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ĐỀ LUYỆN THI HSG ANH 8 SỐ 6 I, Which underlined part is differently pronounced? 1. Sight circus tiger lion 2. poster post-office most lion 3. tamer apple acrobat matter 4. acrobat nose cold both 5.folk pierrot donkey also 6. promise countryside leisurely sunbathe 7.musical instruments mutual regularly 8.follow narrow slow crowd 9.city-dweller double-decker underground handkerchief 10.Heathrow headway seat teachings II, Choose the one words or phrases which could be subtituted for the underlined word or phrase without changing the meaning of the sentences. 1, The indecisive(do du) man was readily persuaded to change his mind again. a. easily b. hardly c. willingly d. difficult 2, After discussing the matter with the bank manager, Ha instantly received his loan(tien cho vay) a. casually b. soon c.finally d. immediately 3, The news of the President’s death amazed the world. a. very much surprised b. shook c. frightened d. destroyed 4, I disagreed with you completely. a. am bored b. am pleased c. feel tired d. am of a different opinion 5, Do you have any difficulty in understanding what your teacher says when he speaks in English ? a.delight b. trouble c. annoyance d. hard 6, It has been marvellous evening. We’ve enjoyed the party very much. a. delightful b. wonderful c. glad d. tiring 7, Have you made arrangements for your journey yet ? a. classification b. preparations c. achievements d. measurements 8, He refused my offer to help. a. accepted b. agreed c. realized d. said no 9., The war cost an enormous sum of money. a. a very large b. a much c. a little d. an edequate 10, Have you seen him recently ? a. suddenly b. lately c. quietly d. formerly 11, The headmaster congratulated the student on his work. a. praised b. sent c. looked down d. managed 12, He is a clever boy. a. skillful b. talent c. akward d. excellent 13, He is always ready to help me. a. w-+illing b. reluctant c. determined d. unhesitant 14, He’s never puntual. a. prompt b. on time c.late d. timely 15, The candidate’s victory at the election was overwhelming. a. defend b. triumph c. popularity d. failure 16, Before beginning classes, some students must be on duty. a. be at play b. be at work c. prepare the classroom d. play 17, Beethoven was a great musican. a. large b. old c. huge d. distinguished 18, He reached out his hand for the money. a. intended b. grasped c. extended d. seized 19., It rained for three whole days. a. partial b. completely c. entire d. long 20, Aeroplanes are used for the transport of mail. a. construction b. carrying c. carry d. keeping 21, The company asked for additional information. a. certain b. emphatic c. further d. interesting 22, The world leaders had a chat before beginning formal discussion. a. friendly, unimportant talk b. serious discussion c. disagreement d. important talk 23, His hobbly is collecting stamps from all over the world. a. pastime b. business c. career d. freedom 24, Ly felt confident about his grade on the ĐỀ LUYỆN THI HSG ANH 8 SỐ he has just taken . a.sad b. certain c. uncertain d. happy 25, His teaching has an effect on his new students. a. depth b. admiration c. love d. influence 26, Efficient air service has been made available through morden technology. a. rich b. full c. effective d. inexpensive 27, He is a person who understands his obligations. a. duties b. works c. careers d. occupations 28, I provided him with English books. a. prepared b. produced c. supplied d. stored 29, He’s a naughty boy and delights in teasing his small sister. a. charms b. find great pleasures c. defends d. dislikes 30, He has behaved shamefully toward his wife and children. a. amused them b. treated them well c. treated them badly d. been in harmony with them 31, Chairs which are older than one hundred years are scarce. a. ancient b. valuable c. expensive d rare 32, The employees went on strike for higher wages. a. bosses b. interviewees c. people who work d. interviewers 33, The Beatles wrote many popular songs. a. special b. polite c. liked by most people d. necessary 34, Newly discovered documents showed that the prisoner was obviously innocent. a. critical reviews b. compositions c. officialpapers d. degrees 35, We are very much grateful for your help. a. proud b. thankful c. persuaded d. known 36, Hanh was fortunate to have such good friends. a. happy b. lucky c. delighted d. comforable 37, Our teacher recommended the biography of the architect Frank Lioyd Wright. a. the written story of a person’s life b. report c. design d. picture 38, You can be arrested for making a threat against someone’s life. a. sign of harm b. result c. decision d. revenge 39, More people are going abroad for holidays. a. outside their country b. oversea c. out d. far away 40, The artist’s loan was very untidy when I entered. a. clean b. lighted c. disorder d. out of order 41, I have rarely heard a lecture with such clear instructions. a. speech b. talk c. conversation d. lesson 42., Mother insists that we do our homework before we go to school . a. keeps firmly to some statement b. declares c. makes clear d. makes known 43, My parents encouraged my brother to be a lawyer. a. reassured b. interviewed c. praised d. increased the confidence of 44, If you get lost, consult your map. a. lose weight b. pick your way c. lose your direction d. are on your way 45, Make sure that we must get there before seven. a. Imagine b. Bring your luggage c. Remember d. Think 46, She called me up very late last night. a. woke me up b. telephone me c. awakened me d. rang the bell 47, He gets up at the same time every day . a. wakes up b. arises c. stands up d. stays in bed 48, Did you find out where she lived ? a. know b. discover c. recognize d. realize 49, We had a good time at their birthday party . a. were lucky b. enjoyed ourselves c. drank a lot d. had an apptite 50, They stay in every night and read . a. are out b. remain c. go in for d. participate 51, Archacologists continue searching for buried Egyptian treasures. a. keep on b. keep up c. come on d. put on 52, Louis was depending on the Pittsburgh steelers to win the championship. a. picking out b. counting on c. putting off d. getting on 53, Because she is so tall, Lien deosn’t like high- heeled shoes. a. pick up b. break off c. care for d. bring up 54, Peter promised to stop smoking immediately. a. drop out of b. hold on c. give up d. keep on 55, The manager said we had to leave the fotel so later than noon. a. go out b. set out c. check out of d. set up 56, What time did you awaken this morning? a. wake up b. get off c. get out d. get into 57, Before making a decision on the project, the board of directors decided to discuss the matter. a. look upon b. care for c. talk over d. fill in 58, When buying apples, remember to select only the firm, red ones. a. pick out b. hold up c. find out d.try out 59, He finally go back. a. left b. woke up c. returned d. rested 60, I have got to leave early a. want b. should c. must d. all are correct 61, Such a thing is out of the question. a. easy b. impossible c. difficult d. uneasy 62, His prediction comes true. a. turns out to be correct b. is false c. becomes foolish d. is logical 63, She is putting on weight. a. working hard b. weighing smt c. weighing the luggage d. geing heavier. 64, I take Sunday off. a. don’t go to work on Sunday b. work hard on Sunday c. arrive late on Sunday d. leave early from work on Sunday 65, Scientists search for the truth. a. look for b. try out c. look up d. get through with 66, They will board the ship in Genoa. a. get in b. try at c. get into d. get off 67, We waited and waited and finally he arrived. a. on end b. on the whole c. at last d. in general 68, The conductor will tell you where to leave the bus for the central market. a. get on b. get out of c. get over d. get off 69, Please ĐỀ LUYỆN THI HSG ANH 8 SỐ this coast just for size. a. try on b. try out c. put on d. take off 70, You should review this lesson again. a. look at b. look up c. look over d. look out 71, When he becomes an aldult, he wants to be a pilot. A, looks up b. picks up c. grows up d. turns up 72, Most high school students look up to the star player on the football team. a. envy b. repect c. trust d. pursue 73, You may borrow my car if you will bring it back by five o’clock. a. give b. send c. return d. lend 74, They brought up their children in the country. a. sent to b. led c. reared d. visited 75, Please keep an eye on my suitcase while I get my ticket. a. watch b. keep on c. keep off d. look forward to 76, Why did you raise that question during the discussion ? a. bring up b. look up c. try out d. think out 77, Some parents recover from an operation quickly. a. bring up b. call for c. get in d. get over 78, Don’t you want to remove your coat ? a. put on b. put off c. take off d. try on 79, When does the train arrive ? a. get up b. get in c. get on d. keep up 80, Your composition was poorly organized, you must do it again. a. hand it in b. pick it out c. rewrite it d. repeat it III, Insert a suitable preposition where necessary. 1, He arrived…………… the manager’s office………………….an interview. 2, He devoted his whole life………………………….writing. 3, This village is famous………………………… its beauty. 4, Mary insisted…………………… taking the bus instead……………………………the taxi. 5, Don’t use the office phone……………………………personal calls. 6, She often helps her mother………………………her work………………… the house. 7, Don’t lean………………….that window. The paint is still wet. 8, The airplane crashed………………………… the sea about one kilometre………….the eight floor. 9,…………………….the rush hour, the streets are jammed………………………………cars. 10, Sam spent his savings………………………….an expensive holiday. 11, The words……………….all the songs are printed…………………the back……………… the cover. 12, This is a very solid house. It’s built……………………… brick……………… a tiled floor. 13, Aren’t you sorry…………………………….what you have done? 14, He was angry …………………himself………………………….having made such a big mistake. 15, He threw stones……………………… his attackers. 16, As I am bad………….English, I have a lot…………difficulties when attending English Speaking Club. 17. We are grateful………………………… you………………………… your help. 18, Mr Davis will retire………………………….his job………………………two year’s time. 19, The cause…………………the fire…………….the hotel…………last night is still unknown. 20, She often complains………………………….everything. 21, When I realised that I had taken the wrong number, I immediately apologised………….my mistake. 22, She hasn’t got a job. She depends…………………her perents……………… money. 23, She smiled…………………me as she passed me…………………….the street. 24, The accident was my fault, so I had to pay……………….the damage…………………the other car. 25, It wasn’t very polite………………………him to leave………………saying “ thank you “……….anyone. 26, He’s been doing the same job……………… too long. He’s bored………………… it. 27, The number……………… people who suffered……………………heart disease has increased. 28, We discussed…………………….many things……………………the meeting. 29, I’ve always regarded you……………….one……………….my best friend. 30, I glanced………………the newspaper to see if there was anything interesting…………………it. 31, Travelling is great………………….first but you get tired…………….it…………………a while. 32, I explained…………him that it was the custom……….England to wash one’s car……….the weekend 33, The man we interviewd………………….the job was quite intelligent but we weren’t very impressed… ………………………his appearance. 34, He spent a lot of money……………… buying English books…………………………his studies. 35, I’m not very keen………………………… Italian food. , Nothing ( do )………………………………since I moved here. II, Rewrite these sentences. 1, This shirt is too dirty for me to wear. –This shirt isn’t…………………………………………………………. 2, The ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids. –The Pyramids………………………………………………… 3, The windows were painted yesterday. – Someone…………………………………………………………… 4, “ Where is the Ben Thanh market ?” –He asked me…………………………………………………………. 5, I don’t visit you very often because you live so far away. – If……………………………………………… 6, The news was so bad that Mrs Janet burst into tears. –It was……………………………………………… 7, If he doesn’t work harder, he’ll lose his job. – Unless………………………………………………………… 8, “ Bring your swimming suits in case it’s sunny “ –He told me……………………………………………… 9, When did you last see Tom ? –How long is it……………………………………………………………….? 10, He is sorry now that he didn’t invite Jane to his party. –He wishes……………………………………… . last d. in general 68 , The conductor will tell you where to leave the bus for the central market. a. get on b. get out of c. get over d. get off 69 , Please ĐỀ LUYỆN THI HSG ANH 8 SỐ this coast just. the ĐỀ LUYỆN THI HSG ANH 8 SỐ he has just taken . a.sad b. certain c. uncertain d. happy 25, His teaching has an effect on his new students. a. depth b. admiration c. love d. influence 26, . ĐỀ LUYỆN THI HSG ANH 8 SỐ 6 I, Which underlined part is differently pronounced? 1. Sight circus tiger lion 2.

Ngày đăng: 29/07/2015, 10:58

