BECAUSE / BECAUSE OF BECAUSE + clause BECAUSE OF + N/Noun phrase/Gerund Notes the weatherbad the bad weather beauful her beauty raining heavily the heavy rain his wife was his wife’s being ALTHOUGH / IN SPITE OF / DESPITE !"#$!% !"#$!%&& !"#$!'() *+* &",%-&+* &'%%$ ./0121&(#+&%&(#+&", Exercise 1: Use BECAUSE, BECAUSE OF, ALTHOUGH, IN SPITE OF to complete the following sentences 11 11 3 /444 5 )*11 6 /71174 8 9144:) ; *<))10:*0)40 = ()1: > +700 ? 144)1: 410$) +144):!014) :)) 3 1:4)) 5 1:4)) 6 *)0) 8 @0)14)): ; @:)4/) (A:1< = 9041B)):)) > 10 ? :0 Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences: !)41C)D )0)*E))0CD 3 !F!441@94)C)D 5 *0))*7))0)C4D 6 !:))0!41CD 8 +!1CD ; )):4:C*4D = 10))*)71))1CD > +1)G0CD ? *4B10 0H)IHIH0IH1I)G0H)GI4H40IHI)H) IB4HB4%4IJ)HJ)0IFHFI4H40I))H))IH0I )H)IH%4IH%14IHI4:H4IK . BECAUSE / BECAUSE OF BECAUSE + clause BECAUSE OF + N/Noun phrase/Gerund Notes the weatherbad the bad weather beauful. &'%%$ ./0121&(#+&%&(#+&", Exercise 1: Use BECAUSE, BECAUSE OF, ALTHOUGH, IN SPITE OF to complete the following sentences 11 . his wife was his wife’s being ALTHOUGH / IN SPITE OF / DESPITE !"#$!% !"#$!%&& !"#$!'() *+* &",%-&+*