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english grammar tests (630 pages)

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  • Tests


      • Speaking already

      • Drive carefully

      • Listen vs. Hear

      • Finish vs. End

      • Start vs. Begin

      • Modal Verbs

      • How to use the articles

      • Relative Pronouns

      • Present Tense

      • Conditionals

      • We went on holiday

      • Grammar Questions

      • An Easy Question

      • Learn it by heart

      • White Water Rafting

      • Where am I?

      • Remove the Spoon

      • Weather Forecast

      • On TV tonight

      • The Bells

      • Sailing

      • Responses (1)

      • Responses (2)

      • Responses (3)

      • Responses (4)

      • Responses (5)

      • Responses (6)

      • Responses (7)

      • Question Tags (1)

      • Question Tags (2)

      • Question Tags (3)

      • Object Pronoun

      • Relative Pronoun Exercises

      • Reflexive Pronouns

      • Basic American English

      • Basic English Grammar

      • Basic Weather Expressions

      • Basic English Expressions

      • Elementary English Grammar

      • Question Words

      • Common Prepositions

      • Modal Verb Questions

      • Elementary Grammar Questions

      • English Grammar Exercise

      • Much, many, a lot, lots

      • Elementary Adjectives

      • Chit Chat: At the bus stop

      • Chit Chat: Talking about the Doctor

      • Chit Chat: In the Aeroplane

      • Chit Chat: At the pub

      • Chit Chat: At the restaurant

      • Chit Chat: On the phone

      • Chit Chat: In the theatre

      • Chit Chat: In the supermarket

      • Chit Chat: In the train

      • Other, another, others, the others

      • Adjective Prepositions Constructions

      • Anything, nothing, something, everything

      • American homophones

      • Pronouns: who, whose, whom, which

      • Some, any, few, little

      • Prepositons Test

      • Past Participle Sentences

      • ESL Prepositions

      • Common English Errors (1)

      • Common English Errors (2)

      • Common English Errors (3)

      • Common English Errors (4)

      • Common Quantity Nouns

      • Using Make and Do (1)

      • Using Prepositions

      • Using Make and Do (2)

      • Why Questions

      • While, during and for

      • auxiliary verbs: was, did, have

      • prepositions of time: for, ago, since, on, at

      • Common English phrases with prepositions

      • Articles in English Grammar

      • a, some or any

      • Interrogative pronouns

      • Possessive pronouns

      • Phrasal verbs

      • Agatha Christie test questions

      • Conjunctions: and, but, or, so

      • Compound words with tooth

    • English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # 1

      • Like a red rag

      • If you tend to forget

      • Easy Questions

      • Do, make, get, take

      • The Farmer and his Sons

      • A Holiday Report

      • Going on foot

      • Say vs. Tell

      • Close vs. Shut

      • At the Restaurant

      • At the Theatre

      • Popular Idioms

      • Popular Garden Idioms

      • Eating Out

      • Hot and Cold

      • A Collision - Finish this Story

      • Will or Shall?

      • The two Butter Frogs

      • Cross Questions

      • Leave me alone

      • What now?

      • Wrapped round her finger

      • The Ants and the Grasshopper

      • The Two Dogs

      • The Hare and the Tortoise

      • Who has done it?

      • Life on Mars?

      • Story (1)

      • Story (2)

      • Story (3)

      • Go for it

      • Eating Disorder

      • Save the Day

      • Yes, Yes, Yes

      • Do you mind?

      • Good Bye

      • Keeping it Quiet

      • A Crying Shame

      • Speaking: At the Theatre

      • Speaking: At the Supermarket

      • Speaking: At the Station

      • Speaking: The Broadcast

      • Speaking: The Wedding

      • Speaking: Political Party

      • Cinemas

      • Lots of Stuff

      • Hear my Story

      • High and Low

      • A Night Out

      • Lots of Pieces

      • Testing, Testing

      • Cliches

      • Losing It (1)

      • Losing It (2)

      • How to ask a question

      • How to attract someone

      • How to compliment

      • Modal Medley

      • Christmas Postman (1)

      • Christmas Postman (2)

      • Christmas Postman (3)

      • Christmas Postman (4)

      • Tick Tock

      • Company Decisions

      • Save Our Animals (1)

      • Save Our Animals (2)

      • Save Our Animals (3)

      • Simple Present (1)

      • Simple Present (2)

      • Simple Present (3)

      • Simple Present (4)

      • Simple Present (5)

      • Tenses (1)

      • Tenses (2)

      • Tenses (3)

      • Hotchpotch

      • Student Teacher Dialogue (1)

      • Student Teacher Dialogue (2)

      • Student Teacher Dialogue (3)

      • Phrasal Verb: Walk

      • Charlie's Knees

      • Paper expressions

      • Verb Tenses

      • English Tenses

      • Conditional Tenses

      • Sleep Expressions

      • English tense explanations

      • English tense explanations (2)

      • Idioms with the phrasal verb come

      • Idioms with the phrasal verb look

      • Time clauses: future tense examples

      • Idioms with the phrasal verb bring

      • Question / Response Test

      • Short Idioms Exam

      • Conversations and Comprehension Test

      • Compound words: someone, anyone, somewhere

      • Idioms with the phrasal verb break

      • financial and bank expressions

      • Idioms with the phrasal verb run

      • Traveling Downunder: How can I immigrate to Australia?

      • How to describe people: attitude expressions

      • Comparison with as .... as

      • English grammar and vocabulary questions

      • Compound words: aftermath, afterthought, afterbirth

      • Idioms with the phrasal verb drop

      • Idioms with the phrasal verb pass

      • Airport and flight travel expressions

      • Digital cameras, photography and picture vocabulary

      • Expressions with death, marriage and divorce

      • Mobile telecommunication expressions

      • Idioms with the phrasal verb pull

      • Idioms with the phrasal verb get

      • Idioms with the phrasal verb go

      • Phrasal Verbs (A to B)

      • Phrasal Verbs (B to C)

      • Action verbs and sports expressions

      • English prepositions exercises

      • this, that, these, those

      • Common subordinating conjunctions

      • Reflexive and intensive pronouns

      • Simple Present, Simple Past, Simple Future

      • Expressions with ill: ill at ease, ill-mannered

      • Idioms with the prasal verb fall

      • Idioms with the phrasal verb put

      • Reported commands: reported speech

      • Doing business: expressions with the word business

      • Australiana: expressions that describe life in Australia

      • Facts about pizza in the US: pizza industry expressions

      • Who wants to be a millionaire?

      • Pablo Picasso: expressions describing the Picasso's life

      • Words in context: strong collocations

      • Expressions with heart: heartache, heartthrob, heartburn

      • Idioms with the phrasal verb knock

      • Idioms and expressions with just: just about, just before

      • American Presidents - William Jefferson Clinton

      • Idioms - hard

      • Compound words: head

      • Phrasal Verbs (C)

      • Phrasal Verbs (D to F)

      • Phrasal Verbs (G to H)

      • Phrasal Verbs (H to L)

      • Phrasal Verbs (L)

      • Phrasal Verbs (L to P)

      • Phrasal Verbs (P to R)

      • Phrasal Verbs (R to T)

      • Phrasal Verbs (T)

      • Phrasal Verbs (T to W)

      • Idioms about Animals

      • Idioms about Food

      • Prepositions of Time and Date (1)

      • Prepositions of Time and Date (2)

      • Prepositions of Time and Date (3)

      • Prepositions of Time and Date (4)

      • What Comes Next? (1)

      • What Comes Next? (2)

      • What Comes Next? (3)

      • What Comes Next? (4)

      • What Comes Next? (5)

    • English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 1

      • Newspaper Headlines

      • Learning tips and instructions

      • Phrasal Verbs

      • Time Expressions (1)

      • Time Expressions (2)

      • Interviews and Jobs

      • At the Doctors

      • Mistaken Identity

      • Letter Writing (1)

      • Letter Writing (2)

      • Letter Writing (3)

      • Letter Writing (4)

      • Flying across the Channel

      • Teaching your Wife to Drive

      • One is always going to lose...

      • A Public Figure

      • State Secrets

      • The News

      • Talking through his hat

      • Consider this

      • Scandal

      • You have to go

      • Speed

      • Up in the Clouds

      • Papers

      • Bones

      • Lucky You

      • Stages

      • Venus

      • Trains

      • Bite, Bit, Bitten

      • Issues

      • What a Cracker

      • Lunch is served

      • Dry as you like

      • Back Again

      • Bearing Information

      • What the Devil

      • Two For You

      • At the End of the Day (1)

      • At the End of the Day (2)

Nội dung

© 2003—2006 www.english-test.net TESTS English Grammar (Tests) © 2003—2006 www.english-test.net 1. elementary-1 English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 1 Speaking already Q1 Can you hear what he is ? (a) saying (b) speaking (c) telling (d) talking Q2 She hasn't come home (a) still (b) already (c) yet (d) till Q3 I TV yesterday evening. (a) saw (b) looked (c) viewed (d) watched Q4 We live the city centre. (a) near (b) next (c) by (d) nearby Q5 She looks a famous film star. (a) as (b) like (c) similar (d) same Q6 This television gives you the news. (a) last (b) latest (c) least (d) later Q7 I only one mistake in last night's test. (a) made (b) done (c) did (d) make Q8 I want you to tell me the truth. (a) all (b) exact (c) real (d) whole Q9 He is looking a present to buy his girlfriend. (a) for (b) at (c) in (d) on Q10 That's what I would like Christmas. (a) for (b) at (c) in (d) on © 2003—2006 www.english-test.net 2. elementary-2 English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 2 Drive carefully Q1 You must not drink and then a car. (a) lead (b) drive (c) take (d) guide Q2 Please be when you cross this road. (a) careless (b) carefree (c) caring (d) careful Q3 Do what you like, I really don't (a) concern (b) interested (c) dislike (d) mind Q4 If you want to that book remember to bring it back. (a) borrow (b) lend (c) loan (d) owe Q5 When your train arrives, I'll you from the station. (a) take (b) bring (c) fetch (d) remove Q6 I always get early in the summer. (a) up (b) over (c) through (d) on Q7 When you first meet someone, you usually shake them the hand. (a) with (b) on (c) in (d) by Q8 I have never her before. (a) saw (b) seeing (c) seen (d) see Q9 The teacher asked her students to do their (a) housework (b) homework (c) home duty (d) house job Q10 The police officer told the children always to tell the (a) true (b) facts (c) information (d) truth © 2003—2006 www.english-test.net 3. elementary-3 English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 3 Listen vs. Hear Q1 I'm terribly sorry but I what you said just now and I wonder if you could repeat it. (a) wasn't listen to (b) wasn't hearing (c) didn't hear (d) didn't hearing Q2 I attentively to the lecture on philosophy but I still didn't understand much of it. (a) heard (b) listened (c) was hearing (d) was listen Q3 Can you me all right over there because you are rather a long way away? (a) listening (b) hearing (c) listen (d) hear Q4 I what you are saying but that still doesn't make me want to change my mind one little bit. (a) listen (b) hear (c) am listing (d) am hearing Q5 I to the concert every Monday on the radio and I imagine I am there listening to it in person. (a) listen (b) am listening (c) hear (d) am hearing Q6 I should explain that he finds it very difficult to follow your conversation because he is very hard of (a) listen to (b) listening (c) to hear (d) hearing Q7 Now will you please me and pay attention to what I'm saying because it's very important. (a) hear (b) listen to (c) hearing (d) listening to Q8 You've been making so much noise with your music that people at the far end of the road can you. (a) listen to (b) listening to (c) hear (d) hearing Q9 He sometimes pretends he can't a single word you are saying but all the time he's taking it all in. (a) listen to (b) listening to (c) hear (d) hearing Q10 I have been strange stories about you recently but I do hope that there is no substance in them. (a) listened to (b) listening to (c) heard (d) hearing © 2003—2006 www.english-test.net 4. elementary-4 English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 4 Finish vs. End Q1 The brothers will school both together at the end of this year. (a) end (b) ending (c) finish (d) finishes Q2 They wanted their daughter to improve her social skills and sent her to the famous school in Switzerland. (a) ends (b) ending (c) finishes (d) finishing Q3 You can't miss it, it's that tall building right at the of the road. (a) end (b) ends (c) finish (d) finishes Q4 Sadly their marriage of 25 years in divorce. (a) ends (b) ended (c) finishes (d) finished Q5 It didn't take long for the children to off the cakes and pastries that had not been eaten at the party. (a) end (b) ending (c) finish (d) finishing Q6 He thought they would all share the cost of the meal but unfortunately he up paying for everybody. (a) end (b) ended (c) finish (d) finished Q7 After the children had doing their homework, the whole family watched television. (a) ends (b) ended (c) fnishes (d) finished Q8 You could tell the time by him because he always work at exactly the same time every day. (a) ends (b) ended (c) finish (d) finished Q9 I've written practically the whole book except for the last part and I just don't know how to the story. (a) end (b) ending (c) finish (d) finishing Q10 To most people it seemed like a long and successful relationship and so it was a great surprise to learn that they had with each other. (a) ends (b) ended (c) finishes (d) finished © 2003—2006 www.english-test.net 5. elementary-5 English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 5 Start vs. Begin Q1 I my car to make sure it worked about ten mintues before I drove to work. (a) began (b) started (c) begin (d) start Q2 My car very rarely first time when the weather is really cold. (a) begins (b) beginning (c) starting (d) starts Q3 We off early on the first day of summer so that we could see the sun rise. (a) began (b) started (c) starting (d) beginning Q4 I read the of that book but I couldn't possibly read the whole story. (a) starting (b) start (c) beginning (d) begin Q5 I can't to understand why anyone would want to be cruel to animals. (a) start (b) begin (c) starts (d) begins Q6 He off at me again simply because I had forgotten to lock the back door after I came home. (a) started (b) began (c) begun (d) starts Q7 I won a lot of money by betting on that horse but it was simply a case of luck. (a) start's (b) starter's (c) beginner's (d) beginning's Q8 As far as I was concerned when the accident happened, it was the of the end. (a) start (b) begin (c) starting (d) beginning Q9 Who would like to off the debate? (a) begin (b) start (c) begins (d) starting Q10 I would greatly appreciate it if you didn't up that old argument again. (a) start (b) begin (c) starts (d) begins © 2003—2006 www.english-test.net 6. elementary-6 English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 6 Modal Verbs Q1 I go to see the doctor last week because I was very ill. (a) must (b) must to (c) had to Q2 I could bought that car but I didn't have enough money to pay for the petrol. (a) had (b) have (c) have to Q3 I go now because I am already late for my class. (a) must (b) had (c) have Q4 I may able to come to your party if I have the time. (a) be (b) being (c) being to Q5 Do you clean the house every day or every week? (a) must (b) have (c) have to Q6 I speak French without a problem now because I have had many lessons. (a) may (b) can (c) have Q7 They do their homework today because it is a holiday at the school. (a) must not (b) don't have (c) don't have to Q8 I help you with your shopping because you have a lot of bags. (a) ought (b) ought to (c) thought Q9 When will you come and see us in our new house? (a) can (b) be able to (c) must Q10 I may go to Paris next week because there is a very big exhibition there. (a) have (b) have to (c) had © 2003—2006 www.english-test.net 7. elementary-7 English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 7 How to use the articles Q1 I only want little sugar in my tea, please. (a) a (b) the (c) such Q2 In end we decided not to go to the cinema but to watch television. (a) the (b) this (c) an Q3 It is important sometimes to stop and look around you at all the wonderful things (a) nature (b) in nature (c) in the nature Q4 It is book that I have ever read. (a) funniest (b) a funniest (c) the funniest Q5 I want to go to the cinema to see a film about and the French. (a) France (b) a France (c) the France Q6 Can anyone give me please because I have just fallen over? (a) hand (b) a hand (c) the hand Q7 The interesting thing about is all the roads that they built in Britain. (a) Romans (b) a Romans (c) the Romans Q8 She always said that when she grew up she wanted to be (a) doctor (b) a doctor (c) the doctor Q9 I have left my book in and I would like you to get it for me. (a) kitchen (b) a kitchen (c) the kitchen Q10 Are you studying foreign languages at school, like ? (a) French (b) a French (c) the French © 2003—2006 www.english-test.net 8. elementary-8 English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 8 Relative Pronouns Q1 is that sitting over there in the corner? (a) Who (b) Whom (c) Which Q2 I don't understand a word you are talking about. (a) what (b) that (c) who Q3 They have a very large house round there are some lovely gardens. (a) that (b) which (c) whose Q4 I'm looking at the photograph you sent me with your letter. (a) which (b) who (c) whom Q5 There is a new television programme called: ' wants to be a millionaire?'. (a) Which (b) What (c) Who Q6 I think you will see that this is the best museum you can find in the town. (a) that (b) which (c) who Q7 The police want to find out drove the red car into the shop window. (a) who (b) who's (c) whose Q8 Did you meet the lady uncle works in the library? (a) who (b) whose (c) who's Q9 The person in the house next to mine knows someone met the Queen. (a) who (b) whom (c) which Q10 The grass, I cut every week, seems to grow very quickly. (a) who (b) who's (c) which © 2003—2006 www.english-test.net 9. elementary-9 English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 9 Present Tense Q1 I her every day and she never says hello to me. (a) see (b) am seeing (c) will see Q2 What is the name of that picture which you on the wall. (a) look at (b) is looking at (c) are looking at Q3 to see that film that is on at the cinema next week? (a) Do you go (b) Is you going (c) Are you going Q4 every single thing which that man says? (a) Do you believe (b) Is you believing (c) Are you believing Q5 Sometimes I what the teacher says to me. (a) don't understand (b) am not understanding (c) understand not Q6 Later tonight I my uncle, who is ill in hospital. (a) visit (b) am visiting (c) are visiting Q7 Why late every time we arrange to meet? (a) is he (b) he is (c) is he being Q8 by air because the cost of flying is very high. (a) I don't often travel (c) I'll not often travelling (b) I'm not often travelling Q9 Next time you to my house, you must bring that book. (a) come (b) is coming (c) are coming Q10 I to remember your name but I'm afraid I can't remember it. (a) try (b) am trying (c) will trying [...]... I believe it is to hold a door open for a lady (a) politic (b) polite Q10 It is considered bad to shout at someone (a) habits (b) ways © 2003—2006 www .english- test.net 12 elementary-12 English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 12 Grammar Questions Q1 Which of these is a noun? It is (a) thing Q2 (b) think (b) He's been taken there (d) He will have been there Which of these is a preposition?... wax on his wings melted and the feathers worked free and he fell on the ground and died (a) itself (b) yourselves (c) themselves © 2003—2006 www .english- test.net 35 elementary-35 English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 35 Basic American English Q1 Anna is (a) teacher Q2 (d) no (b) get (c) take (d) like (b) or (c) but (d) of (b) very (c) any (d) all (b) friend (c) television (d)... been going there Q3 (c) that (b) they Which of these is a gerund? It is (a) go (b) goes Q10 Which of these is a past participle? It is (a) believing (b) believed © 2003—2006 www .english- test.net 13 elementary-13 English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 13 An Easy Question Q1 What exercise do you like doing of all? (a) next Q2 (c) immediately (d) easily (b) follow (c) find (d) choose... what you like doing least of .? (a) everything (b) all (c) entire (d) that (c) putting (d) picking Q10 Oh, that's easy — to answer this test! (a) trying (b) falling © 2003—2006 www .english- test.net 14 elementary-14 English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 14 Learn it by heart Q1 I don't know how to learn new words by heart (a) some time Q2 (c) in (b) well (c) free (b) for (c) of (b)... to fulfil our contract (a) reliable (b) able (c) capable Q10 Don't worry, we are quite flexible and can make changes at time whatsoever (a) some (b) any (c) one © 2003—2006 www .english- test.net 15 elementary-15 English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 15 White Water Rafting Q1 You must admit flying in a hot air balloon is an amazing (a) expression Q2 (c) on (b) will (c) should... laughing at you (a) good (b) well (c) fine Q10 All right you win I promise I won't bring it again Why don't just we go white water rafting instead? (a) on (b) up (c) in © 2003—2006 www .english- test.net 16 elementary-16 English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 16 Where am I? Q1 Excuse me I if you can help me (a) expect Q2 (d) difficult (c) map (d) drawing (c) control (d) follow (c) driving... lost (a) problem Q4 (c) believe I certainly will if I (a) could Q3 (b) hope Why do you that? (a) tell Q10 Because you're in that road now (a) simply (b) obviously © 2003—2006 www .english- test.net 17 elementary-17 English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 17 Remove the Spoon Q1 What to be the trouble? (a) ought Q2 (c) detail (d) fact (b) shoot (c) feel (d) pain (b) lot (c) huge (d)... doctor I'm sorry I you (a) intervened (b) intersected Q10 Next time you drink tea with sugar, don't forget to the spoon (a) reject (b) replace (c) repeat (d) remove © 2003—2006 www .english- test.net 18 elementary-18 English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 18 Weather Forecast Q1 Now let's go to our weather forecaster, Mary (a) on Q2 (c) weighing (d) dragging (b) carry (c) produce (d)... (b) appearance But you'll have to be quick because it soon (a) despairs (b) disappoints Q10 And of course after that our old friend rain (a) repeats (b) reports © 2003—2006 www .english- test.net 19 elementary-19 English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 19 On TV tonight Q1 Good evening Let me tell you what's in for you on television tonight (a) shop Q2 (c) out (d) in (b) popular... as far as I'm concerned (a) boring (b) bored (c) board (d) boarding (c) going (d) taking Q10 Because after the news Penny and I are on a date (a) doing (b) making © 2003—2006 www .english- test.net 20 elementary-20 English Grammar / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 20 The Bells Q1 Don't you those bells ? (a) ponder Q2 (c) along (d) through (b) find (c) go (d) leave (b) point (c) idea (d) use

Ngày đăng: 20/06/2015, 01:53

