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Đề luyện thi hoc sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 7 số 43

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TEST - 11 I: Supply the correct word form: 1. Nam is running ( slow ) , and seems ( tire )………………… 2. The wind is so ( strength ) that the door is going to slam. 3. Please tell me the importance of his ( invent ) 4. The ( participate ) ………………… look eager to start the games. 5. Be ( care ) ! the car is coming. 6. My brother always gets good grades because he studies (hardly )……… 7. We were ( nervously )…………………… before the race started 8. He ( congratulation ) ……………………his friend on good exam results. 9. I am going to participate in a stamp ( collect ) ………………club. 10. What’s the weather like ? It’s ( cloud )…………………. II: Supply the correcr form and tense: 1.Look at the big clouds. It ( rain) 2. We ( know) him since he ( be ) a child. 3. It’s difficult ( find ) a comfortable flat there. 4. I ( phone ) you as soon as I arrive in Ho Chi Minh city 5. Last year the 22 nd SEAGAMES ( take ) place in my country. 6. They stopped ( talk ) when the teacher came in. 7. It ( rain ) heavily now. 8. I ( live ) with my parents until I went to Ho Chi Minh city 9. The athletes dream of ( win ) a gold medal. 10. When I ( be ) young, I usually ( swim ) across this river. III: Rewrite sentences: 1. She is bad at cooking. She cooks 2. My brother can swim well My brother is a 3. They intend to ski this Sunday. They are 4. What do you intend to buy Loan for her birthday ?What are you 5. Ba is very young. He can’t ride a bike. Ba isn’t 6. My house is to the left of the cinema. The cinema 7. Shall we meet at the front door ? Let 8. No one in my class is more careful than he is. He is the 9. Do you want to leave her a message ? Would you 10. Lien enjoyed talking about her favorite film star. Lien was IV: Multiple choice. 1. Don’t until the race finishes. A. talking B. to talk C. talk D. talked 2. It’s difficult him. A. beating B. to beat C. beat D. beaten 3. We let you know as soon as we made our A. decide B. decided C. decesive D. decision 4. The baby doesn’t look I think she’s going to cry. A. happy B. happily C. happiness D. unhappily 5. They hope they will receive a gold A. prize B. award C. medal D. all are correct. 6. I have alot of to do, so I can’t go with you. A. homework B. homeworks C. houseworks D. homeless 7. The first Olympic games were held Greece A. on B. in C. at D. from 8. Congratulation passing the exam. A. on B.in C.at D. from 9. People stopped fighting for three months to participate the Games. A. on B.in C.at D. from 10. She succeeded teaching and she loved her job. A. on B.in C.at D. from Correct mistakes 1. Lan is understanding the lesson well 2. China is biger than Viet Nam 3. I have to do alot of homeworks. 4.I am making some cakes when the electricity went out yesterday. 5.My sister is good on cooking. 6. We have known him since five months. 7. Could you tell me some informations about the train, please? 8. What are you doing every day ? 9. I didn’t saw you yesterday. 10. There are five peoples in my family. 11. The children is playing soccer at the moment. 12. My mother can sings English songs. 13. My sister can cook good. 14. She looks happily. 15. What was you doing when I phoned you yesterday ? 16. My father enjoys to play soccer very much. 17. I am afraid to going out at night. 18. When I got up this morning, the sun is shining, birds are singing 19. Hoa is interested on painting. 20. I do my test well yesterday. 21. Do you see her recently ? 22. Do you ever been to Ha Long Bay ? 23. My mother buys me a bike last Sunday. irregular verbs: Hiện tại Quá khứ P II Nghĩa Hiện tại Quá khứ P II Nghĩa broadcast broadcast broadcast phát sóng come came come trở nên burst burst burst nổ, vỡ sit sat sat ngồi cut cut cut cắt sleep slept slept ngủ hit hit hit đánh, đụng spend spent spent tiêu xài hurt hurt hurt làm đau stand stood stood đứng let let let để teach taught taught dạy học put put put đặt tell told told kể read read read đọc think thought thought nghĩ set set set bố trí, để win won won chiến thắng spread spread spread trải ra, truyền bá be was/were been thì, là, ở become became become trở nên begin began begun bắt đầu bring brought brought mang bear bore born sinh đẻ build built built xây blow blew blown thổi burn burnt burnt đốt cháy break broke broken vỡ buy bought bought mua choose chose chosen chọn catch caught caught đón, bắt do did done làm feed fed fed cho ăn drink drank drunk uống feel felt felt cảm thấy drive drove driven lái xe find found found tìm eat ate eaten ăn fight fought fought chiến đấu fall fell fallen ngã get got got lấy fly flew flown bay have had had có go went gone đi hear heard heard nghe give gave given đa cho hold held held giữ, tổ chức grow grew grown trồng, mọc keep kept kept giữ know knew known biết lay laid laid đẻ trứng lie lay lain nằm, trải dài lead led led dẫn dắt ride rode riden cỡi lend lent lent cho mợn rise rose risen mọc, lên cao learn learnt/ed learnt/ed học ring rang rung reo chuông leave left left rời bỏ see saw seen nhìn lose lost lost mất, lạc sing sang sung hát make made made làm speak spoke spoken nói mean meant meant nghĩa là swim swam swum bơi meet met met gặp show showed shown chỉ, cho xem pay paid paid trả take took taken lấy run ran run chạy throw threw thrown ném say said said nói wake woke woken thức dậy send sent sent gửi đi wear wore worn mặc sell sold sold bán write wrote written viết shine shone shone chiếu sáng forget forgot forgotte n quên . in. 7. It ( rain ) heavily now. 8. I ( live ) with my parents until I went to Ho Chi Minh city 9. The athletes dream of ( win ) a gold medal. 10. When I ( be ) young, I usually ( swim ) across this. you yesterday ? 16. My father enjoys to play soccer very much. 17. I am afraid to going out at night. 18. When I got up this morning, the sun is shining, birds are singing 19. Hoa is interested. is bad at cooking. She cooks 2. My brother can swim well My brother is a 3. They intend to ski this Sunday. They are 4. What do you intend to buy Loan for her birthday ?What are you 5. Ba is

Ngày đăng: 25/07/2015, 14:47

