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SỞ GD- ĐT VĨNH PHÚC TRƯỜNG THPT LIỄN SƠN (ĐỀ LUYỆN 012) ĐỀ THI THPT QUỐC GIA NĂM 2015 MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian: 90 phút PHẦN TRẮC NGHIỆM (8 điểm) Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions, questions from 1-2 Question 1. A. taught B. laughter C. naughty D. slaughter Question 2. A. dealt B. dreamt C. heal D. jealous Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions, questions from 3 - 5 Question 3. A. sandal B. canal C. rental D. vandal Question 4. A. memorial B. desirable C. reliable D. admirable Question 5. A. successive B. apprentice C. attendance D. atmosphere Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions, questions from 6 - 25 Question 6. The boy did his homework ____. A. by himself B. his own self C. on himself D. by his own. Question 7. Peter’s got so _____ to opera that it has become a constant companion of his life A. used to listening. B. used to listen. C. used in listening. D. use to listen. Question 8. - “May I use your car for a few days?” - “ _____” A. It's up to you B. Not at all C. You're welcome D. Welcome you. Question 9. ________ being tired, I went for a picnic with my family. A. That B. Since C. Although D. Despite Question 10. Preparing for a job interview can be very _____. A. stress B. stressful C. stressed D. stressing Question 11. This knife is very blunt. It needs _____ A. sharpeningly B. sharpen C. sharpening D. sharply Question 12. Not until the end of the 19th century_____ become a scientific discipline. A. plant breeding has B. did plant breeding C. plant breeding had D. has plant breeding Question 13. This road, _____, is narrow and winding A. which the two villages are joined B. which the two villages are joining C. which joins the two villages D. joins the two villages Question 14. I am going to_____ my dress dry- cleaned A. make B. send C. get D. take Question 15. She is very absent-minded. She _____ her cell phone three times. Biên soạn & giảng dạy bởi Đỗ Bình – binhbac72@gmail.com, www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 A. has lost B. loses C. was losing D. had lost Question 16. - “You look ill. What’s wrong with you?” - “_____” A. No, sir. B. No matter. C. Not at all. D. Nothing. Question 17. He is unhappy because his parents do not _____ very well. A. get over B. get off C. get on D. get away Question 18. Although the exam was difficult, _____ the students passed it. A. most of B. none of C. a few D. a lot Question 19. - “You really have a beautiful blouse, Mary. I have never seen such a perfect thing on you” - “ ______” A. Good idea. Thanks for the news. B. Thanks, Tom. That’s a nice compliment C. Well, that's very surprising! D. Yes, it's our pleasure. Question 20. By _____ the household chores, he can help his mother after going home from school. A. ordering B. doing C. having D. making Question 21. The youths nowadays have many things to do in their _____ time. A. leisure B. entertainment C. fun D. amusement Question 22. I was not _________ to go to parties in the evening until I reached the age of eighteen. A. permitted B. permission C. permitting D. permit Question 23. Working hours will fall to under 35 hours a week, _____? A. will they B. won't they C. won't it D. will it Question 24. This factory produced ______ motorbikes in 2008 as in the year 2006. A. twice as many B. as twice as many C. as twice many D. as many as twice Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction, questions 26-35 Question 25. The salad tasted so well that my brother returned to the salad bar for another helping. A. so well B. returned to C. salad bar for D. another helping Question 26. A mosquito is filled with blood is carrying twice its own weight. A. is filled B. with blood C. twice D. own Question 27. Joseph Ford, the politician who was kidnapped last week as he was driving for his office, was released unharmed. A. who B. as he C. for his office D. unharmed Question 28. Ozone layer acts as an umbrella against most of the Sun’s dangerous rays. A. Ozone B. as an C. most D. the Sun’s Question 29. Neither Jane nor Sarah explained me why they were so late. A. Neither B. nor C. explained me D. why they were Biên soạn & giảng dạy bởi Đỗ Bình – binhbac72@gmail.com, www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions, questions 36 - 37 Question 30. The International Organizations are going to be in a temporary way in the country. A. permanent B. guess C. complicated C. soak Question 31. My little daughter would spend an inordinate amount of time in the shop, deciding exactly which four comics she was going to buy. A. excessive B. limited C. required D. abundant Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions, questions 38 - 40 Question 32. It was inevitable that the smaller company should merge with the larger. A. urgent B. unavoidable C. important D. necessary Question 33. Around 150 B.C. the Greek astronomer Hipparchus developed a system to classify stars according to brightness. A. shine B. record C. categorize D. diversify Question 34. S. Mayo Hospital in New Orleans was so named in recognition of Dr. Mayo’s outstanding humanitarianism. A. exhaustive B. charitable C. remarkable D. widespread Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 41 - 50. The general principles of dynamics are rules that demonstrate a relationship between the motions of bodies and the forces that produce those motions. Based in large part on the work of his predecessors, Sir Isaac Newton deduced three laws of dynamics, which he published in his famous Principia. Prior to Newton, Aristotle had established that the natural state of a body was a state of rest, and that unless a force acted upon it to maintain motion, a moving body would come to rest. Galileo had succeeded in correctly describing the behavior of falling objects and in recording that no force was required to maintain a body in motion. He noted that the effect of force was to change motion. Huygens recognized that a change in the direction of motion involved acceleration, just as did a change in speed, and further, that the action of a force was required. Kepler deduced the laws describing the motion of planets around the sun. It was primarily from Galileo and Kepler that Newton borrowed. In short, Newton’s laws of Motion are: (1) a body at rest remains at rest, and a body in motion remains in motion along a straight line, unless acted upon by an unbalanced force, (2) if an unbalanced force acts upon a body, the momentum of the body changes in proportion to the force and in the same direction as the force, (3) to every action or force, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Question 35. What was the main purpose of this passage? A. To demonstrate the development of Newton’s laws Biên soạn & giảng dạy bởi Đỗ Bình – binhbac72@gmail.com, www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 B. To establish Newton as the authority in the field of physics c. To discredit Newton’s laws of motion d. To describe the motion of planets around the sun Question 36. The word “predecessors” in the passage refers to _____ A. those who came before B. those who provided help C. those who published their work D. those who agreed with the ideas Question 37. The phrase “prior to” in the passage could best be replaced by which of the following? A. before B. after C. with D. simultaneously Question 38. Which of the following scientists established that the natural state of a body was a state of rest? A. Galileo B. Kepler C. Aristotle D. Newton Question 39. The word “it” in line 6 refers to _____ A. rest B. body C. state D. motion Question 40. Who was the first scientist to correctly describe the behavior of falling objects? A. Aristotle B. Newton C. Kepler D. Galileo Question 41. According to Huygens, when was acceleration required? A. For either a change in direction or a change in speed B. Only for a change in speed C. Only for a change in direction D. Neither for a change in direction nor for a change in speed Question 42. According to this passage, Newton based his laws primarily upon the work of _____ A. Galileo and Copernicus B. Ptolemy and Copernicus C. Huygens and Kepler D. Galileo and Kepler Question 43. The word “momentum” in the passage is closest in meaning to _____ A. weight B. speed C. shape D. size Question 44. Which of the following describes Inertia or the principles of bodies at rest? A. Newton’s first law B. Newton’s third law C. Newton’s law of motion D. Newton’s law of dynamics Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 51 - 60. In addition to the great ridges and volcanic chains, the oceans conceal another form of undersea mountains: the strange guyot, or flat-topped seamount. No marine geologist even suspected the existence of these isolated mountains until they were discovered by geologist Harry H. Hess in 1946. He was serving at the time as naval officer on a ship equipped with a fathometer. Hess named these truncated peaks for the nineteenth-century Swiss-born geologist Arnold Guyot, who had served on the faculty of Princeton University for thirty years. Since then, hundreds of guyots have been discovered in every ocean but the Arctic. Like Biên soạn & giảng dạy bởi Đỗ Bình – binhbac72@gmail.com, www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 offshore canyons, guyots present a challenge to oceanographic theory. They are believed to be extinct volcanoes. Their flat tops indicate that they once stood above or just below the surface, where the action of waves leveled off their peaks. Yet today, by definition, their summits are at least 600 feet below the surface, and some are as deep as 8,200 feet. Most lie between 3,200 feet and 6,500 feet. Their tops are not really flat but slope upward to a low pinnacle at the center. Dredging from the tops of guyots has recovered basalt and coral rubble, and that would be expected from the eroded tops of what were once islands. Some of this material is over 80 million years old. Geologists think the drowning of the guyots involved two processes: The great weight of the volcanic mountains depressed the sea floor beneath them, and the level of the sea rose a number of times, especially when the last Ice Age ended, some 8,000 to 11.000 years ago. Question 45. What is the author's main purpose in writing this passage? A. To trace the career of Arnold Guyot. B. To describe feature of the undersea world. C. To present the results of recent geologic research. D. To discuss underwater ridges and volcano chains Question 46. The word “conceal” in the passage is closest in meaning to which of the following? A. Contain B. Erode C. Hide D. Create Question 47. The passage implies that guyots were first detected by means of_____ A. a fathometer B. computer analysis C. a deep-sea diving expedition D. research submarines Question 48. The author indicates that Arnold Guyot A. was Harry Hess's instructor B. invented the fathometer C. named the guyot after himself D. taught at Princeton University Question 49. What does the passage say about the Arctic Ocean? A. The first guyot was discovered there. B. No guyots have ever been found there. C. There are more guyots there than in any other ocean. D. It is impossible that guyots were ever formed there. Question 50. The author states that offshore canyons and guyots have which of the following characteristics in common? A. Both are found on the ocean floor near continental shelves. B. Both present oceanographers with a mystery. C. Both were formed by volcanic activity. D. Both were, at one time, above the surface of the sea. Question 51. According to the passage, most guyots are found at a depth of_____. A. less than 600 feet. B. between 600 and 3,200 feet. Biên soạn & giảng dạy bởi Đỗ Bình – binhbac72@gmail.com, www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 C. between 3,200 and 6,500 feet D. more than 8,200 feet Question 52. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “rubble” in the passage? A. Fragments B. Mixture C. Columns D. Core Question 53. According to the passage, which of the following two processes were involved in the submersion of guyots? A. Erosion and volcanic activity. B. The sinking of the sea floor and the rising of sea level. C. Mountain building and the action of ocean currents D. High tides and earthquakes Question 54. According to the passage, when did sea level significantly rise? A. In 1946 B. In the nineteenth century C. From 8,000 to 11,000 years D. 80 million years ago Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 55 -64. Vietnamese generally shake hands when greeting and parting. Using both hands shows respect as does a (55) _____ bow of the head. In rural areas, elderly people do not extend their hand, they are greeted with a bow. Women are more (56) _____ to bow the head than to shake hands. Vietnamese names begin with the family name and are (57) _____ by a given name. For example, in the name Nguyen Van Due, Nguyen is the family name. People address (58) _____ by their given names, but add a title that indicates their perceived (59) _______ to the other person. These titles are family related rather than professional. Among colleagues, for example, the (60) _____ of the two might combine the given name with the title of Anh ("Older Brother"). A(n) (61)_____ greeting combined with the given name and title is Xin chao (“Hello”). Classifiers for gender and familiarity are also combined with the greeting. In formal meetings, business cards are sometimes (62) _____ on greeting. Vietnamese people have a strong (63) _____ of hospitality and feel embarrassed if they cannot show their guests full respect by preparing for their arrival. Therefore, it is (64) _____ to visit someone without having been invited. Gifts are not required, but are appreciated. Flowers, incense, or tea may be proper gifts for the hosts. Hosts also appreciate a small gift for their children or elderly parents. Question 55. Question 56. Question 57. Question 58. Question 59. Question 60. Question 61. Question 62. Question 63. Question 64. A. light A. possible A. continued A. each one A. relation A. younger A. easy B. slight B. capable B. chased B. one other B. relationship B. most young B. basic C. lightly C. probable C. followed C. the other one C. relations C. youngest C. fundamentally D. lighted D. likely D. taken D. one another D. relatives D. young D. elementary D. exchanged Biên soạn & giảng dạy bởi Đỗ Bình – binhbac72@gmail.com, www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 A. changed A. sense A. inactive B. transferred B. sensation B. inaccurate C. reversed C. sensitivity C. inappropriate D. sensible D. inexact WRITING: (2 điểm) Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it 1. She knows more about it than I do.  I don’t 2. Although he had a good salary, he was unhappy in his job.  In spite 3. He prefers golf to tennis.  He’d rather 4. The garden still needs digging.  The garden hasn’t 5. Susan felt sick, because she ate four cream cakes.  If Susan Topic: Who is your best friend? Describe this person and say why he/she is your best friend. THE END KEY 1. B 30 A 2. C 31 B 3. B 32 B 4. D 33 C 5. D 34 C 6. A 35 A 7. A 36 A 8. C 37 A 9. D 38 C 10. B 39 B 11. C 40 D 12. B 41 A 13. C 42 D 14. C 43 B 15. A 44 A 16. D 45 B 17. C 46 C 18. A 47 A 19. B 48 D 20. B 49 B 21. A 50 B 22. A 51 C 23. B 52 A 24. A 53 B 54 C 25. A 55 B 26. A 56 D 27. C 57 C 28. A 58 D 29. C 59 B Biên soạn & giảng dạy bởi Đỗ Bình – binhbac72@gmail.com, www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 60 A 61 B 62 D 63 A 64 C 1. I don’t know as much about it as she does 2. In spite of having a good salary, he was unhappy in his job 3. He’d rather play golf than tennis 4. The garden hasn’t been dug yet 5. If Susan hadn’t eaten four cream cakes, she wouldn’t’ t have felt sick Biên soạn & giảng dạy bởi Đỗ Bình – binhbac72@gmail.com, www.violet.vn/quocbinh72 . SỞ GD- ĐT VĨNH PHÚC TRƯỜNG THPT LIỄN SƠN (ĐỀ LUYỆN 012) ĐỀ THI THPT QUỐC GIA NĂM 2015 MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian: 90 phút PHẦN TRẮC NGHIỆM (8 điểm) Mark the letter. be expected from the eroded tops of what were once islands. Some of this material is over 80 million years old. Geologists think the drowning of the guyots involved two processes: The great weight. plant breeding has B. did plant breeding C. plant breeding had D. has plant breeding Question 13. This road, _____, is narrow and winding A. which the two villages are joined B. which the two villages

Ngày đăng: 25/07/2015, 10:05

