New Children''s Talk 2
Trang 1childH Talr(
l I
*(-, N
Trang 2ffar{- X llfhat Ie Tl",?E Person Do?ng?
Trang 31 What is the policeman doing?
Do they obey all the traffic laws?
L-5 How can we make all drivers obey the law?
Trang 4:i,r ::i X , -a: :* ":j ::l
:, ra,l I ]t :- tlfl",at Ie ThBe Fereo,n l)o?ng?
Trang 5
f ,i g if.r, &h 4 q *f *r,*.,y*
Are you ever afraid to go to the hospital?
Why or why not?
Is it hard for you to take medicine?
Do you regularly see a dentist?
Why or why not?
Trang 6f%rt X Ufhat Ie ThiE Ferson lloinrg?
Trang 7
1 What are the females doing?
(3.' Do you think your mom is more beautiful when she
is made up or not made up?
4 What does your father think about your mom'smake up?
5 These days, men use make up too
What do you think about that?
Trang 8&r.{- $ Ufilat Ie Tl",?e Fereon l}'o?t g?
: ,, -: :'!r!, ,
Trang 9&nswe! ihcre *{,,es*?*ns
What is the woman doing?
Do you usually help your mom with household
chores? If so, what do you do?
housework? Why or why not?
What kinds of chores do you think are the most
Trang 11r Answe r lhere 0erlionr
Do you like your family car? Why or why not?
What kind of car do you want to have?
How often does your family wash the car?
Have you ever helped your parents wash it?
Who usually drives your family car, your mom or
your dad?
Trang 12Par{ X Ufl",at Ie Th?s Fere,on l}oing?
Trang 13: :
Ad*o*^* d'-Lfr# &&^r $* ff, s# r^^ sfld ffW usr! $qw r q rF -b € #{tr {ej
&xswe*' &&€$€ *#er&ixns
1 What is happening?
2 What time do you usually get up?
3 Do you get up easily in the morning?
early in the morning? Why do you think so?
Trang 141 Where are these people?
2 How often does your family go to an amusement
'\tr.9y,1il ' 'ii, !{' j i.,, ";it t:t :
Trang 15-_j:-' ,>
:::i:; I
What do you think is the most exciting thing to do
in the park?
6 Do you ride the roller coaster? What is the ride that
scares you the most?
Trang 16
K:'f € Ufi"nat Ie Tl",ge Pere'o,n llogng?
Trang 17: w ,w*us'
&p:rwer *&€t€ E**s*?*ns
1 What is this?
2 How far away from your home is the closest market?
3 Where do you usually buy clothes or stationery?
4 Do your parents buy most things at a department
store or in a small shop?
If you want your parents to buy you something, how
often do they agree with you?
What are the advantages (and disadvantages) of
buying things in a department store?
What are the advantages (and disadvantages) of
buying things in a small shop?
Trang 18Ear{- $ Ufl",at Ie Tl",!E FerE'on l)'o9ng?
Trang 19
l-Answer *&res€ *^.l rs*io p'l r
1. Do you often go to a cybercaf6? Why or why not?
What would your life be like if there were no
Trang 20*&rl & Ufi'nat Ie Tl",9e Fere'on l)'o?ng?
Trang 21
f-1 Where do you eat if you are hungry?
5 Where is the best place to have your birthday patty?
Trang 22Fa rt 2'Questi'o,n5 & Ang,ners
/-erro n 1 1
'offow often.,,?" Querlionr
How often do you brush your teeth?
I try to brush after every meal But it is very difficult
sometimes Although dentists advise us to brush for
three minutes at a time, that takes too long Nobody
can keep brushing perfectly for such a long time So
the best way to keep your teeth healthy is to see yourdentist every six months
Trang 23Anrwe r lhere { o er?Io nr
1 How often do you
i! L l
3 How often do you visit
your grandparents?
How often do your
parents drink alcohol?
How often do your
parents praise you?
Trang 24f%r{ X'QuestB'o,ns & Ans,uers
Can you cook? What do you cook?
Yes, I can cook I can make ramyun! But I can
an egg and make a good hamburger
also fry
lesron 1z
"Can fou m?n'Quetlionr
Artr wer
Trang 25?here goe;tionr
L Can you ride a bike? How well?
2 Can you swim?
How far?
How long?
Can you ski?
How often have
Trang 26Par*.2 'QuesLio,ns & Aneurers
lerron 13
"ffow ilanv ?" Qtlerlionr
fx a nnp
How many books have you read?
I have read many books I like to read comic books.They are interesting and easy to read, and they
stimulate my imagination But my parents worry that I
read too rnany comic books They say they are useless Ican't understand what my parents mean, though I like
comic books better than this one!
Trang 27Anrwer these
1. How many friends do you have?
How many hours
a day do you study?
How many brothers and
How many hours
Trang 28Part Z'Questiens & Ansruere
terron 1+
"|o you think ,,,?" Quettionr
I am sure Korea will come back together some day But
Trang 291 Do you think LiF#peqpls are happier than poor ones?
love children?
teachers love us?
if you study hard?
achieve all your dreams?
Trang 30&:-*" X Quest?o,ns & Aneruere
Do you like to watch TV?
I used to watch a lot of television, even while I was
these days I hardly ever turn the TV on I would rather
go outside or read a book or listen to good music I
Lerro n 15
"Do you like, ?" Quertionr
Trang 31ntwer there g o ertio ns
1 Do you like to read?
4 Do you like to eat?
2 Do you like to travel?
Trang 32r
Trang 33Pr' Do you like meat?
14 Do you like fish?
16 Do you like kimchi?
9D" you like vegetables?
15 Do you like Western food?
Trang 34Lerso n 16
Parf 2 'Quest?'o,n5 &Ansurers
Did you ever get trapped in an elevator?
came on and a red light flashed I was ssq3eq I was
afraid we were going to fall to the ground and get
went off, and we started moving again I was so
Trang 35{'r-,q c o ess }-''t i
1 Did you ever go &roa!! fpr"a vacation?
3. Did you ever give someone
a surprise party?
2 Did you ever cheat on a test?
Did you ever do something
you were sorry about later?
.ll* r g
/' \r-lY ,j
Did you ever do something
you were very proud of?
&r:Ewer e&ete q{r€s}ienr
/-\ \'o
'-1.' .fi'-'
's ',
Trang 36Lerron 17
f"ar* X'QueEt?o,ns & Aneurerg
Explain how to acldigye your dreams
First of all, I have to believe in myself and not listen to
anyone who tries to discourage me I must stop putting
things off and keep trying, trying, trying I know I
cannot fail if I work hard until I succeed That's the
Trang 376 Explain how you
make your parentshappy
7 Explain how to get more spending money
Trang 38$%rl- K Ufhat'e l)frong?
Trang 39nsw€r these querlionr
1 Where are these people?
the zoo? Where would they live?
Trang 40flueri, fil Ufhat's llfn.qng?
Trang 41Anrwer *fiete {ser}
What is this driver doing wrong?
Why is it dangerous to do that?
when someone is in a hurrY?
Is it okay to ignore the law if there are no other cars
on the road?
5 Do you always use the crosswalk?
Trang 42&r.*- K Ufhal's ll.frong?
Trang 43, 3
Anrwen t{rere quert
1- What's wrong with what the man is doing?
2 Does your father smoke? What about your mom?
4 Do you want to smoke when you grow up?
smoking" dangerous?
Trang 44ffkri- ffi Ufhat's llfrong?
Trang 45What is the man doing wrong?
Why must we reserve special places for the
handicapped to park?
enough? Why or why not? How could we do a better
Did you ever help a handicapped person? How?
What should we do to help the handicapped?
Trang 46Part 6 Ufhat's \lfro,ng
Trang 47Anrwe r lhese u ertio n s
1 What is the boy doing wrong?
2 How much TV do you watch every day?
4 Do your parents think it is okay if you watch TV late
at night?
5 Do your parents watch TV? How often?
6 One complaint is that watching TV makes us passive
andlazy Do you agree? Explain your opinion.
Trang 48#&:'l 6 Ufhat's llfrong?
Trang 49An;we r th€te u estio n r
L What's wrong with this picture?
2 Do you ever give up your seat to elderly people?
old person? Why or why not?
we give them our seats? What about people carryingheavy packages?
the old?
Trang 50Far{ S Ufhat"e \lfrot g?
Trang 51ti e;e g u estio nr
1 What's wrong with the boy sitting 6n the chair?
3 Have you ever been told to watch your weight?
4 Kids are getting fatter Do you know why?
5 Adults are getting fatter too Is the reason the same
as kids getting fat? What do you think?
Trang 52ffmr*, 6 Ufhat'e llfrong?
Trang 53&,nrWAr *&*t€ {uer&}onr
What's wrong with the boy?
What's wrong with eating instant food?
Do you like Western food such as pLZZa or
hamburgers? What about kimchi?
Do your friends like fast food? Why?
food restaurant? Why?
Trang 54ff%r& X Ufhat's llfrong?
Trang 55Anrwer there u eslio n s
What is the boy doing wrong?
Do you litter? Do your friends?
What can you do to help?
What should adults do to help?
Trang 56$oart" ffi Ufhat'E llfron??
Trang 57nrwer there u erlio n r
2 Have you ever seen your parents argue?
3 How do you feel when they argue?
4 How could you keep them from arguing?
Trang 58f%:{6 lllhatsUfrsng?
Trang 59
r-&nswer &hese u es*is nr
2 How do you tlgat-your pet dog if you are angty?
5 Talk about the responsibilities pet people have
Trang 61ntwer ih ere
What is the man with
Do you have a phone?
using a mobile phone
the phone doing wrong?
What is the polite way of
5 What would you do if you did not have your mobile
phone for a whole day?
Trang 62$=rr-X3 ; rx' l,'-::,'iLj ,r1 , ()L : !i,/ lij, Ufhat's llfrong?
Trang 63nrwer f&e I $ estis mr
Trang 64ffkr{- ffi llfhat'e tlfrong?
Trang 65&nswe*'*&€se qses&?f&s
1. What's the man doing wrong?
Why is it dangerous to speed?
Do your parents speed? Do they ever drive drunk?
Have your parents ever gotten a tickets?
Trang 66t
Trang 67Have you ever gotten in trouble when swimming,
such as getting tired or having a cramp?
@ lHo* often do you go to a swimming pool?
Is there always a lifeguard on duty?
How can this be true?
Trang 68Par{X ffiead&Talh
Trang 69
t-Today I lied to my mom I told her I didn't take any
tests at school I was afraid that she would not like my
result I think there must be some cases when it is okay
to lie In my case, I didn't think the test was as
policy Then I felt sorry for lying, even though I thought
4 Has the boy changed his mind?
Do you ever lie, or are you always honest?
When do you think lying is okay?
Trang 70$3er&X ffiea",l &Tallr
Trang 71could we solve our problems if we had to do so all
alone? I can enf oy a movie with my friends or iust talk
for hours at a time We can share our Secrets and talk
about our worries Because we share our worst times andour best times together, the hard times are more
bearable and the good times more enioyable
Can he imagine his life without friends?
4 How many boyfriends (or girlfriends) do you have?
5 How often do you meet them?
7 How could you be a better friend to others?
Cr:r lx$ ra& *t3 si* & Q * *r} i*, v, -,
Trang 72
l $u*r:|.X ffi.a"I&Tdltl
Trang 73My parents love me a lot Whenever I am sick, they take
They want me to look good, study hard, and become
successful I guess that is why they about taking
a shower and doing my homework They want to make
want other people to like me But I already know how
scolding me about them
1 How does he know his parents care about him?
2 What do his parents do when he is sad?
4 Do your parents nag you about doing your
5 Do your parents take you out on weekends?
6 How often does your family eat out?
7 Do your parents buy whatever you want?
{**Xs& s'f& en si r il q {, fr}ir}&s
Trang 752.
Money makes the world go round It lets you live in a
nice house It lets you wear pretty clothes It puts food
on your table and takes you to far-away places So why
can't I have more money?
According to the boy, is money a good thing?
Why does he think so?
Does he think he has enough money?
If so, how? If not, why not?
5 How much is your monthly allowance?
Is it enough? What do you do with it?,
What could you do to make more?
7 What is bad about money, if anything?
a; es*?s rls
Trang 76ffi"a"i & Tallr
Trang 77I know I'm going to be a great scientist Maybe I will
find a cure for cancer, or invent a time machine
That sounds exciting But I'm going to be a teacher.
be a musician, so I can help people forget their daily
troubles and be hapPY!
Do you want to know what my dream is? I plan to
be the first president of the world and solve
1 Why are teachers imPortant?
2 What is John going to do?
3 Why does Lisa want to be world president?
4 What dreams do you have?
5 Do you think you can make your dreams come true?
Or does it have some other PurPose?
7 What would you do after you have realized all your