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SỞ GD- ĐT VĨNH PHÚC TRƯỜNG THPT LIỄN SƠN (ĐỀ THI CHÍNH THỨC) ĐỀ THI KHẢO SÁT CHẤT LƯỢNG THI ĐH NĂM 2014 MÔN THI: ANH VĂN (Khối A1, D1) - ĐỀ 259 Thời gian: 90 phút Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 1: Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon. A. to walk B. walking C. walked D. has walked Question 2: Our industrial output from $2 million in 2002 to $4 million this year. A. rises B. has risen C. was rising D. rose Question 3: Serbia defeated Germany surprised everyone. A. Whether B. When C. Because D. That Question 4: Even if you are rich, you should save some money for a day. A. windy B. rainy C. foggy D. snowy Question 5: Laura had a blazing with Eddie and stormed out of the house. A. gossip B. chat C. word D. row Question 6: All students should be and literate when they leave school. A. numerate B. numeric C. numeral D. numerous Question 7: broken several world records in swimming. A. She is said that she has B. People say she had C. She is said to have D. It is said to have Question 8: Bill: “Can I get you another drink?” Jerry: “ .” A. Forget it B. No, it isn’t C. No, I’ll think it over D. Not just now Question 9: Liz: “Thanks for the nice gift you brought to us!” Jennifer: “ ” A. All right. Do you know how much it costs? B. Not at all. Don’t mention it. C. Actually speaking, I myself don’t like it. D. Welcome! It’s very nice of you. Question 10: She had to borrow her sister’s car because hers was . A. out of work B. out of order C. off work D. off chance Question 11: Ben: " " Jane: "Never mind." A. Congratulations! How wonderful! B. Sorry for staining your carpet. Let me have it cleaned. C. Thank you for being honest with me. D. Would you mind going to dinner next Sunday? Question 12: “You can go to the party tonight you are sober when you come home.” A. as long as B. as well as C. as far as D. as soon as Question 13: We with a swim in the lake. A. gave in B. cooled off C. got out D. took up Question 14: As the drug took , the boy became quieter. A. action B. influence C. effect D. force Question 15: I’ve warned you many times _______the front door unlocked. A. not leaving B. won’t leave C. not to leave D. don’t leave Question 16: “The inflation rate in Greece is five times my country,” he said. A. as high as that in B. as much as C. as many as that in D. more than Question 17: Is it true that this country produces more oil than ? A. any another country B. any countries else C. any other countries D. any country else Question 18: Not having written about the required topic, a low mark. A. the teacher gave me B. I was given C. the teacher gave D. my presentation was given Question 19: They’re staying with us the time being until they can afford a house. A. during B. for C. at D. in Question 20: We have bought extra food our guests stay to dinner. A. so that B. when C. if D. in case Question 21: The Internet has enabled people to with each other more quickly. A. interconnect B. interlink C. interact D. intervene Question 22: Mr. Black: “I’d like to try on these shoes, please.” Salesgirl: “ ” A. By all means, sir. B. That’s right, sir. C. Why not? D. I’d love to. Question 23: Margaret: "Could you open the window, please?" Henry: " ." A. I am, of course B. Yes, with pleasure C. I feel sorry D. Yes, I can Question 24: I might, I couldn’t open the door. A. However hard B. As try C. Try as D. No matter Question 25: Martha, Julia and Mark are 17, 19 and 20 years old . A. independently B. separately C. respectively D. respectfully Question 26: he does sometimes annoys me very much. A. What B. When C. How D. Why Question 27: Since he failed his exam, he had to for it again. A. take B. sit C. make D. pass Question 28: If everyone , how would we control the traffic? A. could fly B. can fly C. flies D. had flown Question 29: The captain as well as all the passengers very frightened by the strange noise. A. have been B. was C. is D. were Created & Released by Đỗ Bình – THPT Liễn Sơn, Lập Thạch, Vĩnh Phúc – binhbac72@gmail.com Question 30: It is imperative what to do when there is a fire. A. he must know about B. that everyone know C. that he knew D. we knew Read the following passage adapted from Understanding Rural America Info USA and mark the letter A, B, C, or– D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 9 to 18. The well-being of America’s rural people and places depends upon many things – the availability of good-paying jobs; (31)_____ to critical services such as education, health care, and communication; strong communities; and a healthy natural environment. And, (32)______ urban America is equally dependent upon these things, the challenges to well-being look very different in rural areas than in urban areas. Small-scale, low-density settlement (33)______ make it more costly for communities and businesses to provide critical services. Declining jobs and income in the natural resource-based industries that many rural areas depend on (34)_____ workers in those industries to find new ways to make a living. Low-skill, low-wage rural manufacturing industries must find new ways to challenge the increasing number of (35)_____ competitors. Distance and remoteness impede many rural areas from being connected to the urban centers of economic activity. Finally, changes in the availability and use of natural resources located in rural areas (36)_____ the people who earn a living from those resources and those who (37)_____ recreational and other benefits from them. Some rural areas have met these challenges successfully, achieved some level of prosperity, and are ready (38)_____ the challenges of the future. Others have neither met the current challenges nor positioned themselves for the future. Thus, concern for rural America is real. And, while rural America is a producer of critical goods and services, the (39)_____ goes beyond economics. Rural America is also home to a fifth of the Nation’s people, keeper of natural amenities and national treasures, and safeguard of a/an (40)_____ part of American culture, tradition, and history. Question 31: A. challenge B. key C. access D. advantage Question 32: A. because B. while C. when D. since Question 33: A. styles B. tools C. means D. patterns Question 34: A. offer B. turn C. force D. make Question 35: A. foreign B. abroad C. lateral D. rural Question 36: A. effect B. encourage C. stimulate D. affect Question 37: A. involve B. evolve C. bring D. derive Question 38: A. in B. of C. with D. for Question 39: A. research B. impatience C. concern D. stimulus Question 40: A. abnormal B. simple C. incredible D. unique Mark the letter A,B,C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underline part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Question 41: Most greetings cards are folding and have a picture on the front and a message inside. A B C D Question 42: Aloha is a Hawaiian word meaning ‘love’, that can be used to say hello or goodbye. A B C D Question 43: The Oxford English Dictionary is well known for including many different meanings of words and to give real examples. A B C D Question 44: When you are writing or speaking English it is important to use language that includes both men and women equally the same. A B C D Question 45: It was disappointing that almost of the guests left the wedding too early. A B C D Read the following passage on commuting, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 6 to 15. Commuting is the practice of travelling a long distance to a town or city to work each day, and then travelling home again in the evening. The word commuting comes from commutation ticket, a US rail ticket for repeated journeys, called a season ticket in Britain. Regular travellers are called commuters. The US has many commuters. A few, mostly on the East Coast, commute by train or subway, but most depend on the car. Some leave home very early to avoid the traffic jams, and sleep in their cars until their office opens. Many people accept a long trip to work so that they can live in quiet bedroom communities away from the city, but another reason is ‘white flight’. In the 1960s most cities began to desegregate their schools, so that there were no longer separate schools for white and black children. Many white families did not want to send their children to desegregated schools, so they moved to the suburbs, which have their own schools, and where, for various reasons, few black people live. Millions of people in Britain commute by car or train. Some spend two or three hours a day travelling, so that they and their families can live in suburbia or in the countryside. Cities are surrounded by commuter belts. Part of the commuter belt around London is called the stockbroker belt because it contains houses where rich business people live. Some places are becoming dormitory towns, because people sleep there but take little part in local activities. Most commuters travel to and from work at the same time, causing the morning and evening rush hours, when buses and trains are crowded and there are traffic jams on the roads. Commuters on trains rarely talk to each other and spend their journey reading, sleeping or using their mobile phones, though this is not popular with other passengers. Increasing numbers of people now work at home some days of the week, linked to their offices by computer, a practice called telecommuting. Cities in both Britain and the US are trying to reduce the number of cars coming into town each day. Some companies encourage car pooling (called car sharing in Britain), an arrangement for people who live and work near each Created & Released by Đỗ Bình – THPT Liễn Sơn, Lập Thạch, Vĩnh Phúc – binhbac72@gmail.com other to travel together. Some US cities have a public service that helps such people to contact each other, and traffic lanes are reserved for car-pool vehicles. But cars and petrol/gas are cheap in the US, and many people prefer to drive alone because it gives them more freedom. In Britain many cities have park-and-ride schemes, car parks on the edge of the city from which buses take drivers into the centre. (Extracted from Oxford Guide to British and American Culture, Oxford University Press, 2000) Question 46: Which of the following definitions of commuting would the author of this passage most probably agree with? A. Travelling to work and then home again in a day within a rural district. B. Travelling for hours from a town or city to work in the countryside every day. C. Regularly travelling a long distance between one’s place of work and one’s home. D. Using a commutation ticket for special journeys in all seasons of the year. Question 47: The word “repeated” in paragraph 1 most probably means______. A. buying a season ticket again. B. happening again and again. C. saying something again. D. doing something once again. Question 48: The passage mentions that many Americans are willing to travel a long distance to work in order to be able to live in ______. A. quiet neighbourhoods B. comfortable bedrooms C. city centres D. noisy communities Question 49: Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. The US has considerably more commuters than Britain. B. Commuting helps people in the US and Britain save a lot of time. C. Britain has considerably more commuters than the US. D. Both the US and Britain have a great number of commuters. Question 50: Which of the following is NOT true about the London commuter belt? A. It surrounds London. B. It is in central London. C. It is home to some wealthy business people. D. It is like “bedroom communities” in the US. Question 51: It can be inferred from the passage that dormitory towns in Britain are places where people______. A. stay for the night B. contribute to the local community C. are employed locally D. take part in local activities Question 52: As mentioned in the passage, commuters usually______. A. talk to each other during train journeys B. go to work at different hours C. go home from work at different hours D. cause traffic congestion on the roads Question 53: The phrase “linked to” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to______. A. shared with B. satisfied withC. connected to D. related to Question 54: All of the following are measures to reduce the number of cars coming into town each day in the US and/or Britain EXCEPT______. A. traffic lanes for car-poolingB. free car parks in the city centre C. park-and-ride schemes D. car-pooling/sharing Question 55: The word “it” in the last paragraph refers to______. A. travelling together B. car pool C. driving alone D. petrol/gas Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. Question 56: The repeated commercials on TV distract many viewers from watching their favourite films. A. advertisements B. contests C. businesses D. economics Question 57: As tourism is more developed, people worry about the damage to the flora and fauna of the island. A. fruits and vegetables B. flowers and trees C. plants and animals D. mountains and forests Question 58: It is such a prestigious university that only excellent students are entitled to a full scholarship each year. A. have the obligation to B. have the right to refuse C. are refused the right to D. are given the right to Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. Question 59: Affluent families find it easier to support their children financially. A. Wealthy B. Well-off C. Privileged D. Impoverished Question 60: After five days on trial, the court found him innocent of the crime and he was released. A. benevolent B. innovative C. naive D. guilty Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions. Question 61: A. characterise B. facility C. irrational D variety Question 62: A. traditional B. majority C. appropriate D. electrician Question 63: A. depend B. vanish C. decay D. attack Question 64: A. elephant B. agreement C. mineral D. violent Question 65: A. accountant B. professor C. develop D. typical Toefl reading comprehension Glass is a remarkable substance made from the simplest raw materials. It can be colored or colorless, monochrome or polychrome, transparent, translucent, or opaque. It is lightweight impermeable to liquids, readily cleaned and reused, durable yet fragile, and often very beautiful Glass can be decorated in multiple ways and its optical properties are exceptional. In all its myriad forms - as table ware, containers, in architecture and design - glass represents a major achievement in the history of technological developments. Created & Released by Đỗ Bình – THPT Liễn Sơn, Lập Thạch, Vĩnh Phúc – binhbac72@gmail.com Since the Bronze Age about 3,000 B.C., glass has been used for making various kinds of objects. It was first made from a mixture of silica, line and an alkali such as soda or potash, and these remained the basic ingredients of glass until the development of lead glass in the seventeenth century. When heated, the mixture becomes soft and malleable and can be formed by various techniques into a vast array of shapes and sizes. The homogeneous mass thus formed by melting then cools to create glass, but in contrast to most materials formed in this way (metals, for instance), glass lacks the crystalline structure normally associated with solids, and instead retains the random molecular structure of a liquid. In effect, as molten glass cools, it progressively stiffens until rigid, but does so without setting up a network of interlocking crystals customarily associated with that process. This is why glass shatters so easily when dealt a blow. Why glass deteriorates over time, especially when exposed to moisture, and why glassware must be slowly reheated and uniformly cooled after manufacture to release internal stresses induced by uneven cooling. Another unusual feature of glass is the manner in which its viscosity changes as it turns from a cold substance into a hot, ductile liquid. Unlike metals that flow or "freeze" at specific temperatures glass progressively softens as the temperature rises, going through varying stages of malleability until it flows like thick syrup. Each stage of malleability allows the glass to be manipulated into various forms, by different techniques, and if suddenly cooled the object retains the shape achieved at that point. Glass is thus amenable to a greater number of heat-forming techniques than most other materials. Question 66. Why does the author list the characteristics of glass in lines 1-5? A. To demonstrate how glass evolved B. To show the versatility of glass C. To explain glassmaking technology D. To explain the purpose of each component of glass Question 67. The word "durable"' in line 3 is closest in meaning to_____. A. lasting B. delicate C. heavy D. Plain Question 68. What does the author imply about the raw materials used to make glass? A. They were the same for centuries. B. They are liquid C. They are transparent D. They are very heavy. Question 69. According to the passage, how is glass that has cooled and become rigid different from most other rigid substances? A. It has an interlocking crystal network. B. It has an unusually low melting temperature. C. It has varying physical properties. D. It has a random molecular structure. Question 70. The word "customarily" in line 16 is closest in meaning to_____. A. naturally B. necessarily C. usually D. certainly Question 71. The words "exposed to" in line 18 are closest in meaning to_____. A. hardened by B. chilled with C. subjected to D. deprived of Question 72. What must be done to release the internal stresses that build up in glass products during manufacture? A. the glass must be reheated and evenly cooled. B. the glass must be cooled quickly. C. The glass must be kept moist until cooled. D. The glass must be shaped to its desired form immediately Question 73. The word "induced" in line 20 is closest in meaning to_____. A. joined B. missed C. caused D. lost Question 74. The word "it" in line 21 refers to_____. A. feature B. glass C. manner D. viscosity Question 75. According to the passage, why can glass be more easily shaped into specific forms than can metals A. It resists breaking when heated B. It has better optical properties. C. It retains heat while its viscosity changes. D. It gradually becomes softer as its temperature rises. Questions 76 - 80. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the best sentence built from the given words or phrases. Question 76. when 1/ airport/ plane/ already/ leave. A. When I arrived the airport, the plane had already left. B. When I got to the airport, the plane had already left. C. When I reached at the airport, the plane already left. D. When I came the airport, the plane had already left. Question 77. If/ weather/ fine/ an excursion/ tomorrow. A. If the weather will be fine, we will go on an excursion tomorrow. B. If the weather is fine, we will go on an excursion tomorrow. C. If the weather is fine, we would go on an excursion tomorrow. D. If the weather were fine, we would go on an excursion tomorrow. Question 78. She/ not alone/ when/ shopping/ yesterday. A. She was not alone when she did shopping yesterday. B. She is not alone when she go shopping yesterday. C. She was not alone when she went shopping yesterday. D. She had not been alone when she went shopping yesterday Question 79. a pity/ wish/ tell/ about/ this. A. What a pity! I wish you had told us about this. B. What a pity! I wish you told us about this. C. What a pity! I wish you would tell us about this. D. What a pity! I wish you have told us about this. Question 80. Only/ this way/ make/ laws/ effective. A. Only by this way we can make our laws effective. B. Only this way we can make our laws effective. C. Only by this way can we make our laws effective. D. Only by this way we can make it effective our laws. THE END Created & Released by Đỗ Bình – THPT Liễn Sơn, Lập Thạch, Vĩnh Phúc – binhbac72@gmail.com . SỞ GD- ĐT VĨNH PHÚC TRƯỜNG THPT LIỄN SƠN (ĐỀ THI CHÍNH THỨC) ĐỀ THI KHẢO SÁT CHẤT LƯỢNG THI ĐH NĂM 2014 MÔN THI: ANH VĂN (Khối A1, D1) - ĐỀ 259 Thời gian: 90 phút Mark the letter A, B, C,. us about this. Question 80. Only/ this way/ make/ laws/ effective. A. Only by this way we can make our laws effective. B. Only this way we can make our laws effective. C. Only by this way. wish/ tell/ about/ this. A. What a pity! I wish you had told us about this. B. What a pity! I wish you told us about this. C. What a pity! I wish you would tell us about this. D. What a pity!

Ngày đăng: 25/07/2015, 18:43

