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Bài tập Danh động từ hoàn thành và Phân từ hoàn thành (Perfect gerunds and participles)

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I. Choose the best answer. 1. We soon got the machine _______ again. a. to work b. work c. working d. worked 2. I caught him _______ over my wall. a. to climb b. climb c. having climbed d. climbing 3. I hate _______ a child _______ . a. see/ crying b. see/ cry c. seeing / to cry d. seeing / cry 4. I observed a blue car ________ very fast towards the motorways. a. having driven b. driven c. driving d. drove 5. The girls lay ______ on the grass. a. to scream b. screaming c. having screamed d. scream 6. I noticed a lorry ______ down the hill. a. to come b. came c. coming d. having come 7. The police accused him of _______ fire to the building but he denied having been in the area on the night of the fire. a. setting b. set c. to set d. having set 8. _______ that he was poor, I offered to pay his fare. a. Know b. Having known c. Knowing d. Knew 9. When the painter felt the ladder _______ to slip, he grabbed the gutter to save him from _______ . a. to begin/ falling b. began/ falling c. beginning/ falling d. begun/ falling 10. _______ that he wouldn’t be able to buy food on his journey he took large supplies with him. a. Knowing b. Know c. Having known d. Knew 11. He sees me _____ his house everyday. a. pass b. passing c. to pass d. having passed 12. The girl ______ with her toys is my younger sister. a. playing b. play c. having played d. played 13. I won’t have him ______ his bike in the kitchen. a. clean b. cleaning c. having cleaned d. cleaned 14. Jane is busy ______ for the school concert. a. to practice b. practice c. practicing d. having practiced 15. ______ a nurse, she knew what to do after the accident. a. Being b. Be c. To be d. having been II. Complete the following sentences with perfect gerund or perfect participle. 1. He was accused of ( desert) ________ his ship. 2. He denied ( be) _______ there. 3. The children admitted ( take) _________ the money. 4. I object to him _______ (make) private calls on the office phone. 5. ___________ ( be) his own boss for such a long time, he found it hard to accept orders from another. 6. ___________ ( tie) one end of the rope to his bed, he threw the other end out of the window. 7. ____________ ( read) the instruction, he snatched up the fire extinguisher. 8. Peter denied ( see) _______ the accused man on the day of the crime. 9. ___________ ( complete) the book, he had a holiday. 10. Last year I studied abroad. I appreciate ____________ ( have) the opportunity to live and study in a foreign country. 11. ____________ ( photocopy) all the papers, Daisy put them back in the file. 12. ____________ ( park) the car about a kilometre from the stadium, I walked the rest of the way. III. Choose the best answer. 1. _______ for twelve hours, I felt marvelous. a. Having slept b. have slept c. Having been slept d. have been slept 2. By the time their baby arrives, the Johnson hope _______ painting and decorating the new nursery. a. having finished b. to have finished c. having been finished d. to have been finished 3. She’s angry about _______ to the farewell party last night. a. not having invited b. not to have invited c. not having been invited d. not to have been invited 4. We decided not to travel, _______ the terrible weather forecast. a. having heard b. to have heard c. having been heard d. to have been heard 5. I don’t recall ______ him at the conference. a. having seen b. to have seen c. having been seen d. to have been seen 6. _______ in dark colors, the room needed some bright lights. a. Having painted b. To have painted c. Having been painted d. To have been painted 7. The stockbroker denied ________ of the secret business deal. a. having informed b. to have informed c. having been informed d. to have been informed 8. They now reget ______ their son by providing too many material possessions. a. having spoiled b. to have spoiled c. having been spoiled d. to have been spoiled 9. _______ to the party, we could hardly refuse to go. a. Having invited b. To have invited c. Having been invited d. To have been invited 10. Tom made a bad mistake at work, but his boss didn’t fire him. He’s lucky ______ a second chance. a. having given b. to have given c. having been given d. to have been given 11. Are you sure you told me? I don’t recall ______ about it. a. having told b. to have told c. having been told d. to have been told 12. _______ the book, he had a holiday. a. Having completed b. to have completed c. having been completed d. to have been completed 13. The accident seems_______ at around 1.00 p.m. yesterday. a. to have happened b. having happened c. having been happened d. to have been happened 14. Last year I studied abroad. I appreciate _______ the opportunity to live and study in a foreign country. a. having been had b. having had c. to have had d. to have been had 15. _______ all the papers, Sarah put them back in the file. a. To have photocopied b. Having photocopied c. to have been photocopied d. Having been photocopied 16. Our mechanic siad that he expects ________ the brake on the car before we pick it up. a. to have been fixed b. to have fixed c. having fixed d. having been fixed 17. ______ by the boy’ behavoir, she complained to the head teacher. a. She annoyed b. Annoyed c. She was annoyed d. Annoying 18. ______ a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner. a. Finding b. We found c. Found d. Having found 19. The children enjoy _______ on fishing trips. a. taking b. to be taken c. being taken d. having taken 20. We were shocked to hear the news of your _______ . a. having fired b. to be fired c. having been fired d. to have been fired 21. Martin denied ______ the accused man on the day of the crime. a. to see b. of having seen c. to have seen d. having seen 22. Tom was accused of _______ some top secret document. a. steal b. having stolen c. stealing d. to have stolen 23. I obbject to him ______ private calls on the office phone. a. having made b. to have made c. to have been made d. having been made 24. ______ hid own boss for such a long time, he found it hard to accept orders from another. a. To have been b. Having been c. To having been d. Have been 25. They denied _______ there. a. have been b. to have been c. having been d. to having been 26. ______ one end of the rope to his bed, he threw the other end out the window. a. Have tie b. Having tied c. Having tie d. Have been tired 27. _______ the instruction, he snatched up the fire extinguisher. a. Have read b. To have read c. Have been read d. Having read 28. The children admitted ______ the money. a. having taken b. have taken c. having take d. having been taken 30. ______ twice, he didn’t want to try again. a. Having fail b. Have failed c. Having failed d. T o have failed IV. Rewrite the sentences beginning with an appropriate participle ( present, past or perfect). 1. When she saw the dog coming towards her, she quickly crossed the road. 2. If it is looked after carefully, the plant can live through the winter. 3. As I don’t have a credit card, I found it difficult to book an airline ticket over the phone. 4. Keith spent a lot of time filling in job application forms because he was unemployed. 5. Because I was walking quickly, I soon caught up with her. 6. The house was built of wood, so it was clearly a fire risk. 7. I was eager to catch the bus in good time because I had been told off the day before for arriving late. 8. She didn’t know where the theater was, so she asked for directions at the hotel reception. 9. As she was a nurse, she knew what to do after the accident. 10. He had spent his childhood in Oslo so he knew the city well. 11. The fruit was expensive because it was imported. 12. We has spent nearly all our money so we couldn’t afford to stay at a hotel. 13. As we didn’t want to offend him, we said nothing about his paintings. 14. Although James is known mainly as a write of novel, he has now written a successful biography. 15. Although it had been hunted close to extinction, the rhino is once again common in this area. . holiday. 10. Last year I studied abroad. I appreciate ____________ ( have) the opportunity to live and study in a foreign country. 11. ____________ ( photocopy) all the papers, Daisy put them back. been slept d. have been slept 2. By the time their baby arrives, the Johnson hope _______ painting and decorating the new nursery. a. having finished b. to have finished c. having been finished. have been happened 14. Last year I studied abroad. I appreciate _______ the opportunity to live and study in a foreign country. a. having been had b. having had c. to have had d. to have been

Ngày đăng: 03/06/2015, 09:09

