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Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases How to use the book? A good way to learn new words is to read each sentence aloud, then try and make a complete sentence that includes the phrase If you are unsure of the meaning of the words use a dictionary By using a dictionary will help you remember what that particular word means This book is designed to help you learn the new meaning of words and write sentences using the phrases You don’t have to learn all 15000 phrases pick and choose the ones you want Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases SECTION I USEFUL PHRASES A abandoned hope abated pride abbreviated visit abhorred thraldom [thraldom = enslaved or in bondage] abiding romance abject submission abjured ambition able strategist abnormal talents abominably perverse abounding happiness abridged statement abrogated law abrupt transition absolutely irrevocable absorbed reverie Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases abstemious diet [abstemious = eating and drinking in moderation] abstract character abstruse reasoning absurdly dangerous abundant opportunity abusive epithet abysmally apologetic academic rigor accelerated progress accentuated playfulness accepted littleness accessible pleasures accessory circumstances accidental lapse accommodating temper accomplished ease accredited agent accumulated burden accurate appraisement accursed enemy accusing glance accustomed lucidity aching desire acknowledged authority acoustical effects acquired timidity Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases acrid controversy acrimonious warfare actively zealous actualized ideals acutely conscious adamantine rigidity [adamantine = unyielding; inflexible] adaptive wit adduced facts [adduce = cite as an example] adequate execution adhesive quality administered rebuke admirable reserve admissible evidence admittedly inferior admonitory gesture adolescent youth adorable vanity adroit flatterer adulated stranger adventitious way [adventitious = not inherent; added extrinsically] adventurous mind adverse experience affably accommodating affected indifference affectionate approval affianced lady 10 Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases affirmative attitude affluent language affrighted slave aggravated faults aggregate body aggressive selfishness agile mind agitated imagination agonizing appeal agreeable frankness aimless confusion airy splendor alarming rapidity alert acceptance algebraic brevity alien splendor alleged reluctance allegorical vein allied subjects alliterative suggestion all-pervading influence alluring idleness alternating opinion altogether dissimilar altruistic ideal amatory effusions [amatory = expressive of sexual love] 11 Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases amazing artifice ambidextrous assistant ambiguous grimace ambitious project ambling pedestrian ambrosial essence [ambrosial = fragrant or delicious; worthy of the gods; divine.] amiable solicitude amicable arrangement amorous youth ample culture amusing artlessness analogous example analytical survey ancestral creed ancient garb angelic softness angry protestations anguished entreaty angular features animated eloquence annoying complications anomalous appearance anonymous benefactor answering response antagonistic views antecedent facts 12 Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases anticipated attention antiquated prudery anxious misgiving apathetic greeting aphoristic wit [aphoristic = Tersely phrased statement] apish agility apocalyptic vision apocryphal lodger [apocryphal = questionable authenticity] apologetic explanation apostrophic dignity appalling difficulties apparent significance appealing picture appointed function apposite illustration appreciable relief appreciative fervor apprehensive dread apprentice touch appropriate designation approving smile approximately correct aptly suggested arbitrarily imposed arch conspirator arched embrasure [embrasure = flared opening for a gun in a wall or parapet] 13 Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases archeological pursuits architectural grandeur ardent protest arduous quest arid formula aristocratic lineage aromatic fragrance arrant trifling arrested development arrogant imposition artful adaptation artificial suavity artistic elegance artless candor ascending supremacy ascetic devotion ascribed productiveness aspiring genius assembled arguments asserted activity assiduously cultivated assimilative power assumed humiliation assuredly enshrined astonishing facility astounding mistakes 14 Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases astute observer athletic prowess atmospheric vagueness atoning sacrifice atrocious expression atrophied view attending circumstances attentive deference attenuated sound attested loyalty attractive exordium [exordium = introduction of a speech or treatise] audacious mendicant [mendicant = depending on alms; beggar] audible intimations augmented force august tribunal auspicious moment austere charm authentic indications authoritative critic autobiographical pages autocratic power automatic termination autumnal skies auxiliary aids available data avaricious eyes 15 Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases avenging fate average excellence averted calamity avowed intention awakened curiosity awed devotion awful dejection awkward dilemma axiomatic truth azure sky B babbling gossip bacchanalian desires bachelor freedom bad omen baffled sagacity [sagacity = farsighted; wise] balanced capacity baldly described baleful glances balmy fragrance bandying talk baneful impression banished silence barbarous statecraft barefaced appeal barest commonplaces 16 Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases The cloak of cowardice The collective life of humanity The combined dictates of reason and experience The companion of a noble and elevated spirit The complaining gate swung open The complex phenomena of life The consequence of an agitated mind The consequence of ignorance and childish assumption The constant pressure of anxieties The creature and tool of a party The critical eyes of posterity The dead and dusty past The delimitation is sufficiently definite The dictates of plain reason The disjointed babble of the chronicler The dull derision of the world The dullest and most vacant minds The dumb forces of brute nature The dupe of some imposture The eager pretentiousness of youth The ebb and flow of events The everlasting deluge of books The evil was irremediable The exchange of harmless amenities The exertion of an inherent power The expression was keenly intellectual 98 Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases The facile conjectures of ignorant onlookers The facts took him by the throat The fitful swerving of passion The flabbiness of our culture The flaccid moods of prose The flame of discord raged with redoubled fury The flattest and most obvious truisms The flippant insolence of a decadent skepticism The foe of excess and immoderation The fog of prejudice and ill-feeling The frustration of their dearest hopes The garb of civilization The general infusion of wit The gift of prophecy The golden years of youth and maturity The gratification of ambition The grim reality of defeat The hall-mark of a healthy humanity The handmaid of tyranny The hint of tranquillity and self-poise The hints of an imaginable alliance The hobgoblin of little minds The holiest and most ennobling sensations of the soul The hollowest of hollow shams The homely virtue of practical utility The hubbub and turmoil of the great world 99 Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases The huge and thoughtful night The hurly-burly of events The idea was utterly hateful and repugnant The idle of all hobbledehoys [hobbledehoys = gawky adolescent boy] The ignoble exploitation of public interests The imminent fatality awaiting him The impulse of prejudice or caprice The incorrigibility of perverse human nature The incursions of a venomous rabble The indulgence of an overweening self-conceit The inevitable climax and culmination The inference is inescapable The infirmity and fallibility of human nature The inflexible serenity of the wheeling sun The ingenuities of legal verbiage The inmost recesses of the human heart The insipidity of indifference The insolence of power The irony of circumstances The jaded weariness of overstrained living The jargon of well-handled and voice-worn phrases The jostling and ugliness of life The lawyer's habit of circumspection and delay The long-delayed hour of retribution The lowest grade of precarious mendacity [mendacity = untruthfulness] The makeshifts of mediocrity 100 Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases The malarious air of after-dinner gossip The mazes of conflicting testimony The mean and frivolous affections of the idle The menacing shadow of want The mere fruit of his distempered imagination The mere reversal of the wheel of fortune The merest smattering of knowledge The meticulous preciosity of the lawyer and the logician [preciosity = extreme overrefinement] The most absurd elementary questions The most amazing impudence The most exacting and exciting business The most fallacious of all fallacies The most implacable logic The most preposterous pride The multitudinous tongue of the people The outcome of unerring observation The outraged conscience of mankind The overpowering force of circumstances and necessity The overweening exercise of power The panacea for the evils of society The panorama of history The pernicious doctrines of skeptics The perpetrator of clumsy witticisms The precarious tenure of fame The precursor of violence The pretty and delicate game of talk 101 Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases The primitive instinct of self-preservation The property of little minds The prophecies of visionaries and enthusiasts The proprieties of etiquette The purse-proud inflation of the moneyed man The question was disconcertingly frank The ravening wolves of brute instinct The remark was sternly uncompromising The result of caprice The rigor of the law The sanction and authority of a great name The severest shocks of adverse fate The sharp and vehement assertion of authority The sinister influence of unprincipled men The speaker drew an indignant breath The springs of human action The staple of conversation The stillness of finality The stings of self-reproach The straightforward path of inexorable logic The strong hand of executive authority The sum and fruit of experience The sum total of her impressions was negative The summit of excellence The supernatural prescience of prophecy The sweet indulgence of good-nature 102 Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases The sycophants of the rich [sycophant = servile self-seeker attempting to win favor by flattery] The taint of fretful ingratitude The talk flowed The target for ill-informed criticism The tears welled up and flowed abundantly The tediousness of inactivity The tendency to evade implicit obligations The ties of a common cause The tranquil aspects of society The tribute of affectionate applause The ultimate verdict of mankind The unbroken habit of a lifetime The unimpeachable correctness of his demeanor The unlicensed indulgence of curiosity The unsophisticated period of youth The utmost excitement and agitation The vanishing thoughtlessness of youth The vanity and conceit of insular self-satisfaction The very texture of man's soul and life The victim of an increasing irritability The victorious assertion of personality The virtue of taciturnity [taciturnity = habitually untalkative] The voice was sharp and peremptory [peremptory = ending all debate or action] The want of serious and sustained thinking The widest compass of human life The wonderful pageant of consciousness 103 Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases The words stabbed him Their authenticity may be greatly questioned Their indignation waxed fast and furious Themes of perennial interest There was a blank silence There was no sense of diminution They affected the tone of an impartial observer They rent the air with shouts and acclamations Thoughts which mock at human life Through ever-widening circles of devastation Through the distortions of prejudice Thwarted by seeming insuperable obstacles Time was dissolving the circle of his friends Times of unexampled difficulty Tinseled over with a gaudy embellishment of words To a practised eye To be sedulously avoided [sedulously = persevering] To prosecute a scheme of personal ambition To state the case is to prove it Too preposterous for belief Too puerile to notice Too sanguine a forecast [sanguine = cheerfully confident; optimistic] Torn asunder by eternal strife Totally detached from all factions Touched with a sort of reverential gratitude Transcend the bounds of human credulity 104 Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases Transitory in its nature Transparent and ridiculous self-importance Treasured up with a timid and niggardly thrift Treated the idea with lofty scorn Tremendous exploits and thrilling escapades True incentives to knowledge U Unamiable and envious attributes Unbounded devotion and indulgence Uncharted oceans of thought Unconquerable fidelity to duty Under all conceivable circumstances Under the sway of arbitrary opinions Undertaken under propitious circumstances [propitious = auspicious, favorable; kindly] Uneasy sense of impending change Unequaled simplicity and directness of purpose Unexceptional in point of breeding Unexpected obstacles and inextricable difficulties Unfailing and miraculous foresight Unfeigned astonishment and indignation Unfounded and incredible calumnies [calumnies = maliciously false statements] Unhampered by binding alliances Universal in their signification Unjust and unrighteous persecution Unreasoning and unquestioning attachment Unrivaled beauty and excellence 105 Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases 106 Unrivaled gift of succinct and trenchant speech [trenchant = forceful, effective, vigorous; incisive; distinct] Unsparing industry and attention Unspeakably alluring and satisfying Unsurpassed in force and fitness Unswerving and unselfish fidelity Untiring enunciation of platitudes and fallacies Unutterably trivial and paltry Unwavering and unquestioning approbation [approbation = warm approval; praise] Unworthy and ungenerous treatment Upbraid ourselves with folly Urgent warning and admonition Utterly and essentially irreverent V Vast and vague aspirations Vastly complex and far-reaching problems Vehemently and indignantly repudiated Venerable and dignified conservatism Versatile and essentially original Versed in the arts of exciting tumult and sedition [sedition = insurrection; rebellion] Viewed in its general tenor and substance Vigorous and well compacted Violating all decency Violent and unforeseen vicissitudes [vicissitudes = sudden or unexpected changes] Vitiated by intolerance and shortsightedness [vitiated = reduce the value; corrupt morally; debase] Vivid even to oppressiveness Voracious and insatiable appetite Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases 107 Vulgar eagerness for place W Warnings too pregnant to be disregarded Warped by personal pretensions and self-consequence We may parenthetically note We must profoundly revere it Weigh the merits and demerits Welcomed at first with skeptical contempt Well-concerted and well-timed stratagems Whirled into rapid and ceaseless motion Wholesale friction and discontent Wholly devoid of public interest Widely divergent social traits Wield an unequaled and paramount authority Wiser counsels prevailed Withal decidedly handsome Written in indelible characters upon his heart Y Yield to urgent representations Z Zealous in the cause he affected to serve [Pencilled into the flyleaf: "A navy blue feeling where my heart used to be"] End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases, by Greenville Kleiser *** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK FIFTEEN THOUSAND USEFUL PHRASES *** ***** This file should be named 18362.txt or 18362.zip ***** This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: http://www.gutenberg.org/1/8/3/6/18362/ Produced by Don Kostuch Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases 108 Updated editions will replace the previous one the old editions will be renamed Creating the 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