PROJECT ON PROJECT ON Year of Establishment: 2009 !"!#$%!"& '%%#"&" !"#$%&$' ("%%&&()*'+,-+*() & ./00 !)!#& 12#+3+ * 45+ *+ + * ,+678 *, 9+ :;<*000=+! Year of Establishment: 2009 !"!#$%!"& '%%#"&" !"#$%&$' ("%%&&()*'+,-+*() & ./00 !)!#& 12#+3+ * 45+ *+ + * ,+678 *, 9+ :;<*000=+! INDRODUCTION > * +) ) =+) ? ++++=+)! > + )) ) + ) * +5!+)))+ +)! Aim of the project &". /. &#& 0#!& #&"1 (! # %#2 "&& ' "&&#$ % % ! %#&!. 3. %!"&1$. 4. %!"5!##0. 6. %!"'&$. 7. 8##9%!"1. :. ###9%!"1"&. &". /. &#& 0#!& #&"1 (! # %#2 "&& ' "&&#$ % % ! %#&!. 3. %!"&1$. 4. %!"5!##0. 6. %!"'&$. 7. 8##9%!"1. :. ###9%!"1"&. &"1"# #++)) + #+! )) + ) + =+ ) )) ) )! @ +)) )! * #++)) + #+! )) + ) + =+ ) )) ) )! @ +)) )! * Fabric Inspection When, why, where 9+)=+)+2=+).00*0003 (+++=+)! <0A))++=+) :.A+) 7A++) 9+)=+)+2=+).00*0003 (+++=+)! <0A))++=+) :.A+) 7A++) #+)) )+)B)*B)B $++))B)B) )+)))*))+! Inspection Standards <! 9' C)+ :! #+' D)+E 7! ,))F;G' H*+ <! 9' C)+ :! #+' D)+E 7! ,))F;G' H*+ ;,<=>*#&"14#&& Gre y Fabric Inspection , 5 +) E H+ > +5 Four Point System #+ 9 ' ) ++ 23 E ! # )-+1! $+))1!$!!+1! [...]... application of softener Entanglement of the fabric during application of softener Remedies: Maintaining proper reel sped & pump speed Proper Mixing of the softener before addition Prevent the entanglement of the fabric during application of softener Finished Fabric Inspection Faults 9 Batch to Batch Shade variation Sources & Causes: Fluctuation of Temperature Improper dosing time of dyes & chemicals... calculate the number of faults ,grading and taking decision to accept or reject a finished fabric roll In AMAN Tex, 4 point system is followed for finished fabric inspection Finished Fabric Inspection Repot of Aman Tex Ltd Gre y Fabric Inspection Faults 1 Uneven Dyeing 7 Dark Colored oil Spots 2 Dye spot 8 Softener Mark 3 Soda Spots 9 Batch to Batch Shade variation 4 Fabric hole 5 Compacting hole 6... Fabric Inspection Faults 7 Dark Colored oil Spots Sources & Causes: Often encountered when the goods are given silicone finishing agent treatment in soft flow machine using SILICONES which are NOT jet stable Remedies: Use jet-stable silicones Finished Fabric Inspection Faults 8 Softener Mark Sources & Causes: Improper mixing of the Softener Improper running time of the fabric during application... Feeding the even roller in compacting m/c Finished Fabric Inspection Faults 6 Crease Mark Sources & Causes: Poor opening of the fabric rope Shock cooling of synthetic material If pump pressure & reel speed is not equal Due to high speed m/c running Remedy: •Maintaining proper reel sped & pump speed •Lower rate rising and cooling the temperature •Reducing the m/c load •Higher liquor ratio Finished. .. variation 11 GSM Variation Finished Fabric Inspection Faults 1 Uneven Dyeing Sources & Causes: Uneven pretreatment (uneven scouring & bleaching) Improper color dosing Using dyes of high fixation property Uneven heat-setting in case of synthetic fibers Lack of control on dyeing m/c Effects: Dyeing process loss Fabric waste in garments section More time Waste of chemical & dyes More water & steam... ensuring even pretreatment By ensuring even heat-setting in case of synthetic fibers Proper dosing of dyes and chemicals Proper controlling of dyeing m/c Finished Fabric Inspection Faults 2 Dye spot Sources & Causes: Improper Dissolving of dye particle in bath Improper Dissolving of caustic soda particle in bath Effects: Body fabric rejected in the garments section More dye & caustic More fabric. .. Remedies: Check the feeder and attach lycra Gre y Fabric Inspection Faults 10 Seat Up Causes: If needle latch is not work properly Causes by thick yarn Improper/large knot Remedies: Make sure all the latches of needle are closed with feeding yarn after a drop stitch Finished Fabric Inspection Finished inspection is done after dyeing and finishing process to find out the dyeing and finishing faults,... damage Less production Cost highly Remedies: By proper dissolving of dyes & chemicals Finished Fabric Inspection Faults 3 Soda Spots Sources & causes: Soaping start before wash CaCO3 or MgCO3 in soaping bath Remedy: Remove hardness water Use sequestering agent Finished Fabric Inspection Faults 4 Fabric hole Sources & causes: More acid of knit fabric in the dyeing section Highly acidity Temperature... maintained Needle has to change Needle has no change Gre y Fabric Inspection Faults 5 Star Mark Causes: Yarn tension variation during production Buckling of the needle latch Low G.S.M fabric production Remedies: Maintain same Yarn tension during production Use good conditioned needles Gre y Fabric Inspection Faults 6 Drop Stitches Causes: Defective needle If yarn is not properly fed during... y Fabric Inspection Faults 2 Needle Broken Causes: •High Yarn Tension •Bad Setting of the Yarn Feeders •Old & Worn out Needle set Remedies: Ensure uniform & the right Yarn tension on all the feeders Keep the recommended gap, between the Yarn Feeders & the Needles Periodically change the complete set of needles Gre y Fabric Inspection Faults 3 Hole Mark Causes: Yarn breakage or yarn cracks If the . * +5!+)))+ +)! Aim of the project &". /. &#& 0#!& #&"1 (! # %#2 "&& ' "&&#$ %. ###9%!"1"&. &". /. &#& 0#!& #&"1 (! # %#2 "&& ' "&&#$ % %. '%%#"&" !"#$%&$' ("%%&&()*'+,-+*() & ./00 !)!#&