Fashion Design & The Computer By: Dan Douglas Since the beginning of Time…… Fashion Designers have been responsible for all the design processes (that’s a given). While they may not actually do all everything themselves, their Design Team will. Before the inven$on of the Computer a few decades ago the designer and design team did everything by hand. All the sketches, pa'erns, invoices, spec sheets, and so on and so forth had to be done by hand. Making expensive and long phone calls to the oversea factories that manufactures the garments. Many of these steps in the produc$on of a garment took hours, and some parts even took months. It all had to be a pain… Well…. At least for the design team. (Must have felt like a sweatshop some$mes) . alt="" The computer, aside from helping with the actual designing of the garments, designers can also use the computer to make pa'erns for the garment. The computer can create pa'erns. all everything themselves, their Design Team will. Before the inven$on of the Computer a few decades ago the designer and design team did everything by hand. All the sketches, pa'erns, invoices,. Fashion Design & The Computer By: Dan Douglas Since the beginning of Time…… Fashion Designers have been responsible for all the design processes (that’s a given). While they may