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Dinh Tuong , Hue university college of foreign languages 1. Gap Filling – 1 1- I to him for the past month. A. didn’t speak B. haven’t spoken 2- Professionals….as doctors and lawyers. A. lie B. such 3- The dog’s….the field. A. in B. at 4- The doctor,….saw me in the afternoon. A. who B. that 5- The nurse….saw me in the afternoon. A. who B. which 6- Something….to be done about it. A. ought B. should 7- I didn’t see…. A. anyone B. no-one 8- She didn’t….finish it. A. quite B. quiet 9- The….film I’ve ever seen. A. worse B. worst 10- The worst play I’ve….seen A. never B. ever 11- I saw…. A. anybody B. nobody 12- Something….be done about it. A. ought B. should 13- We….better be off now. A. had B. would 14- It’s about a journey up…. A. the Amazon B. Amazon 15- We stayed at….Hotel. A. Grand B. the Grand 16-….people A. Many B. Many of 17- The house….I was born A. where B. which 18- The house….I was born in A. where B. which 19- The house in….I was born A. where B. which 20-….least. A. at B. in 21- It didn’t bother me….the least. A. at B. in 22- According….the media. A. to B. with 23- In accordance….the regulations. A. to B. with 24- She took it….her bag. A. from B. out 25. She too it….of her bag. A. from B. out 26. It was….hot to drink. A. too B. such 27- It was….hot that I couldn’t drink it. A. so B. too 28- It was….hot to touch A. too B. so 29- It was….a nice day. A. so B. such 30- The weather was….nice. A. so B. such 31- It all happened….quickly. A. so B. such 32- ….the people A. Many B. Many of 1 2. Journey, Travel & Trip 1- She’s away on a business…. A. journey B. travel C. trip 2- My….to wor takes an hour. A. journey B. travel C. trip 7- Which is the American spelling? A. Traveled B. Travelled 8- Which is the British spelling? A. Traveled B. Travelled 3- I’ve got to pick up the tickets from the agent A. joyrney B. travel C. trip 4- I’m going to….by train. A. journey B. travel C. trip 5- We went on a day….to see Stonehenge. A. journey B. travel C. trip 6- The….by road is very slow. A. journey B. travel C. trip 9- I’m going to take a year out to…round the world. A. journey B. travel C. trip 10- The high speed train will cut the….by an hour. A. journey B. travel 11- Have you read ‘The….of Marco Polo’? A. travel B. travels 3. Sport, Play, Go & Do 1- I….swimming twice a week. A. do B. go C. play 2- You….football. A. do B. go C. play 3- They….finish. A. do B. go C. play 4- People….aerobics. A. do B. go C. play 5. You….golf. A. do B. go C. play 6- They….gymnastics. A. do B. go C. play 7- People….crickets. A. do B. go C. play 8- You….athletics. A. do B. go C. play 9- You….skiing. A. do B. go C. play 10- You….rugby. A. do B. go C. play 4. Holiday & Holidays 1- They’re away on….next week. A. holiday B. holidays 2- I met her…. The summer holidays. A. on B. in 3- The school….star next week. A. holiday B. holidays 4- The first Monday in May is a….holiday in the UK. A. bank B. public 5- I had….wonderful holiday in Thailand. A. a B. the C. X 6- I’ taking some time….work, but I’m not going away. A. up B. off 7- It was the best….I’ve ever had. A. holiday B. holidays 2 5. Pay & Pay for 1- You must….your taxes. A. pay B. pay for 2- She….dinner. A. paid B. paid fof 6- I….the book. A. paid $20 B. paid $20 for C. paid for $20 7- I must….my library fine. A. pay B. pay for 3- I….cash. A. paid for B. paid in C. paid by 4- Who….the bill? A. paid B. paid for 5- I got the bill and….the waiter. A. paid B. paid for 8- I….credit card. A. paid for B. paid by C. paid in 9- He’ll….the trouble he has caused! A. pay B. pay for 10- I had to….the lawyer’s fee. A. pay B. pay for 11- I paid the cheque…. My account. A. into B. by 6. Rob & Steal 1- Someone….my wallet on the train to work. A. robbed B. stole 2- I was attacked and….last night. A. robbed B. stolen 3- My car was….; they took the CD player. A. robbed B. stolen 4- The insurance company has provided a courtesy car because hers was…. A. robbed B. stolen 5- The bank was…. A. robbed B. stolen 6- Thieves….a Van Gogh painting from the museum last night. A. robbed B. stole 7- He’s been accused of….from his company. A. rob B. robbing C. steal D. stealing 8- The tief….thousand of Euros from the store. A. robbed B. stole 9- Who do you think….you? A. robbed B. stole 10- The robbers….millions of pounds. A. robbed B. stole 7. Look, See & Watch 1- He’s very shy and doesn’t….you in the eye. A. look B. see C. watch 2- Did you….the advert in the newspaper? A. see B. watch 3- I can’t….much in this lght. A. see B. watch C. look 6-….out! There’s some water on the floor. A. Look B. See 7- Did you….the football last night? A. look at B. watch 8- I….in the shop window, but I didn’t see anything I liked. 3 4- The police are….the house in case the criminals come back. A. looking at B. watching 5- I spent the evening….TV. A. seeing B. looking at A. looked B. saw C. watched 9- I can’t….any milk in the fridge. A. see B. look C. watch 10- I’ve never liked it – I don’t know what you….in it. A. look B. watch C. see 8. Beat, Earn, Lose & win 1- They….Manchester United two-nil A. won B. beat 2- Who….the game? A. beat B. won 3- They travelled around the world when they….the jackpot in the lottery. A. won B. earned 4- I need to get a job where I can….more money. A. win B. earn 5- He was angry because he….the game. A. beat B. lost 6- They….the final. A. beat B. lost 7- They were….two-nil. A. lost B. beaten 8- They started the game badly, but….in the end. A. won B. beat 9- Who….the last World Cup? A. beat B. won 10- He….a lot of money gambling. A. lost B. beat 9. Hear & Listen 1- Did you….that noise just now? A. hear B. listen C. listen to 2- I….the CD on my Walkman. A. heard B. listened C. listened to 3- She was talking very quitely; did you…. What she just said? A. hear B. listen C. listen to 4- OK, this is important, so please….carefully. A. hear B. listen C. listen to 5- I can’t….you properly – the phone line’s really bad. A. hear B. listen C. listen to 6- Did you….about the accident? A. hear B. listen C. listen to 7- Be careful – I’ve….a number of strange things about them. A. heard B. listened 8- I told him about it, but he never….me. A. hears B. listens C. listens to 9- The music next door was so loud, we couldn’t….the TV. A. hear B. listen C. listen to 10- ‘ What did he say?’ A. ‘I wasn’t hearing’ B. ‘I wasn’t listening’ 11- Didn’t you….the doorbell? A. hear B. listen C. listen to 4 10. Bring, Fetch & Take 1- I didn’t….my phone with me this morning; can I borrow yours? A. bring B. fetch C. take 2- I’m off now- I have to….the kids from school. A. bring B. fetch C. take 3- I’ll….the letter with me and post it while I’m out A. bring B. fetch C. take 4- Yesterday, she forgot to….her homework to school and came back upset. A. bring B. fetch C. take 5- I threw stick for my dog to…. A. bring B. fetch C. take 6- When you come, could you….some wine? A. bring B. fetch C. took 7- My sister….to the airport and saw me off and she’ll pick me up when I get back. A. brought B. fetched C. took 8- It….me an hour to get home. A. brings B. fetches C. takes 9-….it over there, please. A. Bring B, Fetch C. Take 10-….it here, please. A. Bring B. Fetch C. Take 11. Multiple choice 1-….them. A. Many B. Many of 2- I didn’t have….time A. much B. much of 3- I didn’t see…them A. much B. much of 4- He wasn’t there for….the time we were in the country A. much B. much of 5- There was more….enough A. than B. then 6. Take….books with you. A. these B. this 7- Post….letters please. A. that B. those 8-….ones do you want? A. which B. what 9- How….does it cost? A. much money B. much 10- It’s… expensive present I’ve ever bought. A. the most B. the more 11- It’s the first time I….sushi. A. eat B. have eaten 12- It was the first time I….done it. 18- Before….to work. A. going B. to go 19- you have to….taxes. A. pay B. pay for 20- John….the dinner. A. paid B. paid for 21- We needed….great deal of help to finish it on time. A. the B. a 22- The police….able to catch the mugger quickly. A. was B. were 23- If it rains, I….stay in. A. will B. would 24- If the sun came out, I….take the dog for a walk. A. will B. would 25- I….if i had been there. A. would B. would have helped 26- If I….who did it, I would tell you. A. know B. knew 27- i’ll do it if I…. A. can B. could 5 A. have B. had 13- I haven’t seen her….September. A. since B. for 14- I haven’t seen him….six months. A. since B. for 15- They succeeded at….first attempt. A. a B. the 16- They succeeded at….first attempt. A. a B. their 17- He had to go to hospital because he’d hurt…. playing football. A. him B. himself 28- I’d do it if I…. A. can B. could 29- We didn’t see… A. nobody B. anybody 30- It was… radio. A. on B. on the 31- She works…. A hard B. hardly 32- She drives…. A. quick B. quickly 33- It’s a….exam. A. hard B. hardly 34- the music was too….to hear it properly A quite B. quiet 12. Gap Filling 3 1- Everything….she did was just right. A. that B. what 2- Everyone….there. A. was B. were 3- Everybody….late. A. were B. has 4. There was….left. A. nothing B. none 5- He spoke to….us. A. none B. none of 6- The thing….happened next surprised me A. what B. that 7-….she did next shocked them all. A. what B. that 8- It is an increase….10% A. in B. of 9- There was a large increase… violent crime in London last year. A. of B. in 10- There was… property price increase of 2% last month. A. the B. a 11- The inflation….is low. A. rate B. range 12- Ages… frome 7 to 70 21- Every…. A. year B. years 22- Each…. A day B. days 23- It gets very hot….summer. A. on B. in 24- He….in January. A. born B. was born 25- She was born….January. A. on B. in 26- She is regarded… one of the best novelists ever. A. to be B. as 27- It is considered… one of the best restaurants in town. A. to be B. as 28- Considered… a whole, the exhibition is really quite good. A. to be B. as 29- He read the……series. A. all B. whole 30- She saw……the game. A. all B. whole 31- I feel tired the… time. A. all B. whole 6 A. rate B. range 13- It’s… the best. A. simple B. simply 14- The film is… two and three hours long. A. from B. between 15- The journey is….two to three hours A. from B. between 16- They work from nine….five A. to B. and 17- If you live abroad, you might have to learn a…… language. A. strange B. foreign 18. Mind… gap A. a B. the 19. I’ll take…. A. stairs B. the stairs 20. She’s….to the shops, but should be back soon A. been B. gone 32- I feel tired…….the time. A. all B. whole 33- I feel tired all… time A. a B. the 34- I had….at Toni and Guy’s A. my hair cut B. cut my hair 35- I……there last year. A. went B. have been 36- I… her lately. A. didn’t see B. haven’t seen 37- I didn’t… it. A. see B. saw 38- She didn’t….it. A. took B. take 39- She doesn’t….it. A. likes B. like 40- He… the bus to work. A. take B. takes 41- If she……, we’ll celebrate. A. win B. wins 13. Gap filling- 4 1- The report has come in for a lot of in….in the press. A. critics B. critcise C. criticism 2- He was a….of mine at Cambridge. A. contporary B. contemporaneous 3- The judge said that she was in….of court. A. contempt B. contemptuous 4- In the….you could see the city lights. A. distance B. distant 5- I find yoga very….for controlling tension. A. benefit B. benefits C. benificial 6- The cause of….remains a mystery. A. die B. died C. dead D. death 7- The painting was not genuine so it was……. A. worthwhile B. worthy C. worth D. worthless 8- The….news is that his condition is stable. A. late B. later C. latest D. lately 9- He lacks……. 11- I spent much of my….living abroad. A. childish B. childlike C. childhood 12- The….was never established. A. true B. truly C. truth 13- I can’t resist chocolate; it’s a….of mine. A. wea B. weakly C. weakness 14- In all…., she won’t be able to come. A. likely B. likelihood 15- Fog reduced….to zero. A. visible B. visibility C. visibly 16- It was a….success. A. remark B. remarkably C. remarkable 17- He….to sac them if they didn’t improve. A. threat B. threatened C. threaten 18- The tiger is in danger of… A. extinct B. extinction 19- Her….was proved in court. A. innocence B. innocent 7 A. ambitious B. ambition 10- She’s very… of her success. A. pride B. proud 20- Their cottage in a lovely,… village. A. peace B. peaceful 14. Another. Other & Others 1- You take the new ones and I’ll take…… A. others B. the others C. Either could be used here 2- They gazed into each… eyes. A. other B. other’s C. others D. others’ 3- I’d like….cup of tea, please. A. other B. another 4- They love one They’re such a happy family. A. other B. another C. either could be used here 5- The….people were shocked. A. other B. others C. another 6- I’ve told Pablo, but I haven’t the….yet. I’ll tell them when I see them. A. other B. others 7- Many….people have said the same. A. other B. others 8- I won’t let them do that to me….time. A. another B. other C.either could be used here 9- One person’peach is……person’s poison. A. another B. the other C. either could be used here 10- I saw her………day. A. other B. another C. the other 11- I took the….book back to the library. A. other B. others 12- Some….people have taken it. A. other B. another C. others 13- I go there every……day. a. other B. others C. another 15. Mixed Multiple Choice 1- I did it… my own. A. by B. on 2- I went there….a holiday. A. for B. on 3- I… homework last night. A. made B. did 4- I met her… first time last week. A. a B. the 5- He was….a hurry. A. in B.on C. to 6- She played with the……children. A. other B. others 7- Some were unhappy… I wasn’t. A. and B. but 8-……bride wore a beautiful white dress. A. a B. the 9- I walked……the street. A. long B. along 10- My flat’s the third floor. A. in B. on C. at 11- It’s the second turning… the left. A. in B. on C. at 12- I fetched the children……the school. A. tB. at C. from 13- She……not eat it. A. has B. did C. have D. do 14- I couldn’t eat much……I was nervous. A. because B. but 8 o 9

Ngày đăng: 02/06/2015, 16:00

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