Tài liệu Super-Mini American Slang Dictionary tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tấ...
[...]... something streets slang associated with street gangs and the poplular “gangsta” culture Many elements are taken from the rap or hip-hop music scene taboo avoided in polite, formal, dignified, older, or refined settings term of address a word that can be used to address a person directly x Terms, Symbols, and Abbreviations tv a transitive verb or phrase containing a transitive verb underworld slang from criminal... to fit the register in which the expression would normally be used A [d] is used for the alveolar flap typical in American pronunciations such as [wad#] “water” and [@”naI@led@d] “annihilated.” The transcriptions distinguish between [a] and [O] and between [w] and [W] even though not all Americans do so In strict IPA fashion, [j] rather than the [y] substitute is used for the initial sound in “yellow.”... a transitive verb underworld slang from criminal and organized crime Overlaps with streets white people of European descent and other lightskinned people xi Pronunciation Guide Some expressions in the dictionary are followed by a phonetic transcription in International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols These expressions include words whose pronunciations are not predictable from their spellings, difficult... in the preceding entry phrase or indicate optional elements in the transcription For instance, in [“artsi “krAf(t)si] “artsy-craftsy,” the “t” may or may not be pronounced The following chart shows the American English values for each of the IPA symbols used in the phonetic transcriptions To use the chart, first find the large phonetic symbol whose value you want to deter- xii Copyright © 2007 by The... thought of as the location of one’s intellect ᭜ She’s just got nothing in the attic That’s what’s wrong with her awesome 1 exclam Great!; Excellent! (Usually Awesome! Standard English, but used often in slang. ) ᭜ You own that gorgeous hog? Awesome! 2 mod impressive ᭜ That thing is so awesome! AWHFY Go to Are we having fun yet? AWOL [e “d@blju “o “El or “ewal] mod absent without leave; escaped from prison . class="bi x0 y0 w0 h0" alt="" McGraw-Hill’s Super-Mini American Slang Dictionary This page intentionally left blank McGraw-Hill’s Super-Mini American Slang Dictionary Second Edition Richard A. Spears,. edition of McGraw-Hill’s American Slang Dictio- nary and focuses on recent slang as well as a selection of entertaining locutions that exhibit the highly creative nature of slang and its users. Introduction. We hear slang from surfers, weight lifters, and young people in general. There is no standard test that will decide what is slang and what is not. Expressions that are identified as slang are