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E8- ktra 1t lần 4 tham khảo 10-11

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Hong Son secondary school TEST IN ENGLISH Full name: Time: 45 minutes Class : 8 I. Pretest (1 m) Listen and circle a suitable word to fill in the blank. ( Nghe và khoanh tròn một từ phù hợp để điền vào chỗ trống) And here is today’s weather forecast for the international traveler. - Let’s start with Sydney. It’s will be a dry day In Sydney today, and windy. For the temperature, the low will be (1) ……………… and the high will be twenty six degrees. - Tokyo will be dry and windy, with a low of fifteen and a high of twenty two. - London is going to have a humid day. It will be very cold with a low of (2) ……………… three and high of seven. - Bangkok will be warm and dry, with a low of twenty – four degrees (3) ……………… and a high of thirty two. - New York is going to have a windy day. It will be cloud with a low of eight and a high of fifteen. - In Paris it will be (4) …… and dry today. The low will be ten degrees and the high will be fifteen. A. a. twenty b. windy c. cloudy B. a. tired b. minus c. mind C. a. temperature b. degrees c. centigrade D. a. cold b. school c. cool II. Choose and circle a suitable word or pharse to fill in the blanks (2,75ms) ( Chọn và khoanh tròn một từ phù hợp để điền vào chỗ trống) 1. The lava ………… out when we flew overhead. a. was b. was pour c. was pouring d. poured 2. The head of four American presidents ………… into the rock in Mount Rushmore. a. is carved b. are carved c. is carving d. are carving 3. Thanh is always complaining about the ………… of my suitcase. a. heavy b. heaviness c. haeviliness d. heavinessly 4. Ba was taking a shower at eight o’clock ………… a. today b. at the moment c. last night d. tomorrow 5. There are three ……… : water – fetching, fire – making and rice – cooking in the festival. a. participants b. compititions c. festivals d. teammates 6. A Visit From Saint Nicholas was written by ………… a. Mr Robinson b. Huckerberry c. Antipater of Sidon d. Clement Clack Moore 7. Pick out a word that has the underlined letters pronouced differently with others. A. a. who b. what c. where d. which B. a. arrived b. sight c. island d. prison 8. Viet Nam is a ………… country. a. rice–exporting b. rice-exported c. ricing-exporting d. riced-exporting 9. I asked Hoa ………… Phong Nha cave was in Northern Viet Nam. She said that it was. a. When b. If c. While d. Where 10. Pick out a word that has the stress differently with others. a. heritable b. surrounding c. religious d. participate Ñeà 1 Marks III. Find out a mistake and circle in the following sentences. (0,5m) 1. Some oranges have been buyed and put on the table. A B C D 2. Thanks for invite me to the water – fetching contest of your school. A B C D IV. Supply the correct word form in the parentheses. (0,5m) (Cung cấp dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc) 1. Students in our school like playing games at recess. ( tradition ) 2. John is ………………………in the history in Vietnam. ( interest ) V. Write unfinished sentences that they mean the same as those printed above them: (1m) A. Clement Clarke Moore wrote the poem in 1823.  The poem …………………………………………………………………………… B. Hoa said, “I can’t go out after 8 pm.”  Hoa …………………….…………………………………………………………… VI. Read the passage. (2,25ms) Centuries ago in Ancient Greece, a man by the name of Antipater of Sidon compile a list of what he thought were the seven wonders of the world. The seven included the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in present – day Iraq, the Statue of the Zues in Greece, and the Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. The Pyramid is the only wonder you can still see today. Many people claim that there were other wonders, which the ancient Greeks knew nothing about. The include the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal in India and Angkor Wat in Combodia. Angkor Wat should really be known as a wonder because it is the largest temple in the world. The temple was around the year 1100 to honor a Hindu God, but over the next three centuries it became a Buddhist religious center. The area surrounding the temple, Angkor Thom, used be the royal capital city. In the early 15 th century, the Khmer rulers moved to Phnom Penh and Angkor was quite. It now is a famous tourist attraction. *.Read the passage.Then write true (T) or false (F) for each of the sentences below. (0,75m)  a. Graham Bell’s compile a list of what he thought were the seven wonders of the world  b. The ancient Greeks knew nothing about other wonders in the world.  c. Angkor Wat is the largest temple in the world. *.Read the passage.Then answer for each of the question sentences below. (1,5ms) 1. The only surviving wonder on Antipater’s list is …………………… a. The Great Wall of China b. The Pyramid of Cheops c. Angkor Wat d. The Statue of Zues. 2. The Great Wall of China ……………………………………………. a. was a temple. b. is the longest structure in the world. c. is a pyramid. d. is the highest mountain in the world. 3 In the 1400s, the Khmer King ……………………………………… a. built Angkor Wat b. choose Phnom Penh as the new capital c. moved the temple to Phnom Penh. d. turned Angkor Wat into Buddhist center VII. Write to complete the stage. (2ms) The Rice – cooking festival / held / our school yard. ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… There / three competitions : water – fetching, fire – making / rice – cooking. ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… The festival / one day.After the three contests, all points were added and the class 8A / the grand prize. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… The festival / wonderful. We love it very much. We hope our school / hold next years. ……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………  . Hong Son secondary school TEST IN ENGLISH Full name: Time: 45 minutes Class : 8 I. Pretest (1 m) Listen and circle a suitable word to fill in the blank windy day. It will be cloud with a low of eight and a high of fifteen. - In Paris it will be (4) …… and dry today. The low will be ten degrees and the high will be fifteen. A. a. twenty b. windy. complaining about the ………… of my suitcase. a. heavy b. heaviness c. haeviliness d. heavinessly 4. Ba was taking a shower at eight o’clock ………… a. today b. at the moment c. last night d. tomorrow 5.

Ngày đăng: 19/05/2015, 04:00

