinvitedeitherMr.Simonorhischildrentothebarbecue. →Neither 6.Ifyousleepmore,youwillbemorerelaxed. →Thelonger 7.IwasnotshockedtohearthatDavidwonthescholarship. →Itcame 8.Someonehassuggestedraisingtheparkingfeesinthecity. →It 9.Thetripissoamazingthatwewillneverforgetit. →Itistoo 10.Don’tmisquote.IneversaidIhatedballet. →Don’tput Part Part Part Part2: 2: 2: 2:Choose Choose Choose Choosethe the the theoption option option optionA, A, A, A,B, B, B, B,C C C Cor or or orD D D Dthat that that thathas has has hasthe the the thesame same same samemeaning meaning meaning meaningas as as asthe the the thesentence sentence sentence sentenceabove above above aboveit. it. it. it.(10 (10 (10 (10points) points) points) points) 1.Thereissomethingaboutthatman’sfacethatstrikesmeasveryfamiliar. A.Thatman’sfacehitmeinafamiliarway. B.Thatmanhassomethingthatstrikesmeintheface. C.IthinkIhaveseenthatmansomewherebefore. D.Somethingaboutthatman’sfacemakesmefamiliar. 2.Howeverhardyouwork,youwillneverbepromotedhere. A.Youwillneverbepromotedhere;however,youworkhard. B.Nomatterhowyouwork,youwillbepromotedhere. C.Althoughyouworkreallyhard,youwillneverbepromotedhere. Page 10 /10 D.Ifyoudidn’tworkhard,youwouldneverbepromotedhere. 3.You’llhavenohopeofgrowingcropshereunlessyoufindawaytoirrigatethisland. A.Withoutdiscoveringhowtowaterthisland,thereisnochancethatyoucangrowcropshere. B.Evenifyoufindamethodofwateringthisland,thereisnohopethatanycropswillgrowonit. C.Becausethereisnowayyoucanirrigatethisland,youhadbettergiveuptryingtogrowcropsonit. D.You’llhavetotrygrowingcropselsewhereifyouproveunabletoirrigatethislandhere. 4.Youareinthismessrightnowbecauseyoudidn’tlistentomeinthefirstplace. A.Ifyoulistenedtomyadviceinthefirstplace,youwouldn’tbeinthismessrightnow. B.Ifyouhadlistenedtomyadviceinthefirstplace,youwouldn’tbeinthismessrightnow. C.Ifyoulistentomyadviceinthefirstplace,youwillnotbeinthismessrightnow. D.Ifyouhadlistenedtomyadviceinthefirstplace,youwouldn’thavebeeninthismessrightnow. 5.Heonlyrealizedhowwonderfulhiswifewasaftertheygotdivorcedforamonth. A.Notuntilamonthaftertheirdivorcedidherealizehowwonderfulhiswifewas. B.Scarcelydidherealizehowwonderfulhiswifewaswhentheirdivorcelastedamonth. C.Onlyafteraone-monthdivorcedidherealizethathiswifewaswonderful. D.Hewishedtheyhadn’tgotdivorcedbecauseherealizedthathegotawonderfulwife. 6.Thegovernmentdoesnotknowwhattodowithhouseholdrubbishinlargecities. A.Littledoesthegovernmentknowwhattodowithhouseholdrubbishinlargecities. B.Itisunknownwhattodowithhouseholdrubbishinlargecitiesbythegovernment C.Rarelythegovernmentknowswhattodowithhouseholdrubbishinlargecities. D.Hardlyanygovernmentknowswhattodowithhouseholdrubbishinlargecities. 7."IfIwereinyourshoes,Iwouldtrytofinishthepre-labreportbeforecarryingouttheexperiment"said theprofessortohisresearchstudent A.Theprofessoradvisedhisstudenttotrytofinishthepre-labreportbeforecarryingouttheexperiment. B.Theprofessorcomplainedthathisstudentdidn'tfinishthepre-labreportbeforecarryingoutthe experiment. C.Theprofessortoldhisstudentthathewishedhecouldfinishthepre-labreportbeforecarryingoutthe experiment. D.Theprofessorregrettedthathisstudentdidn'ttrytofinishthepre-labreportbeforecarryingoutthe experiment. 8.PeterandLucyhadaquarrel,buttheysoonmadeup. A.PeterandLucymadeamistakebuttheysooncorrectedit. B.PeterandLucyhateeachothersincetheirargument. C.PeterandLucyhadasquirrel,buttheysoonletitgo. D.PeterandLucyhadanargument,nowtheyarefriendsagain. 9.OnthetriptoNewcastle,JohnandBilltookturndriving. A.Theboystookawrongturnduringthetrip. B.Billtookmostofthedrivingduringthetrip. C.JohndroveBilltoNewcastle. D.Theboysdividedthedrivingtime. 10.Heisanauthorityonprimitivereligion. A.Heisfamousforhisvastknowledgeofprimitivereligion. B.Hehasauthorityoverthepeoplewhopracticeprimitivereligion. C.Hehasagreatinfluenceonthepeoplewhopracticeprimitivereligion. D.Hehasofficialpermissiontopracticeprimitivereligion. Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answershere here here here 1. 1. 1. 1.____________2. 2. 2. 2.____________3. 3. 3. 3.____________4. 4. 4. 4.____________5. 5. 5. 5.____________ 6. 6. 6. 6.____________7. 7. 7. 7.____________8. 8. 8. 8.____________9. 9. 9. 9.____________10. 10. 10. 10.___________ ================THEEND================= . Page 1 /10 S S S SỞ Ở Ở ỞGI GI GI GIÁ Á Á ÁO O O OD D D DỤ Ụ Ụ ỤC C C CV V V VÀ À À ÀĐÀ ĐÀ ĐÀ ĐÀO O O OT T T TẠ Ạ Ạ ẠO O O OPH PH PH PHÚ Ú Ú ÚTH TH TH THỌ Ọ Ọ ỌK K K KỲ Ỳ Ỳ THI THI THI THIHỌC HỌC HỌC HỌCSINH SINH SINH SINHGIỎI GIỎI GIỎI GIỎIL L L LỚ Ớ Ớ ỚP P P P12 12 12 12THPT THPT THPT THPTC C C CẤ Ấ Ấ ẤP P P PT T T TỈ Ỉ Ỉ ỈNH NH NH NH N N N NĂ Ă Ă ĂM M M MH H H HỌ Ọ Ọ ỌC C C C2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 M M M Mô ô ô ôn: n: n: n:TI TI TI TIẾ Ế Ế ẾNG NG NG NGANH ANH ANH ANH Thờigianlàmbài:180phút,khôngk ể thờigiangiao đề H H H HƯỚ ƯỚ ƯỚ ƯỚNG NG NG NGD D D DẪ Ẫ Ẫ ẪN N N NTH TH TH THÍ Í Í SINH SINH SINH SINHL L L LÀ À À ÀM M M MB B B BÀ À À ÀI I I ITHI THI THI THI (Giámthịhướngdẫnchoth sinh5 phúttrướcgi thi) A. A. A. A.C C C CẤ Ấ Ấ ẤU U U UT T T TẠ Ạ Ạ ẠO O O OĐỀ ĐỀ ĐỀ Đ THI: THI: THI: THI: Đềthigồmcó4 4 4 4phầnchính: I.NGHEHIỂU(Listening)Gồmcó2 2 2 2phần (10câu) II.NGỮÂM(Phonetics):Gồmcó2 2 2 2phần (10câu) III.TỪVỰNGVÀNGỮPHÁP(GrammarandVocabulary):Gồmcó4 4 4 4phần (60câu) IV.ĐỌCHIỂU(Readingcomprehension):Gồmcó4 4 4 4phần (50câu) V.VIẾT(Writing):Gồmcó2 2 2 2phần (20câu) B. B. B. B.H H H HƯỚ ƯỚ ƯỚ ƯỚNG NG NG NGD D D DẪ Ẫ Ẫ ẪN N N NTH TH TH THÍ Í Í SINH SINH SINH SINHL L L LÀ À À ÀM M M MB B B BÀ À À ÀI: I: I: I: •Thísinhl l l là à à àm m m mto to to toà à à àn n n nb b b bộ ộ ộ ộb b b bà à à ài i i ithi thi thi thitr tr tr trê ê ê ên n n nđề đề đề đ thi thi thi thitheoyêucầucủatừngphần.Th Th Th Thí í í sinh sinh sinh sinhph ph ph phả ả ả ải i i ivi vi vi viế ế ế ết t t tc c c câ â â âu u u utr tr tr trả ả ả ảl l l lờ ờ ờ ời i i i v v v và à à ào o o oph ph ph phầ ầ ầ ần n n ntr tr tr trả ả ả ảl l l lờ ờ ờ ời i i iđượ đượ đượ được c c ccho cho cho chos s s sẵ ẵ ẵ ẵn n n nở ở ở ởm m m mỗ ỗ ỗ ỗi i i iph ph ph phầ ầ ầ ần. n. n. n.Tráivớiđiềunày,phầnbàilàmcủathísinhsẽkhông đượcchấmđiểm. •Đềthigồmcó10 10 10 10trang trang trang trang.Thísinhphảikiểmtrasốtờđềthitrướckhilàmbài. •Thísinhkhôngđượckýtênhoặcdùngbấtcứdấuhiệugìđểđánhdấubàithingoàiviệclàmbàitheo yêucầucủađềra.Kh Kh Kh Khô ô ô ông ng ng ngđượ đượ đượ được c c cvi vi vi viế ế ế ết t t tb b b bằ ằ ằ ằng ng ng ngm m m mự ự ự ực c c cđỏ đỏ đỏ đỏ, , , ,b b b bú ú ú út t t tch ch ch chì ì ì ì, , , ,kh kh kh khô ô ô ông ng ng ngvi vi vi viế ế ế ết t t thai hai hai haith th th thứ ứ ứ ứm m m mự ự ự ực c c ctr tr tr trê ê ê ên n n nt t t tờ ờ ờ ờgi gi gi giấ ấ ấ ấy y y y l l l là à à àm m m mb b b bà à à ài i i i.Phầnviếthỏng,ngoàicáchdùngthướcđểgạchchéo,khôngđượctẩyxóabằngbấtkỳcách gìkhác(kểcảbútxóamàutrắng).Tráivớiđiềunàybàithisẽbịloại. •Thísinhnênlàmnháptrướcrồighichépcẩnthậnvàophầnbàilàmtrênđ thi. Giámthịsẽkhông phátgiấylàmbàithaythếđềvàgiấylàmbàidothísinhlàmhỏng. •Giámthịkhônggiảithíchgìthêmvềđ thi. Thísinhkhôngđượcsửdụngbấtcứtàiliệugìkểcảtừ điển. I. I. I. I.LISTENING LISTENING LISTENING LISTENING Part Part Part Part1: 1: 1: 1:Listen Listen Listen Listento to to tothe the the theconversation conversation conversation conversationand and and andput put put puta a a atick tick tick tickon on on onthe the the thebox box box boxto to to toindicate indicate indicate indicatewhether whether whether whetherthe the the thefollowing following following followingstatements statements statements statements are are are areTrue True True True(T) (T) (T) (T)or or or orFalse False False False(F) (F) (F) (F)(10 (10 (10 (10points) points) points) points) TF 1.Theshoppingcentrewasopened3yearsago. 2.Peoplesometimeshavetowaitalongtimeforthebus. 3.Customerscannotgetintotheshoppingcentreuntil10a.mon Saturday. 4.Therearen’tanybanksintheshoppingcentre. 5.Youcangetamaponthefirstleveloftheshoppingcentre. Part Part Part Part2: 2: 2: 2:You You You Youwill will will willhear hear hear heara a a ajob job job jobinterview. interview. interview. interview.As As As Asyou you you youlisten listen listen listenchoose choose choose choosethe the the thebest best best bestanswer answer answer answerto to to toeach each each eachquestion question question question(10 (10 (10 (10points) points) points) points) 1.WhendidMr.Wilsongraduatefromtheuniversity? A.in1999B.twomonthsagoC.afewweeksagoD.in2002 2.Whydoeshewantanewjob? A.ForachangeB.Toearnmoremoney C.TogetapromotionD.Tohaveanewchallenge 3.Thethinghelikesmostabouthispresentjobis…. A.theresponsibilityB.goodsalaryC.hiscolleaguesD.workingconditions 4.Whatishispresentjob? A.ApersonnelmanagerB.AjournalistC.AclockwatcherD.Astudent 5.Howdoeshefindhispresentjob? A.BoringB.InterestingC.DifficultD.Stressful Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answers(A, (A, (A, (A,B, B, B, B,C C C Cor or or orD) D) D) D)here: here: here: here: 1. 1. 1. 1.____________2. 2. 2. 2.____________3. 3. 3. 3.____________4. 4. 4. 4.____________5. 5. 5. 5.____________ ĐỀCHÍNHTHỨC Page 2 /10 II. II. II. II.PHONETICS PHONETICS PHONETICS PHONETICS Part Part Part Part1: 1: 1: 1:Choose Choose Choose Choosethe the the theword word word wordwhose whose whose whoseunderlined underlined underlined underlinedpart part part partis is is ispronounced pronounced pronounced pronounceddifferently. differently. differently. differently.Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answersin in in inthe the the thesp sp sp sp ace ace ace aceprovided. provided. provided. provided.(5 (5 (5 (5points) points) points) points) 1.A.advisedB.devisedC.raisedD.practised 2.A.machineryB.marchC.cheerfullyD.merchant 3.A.referB.summerC.teacherD.mother 5.A.delicateB.concentrateC.privateD.accurate Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answers(A, (A, (A, (A,B, B, B, B,C C C Cor or or orD) D) D) D)here: here: here: here: 1. 1. 1. 1.____________2. 2. 2. 2.____________3. 3. 3. 3.____________4. 4. 4. 4.____________5. 5. 5. 5.____________ Part Part Part Part2: 2: 2: 2:Choose Choose Choose Choosethe the the theword word word wordwhose whose whose whosestress stress stress stresspattern pattern pattern patternis is is isdifferent different different differentfrom from from fromthe the the theother other other otherthree three three threeof of of ofthe the the thegroup. group. group. group.Write Write Write Writeyour your your your answers answers answers answersin in in inthe the the thespace space space spaceprovided. provided. provided. provided.(5 (5 (5 (5points) points) points) points) 2.A.industrialB.interfereC.developD.activity 3.A.mausoleumB.conservativeC.disqualifyD.magnificent 4.A.literatureB.preventiveC.measurementD.temperature 5.A.collectiveB.climaticC.abundantD.regional Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answers(A, (A, (A, (A,B, B, B, B,C C C Cor or or orD) D) D) D)here: here: here: here: 1. 1. 1. 1.____________2. 2. 2. 2.____________3. 3. 3. 3.____________4. 4. 4. 4.____________5. 5. 5. 5.____________ III. III. III. III.VOCABULARY VOCABULARY VOCABULARY VOCABULARY& & & &GRAMMAR GRAMMAR GRAMMAR GRAMMAR Part Part Part Part1: 1: 1: 1:Choose Choose Choose Choosethe the the thecorrect correct correct correctanswer answer answer answerto to to tocomplete complete complete completeeach each each eachof of of ofthe the the thefollowing following following followingsentences. sentences. sentences. sentences.THERE THERE THERE THERECAN CAN CAN CANBE BE BE BEMORE MORE MORE MORE THAN THAN THAN THANONE ONE ONE ONECORRECT CORRECT CORRECT CORRECTANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWERTO TO TO TOSOME SOME SOME SOMEQUESTIONS. QUESTIONS. QUESTIONS. QUESTIONS.Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answersin in in inthe the the thespace space space spaceprovided. provided. provided. provided. (30 (30 (30 (30points) points) points) points) 1.IwishIcould________thehabitofdrinkingcoffeelateatnight. A.breakBstopC.avoidD.getoutof 2. ChoosetheletterA,B,CorDtoindicatethewordorphrasethatisCLOSESTinmeaningtothe underlinedpartinthefollowingsentence. Tadpolestypicallydwellatthebottomofbodiesoffreshwater. A.swimB.feedC.liveD.reproduce 3.Hotspringsareoneofthemostcharacteristicfeaturesofareasofrecentvolcanicactivity,although_____ inotherareaslessabundantly. A.alsotohaveoccurredB.theiroccurrencealso C.alsooccurD.theyalsooccur 4.“___________”. Page 1 /10 S S S SỞ Ở Ở ỞGI GI GI GIÁ Á Á ÁO O O OD D D DỤ Ụ Ụ ỤC C C CV V V VÀ À À ÀĐÀ ĐÀ ĐÀ ĐÀO O O OT T T TẠ Ạ Ạ ẠO O O OPH PH PH PHÚ Ú Ú ÚTH TH TH THỌ Ọ Ọ ỌK K K KỲ Ỳ Ỳ THI THI THI THIHỌC HỌC HỌC HỌCSINH SINH SINH SINHGIỎI GIỎI GIỎI GIỎIL L L LỚ Ớ Ớ ỚP P P P12 12 12 12THPT THPT THPT THPTC C C CẤ Ấ Ấ ẤP P P PT T T TỈ Ỉ Ỉ ỈNH NH NH NH N N N NĂ Ă Ă ĂM M M MH H H HỌ Ọ Ọ ỌC C C C2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 M M M Mô ô ô ôn: n: n: n:TI TI TI TIẾ Ế Ế ẾNG NG NG NGANH ANH ANH ANH Thờigianlàmbài:180phút,khôngk ể thờigiangiao đề H H H HƯỚ ƯỚ ƯỚ ƯỚNG NG NG NGD D D DẪ Ẫ Ẫ ẪN N N NTH TH TH THÍ Í Í SINH SINH SINH SINHL L L LÀ À À ÀM M M MB B B BÀ À À ÀI I I ITHI THI THI THI (Giámthịhướngdẫnchoth sinh5 phúttrướcgi thi) A. A. A. A.C C C CẤ Ấ Ấ ẤU U U UT T T TẠ Ạ Ạ ẠO O O OĐỀ ĐỀ ĐỀ Đ THI: THI: THI: THI: Đềthigồmcó4 4 4 4phầnchính: I.NGHEHIỂU(Listening)Gồmcó2 2 2 2phần (10câu) II.NGỮÂM(Phonetics):Gồmcó2 2 2 2phần (10câu) III.TỪVỰNGVÀNGỮPHÁP(GrammarandVocabulary):Gồmcó4 4 4 4phần (60câu) IV.ĐỌCHIỂU(Readingcomprehension):Gồmcó4 4 4 4phần (50câu) V.VIẾT(Writing):Gồmcó2 2 2 2phần (20câu) B. B. B. B.H H H HƯỚ ƯỚ ƯỚ ƯỚNG NG NG NGD D D DẪ Ẫ Ẫ ẪN N N NTH TH TH THÍ Í Í SINH SINH SINH SINHL L L LÀ À À ÀM M M MB B B BÀ À À ÀI: I: I: I: •Thísinhl l l là à à àm m m mto to to toà à à àn n n nb b b bộ ộ ộ ộb b b bà à à ài i i ithi thi thi thitr tr tr trê ê ê ên n n nđề đề đề đ thi thi thi thitheoyêucầucủatừngphần.Th Th Th Thí í í sinh sinh sinh sinhph ph ph phả ả ả ải i i ivi vi vi viế ế ế ết t t tc c c câ â â âu u u utr tr tr trả ả ả ảl l l lờ ờ ờ ời i i i v v v và à à ào o o oph ph ph phầ ầ ầ ần n n ntr tr tr trả ả ả ảl l l lờ ờ ờ ời i i iđượ đượ đượ được c c ccho cho cho chos s s sẵ ẵ ẵ ẵn n n nở ở ở ởm m m mỗ ỗ ỗ ỗi i i iph ph ph phầ ầ ầ ần. n. n. n.Tráivớiđiềunày,phầnbàilàmcủathísinhsẽkhông đượcchấmđiểm. •Đềthigồmcó10 10 10 10trang trang trang trang.Thísinhphảikiểmtrasốtờđềthitrướckhilàmbài. •Thísinhkhôngđượckýtênhoặcdùngbấtcứdấuhiệugìđểđánhdấubàithingoàiviệclàmbàitheo yêucầucủađềra.Kh Kh Kh Khô ô ô ông ng ng ngđượ đượ đượ được c c cvi vi vi viế ế ế ết t t tb b b bằ ằ ằ ằng ng ng ngm m m mự ự ự ực c c cđỏ đỏ đỏ đỏ, , , ,b b b bú ú ú út t t tch ch ch chì ì ì ì, , , ,kh kh kh khô ô ô ông ng ng ngvi vi vi viế ế ế ết t t thai hai hai haith th th thứ ứ ứ ứm m m mự ự ự ực c c ctr tr tr trê ê ê ên n n nt t t tờ ờ ờ ờgi gi gi giấ ấ ấ ấy y y y l l l là à à àm m m mb b b bà à à ài i i i.Phầnviếthỏng,ngoàicáchdùngthướcđểgạchchéo,khôngđượctẩyxóabằngbấtkỳcách gìkhác(kểcảbútxóamàutrắng).Tráivớiđiềunàybàithisẽbịloại. •Thísinhnênlàmnháptrướcrồighichépcẩnthậnvàophầnbàilàmtrênđ thi. Giámthịsẽkhông phátgiấylàmbàithaythếđềvàgiấylàmbàidothísinhlàmhỏng. •Giámthịkhônggiảithíchgìthêmvềđ thi. Thísinhkhôngđượcsửdụngbấtcứtàiliệugìkểcảtừ điển. I. I. I. I.LISTENING LISTENING LISTENING LISTENING Part Part Part Part1: 1: 1: 1:Listen Listen Listen Listento to to tothe the the theconversation conversation conversation conversationand and and andput put put puta a a atick tick tick tickon on on onthe the the thebox box box boxto to to toindicate indicate indicate indicatewhether whether whether whetherthe the the thefollowing following following followingstatements statements statements statements are are are areTrue True True True(T) (T) (T) (T)or or or orFalse False False False(F) (F) (F) (F)(10 (10 (10 (10points) points) points) points) TF 1.Theshoppingcentrewasopened3yearsago. 2.Peoplesometimeshavetowaitalongtimeforthebus. 3.Customerscannotgetintotheshoppingcentreuntil10a.mon Saturday. 4.Therearen’tanybanksintheshoppingcentre. 5.Youcangetamaponthefirstleveloftheshoppingcentre. Part Part Part Part2: 2: 2: 2:You You You Youwill will will willhear hear hear heara a a ajob job job jobinterview. interview. interview. interview.As As As Asyou you you youlisten listen listen listenchoose choose choose choosethe the the thebest best best bestanswer answer answer answerto to to toeach each each eachquestion question question question(10 (10 (10 (10points) points) points) points) 1.WhendidMr.Wilsongraduatefromtheuniversity? A.in1999B.twomonthsagoC.afewweeksagoD.in2002 2.Whydoeshewantanewjob? A.ForachangeB.Toearnmoremoney C.TogetapromotionD.Tohaveanewchallenge 3.Thethinghelikesmostabouthispresentjobis…. A.theresponsibilityB.goodsalaryC.hiscolleaguesD.workingconditions 4.Whatishispresentjob? A.ApersonnelmanagerB.AjournalistC.AclockwatcherD.Astudent 5.Howdoeshefindhispresentjob? A.BoringB.InterestingC.DifficultD.Stressful Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answers(A, (A, (A, (A,B, B, B, B,C C C Cor or or orD) D) D) D)here: here: here: here: 1. 1. 1. 1.____________2. 2. 2. 2.____________3. 3. 3. 3.____________4. 4. 4. 4.____________5. 5. 5. 5.____________ ĐỀCHÍNHTHỨC Page 2 /10 II. II. II. II.PHONETICS PHONETICS PHONETICS PHONETICS Part Part Part Part1: 1: 1: 1:Choose Choose Choose Choosethe the the theword word word wordwhose whose whose whoseunderlined underlined underlined underlinedpart part part partis is is ispronounced pronounced pronounced pronounceddifferently. differently. differently. differently.Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answersin in in inthe the the thesp sp sp sp ace ace ace aceprovided. provided. provided. provided.(5 (5 (5 (5points) points) points) points) 1.A.advisedB.devisedC.raisedD.practised 2.A.machineryB.marchC.cheerfullyD.merchant 3.A.referB.summerC.teacherD.mother 5.A.delicateB.concentrateC.privateD.accurate Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answers(A, (A, (A, (A,B, B, B, B,C C C Cor or or orD) D) D) D)here: here: here: here: 1. 1. 1. 1.____________2. 2. 2. 2.____________3. 3. 3. 3.____________4. 4. 4. 4.____________5. 5. 5. 5.____________ Part Part Part Part2: 2: 2: 2:Choose Choose Choose Choosethe the the theword word word wordwhose whose whose whosestress stress stress stresspattern pattern pattern patternis is is isdifferent different different differentfrom from from fromthe the the theother other other otherthree three three threeof of of ofthe the the thegroup. group. group. group.Write Write Write Writeyour your your your answers answers answers answersin in in inthe the the thespace space space spaceprovided. provided. provided. provided.(5 (5 (5 (5points) points) points) points) 2.A.industrialB.interfereC.developD.activity 3.A.mausoleumB.conservativeC.disqualifyD.magnificent 4.A.literatureB.preventiveC.measurementD.temperature 5.A.collectiveB.climaticC.abundantD.regional Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answers(A, (A, (A, (A,B, B, B, B,C C C Cor or or orD) D) D) D)here: here: here: here: 1. 1. 1. 1.____________2. 2. 2. 2.____________3. 3. 3. 3.____________4. 4. 4. 4.____________5. 5. 5. 5.____________ III. III. III. III.VOCABULARY VOCABULARY VOCABULARY VOCABULARY& & & &GRAMMAR GRAMMAR GRAMMAR GRAMMAR Part Part Part Part1: 1: 1: 1:Choose Choose Choose Choosethe the the thecorrect correct correct correctanswer answer answer answerto to to tocomplete complete complete completeeach each each eachof of of ofthe the the thefollowing following following followingsentences. sentences. sentences. sentences.THERE THERE THERE THERECAN CAN CAN CANBE BE BE BEMORE MORE MORE MORE THAN THAN THAN THANONE ONE ONE ONECORRECT CORRECT CORRECT CORRECTANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWERTO TO TO TOSOME SOME SOME SOMEQUESTIONS. QUESTIONS. QUESTIONS. QUESTIONS.Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answersin in in inthe the the thespace space space spaceprovided. provided. provided. provided. (30 (30 (30 (30points) points) points) points) 1.IwishIcould________thehabitofdrinkingcoffeelateatnight. A.breakBstopC.avoidD.getoutof 2. ChoosetheletterA,B,CorDtoindicatethewordorphrasethatisCLOSESTinmeaningtothe underlinedpartinthefollowingsentence. Tadpolestypicallydwellatthebottomofbodiesoffreshwater. A.swimB.feedC.liveD.reproduce 3.Hotspringsareoneofthemostcharacteristicfeaturesofareasofrecentvolcanicactivity,although_____ inotherareaslessabundantly. A.alsotohaveoccurredB.theiroccurrencealso C.alsooccurD.theyalsooccur 4.“___________”. Page 1 /10 S S S SỞ Ở Ở ỞGI GI GI GIÁ Á Á ÁO O O OD D D DỤ Ụ Ụ ỤC C C CV V V VÀ À À ÀĐÀ ĐÀ ĐÀ ĐÀO O O OT T T TẠ Ạ Ạ ẠO O O OPH PH PH PHÚ Ú Ú ÚTH TH TH THỌ Ọ Ọ ỌK K K KỲ Ỳ Ỳ THI THI THI THIHỌC HỌC HỌC HỌCSINH SINH SINH SINHGIỎI GIỎI GIỎI GIỎIL L L LỚ Ớ Ớ ỚP P P P12 12 12 12THPT THPT THPT THPTC C C CẤ Ấ Ấ ẤP P P PT T T TỈ Ỉ Ỉ ỈNH NH NH NH N N N NĂ Ă Ă ĂM M M MH H H HỌ Ọ Ọ ỌC C C C2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 M M M Mô ô ô ôn: n: n: n:TI TI TI TIẾ Ế Ế ẾNG NG NG NGANH ANH ANH ANH Thờigianlàmbài:180phút,khôngk ể thờigiangiao đề H H H HƯỚ ƯỚ ƯỚ ƯỚNG NG NG NGD D D DẪ Ẫ Ẫ ẪN N N NTH TH TH THÍ Í Í SINH SINH SINH SINHL L L LÀ À À ÀM M M MB B B BÀ À À ÀI I I ITHI THI THI THI (Giámthịhướngdẫnchoth sinh5 phúttrướcgi thi) A. A. A. A.C C C CẤ Ấ Ấ ẤU U U UT T T TẠ Ạ Ạ ẠO O O OĐỀ ĐỀ ĐỀ Đ THI: THI: THI: THI: Đềthigồmcó4 4 4 4phầnchính: I.NGHEHIỂU(Listening)Gồmcó2 2 2 2phần (10câu) II.NGỮÂM(Phonetics):Gồmcó2 2 2 2phần (10câu) III.TỪVỰNGVÀNGỮPHÁP(GrammarandVocabulary):Gồmcó4 4 4 4phần (60câu) IV.ĐỌCHIỂU(Readingcomprehension):Gồmcó4 4 4 4phần (50câu) V.VIẾT(Writing):Gồmcó2 2 2 2phần (20câu) B. B. B. B.H H H HƯỚ ƯỚ ƯỚ ƯỚNG NG NG NGD D D DẪ Ẫ Ẫ ẪN N N NTH TH TH THÍ Í Í SINH SINH SINH SINHL L L LÀ À À ÀM M M MB B B BÀ À À ÀI: I: I: I: •Thísinhl l l là à à àm m m mto to to toà à à àn n n nb b b bộ ộ ộ ộb b b bà à à ài i i ithi thi thi thitr tr tr trê ê ê ên n n nđề đề đề đ thi thi thi thitheoyêucầucủatừngphần.Th Th Th Thí í í sinh sinh sinh sinhph ph ph phả ả ả ải i i ivi vi vi viế ế ế ết t t tc c c câ â â âu u u utr tr tr trả ả ả ảl l l lờ ờ ờ ời i i i v v v và à à ào o o oph ph ph phầ ầ ầ ần n n ntr tr tr trả ả ả ảl l l lờ ờ ờ ời i i iđượ đượ đượ được c c ccho cho cho chos s s sẵ ẵ ẵ ẵn n n nở ở ở ởm m m mỗ ỗ ỗ ỗi i i iph ph ph phầ ầ ầ ần. n. n. n.Tráivớiđiềunày,phầnbàilàmcủathísinhsẽkhông đượcchấmđiểm. •Đềthigồmcó10 10 10 10trang trang trang trang.Thísinhphảikiểmtrasốtờđềthitrướckhilàmbài. •Thísinhkhôngđượckýtênhoặcdùngbấtcứdấuhiệugìđểđánhdấubàithingoàiviệclàmbàitheo yêucầucủađềra.Kh Kh Kh Khô ô ô ông ng ng ngđượ đượ đượ được c c cvi vi vi viế ế ế ết t t tb b b bằ ằ ằ ằng ng ng ngm m m mự ự ự ực c c cđỏ đỏ đỏ đỏ, , , ,b b b bú ú ú út t t tch ch ch chì ì ì ì, , , ,kh kh kh khô ô ô ông ng ng ngvi vi vi viế ế ế ết t t thai hai hai haith th th thứ ứ ứ ứm m m mự ự ự ực c c ctr tr tr trê ê ê ên n n nt t t tờ ờ ờ ờgi gi gi giấ ấ ấ ấy y y y l l l là à à àm m m mb b b bà à à ài i i i.Phầnviếthỏng,ngoàicáchdùngthướcđểgạchchéo,khôngđượctẩyxóabằngbấtkỳcách gìkhác(kểcảbútxóamàutrắng).Tráivớiđiềunàybàithisẽbịloại. •Thísinhnênlàmnháptrướcrồighichépcẩnthậnvàophầnbàilàmtrênđ thi. Giámthịsẽkhông phátgiấylàmbàithaythếđềvàgiấylàmbàidothísinhlàmhỏng. •Giámthịkhônggiảithíchgìthêmvềđ thi. Thísinhkhôngđượcsửdụngbấtcứtàiliệugìkểcảtừ điển. I. I. I. I.LISTENING LISTENING LISTENING LISTENING Part Part Part Part1: 1: 1: 1:Listen Listen Listen Listento to to tothe the the theconversation conversation conversation conversationand and and andput put put puta a a atick tick tick tickon on on onthe the the thebox box box boxto to to toindicate indicate indicate indicatewhether whether whether whetherthe the the thefollowing following following followingstatements statements statements statements are are are areTrue True True True(T) (T) (T) (T)or or or orFalse False False False(F) (F) (F) (F)(10 (10 (10 (10points) points) points) points) TF 1.Theshoppingcentrewasopened3yearsago. 2.Peoplesometimeshavetowaitalongtimeforthebus. 3.Customerscannotgetintotheshoppingcentreuntil10a.mon Saturday. 4.Therearen’tanybanksintheshoppingcentre. 5.Youcangetamaponthefirstleveloftheshoppingcentre. Part Part Part Part2: 2: 2: 2:You You You Youwill will will willhear hear hear heara a a ajob job job jobinterview. interview. interview. interview.As As As Asyou you you youlisten listen listen listenchoose choose choose choosethe the the thebest best best bestanswer answer answer answerto to to toeach each each eachquestion question question question(10 (10 (10 (10points) points) points) points) 1.WhendidMr.Wilsongraduatefromtheuniversity? A.in1999B.twomonthsagoC.afewweeksagoD.in2002 2.Whydoeshewantanewjob? A.ForachangeB.Toearnmoremoney C.TogetapromotionD.Tohaveanewchallenge 3.Thethinghelikesmostabouthispresentjobis…. A.theresponsibilityB.goodsalaryC.hiscolleaguesD.workingconditions 4.Whatishispresentjob? A.ApersonnelmanagerB.AjournalistC.AclockwatcherD.Astudent 5.Howdoeshefindhispresentjob? A.BoringB.InterestingC.DifficultD.Stressful Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answers(A, (A, (A, (A,B, B, B, B,C C C Cor or or orD) D) D) D)here: here: here: here: 1. 1. 1. 1.____________2. 2. 2. 2.____________3. 3. 3. 3.____________4. 4. 4. 4.____________5. 5. 5. 5.____________ ĐỀCHÍNHTHỨC Page 2 /10 II. II. II. II.PHONETICS PHONETICS PHONETICS PHONETICS Part Part Part Part1: 1: 1: 1:Choose Choose Choose Choosethe the the theword word word wordwhose whose whose whoseunderlined underlined underlined underlinedpart part part partis is is ispronounced pronounced pronounced pronounceddifferently. differently. differently. differently.Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answersin in in inthe the the thesp sp sp sp ace ace ace aceprovided. provided. provided. provided.(5 (5 (5 (5points) points) points) points) 1.A.advisedB.devisedC.raisedD.practised 2.A.machineryB.marchC.cheerfullyD.merchant 3.A.referB.summerC.teacherD.mother 5.A.delicateB.concentrateC.privateD.accurate Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answers(A, (A, (A, (A,B, B, B, B,C C C Cor or or orD) D) D) D)here: here: here: here: 1. 1. 1. 1.____________2. 2. 2. 2.____________3. 3. 3. 3.____________4. 4. 4. 4.____________5. 5. 5. 5.____________ Part Part Part Part2: 2: 2: 2:Choose Choose Choose Choosethe the the theword word word wordwhose whose whose whosestress stress stress stresspattern pattern pattern patternis is is isdifferent different different differentfrom from from fromthe the the theother other other otherthree three three threeof of of ofthe the the thegroup. group. group. group.Write Write Write Writeyour your your your answers answers answers answersin in in inthe the the thespace space space spaceprovided. provided. provided. provided.(5 (5 (5 (5points) points) points) points) 2.A.industrialB.interfereC.developD.activity 3.A.mausoleumB.conservativeC.disqualifyD.magnificent 4.A.literatureB.preventiveC.measurementD.temperature 5.A.collectiveB.climaticC.abundantD.regional Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answers(A, (A, (A, (A,B, B, B, B,C C C Cor or or orD) D) D) D)here: here: here: here: 1. 1. 1. 1.____________2. 2. 2. 2.____________3. 3. 3. 3.____________4. 4. 4. 4.____________5. 5. 5. 5.____________ III. III. III. III.VOCABULARY VOCABULARY VOCABULARY VOCABULARY& & & &GRAMMAR GRAMMAR GRAMMAR GRAMMAR Part Part Part Part1: 1: 1: 1:Choose Choose Choose Choosethe the the thecorrect correct correct correctanswer answer answer answerto to to tocomplete complete complete completeeach each each eachof of of ofthe the the thefollowing following following followingsentences. sentences. sentences. sentences.THERE THERE THERE THERECAN CAN CAN CANBE BE BE BEMORE MORE MORE MORE THAN THAN THAN THANONE ONE ONE ONECORRECT CORRECT CORRECT CORRECTANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWERTO TO TO TOSOME SOME SOME SOMEQUESTIONS. QUESTIONS. QUESTIONS. QUESTIONS.Write Write Write Writeyour your your youranswers answers answers answersin in in inthe the the thespace space space spaceprovided. provided. provided. provided. (30 (30 (30 (30points) points) points) points) 1.IwishIcould________thehabitofdrinkingcoffeelateatnight. A.breakBstopC.avoidD.getoutof 2. ChoosetheletterA,B,CorDtoindicatethewordorphrasethatisCLOSESTinmeaningtothe underlinedpartinthefollowingsentence. Tadpolestypicallydwellatthebottomofbodiesoffreshwater. A.swimB.feedC.liveD.reproduce 3.Hotspringsareoneofthemostcharacteristicfeaturesofareasofrecentvolcanicactivity,although_____ inotherareaslessabundantly. A.alsotohaveoccurredB.theiroccurrencealso C.alsooccurD.theyalsooccur 4.“___________”