!"#$%&'()('())*+ ,-&./-0-# Thi gian pht không k thi gian pht đ. 12#3%# .4" #5-678 .3"8#9) .3"8#9' :& '";* ).;8<-=->?.@@ 8#<".;; 0ABC>;& )"=CD* !" # $ %&' ( ) '"'" * +," - ./ +,01 21 " Answers: ) ' E F G H I J )( '.;8<-8#<= BK-%<"<-8=0= =->=-;A<C8#<LK<;8.B-;& )"=CD* %34 55555555555555555555555555555555 '%31'4 55555555555555555555555555555555 %4 55555555555555555555555555555555 %3114 55555555555555555555555555555555 %3 4 55555555555555555555555555555555 +:&)'"; PART I: In this section you must choose the word or phrase that has the same meaning or that best completed each sentences. Write your answers in spaces below.(2ms) +,+".+))))))))))6 7181101 +,,,1)))))))))' 780& #2"&&55555"6,&" 780 $+" ))))))) 7'1811"0"1 + ,,,3)))))))))1 780 (2'1&)))))))),6 7,8'0 * 55555555,9 7'810 -))))))). & 778&+,0+, /815555555555 7'"8',"'",0'," 0 5555555 78,,&0'" PART II. Filling in each space with one appropriate word (2ms) &"8'555 +55'"', 6.6#555',8' $5555,,, 55555:.',&"(5555, 2,;.',;*55555 ,2.-5555"". &/555"',55555"& " MN:1. ……… 2……… 3……………… 4……………… 5……………. 6……………. 7. ………… 8……………… 9…………… 10…………… PART III. Read the text below and then decide which word below best fits each space .Write your answer in the space below.(2ms) 0)))))))&,,,,' )))))))),,+#))))))).1, ,$)))))))" ")))))))),2"())))))," *))))))2,'-))))))))'<, /))))))))"'"."..," .,,"&))))))1, ' ' & '' , # ' $ ' , ' (, ' * ' , - '&" " /' '' ' ' ' '', , PART IV. There are eleven mistakes in the following passage. Find and correct them. (1m) 2&,,+' ,,7& :&,"', "''2&.&'. .,"2=&1&,+'& ,7 6+.& '&",2=&" "1 Your answers%> 1…………………………….………… 6………………………………… 2………………………………………… 7…………………………………… 3……………………………………… 8………………………………… 4……………………………………… 9……………………………………. 5…………………………………… 10………………………………… PART V.Give the corrects form of the words in brackets .There is an example for you.(1m) 655555,(teach) teach -> teacher !15555&+ O:* +",'"' M* #2,,"6"55555 * $255555'= P:* 2"55555"'"& :QM* (3,55555 ::* *&""555554:* -2&6"55555 M:* /2&55555 :* 2"&555555?," M* PART VI.In this section you will find after the passage a number of questions or unfinished statements about the passage, each with four suggested answers or ways of finishing. You must the one which you think fits best. Write your answers in the spaces below. (1m) 0".""',,12", 1'92""1'12 &.'&",+, '.,"'"@ "1,"'&91, '"1 :'1'1,' 1," :, ""'"6.1: ,",'&"', " 2,5555555555 7 '18' ;0 '1 3"4 7'8'& ',0' #3",,,4 78"988" 1 8"108 $3"6"'1&4 731'""A1 83&," 31'1 031'.1 611'55555555 72"1, 8111 0&'&" PART VII: You are going to read a passage about the weather in Lodon. Five sentences or phrases have been removed from the passage. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gaps 1-5 . Remember that there are more sentences or phrases than needed. There is an example for you. (1m) 2'55555555'&"",".' 555555555.'1"26"A ',B555555555." CD,E++1FG+555# 55555553+",,.'",55555$ 55555555552A',.,&". ',,."'.',. :1'.""1" '.55555555555555+& ', 6H A. and I found the way quite easily B. on the day that I arrived it was fine and warm C. Lodon has fog or rain D. gentle moved the leaves on the trees E. on the day the winter arrived I London F. said a word to them about it G. It nearly took my breath away H. There were the strange things in the Kensington Gardens that he saw. YOUR ANSWER: 1 + ………, 2 + ………… , 3 +……………. 4 + ………………., 5 + …………… PART VIII : Read the passage and the statements that follow. Write “T” if the statement is true according to the information in the passage. Write “F” if the statement is false or if the information is not given. Write your answers in the spaces (1m) D1.".'&"":& .',,6. C'"E&'"//2CE ',I.7+1!62CE ,,:'"."" .!," &"91" ', # &'" $ C!E, <,""" PART IX: The following sentences belong to two passage but they are mixed up. The passage A is about Dolphins. The passage B is about Angella Duffy, a Brighton Schoolgirl. Sort the sentences out and put them in the corrects order of each paragraph.(1m) 0,.'' ' 70,,",8' C+6"+?'6"?'+ 1&"E 2"&.1 +"1.'' , C+,,A'.'+11.1,1 ,E 8&",,, "1;' 2'";"&?#" A C+&.1,',E MN:&:&)RRRR+S'RRRRSERRRRFRRRGRRR+ :O&)RRRRS'RRRSERRRRSFRRRRGRRR +N H";* PART I: Rewrite the sentences so that it has the same meaning as the sentence printed before it (2ms) A'' %>+,55555555555555555555555555555 C+"+E %>;5555555555555555555555555 #2,1 %>2 5555555555555555555555555 $+,=,, %>+ 5555555555555555555555555555555 2+"/// %+& 555555555555555555555555555555 (I, %>2"5555555555555555555555555555555 *7'1.1 %>0555555555555555555555555555555 - && %>I555555555555555555555555555555 /!",& %>+15555555555555555555555555555555 CD 1&".E %>25555555555555555555555555 PART II. For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence a similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence but using the word given. This word must not be altered in any way.(1m) 1. 3 &,',,( prevented) %>2,555555555555555555555555 !'"'1,,(wishes) %>!5555555555555555555555555 #3".+1,(took) %>+55555555555555555555555555 $C@1&""E!"(advised) %>!"55555555555555555555555 !"+2&4(mind) %>0"55555555555555555555555555 =C8+;<8#<;K00<;8<>ABC>;=->2#C=;<;8BAC.8<=%B"2@<8<@<88<C )2*+ <=CTB8#<CT?=8#<CS @J'JJ+JJD07J!!K'JJ! '8,+&JJ1J'J"JJ, D2""1J81:J+,GJ ' 2J":1J&J 7,JJJ1JD1 ,3J1J+'"J+J D&"JJ+JA"J'&"J !!K'!1J&J1 D&J Carl 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555555555555555555 555555555555555555555555555555555555555 555555555555555555555555555555555555555 555555555555555555555555555555555555555 555555555555555555555555555555555555555 555555555555555555555555555555555555555 555555555555555555555555555555555555555 555555555555555555555555555555555555555 555555555555555555555555555555555555555 555555555555555555555555555555555555555 555555555555555555555555555555555555555 =C8U&NC.8<=2=C=0C=2# )(()'(ABC>;*=VBK8WBKCV<;8?C.<->SK; 08#<?B@@BA 0 VC.<?-B8<;& '"=CD;*+ H< %3 J4 H!'"%J, %J'.'. H%'J . XOYZU[ :& ).;8<-=->?.@@ 8#<".;; 0ABC>;& )("=CD;* !LLMNOPNQRNS ) ' F G H I J )( 7 # " 1 % ' 7 , 7 !" 8 '-;A<C;& )("=CD;* !LTUVNQRNS %2J+a special announcement '%+a reported missing. % 3 years old. %a little girl short dark hair. % short-blue shorts and a long-sleeved white blouse.a pair of shoes _ brown shoes +:& )'";* PART I: 2,0 ms ( 0,2m * 10) 78#7$78 (0*8-8/0 PART II: 2ms ( 0,2 m * 10 ) '#,$&J ('*-/' PART III: 2ms ( 0,2 m* 10 ) 7#$07 (*7-/08 PART IV: 1m ( 0,1 *10) %>%>#%>$%>1%> ('%>'*1%>1-%>/%>%> PART V: 1m ( 0,1 *10) ',"#,$,A"' (*-/ PART VI: 1m ( 0,2 * 5) 7#8$77 PART VII: 1M (0.2*5) 8G#7$0 PART VIII: 1M ( 0,2 * 5) 2#$2 PART IX: 1m (0,1*10) PASSAGE A: 1 – A, 2 – G, 3 – I, 4 – D, 5 – E PASSAGE B: 1 – B, 2 – H, 3 – C, 4 – F, 5 – J C. WRITING: (6ms) PART I: 2ms ( 0,2*10) +,.A' ;,' #2 ,1 $+ =,, +& "/// (2" , *0'11 -I&& /+1",& 21&" PART II: 1m ( 0,2*5) 2,&,&, !''1,, # +1," $ !"&1&"" 0",+& N& )(\.4" ].%^K\_-0)+(\.4"* <=CB8#<C=->?=8#<CS @ '+D07'"!!K' ! '8,+&',1'",, D2""181:+,G ' 2":1& 7,,1D1 ,31+'+ D"+A"'&" !!K'!1&"1 D& Carl NC.8<=2=C=0C=2# )(()'(ABC>;*=VBK8=?<;8.`=@BC=%<@<VC=8.B- WBKC%BK-8CWS K; 08#<?B@@BA 0VC.<?-B8<;& )G"=CD;*+ % 1 %G. 1 %&& 1 %3%." 1 . away H. There were the strange things in the Kensington Gardens that he saw. YOUR ANSWER: 1 + ………, 2 + ………… , 3 +……………. 4 + ………………., 5 + …………… PART VIII : Read the passage and the statements that. 4 55555555555555555555555555555555 +:&)'"; PART I: In this section you must choose the word or phrase that has the same meaning or that best completed each sentences. Write your answers in spaces below.(2ms) +,+".+))))))))))6 7181101 +,,,1)))))))))' 780& #2"&&55555"6,&" 780 $+". below, write a new sentence a similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence but using the word given. This word must not be altered in any way.(1m) 1. 3 &,',,(