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UBND HUYỆN PHƯỚC LONG PHÒNG GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI HUYỆN LỚP 9THCS NĂM HỌC 2006-2007 Môn : Tiếng Anh !"#$%%&' (")*+,phiếu trả lời %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -)).)./. 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Read the following letter and choose the option A, B, C or D which best fits each gap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ead the following passage then choose the option A, B, C or D which best answer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ach line in this text contains an unnecessary word. Choose A, B, C or D for the underlined word or phrase that would not be acceptable standard written English. '$-*.")0""*.6*8+8*".):> 2345 '8>*697+.+8*".):.)"*8"".9." 2345 'K.7")0".))*. 2345 ''+."*8:"%"8"K.""67*:8""+8*.. 2345 '=38*":.).")67*"8::989 2345 '?6*"."B.)8" 2345 =388))".7"D8...".):9 2345 =6*8"9*".:.+8"*...)." 2345 =&@06*.." 2345 =;2))*"):.9"0))0.*.%89".9):*.).*".)/." 2345 .* =$K."67*88"8)-+."*.:8 2345 =:*."0.))">97"D8.8". 2345 =+.8".6: )."8)9)."..8+).89."9*.06*)." 2345 VI. Form an acceptable sentences from these cue words. ='.:"*. T""& TU.); T.7"" $ 2&$; 3&$; 4$;& 5;&$ ==.))*. T"& T8; T0.....""::.$ F 2&$; 3$;& 4&;$ 5;&$ =?@. T+.8:8)& T"; T+$ F 2&$; 3$;& 4;&$ 5;$& ?J T.& T*8.*; 9."$ F 2&;$ 3&$; 4$&; 5;$& ?@. T:/.9"& T.""); T0 $ 2;&$ 3&;$ 4$&; 5;$& ?&@0* T.90& T/.8; TC)""."$ F 2$;& 3$&; 4;$& 5&;$ ?;4 T+ & T.; T"".$ 2&$; 3$&; 4;$& 5$&; ?$689 T/.8& T0; T$ 2;&$ 3&$; 4$&; 5;$& ? T8"."& T/...; T"$ F 2$&; 3;$& 4;&$ 5$;& ?C/.+ T+.:.& T/..; TR8P$ F 2&;$ 3;$& 4;&$ 5$;& ?'K*. 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D. interested =6"0.:.!*7"0))."611111111*>+86997* 2 B. after 4/. 5. ?@...9.)..0811111111.9.99.""../.)." 20 B. caring 4:. 5+. .+:.))./.90"11111111)+.:"8. 28 B. swept 40 5"08 %K0 )8V. %3."0.)+W8V. %48. )8XYZ>9[YZ A8)."*8."8).>+88)*"."))+11111111) 2 3 4.<." 59 &@..B.9.9.""."*8...9".9111111110.0"::..9 2)9 3). C. helping 5" - Helping:" *8::9/."+*.)\]^Y* %.9.) )_*^]+ %K.90..8".)":. ^"8_+#YZ# ;@.0""8".9.C)"0""11111111"".9./.+ C)9 29.:. 3)D89 C. fluent 5) $@.811111111". 9)*+.98.)." 2"). 3"". 49. D. ladder 11111111"" A80))" *").).: A. Reach 32/. 4. 54*. A87.)/.).5811111111"F 2:)) 3: C. feel 5+.*. '@."9.).>11111111".0))>0)..::""." 2" 3" C. leaning 5"8 ' ĐỀ THI CHÍNH THỨC P.`">>8 9a>a>V/#b ).".0))5a/Y =%G111111119.".8")FHIG+8*8."H 2@0:. 3@0) 4@0: 5@0*8 ?.)0"/.)>+8..0..011111111 A. intervals 3." 4.8" 5" 6./)Tcd/d)T Nef#+g#\h*i/jW>+i*>+8klm)e ) %2./):*8.":..".9e)"8*] &-"".9++98..".9>9"."*:"11111111 2..0 38" C. niece 5.) &J...9.B.>.+8")8911111111 2"*)." B. laughters 4*8".*." 5.B*. &&.::)"11111111 >9."9/. 2.<.9 B. turned 4.*/.9 5. &;6"..+0..611111111.".89":9))"F A. exchange 38 4). 5. C<.`*.:*.kbb>kbYn+,b C<289.<.:*.09))"-iX+ekYno ) C<60.<.9))"U.*9 &$.":.** 7"..**.9.9))*.9.""8)9+..8: .11111111:)9. 2)9 39 C. reach 5" &6/.)/...)0:")067/.011111111.".:. " A. accustomed 3:*) 48"8" 50. &.)9.07") 111111110.)./..)8"9..+.9* 2.<. 3.0". C. unless 5+8 &'J.7)))."911111110.7))/.)8 A. then 3"0 4**.9.) 5" &=6:.9"*.+ >697.7))+.1111111)":. 2")).9 B. able 4""+). 5: &?K."B8"...<*1111111* 2: B. on 4 5 ;-9..*.8)9+.1111111:8".)9."/.*.8":. .8"." 2/9.9 B. excluded 4..9 5."./.9 ;K*"/.+9+>0*.).:99::8)1111111 A. break 3+. 4+.. 58 ;&L*..).."91111111:.*8" 2/" B. view 4" 58. - VisionTc/ʒT"abm"]b>W)a>e^h"ab - View"abm\*b>\**f .).*./.0TJ.*./.0:.)."0.8.9.. D8e = `CB.*:./.0":*."8**>/..*8" `],pf*e/qr/s - Sight"]b>W)am"ab>e^b>"ab>"am#b ;;67*"6/.71111111.IJ978.+F 2"*. 3)" C. any 5)) ;$6:1111111:.>6"))8 20" B. is 40.. 50))+. ;!0.9."7..".1111111 29." 3" 499 D. used to ;6:0.908.099."">0.1111111" 8 2*. 30))*. 408)9*. D. would have come ;'@.1111111"0..9.".D8."" 2.< B. exactly 4.< 5.<.9 ;=M.9."".."1111111.8)9)*"+.0" 2).."" B. alike 4"*. 5."*. ;?@."8.".91111111 20997888)8.89..".F B. why you didn’t put your luggage under the seat 4099888)8.89..". 5099888)8.89..".F $J.0))08)8111111180 A. finish 3:".9 4/.:".9 50)):" $."8"1111111 A. so dirty that no one wants to eat there. 39.0"... 4"89.0"... 5.89.0"... $&@..:."):1111111 2." 3*.." 4"." D. to tennis $;IGJ9.""98).+..FHIG..1111111H 26.9:" 36.9:")46.9:" D. I tried on first $$6")."*".1111111 26)"" M B. I last saw John 46)"" M 56/.)"" M $-+.7)*091111111 2..6 B. neither can I 4..6 567 $59..))80*81111111F A. the book costs 39.".+"49.".+""5.+" $'1111111:6..* 260)).)" B. I will not get lost4608)9.)" 5608)9.)" $=A8*8"*.1111111 A. these children clean their teeth 3.".)9.).. 4.".)9.).. 5.".)9.).. $?2:..* .".."0../.1111111 2)"":+ " B. glasses of beer 4)"":+ 5)"".":+ " K."71111111 A. old enough to ride a motorbike 3.8)99.*+. 4.)9.89.*+. 5+.*.)99.*+. ? .8*+908:9:)*.>+80 9080. 8"8))."8)"1111111 A. death 38. 4"/ 5:*. !"#$%&'() &*+, &1111111"8"0/99")0"**8..8)8)*.""." 2K" 3K)" 4@" D. Gestures ;@.."9.911111110.".0")"<.")9 A. accident 39"". 4.9 5*":8. $J9781111111")9+).F67"8".).""0 20 B. discard 40". 5.*/. *-", !./ 291111111:C)"0)).)8:9B+*..") 20).9. 30"9* 4")) 5*.." N.7".*.9%1111111F A. To whom 3A.".9 459". 5E..) '@0)98)"..F%1111111 2*0 B. For two days 4K..".9 509" =IGJ.7/."".9..<*OH%G1111111H A. It’s great 3"7 4@0" 5J8)98)..* ?."*.:*8..7".*.."O%G111111111H 22) 36" C. I’m sorry 5679). IGP.7"."*..H%G111111111H 2A.">8")) 3A.">80)) 4A.">89 D. All right III. Read the following letter and choose the option A, B, C or D which best fits each gap. 5.-@)) J 11111189/.".*..C98)Q..>608)9).& 1111111:.:.")""88""::."89."00"8. .; 11111113"8/." 6*&&.")99/.B8"$ 1111111C)"R)):*.4*)8.". S/."-99>K6*/...".99-".7"9. C)" P.8.- 11111.."".C)")02)9J.@0./.>" )*"*""+).:*."89J...K>"."/.0.))%0608)9 .)) 9*.3S:8.)>. 11111":8/.": "8 8*.")*"*""+).608)9)"+.)/0:**.-." 8)9+8."*.09"* +8")) -' 11111111C)""96"".9.42-3E65CL"4.:..<*)" .09.2 6.80))= 1111111*) A8"8)> 4*.-. 2. B. reference 4.) 5. &29.*9 3.D8." 4D8. D. apply ;2 B. studies 4.."" 5"8+B." $2*)..9 3:".9 C. graduated 5"89.9 2.8) 3..) C. individual 58) 2+ 3.<.*. C. high 5.<."/. [...]... have you (2) / what (3) / got (4) A 3241 B 2413 C 4213 D 3142 95 That (1) / your cases (2) / over there (3) / is (4)? A 4123 B 3142 C.3241 D.4321 96 Ever been (1) / before (2) / have they (3) / to Phuoc Long (4)? A 1234 B 3142 C.3214 D 4321 97 Something (1) / like this at some stage (2) / most children (3) / do (4) A 1234 B 4321 C 3412 D 2431 98 Your daughter (1) / let (2) / you have forgiven her (3)... reluctantly and then quite by change stopped where a small crowd of men had gathered round the counter She found some good quality pipes on sale, and the prices were very reasonable Edith did not hesitate for long Although her father only smoked a pipe occasionally, she knew that this was a present which was bound to please him When she got home, with her small well-chosen present concealed in her handbag, . UBND HUYỆN PHƯỚC LONG PHÒNG GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI HUYỆN. .9.; T67*..$ 2&;$ 3&$; 4&$; 5$;& UBND HUYỆN PHƯỚC LONG PHÒNG GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI HUYỆN