Cambridge English for Schools Starter-Students Books
J D EW LITTLEJOHN ANA HICKS RIDGE or schools Starter Student's Book ANDREW LITTLEJOHN & D IA N A HICKS g C AM BR I D GE ~ UN IVE RSITY P RESS PUB LI SHE D BY TH E I' R ESS SY N D IC AT E O F T HE U NI VE R S ITY OF C AM ll lt.II >G E Th e Pitt Building. Trum pingron Street. Cambridge C 02 1R P. United Ki ngdo m C AMBRID GE UN IVE RS IT Y PR ESS The Edinburgh Building. Cambridge C B2 2 RU . United King do m 40 West z urb Street. New York . NY 1 00 11- -12 11. USA 10 Stamford Rood . Oa klejgh. Melbourne 3 166. Australia ., Cambridge Univ ersity Press 1996 This book is in copyright. Sub jec t to sUtut ory exc eption and to the provisions of relevant collective li cen sing agre eme nts. no reproduction of any part ou r take place without the written permission of Ca mbridge University Press. First Published 1996 Reprinted 1997 Printed in the Un ited Kingd om at the Uni versity Press. Ca mbridge I SBN 0 521 56795 5 Student's Book ISBN 0 521 56794 7 Wo r kboo k ISDN 0 521 56793 9 Te acher's Book ISDN 0 521 56792 0 Cbss Casse ne Set ISBN 0 521 56791 2 W ork book Ca ee n e Contents Map of C oJ mbri J.t,l t' En. flU s11[o r S.:IIt'ols St.JrUr . Wha l' s in c. "" EnJ!lisll for Slhools S t"' rt t~ __. 6 1 INTRODUCTORY UNIT lea rn E ng lish! M THEMe A Ne w fr i end s 2 TOPIC Around the wo rld . 14 3 LANGUAGe FOCUS . 19 4 ACTIVITY English in o ur wo rld H TOPIC Yo ur count ry 26 LANGUAGE FOCUS 3 1 REVISION . 3fl Where we liv e S 6 7 B Anima l wor ld c 8 9 10 TOPIC A ni ma l facts LANGUAGE FOCUS REVISION . 3H A 3 4K D T he circle ofHfe 11 T OPI C N atu ra l food _ _ _. __ 50 12 LANGUAGE FOCUS . 55 13 REVISION . __ . ._ . 60 E No rth and so uth 14 TOPIC T he clothe s we w e ar . 62 15 LANGUAGE FOCUS 67 16 ACTIVITY A class calendar 72 F In t he sun 17 T OPI C What 's th e t im e? . . 74 18 LANGUAGE FOCUS . 7'J 19 REVISION M ak e a test K4 20 QU ESTION TI ME ! A r evisi on gam L' KIl So ng s 88 Map of the wo rld . . 90 Uu ·ful se u ._ 92 W or dlisl / In de x 93 T ha nks and ac kn o wl ed gem e nt s 96 Map of Cambridge Englishfor Schools Starter UNIT 1 Lea rn E ng lish! 8 W;ly S to le arn English; some basic verbs and Il O UIl S; sociallanguage : the alp habe t and numb ers 1 -2 0. THEME T OPI C A New friends C u r ricu l um l ink s: C('(~~ f(/ P")' - countr ies: COlllmrlll;cal;"Il.'l lIdics - USt.' of English . 2 TOPIC Aroun d the world Say ing your name, ; lgl', wh ere y Oll co me from and where youlive: so me adjec tives: n umb ers 20+ . 14 B c Wh er e we live Curric ulum l in ks: C r( ~ l!r ' II' II Y - co unt ries. co ntine nts and plwvical tL';ltllrcs; .'i,,(i," ."Iudie.' - hous ing. b ngt ug cs. Anir na l w orld C u r r -ic ulum li nk s: H i" " ~ l! Y " "d ElIl'in JIIlll m l,d .,rim(I' - animal life and habitat. 5 TOPIC Your co un t ry 26 Na mes of co untries, c ont inents and languages: natural features ofc ountr ies; a poster abo ut yO Uf co un try: 'has got' . 8 TOPIC Animal fa cts 38 Animals from around the wo rld; hab itat: what animals can a nd can't do; read ing and wri t ing about animals. D E F T he ci rcle o fl ife Curr -ic ul u m l ink s: Biol 'J . l; ¥- fo od chams: C/"(~I!r<lJl"¥ - f acts ab out the wo rld. No rt h a nd s outh C u r r ic ulu m lin ks: (; t'( ~l! r 'lfl 1I }' - No rth ern / sout hern hemispheres: Hi (l It ~ I! }, - capillary action: So(i,tl studies - t ill,' climate and bow it ;ltTects our lives. In th e su n C ur r- icul um lin ks: 1' 1I )'.'i($and C (, I ~ I! r<lfl lt }' - sun . shadows and time , 11 TOPIC N atural food F oo d chains: th e lift' cycle ofa bu tterfly. 14 TOPIC The clothe s we wear Mo nth s of ti ll,' year and clot hing; clima te and seasons in diff er en t parts of th e wo rld. 17 TOPIC What 's the time ? Activities in the sun: the SU Il and shadows: telling the ti me fmm the sun; daylight ho urs in England and yo ur country; sun rise /s uns et: nu king a s un dial. 50 62 74 20 Q ues tio n tim e! 86 A ga me to revise th e 'Ii'p ;c and L II ~ I! II a. l! t' .l i >( 1IS uni ts. UNIT UNIT LANGUAGE FOCU S REV IS ION / ACTIVITY 3 LANGUAGE FOCUS \ 9 4 ACTIVITY En glish in o ur w orld 24 'this'. 'that', 'b · in positive sent ences and Makin g a post r about English in YOUf lite. questions. In I/' t' d, ISSfl'(' II/; classro om w onk 6 LANGUAGE FOCUS 3\ 7 REVISION 36 R o om s in a house; discov ring a grammar rul : Self-assc ssmen r 'a /an /th e': plurals. Re vision of Unit s t- 6. 011 1and ,11I'.1IIt: in the shops (I). 9 LANGUAGE FOCUS 43 10 REVISION 48 'be' in nega tive sen tences: 'can/ call't'. Sclf-a ees smenr I" till ' d,lSm" "". : classroo m phrases (I). R evisi on of Units H 9 , 12 LANGUAGE FOCUS Pets: Present simple: 'there iv/ then- an- . 0 11/ <1 1 /1 1" tWit: ill the sho ps (2). 15 LANGUAGE FOCUS Clothes. possessive 's: colours: all ex peri me nt with flowers 31111 co lours. Out ,md <11>"'ul : mceting friends. 18 LANGUAGE FOCUS 'have 1 "Ot': telling the time; days of the w ek: perso nal rou tines. I" tlte d<l5m m: class roo m phra ses (2), 55 67 79 13 REVISION Self -assessment R evision of Units 11- 12, 16 ACTIVITY A cla ss calend ar A calendar to show climate vents for each month of the y "" ar, 19 REVISION Make a rest Self-asses sm nr R evisi on of Uni ts 14 -I K M aking y our own te st . 60 72 What's in Cambridge English for Schools Starter? Cl1 l1lb ri~i!c E lI glis ft . ft JrSchools Starterhas three part s for von . T here is a Stu de nt's Book, a Workb oo k and a Workb ook Cassette. The Student's Book I Th e Student's Book has six Th em es. Match the Th em e, the name and the pi ctur e. r l ' " , , ' f · Animal world In the SU Il Th e circle of life Th eme F Thelll l.' D Theme E Theme A ~ North and south Theme B W hen' we live ~ .O~ Theme C New friends ___ ' ~ ~I · __ . __ ~ -: e:t 2 Look at the pictures on page 7. L oo k in your book. Wh at Unit arc the pictu res in? The Workbook and Workbook C assette , - - , 3 Ca n you use the cassette wi th these exercises? ., ._ . _- -,- _ Yes No a Unit 2 Exercise 3 D D b Unit 6 Exercise 1 D D c Unit 10 Exercise 4 D D d Unit 13 Exercise 1 D D e Unit 15 Exercise 2 D D _ ._- " ,'. , ~,- _ ~_ "M ,_, -' ·. "" , " ' , ·, '" " , .,., , , " , . ,. "', . ~ , ." ·"'" , ., . V' ·",",, · ., , ., , _ M o. __ - ~ - . 6 What's in Cambridge EnglIsh tor Schools Starter'? /4 Cf/ 30 16 11 4/ /3 ~ . • Unit 0 Unit 0 Learn English! 1 How can yo u le arn En g lis h? Look at the pi ctur es. Can you learn English like this? learning English; some basic verbs Hd.,·j( I'all s E'- Ir<lI'r<l flirF • 11' 11 Ex. 1 6 Eat English w,th v, .wrid:;e ""3 1" ,," fa r Svhools !JO lI\ ""' - \ 5 Write English Listen to your teacher. Do the ac tion s. 2.1 P la ya gam e 2 Have fun ! W rite ~ e b (./ ) or no (x). 8 Unit 1 l earn English! I (l("h"I," }' I:xlm p ro la/fI' • JI"B 1:'."1: . 2 • 5 r-: L 4 3 2 1 I 7 Look at (he pict ur e. H ow ma ny wo rds can you understand? w,th e "" n d3" ""' 3 Ii ,*, for ~ Is !J ov l" Q n " 3 Think ! 2.2 A puzz le Write the words ill the pu zzle. Wh ;H is w or d 7? o Word ~ Ul Mpvter so .,Jwid1es Unit 1 l earn English! 9 [...]... Engli sh English in our world in your lile Extra I' r . In de x 93 T ha nks and ac kn o wl ed gem e nt s 96 Map of Cambridge Englishfor Schools Starter UNIT 1 Lea rn E ng lish! 8 W;ly S to le arn English; some basic verbs and Il O UIl S; sociallanguage :. vents for each month of the y "" ar, 19 REVISION Make a rest Self-asses sm nr R evisi on of Uni ts 14 -I K M aking y our own te st . 60 72 What's in Cambridge English for Schools. 6 What's in Cambridge EnglIsh tor Schools Starter'? /4 Cf/ 30 16 11 4/ /3 ~ . • Unit 0 Unit 0 Learn English! 1 How can yo u le arn En g lis h? Look at the pi ctur es. Can you learn English like