Period 72 !!! "#$!% %& ' !!!"#$!% () () Period 72 !"#$%&&!!$! ' %!(%)%#'$* +,#" -%&&!'!!$#!(%)%* ./' %!(%)%0)# %# -* &#)0)# %#"!" #1%' Period 72 This is Mrs. Quyen, and this is Mrs. Smith They are talking on the phone "*+!,!*!-!&,." Period 72 () () "%.-%!) / !01 23"-"&!4"0#15 26!! ",!7!!!*8*-9 +,2#(!)!)&!! !342##!%67%8&79%6: *-,","%""!) ,:-:"%;,<=%$>&;)<#"%= +,#" >./ "%&!"#!! /"01 /%!071 /?%&! %!01 /%"$!"7!071 /" %&"$!"! /,@%A /%-B<C%+,"@," /.",D$+&E%F /,G7H /,HI /<J Period 72 /."071 /KLM%,": / !0N1 /"01 /%!071 /?%&! %!01 /%"$!"7!071 /" %&"$!"! 071 /,@%A /%-B<C%+,"@," /.",D$+&E%F /,G7H /,HI /<J O%!*"*$!, Period 72 /."071 /KLM%,": ( (( Period 72 ! " %! ?%&! %! %"$!"7! %&"$!"! ,@%A %-B< .",D$ ,G7H ,HI <J (P ("$ !!Q-!R%!! ?0+ O"-S !-T 3!!-U -V +?@+ !"# "," '7,! *! $ !7, W%%" Period 72 (*!!#""*,I!?" No, they won’t. Because they’re coming on a tour and their accommodaon is included in the cket price, so they will stay in a hotel. No, he won’t. Because he will have a business meeng in the evening. Mrs. Smith will pick her up. (3O)Q-!!.-O)$R"!53-0"15 .(3O)Q-!R.7!!*!$53-0"15 %('"**O)Q-!,""O)$R"!5 Period 72 W+'X'P'W $"#%&# '#( ) $)*++ "#% ),#)#"" )")#"%'))*, #),++ )-###.% /$))")#*+++-!"# ')"#0 ) % $')*++# * )"#% )% $"#% ),++ 1"#%& )")#% '" !+# Period 72 # # )) +