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HUỲNH BÁ HỌC Page 1 of 4 TOPICS FOR TEST https://sites.google.com/site/huynhbahoc/ http://vi-vn.facebook.com/hoc.huynhba TOPICS FOR TEST SITUATION 1 STUDENT 1 You have just flown in from Miami and are visiting a subsidiary overseas. It’s difficult to understand the person getting you, so you have to ask him/her to repeat and spell names and places. You need to arrange a meeting tomorrow afternoon with the Sales Head from his office. STUDENT 2 You are greeting an important person from your subsidiary in Miami because Mr. Sheridan, the head of the Sales department is in a meeting until 2:00 PM. You will be happy to take your visitor to the Four Shores Hotel where he/she will be staying. At the airport, Mr. Willis’s cell phone is ringing…. Mr. Willis: Good afternoon, Willis speaking. Who’s calling, please? Học: Good afternoon, Mr. Willis. This is Học from ABC Subsidiary[səbˈsidiəri] calling. I’m Mr. Sheridan’s secretary[ˈsekrətəri, -teri]. Mr. Willis: I see. What can I do for you? Học: Oh, I’m just calling to confirm[kənˈfə:m] the arrangements[əˈreindʒmənt] for your business trip. Where are you now, Mr. Willis? Mr. Willis: Oh, I'm at CDF Airport now. Excuse me, has the plan been changed? Học: Yes, Sir. I’m afraid that Mr. Sheridan can’t take you now because he is very busy at the moment. He is in a meeting until 2:00 pm, so I was replaced by him. Is there any problem with that, Mr. Willis? Mr. Willis: Oh, no problem. Could you repeat and spell your name, please? Học: Certainly[ˈsə:tənli], Sir. My name is Học. That’s H-O-C. Mr. Willis: Thank you. Học: You’re welcome, Mr. Willis. It is a great pleasure for me to take you to Four Shores Hotel where you’ll be staying during the trip. Mr. Willis: Excuse me, would you please repeat and spell the name of the hotel? Học: Yes, Sir. The name of the hotel is Four Shores. That’s F-O-U-R S-H-O-R-E-S. Mr. Willis: Thank you. Học: Do you need anything else, Sir? Mr. Willis: Yes, could you arrange a meeting tomorrow afternoon with Mr. Sheridan at his office? Học: Hold on, please. I’ll just check his appointment[əˈpɔintmənt] book…. Would 2 o'clock be all right? Mr. Willis: Yes, that’s fine. Thank you very much. Học: You’re welcome, Sir. Please wait for me. I'll be there in 20 minutes. Mr. Willis: Certainly. Học: Sorry for the inconvenience[ˌinkənˈvi:niəns]. Mr. Willis: It doesn’t matter. Bye. Học: Bye, Sir. HUỲNH BÁ HỌC Page 2 of 4 TOPICS FOR TEST https://sites.google.com/site/huynhbahoc/ http://vi-vn.facebook.com/hoc.huynhba Work with a partner and use the information in the table below. Use the full dialog from the bottom of the Taking and Leaving Messages Lesson Page. Switch roles and practice again. STT TÊN KHÁCH & SỐ ĐT CÔNG TY KHÁCH NGƯỜI CẦN GẶP CÔNG TY NHẬN ĐT NỘI DUNG TIN NHẮN 1 Susan Wilcox 667 – 6325 Rambus Microchips Willy Gates MicroSurf, Inc. The microchips you ordered have arrived. 2 Dave Young 863 – 6832 Rig Oil Corp. Tanya Smith Jimbo’s Gas Stations Prices are going up next week – better to order now. 3 Francisco Vasquez 896 – 8967 DDD Inc. Ronald Barber Waste Managers Inc. We need our large trash containers emptied. 4 Debra Monroe 325 – 1500 Splitstra Construction Cynthia Slyski Dental Associates Construction of the new offices will be delayed by two months. SITUATION 3 A: MicroSurf, Inc (Incorporated/in'kɔ:pəreitid/). Good afternoon. How can I help you? Ms. Wilcox: Good afternoon. This is Susan Wilcox from Rambus Microchips. Could I speak to Mr. Willy Gates, please? A: I’m afraid Mr. Gates isn’t available[əˈveiləbəl] at the moment. Would you like to leave a message[ˈmesidʒ]? SITUATION 2 STUDENT 1 You are phoning the Information Technology Centre and want to talk to the person in charge of the computer training courses. Find out the date and cost of the courses. STUDENT 2 You are a receptionist at the Information Technology Centre. Mrs. Hickman is in charge of the computer training courses. She is out but has left you information about the courses: Start Aug 22 - Oct 14. Cost $740. There is also an application fee, it cost $35. A: Information Technology Centre. Good afternoon. C: Good afternoon. My name is C. I’d like to speak to someone about the computer training courses, please. A: You may speak to Mrs. Hickman who’s in charge[tʃɑ:dʒ] of the computer training courses[kɔ:s], but I'm afraid that she's out of the office. I don't know what can I do for you, Ms. C? C: Yes, please. I'm calling because I want to get some information about the computer training courses. A: Yes, of course, madam. She has just left me the information about the courses. C: Thank you. Could you tell me about the date and cost of the courses, please? A: Yes, madam. The courses will start on August[ˈɔ:gəst] 22 nd and finish on October[ɔkˈtəubə] 14 th . They cost $740 and there is also an application[ˌæpliˈkeiʃ(ə)n] fee, it cost $35. C: Thank you for your information. A: You’re welcome, Ms. C. Could you give me your phone number, please? C: That’s fine. My number is 01…. A: Thank you, madam. Do you need anything else? C: Oh, no. That’s all I needed. Bye. A: Bye, Ms. C. HUỲNH BÁ HỌC Page 3 of 4 TOPICS FOR TEST https://sites.google.com/site/huynhbahoc/ http://vi-vn.facebook.com/hoc.huynhba Ms. Wilcox: Yes, please. I'm calling to confirm[kənˈfə:m] the microchips that Mr. Gates ordered have arrived. A: Excuse me, you've already[ɔ:lˈredi] told me that the microchips Mr. Gates ordered have arrived. Is it correct, madam? Ms. Wilcox: Yes, it is. Would you please tell him that for me? A: Yes, of course, madam. Would you please spell your surname[ˈsə:neim]? Ms. Wilcox: Certainly[ˈsə:tənli]. My surname is Wilcox. That’s W-I-L-C-O-X A: Thank you. Could you give me your phone number, please? Ms. Wilcox: That’s fine. My number is 667 – 6325 A: Is that 667 – 6325? Ms. Wilcox: Yes, That's right. A: Thank you very much. I'll give Mr. Gates your message[ˈmesidʒ]. Do you need anything else, madam? Ms. Wilcox: No, thank you. A: Thank you for calling. Goodbye. Ms. Wilcox: You’re welcome. Goodbye SITUATION 4 A: Jimbo’s Gas Stations. Good afternoon. How can I help you? Mr. Young: Good afternoon. This is Dave Young from Rig Oil Corp. Could I speak to Ms. Tanya Smith, please? A: I’m afraid Ms. Smith isn’t available[əˈveiləbəl] at the moment. Would you like to leave a message[ˈmesidʒ]? Mr. Young: Yes, please. I'm calling to confirm prices are going up next week, so Ms. Smith had better to order now. A: Excuse me, you've already told me that prices are going up next week, so Ms. Smith had better to order now. Is that correct, Sir? Mr. Young: Yes, it is. Would you please tell her that for me? A: Yes, of course, Sir. Would you please spell your surname? Mr. Young: Certainly[ˈsə:tənli]. My surname is Young. That’s Y-O-U-N-G A: Thank you. Could you give me your phone number, please? A: That’s fine. My number is 863 – 6832 Mr. Young: Is that 863 – 6832? A: Yes, that's right. Mr. Young: Thank you very much. I'll give Ms. Smith your message[ˈmesidʒ]. Do you need anything else, Sir? A: No, thank you. Mr. Young: Thank you for calling. Goodbye. A: You’re welcome. Goodbye SITUATION 5 A: Waste Managers Inc (Incorporated). Good afternoon. How can I help you? Mr. Vasquez: Good afternoon. This is Francisco Vasquez from DDD Inc. Could I speak to Mr. Ronald Barber, please? HUỲNH BÁ HỌC Page 4 of 4 TOPICS FOR TEST https://sites.google.com/site/huynhbahoc/ http://vi-vn.facebook.com/hoc.huynhba A: I’m afraid Mr. Barber isn’t available[əˈveiləbəl] at the moment. Would you like to leave a message[ˈmesidʒ]? Mr. Vasquez: Yes, please. I'm calling him to confirm we need our large trash containers[kənˈteinə] emptied. A: Excuse me, you've already told me that you need your large trash containers emptied. Is that correct, Sir? Mr. Vasquez: Yes, it is. Would you please tell him that for me? A: Yes, of course, Sir. Would you please spell your surname? Mr. Vasquez: Certainly[ˈsə:tənli]. My surname is Vasquez. That’s V-A-S-Q-U-E-Z A: Thank you. Could you give me your phone number, please? Mr. Vasquez: That’s fine. My number is 896 – 8967 A: Is that 896 – 8967? Mr. Vasquez: Yes, that's right. A: Thank you very much. I'll give Mr. Barber your message[ˈmesidʒ]. Do you need anything else? Mr. Vasquez: No, thank you. A: Thank you for calling. Goodbye. Mr. Vasquez: You’re welcome. Goodbye SITUATION 6 A: Dental[ˈdentl] Associates[əˈsəuʃieit]. Good afternoon. How can I help you? Ms. Monroe: Good afternoon. This is Debra Monroe from Splitstra Construction. Could I speak to Ms. Cynthia Slyski, please? A: I’m afraid Ms. Slyski isn’t available[əˈveiləbəl] at the moment. Would you like to leave a message[ˈmesidʒ]? Ms. Monroe: Yes, please. I'm calling her to confirm the construction[kənˈstrʌkʃən] of the new offices will be delayed[diˈlei] by two months. I apologise[əˈpɔlədʒaiz] for any inconvenience[ˌinkənˈvi:niəns]. A: Excuse me, you've already told me that the construction[kənˈstrʌkʃən] of the new offices will be delayed by two months. Is that correct, madam? Ms. Monroe: Yes, it is. Would you please tell her that for me? A: Yes, of course, madam. Would you please spell your surname? Ms. Monroe: Certainly[ˈsə:tənli]. My surname is Monroe. That’s M-O-N-R-O-E A: Thank you. Could you give me your phone number, please? Ms. Monroe: That’s fine. My number is 325 – 1500 A: Is that 325 – 1500? Ms. Monroe: Yes, that's right. A: Thank you very much. I'll give Ms. Slyski your message[ˈmesidʒ]. Do you need anything else? Ms. Monroe: No, thank you. A: Thank you for calling. Goodbye. Ms. Monroe: You’re welcome. Goodbye . HUỲNH BÁ HỌC Page 1 of 4 TOPICS FOR TEST https://sites.google.com/site/huynhbahoc/ http://vi-vn.facebook.com/hoc.huynhba TOPICS FOR TEST SITUATION 1 STUDENT 1 You have. HUỲNH BÁ HỌC Page 2 of 4 TOPICS FOR TEST https://sites.google.com/site/huynhbahoc/ http://vi-vn.facebook.com/hoc.huynhba Work with a partner and use the information in the table below I do for you, Ms. C? C: Yes, please. I'm calling because I want to get some information about the computer training courses. A: Yes, of course, madam. She has just left me the information

Ngày đăng: 18/07/2015, 07:16

