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Trang 2
k 3 I i B Doc lap — Tu do — Hanh phuc
CHI NHANH QUANG NINH Quang Ninh ngày 1Š tháng TÌ năm 2012
Kính gửi: Trường Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội
Trung tâm cơng nghệ đào tạo và hệ thống việc làm ETC
Ngân hàng TMCP Sài Gịn Hà Nội, Chi nhánh Quảng Ninh xác nhận
Ngân hàng thương mại cơ phan Sài Gịn - Hà nội chi nhánh Quảng Ninh (SHB Quảng
Ninh) nhận được đề nghị ngày 09/10/2012 của nhĩm học viên thuộc nhĩm 6 - Lớp Ga.MBA.M0I11 - Chương trình đào tạo Thạc sỹ quản trị kinh doanh Quốc tế về việc xin thu thập sĩ liệu hoạt động kinh doanh của đơn vị để làm đẻ tài thực hiện làm Bài tập tốt nghiệp của nhĩm mình là: "Xây đựng chiến lược kinh doanh của Ngân hàng thương mai cé phan Sài Gịn Hà Nội, chỉ nhánh Quảng Ninh giai đoạn 2013 - 2018" Nhĩm gồm các thành viên sau:
I Nguyễn Kim Anh
2 Nguyễn Thị Lan Anh
3 Nguyễn Hồng Thu 4 Nguyên Đức Việt
Tài liệu đăng ký để sử dụng làm báo cáo bao gồm:
-_ Báo cáo kết quả hoạt động kinh doanh năm 2010 đến 30/09/2012
- Bao cdo quyét tốn tài chính năm 2009 đến 30/09/2012 - _ Hồ sơ năng lực, hồ sơ pháp nhân
- _ Các tài liệu lien quan khác
Ngân hàng thương mại cơ phần Sài Gịn - Hà Nội, chi nhánh Quảng Ninh cĩ ý kiến như sau: Nhat trí cho phép nhĩm 6 - lớp Ga.MBA.M0I1I1 được sử dụng những tài liệu nêu trên đề nghiên cứu học tập và làm bài tập lớn, ngồi ra khơng được sử dụng vào bất cứ nội dung nào khác
Ngân hàng thương mại cỗ phần Sài Gịn — Hà Nội xác nhận để nhĩm tiến hành thực hiện
nhiệm vụ nghiên cứ học tập của mình theo kế hoạch
In the process of completing this Capstone Project, Group 6 has received valuable support and help from several people, organizations and enterprises
First and foremost, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to ETC, Vietnam National University Hanoi, Griggs University for providing us with dedicated help to finish our challenging course and complete our Capstone Project Particularly, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to our professors and lecturers for giving us valuable lectures with all their hearts Special thanks should go to Ass Prof Arthur Gogatz and Ass Prof Dr Vu Thanh Hung for imparting us the knowledge of Strategic Management and instructing us to complete the Capstone project in order to achieve high academic results
Last but not least, we also sincerely thank Saigon Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Quang Ninh for supporting us in collecting data to complete the Capstone project Sincere thanks should also go to our companies and organizations for creating favorable conditions for us to participate in the program
The members of Group 6 — Class: GGMBA.M0111 hereby commit that:
1 The selection of Saigon-Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank (SHB), Quang Ninh Branch as the subject for this project has been made upon the approval of the Management Board of SHB Quang Ninh
2 The completion of this Capstone project is attributed to the efforts of every member of the team, through data collecting, field study, application of theories,
and other sources of references
3 This Capstone project has never been used as submission to any research or training programs
4 The Group shall take full responsibility for any authorship conflict arisen by the contents of this project
Hanoi, November | ° ăn 2012
Members of Group 6:
Trang 5= ( UN BINIC ICS RIC E cS - Strategic Management Group 6 GaN{BA MOTT / + 4 es 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS ee TT Lễ a 4 II ĐT: TH TU TRE ee<eceeoeomrnterootingpnntsrD0itngPgts°cgi9900X138101E03001010/G013.004830Miammssmeosdrereoroeriroesrrngrrog 4 BES I ES YI eseeeeeeneeeernsrsdikinditseedtesenenecnuelestonutekirgragtgts099PVrgGfhiznse 5 DE HC ¡1Á THÍ nruarnanaeanaertsgntrirogldbeeeerrerermrreehiregrttrtrenstnhinitrittrctrrtrtrfpft0tel9f0BSSSBIGDMGEHIOISISEOOIGEHSSIG4 Fj L LIEE HEEESSIHY 0Í Wð ITERGHTEEHG eễ=emrmveneverteprortorttestogsttifttntl9S0RGNIAGGIRGGTSNSU100318434000008088ec 7 1, ERi6FäÏ €GHÍẾNK dc eeaseeeressnennnrnnannosaongrrupngngrtogln61gw604521000881ã615959G0143ã336334eiiesesnossstsnssstsyrew 1 lì 4 HC FÍCCCSSILY OF TNE POSCAT ON se cessssnssccrscccacaramnssscarnesswearecesensticeionnrenmenenennersenvenmnenmcecennennen fs So: The nesning 0Ý THETERERCĂ eeeeserearereoodrtateobseeensnrsermoesvetrerrsrfevoVVIVSEKEHISSNSESGESIGI300405 9 LẺ, ResøpCcHpHiEDIÍVBS de eeessrrmrmrnnrnnroipstt00998545ISENEĐONGTUI00000106340001901G13/40193)84143 lieogesmsamore 9
TH The Ob) Get Gfid SGOpe OF Te PENCE ex cncmncarccnnacsaimamasnenisiadichindinemnvensnenencrevencercenenennennesnts 5
is Research SUH]EuoeeeassdrdrorodtrrdttoaitttridgtiiiGia1senssssessssssasvessvesvsveslSIDOGAMIGIGBESMGGEESETNEEDEIENN 9 + RESERTCH ắiElliưodHÌĐV euesaeearaeaediooiseerermnrenrrnnnrrnsspsilgefiVI0SN0090460001/460N0000N40051031/000015058 9 LY Struetnre ưf thẻ £a05†0H DÍQJGCLxeeessnnsrnrrrrrrddinpttoatiaittiiasgiES15555185144630x252xcnsosxoroeogorrereterrotrve 10
LLL — Thec€6neepŒ§ 0ÏSÍECEV seuseessemmmmremrmrrnserendennddseseniiointisobiaxgotiEt0156985386059036 11 The concepts of strategy and business strat€gy se s+sscexes 11
1,1 CHărhEfPrisHon ð[ DHSÌIHESSBÍBIDODV coeacaoiceeesessrsserrsronnsesnoorreeoes 16 1.1.2; Levels 0í busiiEsfi SÍTNÍGBÝ eeeaaaaroaeeaaoarooiiiiiiigdeesessennennssoisotortisa9i88060538 16 Ldetel, XXY ISSHESÍNH WOSICGS SERIE EY 0 -csevenrerensmernesnveximannnsnomeucmnnenennniaenns 17 S550 AC .- 5 rena 17 1.1.3 Factors influencing a company’s business strategy .o co S256 s56 17 Lid ,EXfEfilllEiivifodieninHHVNÍS seseeuaseaaasddrditiiiiosdieessesoeereersorếereerssrk 18 LL HGEẾPHUI ETVHUOHMEHIBHBINẸSGeeeeeeaaneoiỷboiiiesceesseresrsvornbmsemrnr 23
1.3.1, Formulating and selecting business strategies - using SWOTT 28 Formulating business strategies - using SWOT 2c 28 H2i.1./ “SSGIĐULIlð DHĂIHESSNITHEENIEB eemnoosddrrodtiibgiiibtgiessessssseeesereebrtorrsrersopgiionereit 29 1.2.2 Tools for developing business strat€gies cong 0 00 ge 29
ơn G NUI NHA TỶ ngaeatrrnenneeese=seesemsseseseversnentnsgirgettgifSSASVEDSVNGGOHGIGIEAASGEMĐTESEEU 29 Tees SE KH HH ve eneerseeerrnrrrereottttigvrriiritfortISERSAGHNSEIGEGGEEIEEHEIGSHĐIKGIBGE 30 Quantitative strategic planning matrix (QSPM) - - 55+ <<<<5+ at
KHI TDE TY TH, T1 s««esseesesserrsveversvvot2l999D0TS1S90D0500S00PDIPISDDENGUPIDIHUISAiSSNRiESSGIGIQDGMBil40xy2hưanBtirPkossrdrEoto0TE011000/03 33
(SITE QUANG NIN Gy J rsercencenenunnoenencennscnenenascrauaneersiev sri Ri Ri ltl tliannacinemenineniensnanentenenvannenonmeneeeen 33 2.1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION OF SAIGON - HANOI COMMERCIAL JOINT STOCK BANK AND SHB QUANG NINH BRANCH (SHB Quang Ninh) -. 2 33 2.1.1 Overview of Saigon- Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank (SHB) 33
Trang 6ws
( 11C5C;S LƠ UMIVERSITY JFSI( 715 c trategic Management / Group 6 GaN{IBA RY ALOT TI MOLT]
2.1.2 Overview of SHB Quang Ninh Branch .o G5 G0 0m00 a5 Organizational structure of SHB Quang Ninh Branch -. «- 36 “ 4 2.„.3 £ TAGUCES.g=rid services Of SHE Quang NIG sua iiiisisererexerrrormerer 37 2.2.2 Analysis of micro environment - industry environIm€n( s << «5< <5 «sss se 43
Zs x1 DIUWENL GÍTIEW EDIHDEHGEE <—=enmrrevdtecrttlaSgkg4929Y0(.201/0009/03010010100015E 43
ide DATA POWEF OF SUPPNETS ~nereceneneennareseee ERNIE HH
220.) Bargains power of buyers (CUSIOMETS)) scssnccscsarascassresscarmsiaansionnnenromneene 45 22.2% [teat OF substitute procucis atid SERVICES scsscisisieriecnmcmnnnncneencemnrmennenevvenenenenns 45 xố «.: HH€ITRILY DĨ YIVHITV WIHH HE THÃNGHY —-irnrnnernntrtprgogrotosrgnbilS4Svs3 46 2.2.3 Evaluation of opportunities and threats of SHB Quang Ninh - 51 2.2.4 The external factor evaluation matrix (EFE) of SHB Quang Niỉnh 55 2.2.5 The competitive profile matrix of SHB Quang Ninh - <5 SSe 58
23 INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT NA TL, Y NT, rernensdoennnndrboasrreosssraio 63
2.3.1 Internal fDYCES.scccioeoioeeieeseesesesnsanasesasasnosssiaas084505455/0004861660846405689840485364640040884 63
2s 1;1 0 (1fiI9Wđftliơn dDIHIDY semsesessernnsrenrrptrgtidrrsiiroigiiitGSIEGEiSisk2GD48120835ksessuossessvsesroevoere 63
5 ss | a ee 0k6 64
cxr e‹ DHI DTET HE W0 nggggagẽrei -——exrrrvrrtinotetrUrsGVNSSDDRGGESSEDTISIGSEIDIDEEEEESIDPEH 65 2.5.24 Mar lceting Capit Dility sscssoccccsasscesaasssssesiscsieenorremcenenevernnnmencesmecennenmentumencessanuanesn 65
PRR Oe Oe 66
debs FART FESOUTCPSesseeneserrnndennnnnndrdrsongisrtattinigsongaiierdnroistsl364555656163546060G368348642k1áni88.ce 66 E159, 0s P EYS CHÍ TSEÍDPsseenensrnsdnrirnrinnudiii000000000011666552055595685635086)49e v98 s49099/409906010)4//80/7001998 68 2,3,6 Banlinig {echnioÏODV e«eeeeseesredeeennrrrnnnirndoiiiirioggpi14600030106661456060036548655868824sasssnmtssnees 68 2.3.7 Analysis of SHB Quang Ninh’s internal resources through its business
ee 69 2.3.8 Evaluation of SHB Quang Ninhs strengths and weaknesses . -s- 78 2.3.9 The internal factor evaluation (IFE) matrix of SHB Quang Ninh 81 2.4 THE NEED FOR BUSINESS STRATEGY FORMULATION OF SHB QUANG NINH
a 83
SF FEL crecssesamnceen namnsseueneassecntsii eee tomo mmnnregner eer een UES TESS GENESEE RIESE U DORSAL 86 BUSINESS STRATEGY FORMULATION FOR SAI GON -— HANOI JOINT STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK - QUANG NINH BRANCH G3 St 2 2exesrerreei 86 IN THE PERIOD OF 2013 - 2018 AND IMPLEMENTATION SOLUTIONS 86 3.1, SHB QUANG NINH’S BUSINESS GOALS IN 2013 - 2018 ccecsscsssssvexsesvesssevssasvavanessvnnns 86 3.1.1 The SHB systems vision and Ø0ãÌ$ . << 5s 5 s5 9 999999.989989686686688666.56 87 3.1.2 SHB Quang Ninh”s siraiegic HOAN: sccscssccssnesesssacccscnasocsssnanssnsassscusosiesseseanessasdeenernenenne 87 S-lv~i LJ YETHll PS kaensaeeeirordnadiineiitlioteiebsilidieesssscsealekeeruiidjitcanitftgep91914000900090008//0)/0Đ00G150 §7 3x SEN kJiđđữg Nĩnh 5 speoHlib 0b]66LVÉS eeeseesesernnniovdroiioriasESRGEDGGETSEUIIG028168 88 3.2 ESTABLISHING MATRICES AND SELECTING BUSINESS STRATEGIES OF SHB QUANG NINH IN THE PERIOD OP 2013 = 2018 ssupecexsesssexenacammneanunisunencomamenaasercaussamanicnsaven 89 se Ea The SWOT Matrix of SHB Quang Nih s.csscsccsosscosssescessescsscesceccscssernes 89 3.2.2: The SPACE Matrix of SHB Quang Nitthissssssisissssssscscossscssoossrrssesesesvsennsenescessonsennsenes 92 3.2.2 The QSPM ofSHBEB Quang Nhac eeenennrreenearrenesnrnninrninssssssits 93 „2.3: 1: Lj@0€lưpiifg gÌ6fiiiliVe SỈLdÍGBIES nseesneesnsnnenanorinridgisiaGG0001485883831206066sEmserse 93 Determining the optimal business strategy for SHB Quang Ninh in the period
GEE AIS > 2S 00000000 nuyyyazZä 111 Độ
Jude OL RAL EAT TNIE La VI L1 T6ÃI ĐI L1 1 TU NI exenvssessvnspotgrAgfeiESOGBSIESEENGGOIĐUHGE 100 3.3.1 Organizational structure improvement after the meFge€F -s «5< ««s<« 100
Trang 7GRC 63 UNIVERSITY | Stratezic Management CroHD 60 (ra \[D.| \IUTT1
3.3.2 Human resource training and development after the merger . « 103 3.3.3 Comprehensive development and completion of the bank’s information technology
S ST G0600 106466ss69s055.98956994696646165854600-0480179909996038686501900060E609515005199006466056665363165458ssssese 104
Trang 8{134 IKIGK 5 ‘ UNIVERBITY _ Strategic: Management Group 6 GaMBA MOLL! “Tabe23 | LIST OF TABLES
a Table 1.1 External Factor Evaluation Matrix (EFE) | 7 Table 12 | Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM)
_ Ta ble 1.3 Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix (IFE)
_ Tablel.4 SWOT Matrix
_ Table 1.5 Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix
ae Market shares in terms of operating targets of SHB Quang Ninh over
— —— years _ CC
“Table22 | Comparison of market shares of SHB Quang Ninh and branches of state-| owned cornrnercial banks (30/09/2012)
Comparison of market shares of SHB Quang Ninh and branches of some joint stock commercial banks (30/09/2012)
~ Table 2.4 The EFE Matrix of SHB Quang Ninh
Table2.5 | Comparison of SHB Quang Ninh’s capital nobilization and usage with ———— those of 4 state-owned commercial banks
[ Table 2.6 _| Comparison of SHB Quang Ninh’s capital nobilization and usage with ——————— those of 4 joint stock commercial banks
oe The Competitive Profile Matrix of SHB Quang Ninh and state-owned
| Table 2.7 commercial banks :
So a The Competitive Profile Matrix of SHB Quang Ninh and joint stock
[_ Table 2.8 —————— commercial banks :
| Table 2.9 SHB Quang Ninh’s capital mobilization structure | _ Table 2.10 Outstanding loans over time
Table 2.11 Classification of debt quality
Table 2,12 Service activities of SHB Quang Ninh
| Table 2.13 Some financial indicators of SHB Quang Ninh
[Table 2.14 The IFE Matrix of SHB Quang Ninh
| Table 3.1 The SWOT Matrix of SHB Quang Ninh
| Table 3.2 The SPACE Matrix of SHB Quang Ninh
| _ Table 3.3 The QSPM of SHB Quang Ninh
| Table 3.4 Strategy implementation budget of SHB Quang Ninh
[ F igure 1.1 Strategic management process
| Figure 1.2 M Porter's 5 Forces Model
Trang 9~ ( RIC a o9) ame VERS! Strategic Management Group 6 GaM{BA MOTTT _F igurel.3 | | Strategy development process using SWOT Matrix
E Figure 1.4 Strategic Position & Action Evaluation Matrix (SPACE) L Figure ZA Organizational chart of SHB Quang Ninh
| F Figure 2.2 Pie chart showing the market share of capital mobilization of SHB QN L Figure 2.5: Pie chart showing the market share of capital usage of SHB QN
| Figure 3.1 The SPACE Matrix of SHB Quang Ninh LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS [ _ ATM Automatedtellermachine _' _—— APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation | CA Competitive Advantage | ES Enviroment Stability | EFE External Factor Evaluation (Matrix) | EU European Union | FS Financials Strengths | GDP Gross Domestic Product | IS Internals Strenghts | IFE Internal Factor Evaluation (Matrix) | IE Internal-External(Matrix)
CPM Competitive Profile Matrix KPIs Key Performance Indicators
QSPM Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix
ROA Return On Assets
ce ROE Return On Equity
| SHB Sai Gon - Ha Noi Commerical Join Stock Bank
SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats SO Strengths, Opportunities _ ST Strengths, Threats SPACE Strategic Position & ACtion Evaluation (Matrix) | wo Weaknesses, Opportunities | WT Weaknesses, Threats
| WTO World Trade Organization
Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of
| Vietnam
eo? Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam
_— Vietinbank Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade
_ Techcombank Vietnam Technological and Commercial Joint Stock Bank
MSB Vietnam Maritime Commercial Joint Stock Bank
=a Global Advanced ©): '
Trang 10._ ấS CJRIGGS Strategic Management Group 6 GaN{BA MOTT T
CB Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank
_ MB Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank
Agribank Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
| VIB Vietnam International Commerical Joint Stock Bank
_ EXIMBANK Vietnam Export — Import Commercial Joint Stock Bank
—_ VND Vietnamese Dong
| QN Quang Ninh Province
| VINACOMIN Vietnam National Coal and Mineral Industries Group
Trang 11£ 5i eRe ; 1 ` UNIVERSITY G93) NIrdfCUIC \ÍANqAUCIHCOME (ƯONHĐ O0 Cl\FB.[ \IUTTÌ INTRODUCTION I The necessity of the research 1 General context
In recent years, thanks to the renovation policy of the Party, our country's economy has experienced rapid.solid and powerful development steps In order to promote the country’s industrialization and modernization, there is an inevitable way which is to apply the world’s advanced achievements of technological and social science to the specific circumstances of Vietnam
The experience of many countries shows that applying the achievements of technological and social science in general and management science in particular is the key factor which is highly efficient for the development process of economy in general and businesses in particular
The year of 2012 has witnessed dramatic changes in the world’s economy as well as
Vietnam’s economy with many signs of economic depression Political crises in Africa and the Middle East area (Asia) have led to a decline in commerce, service and investment
activitiesall over the world The forecasts of the world's economic growth targets in 2012
have been all adjusted lower than those of the previous forecast Prices of oil, gold and food
continue to increase; inflation is occuring in many countries at different levels These
situations make a huge impact on Vietnam's economy in 2012 and the following years In the context of these economic happenings, the operation of the commercial bank system in Vietnam is facing major risks and challenges; at the same time, it also
experiences significant changes and fluctuations In accordance with the Party’s policies and
the state law, the State Bank of Vietnam has launched several measures as well as issued a number of regulations,aimed at strengthening and makingbusiness activities of the bank system healthier The consolidation or merger between banks is encouraged and supported by the Government and the State Bank in order to move towards a healthier banking system, capable of serving public and competing with banks in the area
2 The necessity of the research
Commercial bank is a financial intermediary which plays an important role as the bridge between the actors in the economy In order for banking activities to be effective,
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GR UNIVERSITY G9 „ Strat Uứ( \ fans ()) f t/7010) (3 Cra VB 1 \/7/j /
management activities are required to be scientific, methodical and systematic Therefore, Strategic management is one of the leading tasks of many banks
Saigon — Hanoi Commerical Joint Stock Bank which has been stranformed from the rural joint stock form into the urgan one recently, is a young commercial banks in Vietnam with limited basic conditions such as charter capital, banking technology, management experience and human resources Thus, in order to improve its position, enhance its Competitiveness and gradually dominate the market for modern banking services, it is required that Saigon — Hanoi Commerical Joint Stock Bank should have an appropriate business strategy
Saigon - Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Quang Ninh Branch (SHB Quang Ninh) is a subordinate branch of Saigon Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank (SHB) with limited basic conditions such as capital, banking technology, management experience and human resource compared with other state-owned banks In addition, the merger between Hanoi Building Commercial Joint Stock Bank (HBB) and SHB also requires SHB to develp and adjust the entire business strategy for the coming time Therefore, in addition to the
purposes of improving its position, enhancing its competitiveness and gradually dominating
the market for modern banking services; restructuring and reorganizing the organizational apparatus as well as directing the business strategy of the whole system requires SHB to have an appropriate business strategy
SHB Quang Ninh is not an exception SHB Quang Ninh includes HBB Quang Ninh,
therefore it has to develop and adjust its own business strategy consistent with the whole system’s general provisions on mergers and restructuring as well as the specific
characteristics of Quang Ninh- a province located in the Northern triangle economic zone of
the country
Starting from the above rationales along with the desire to apply the knowledge gained from theGlobal Advanced Master of Business Administration program of Griggs University to the real practices of Vietnamese enterprises, after discussing and exchanging ideas, members of Group 6 -GaMBA.MO111 has unanimously selected the research topic: "Formulating business strategies for Saigon Hanoi Commerical Joint Stock Bank — Quang Ninh Branch in the period of 2013 - 2018"
Trang 13ar / = “C3 ee GRIGC ) Strategic Management Group 6 GaN{BA MOTT
3 The meaning of the reseach
The research will develop a business orientation for the 5-year period from 2013 to 2018 and the following years It sets a clear goal which is widely shared by the whole Bank and allfunctional departments; at the same time, it also specifies the resources available for the implementation process
This strategy is also the common goal of all SHB Quang Ninh staff
Finally, the research performs thorough analysis of the environment, potential risks and competitive advantages to clearly identify the advantages and potential which can be transferred to real power of SHB Quang Ninh
Il, Research objectives
The major objectives of the research are:(1)Systematizethe theoriesofbusiness Strategy, (2) Analyzethecurrent business situation ofSaigon Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock
Bank — Quang Ninh Branch in the period of 2010-2012and (3) Proposebusiness strategiesfor
the periodof 2013 - 2018, at the same timesuggest some implementation solutions
The firstimportant taskof the researchis to
studythegeneraltheoriesofcommercialbankbusiness straegy and select strategic
managementmodelsfor analysis.Based on thesemodels, theresearchwill assessthe current business situation of SHBQuangNinhin the periodof 2010-2012 Finally, theresearch will proposebusinessstrategiesfor SHBQuang Ninhin theperiodof 2013 - 2018basedonthe abovestandardmodelsandtheresultsfromthe situation analysis ofthebank
INI The object and scope of the reseach 1 Research subject
Research subject:
Research the related issuesin the business strategy development process arising in the actual situation of SHB Quang Ninh
Scope of the research:
Spatial range: Saigon Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank — Quang Ninh Branch
Time range: During the period of 2010 - 2012 2 Research methodology
- Systematic method: Assessall the factorsthatcanaffectSHBQuang Ninh’s strategy W iththismethod, the assessment offactorsaffectingthe bank’s strategy includes both external and internal environment of SHB Quang Ninh
Trang 14a ( IRIGCsS UNIVERSITY ~ Strategic Managemen m I D6 GaNiBA MOTT] - Secondary data analysis method: This method is usedto study thetheoretical backgroundforthedevelopmentofbusiness strategy
- Primary data analysis method: AssesstheactualsituationofSHBQuang Ninhin thebusiness
strategy formulationandimplementation process
-Quantitative method: Thismethod isusedto select strategies and makedecisions - Strategic analytical method: Such asSWOT Matrix analysis, QSPM analysis
IV Structure of the capstone project
In addition to the Table of contents, Introduction and List of references, this report includes three following chapters:
Chapter 1: Theoretical background for business strategy development
Chapter 2: Analysis of the actual business situation of Saigon Hanoi Commercial
Joint Stock Bank — Quang Ninh Branch
Chapter 3: Business strategy development for Saigon Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank — Quang Ninh Branch in the period of 2013 — 2018: Implementation solutions,
Recommendations and Conclusions
cố Global Advanced
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C5RIGC 3 UNIVERSITY Strategic Manage! Group 6 GaN{BA.NfOTT]
1.1 OVERVIEW OF BUSINESS STRATEGY 1.1.1 The concepts of strategy The concepts of strategy and business strategy Definitions of strategy
In the history of business management, there have many views of”Business Strategy"by different authors; we can consider some _ definitionsofbusiness strategytoidentifyitscharacteristics
According to Chandler (1962), strategy is ‘the determination of the basic iong- term goals and objectives of an enterprise, and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these goals’(Chandler, Alfred D., Jr , 1962, Strategy and Structure Cambridge, MA: MIT Press)
In thebookExploringCorporateStrategy,the two authors - JohnsonandScholesdefinestrategyas follows: “Strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over the long term, which achieves advantage for the organisation through its configuration of resources within a changing environment and to fulfil stakeholder expectations (Johnson, G Scholes, K(1999) ExploringCorporateStrategy SthEd PrenticeHallEurope)
Until the 1980s, James B Quinn came up with a more general definition of strategy as follows: “Strategy is the pattern or plan that integrates an organization's major goals, policies and action sequences into a cohesive whole (Quinn, J., B (1980) Strategies for Change: Logical Inscrementalism Homewood, Illinois, Irwin)
In the opinion of Michael Porter, "Strategy is the art of building solid competitive advantages to defense"
The word “strategy” can be construed in many ways Minzberg summarizes the meanings of the word “strategy” which have been used by many scholars to suggest "SP" of strategy: Plan, Ploy, Pattern, Position, Perspective
From the abovedconcepts, it can be seen:
Strategy 1s associated with an enterprise’s goals and the formulation of business Strategy is to help the enterprise achieve those set goals
tơ Global Advanced
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C JRIC( 9 JNIVERSITY Strategic Manage) Group 6 GaNIBA MOTEL
Strategy is not a separate action but a series of cohensive actions and decisions and all strategies must aim at achieving an enterprise’s goals and objectives Strategy is developed on the basis of the enterprise’s internal resources and external factors that affect the enterprise
To achieve this, the enterprise shouldcreate the consistency of all activities in order to create and maintain competitive advantages in the long term
In short, a general definition of strategy can be given as follows: “Strategy is a coordinated series of actions which involve the deployment of resources to which one has access for the achievement of a given purpose” or in other words "Business strategy is the overall decisions and activities related to the choice of means and allocation of resources to achieve the set goals In a competitive environment, an important goal of enterprises is to achieve a better strategic position compaired with other competitors" Definitions of business strategy
From the mid-20th century, the term "strategy" has been widely used in both
macro-economics and micro-economics In the macro aspect, it refers to basic,
comprehensive and long-term development plans of sectors, industries or regions In terms of micro management, strategies also aim at development which is closely associated with business So, in the business environment, people often talk about the term "business strategy" of a company
In business world, resources are always limited and the business environment is volatile, while enterprises have to face fierce competition from rivals Competing in the market is similar to fighting on the battlefield
Business strategy provides long-term orientation and valuable guidelines for a company and its functional departments There are different definitions of business
- Business strategy of an enterprise is a general course of actions towards achieving the enterprise’s goals Strategy is a set of goals and policies as well as major plans to achieve those goals
- An enterprise's business strategy is the optimal choice of combining measures (using the enterprise’s resources), time (opportunities, threats) and space (business field, area of operations) in accordance with business environment analysis and the
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enterprise's resources in order to achieve basic and long-term objectives consistent with the vision of that enterprise(Nguven Khoa Khoi, Dong Thi Thanh Phuong, Strategic Management , Statistics Publishing House)
Here is a definition that has been used in MBA programs: business strategy is a series of commitments and actions that a company uses to win a competitive advantage by exploiting its core competencies on a particular market (associated with a product or a product line) Definition of strategic management a Strategic management
Strategic management can be defined as the art and science of formulating, implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve its objectives (Fredr David, Concepts of strategic management- Statistics Publishing House, 2006)
As this definition implies, strategic management focuses on_ integrating management, marketing, finance/accounting, production/operations, research and development, and business information systems to achieve organizational success b Strategic management process
Strategic management is the process of studying the current, as well as future
environments; establishing goals of an organization; setting, implementing and
monitoring the implementation of decisions in order to achieve those goals in the
current and future environments
Trang 18ye IX IC G9) Strate Vic \fanageni Cy) Urn, 4 ahh VJO7 11 JNIVERSITY _ Figure 1.1 Strategic management process Company’s functions, duties&strategic objectives (1)
Company’s internal External environment
analysis (S, W) (3) analysis (O, T) (2)
ja = Business strategy selection (4) #————————>
Corporate - level strategy (5)
Business — level strategy
Functional — level strategy £———————> Strategy implementation (6) 4————————> Performance measurement & : evaluation (7) Feedback i {HIẾP c Vision, mission statements and core values ~ Vision Strategic vision isthehighestaspirationofbusiness ownersabout the future ofheirbusiness
Speaking of vision, itis describingthefuturewithsomespecialmethodsthatmakeitbetter
thin the reality Establishing a business strategic vision hasalwaysbeenamajorchallengefor an’ organization.It describesthepeople and theorganizationat theprospecttheywill
A vision usually starts from the things that leaders are most interested in and conmitted to achieve Margaret Thatcher once said, "The responsibility of leaders is to illiminate the path to the future, and then seek help from everyone to create that Fuure." A vision is considered to be effective when it includes the following features:
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- Be inspiring: vision statements need to have an impact on employees both mentally and emotionally
- Clear and vivid: if you can ‘see’ a strategic vision in business as a vivid picture, you will earn yourself a better chance to achieve it
- Envisioning a better future: Leaders must help employees to see what they would have if they reach that vision Employees will always be linked to the vision when they see the benefits that they will have when achieving that vision
- Mission statements
A company's mission is a concept used to determine the company’s purposes, the rationalesfor which the company exists and the basis for its development A company's mission statements are its proclamation to the society; it demonstrates the values and meaning of the existence of the company to the society
Basically, a company's mission statements are merely to clarifyacrucialissue: “what is the purpose of its business?” The scopeof the missionstatement is oftenrelatedto the products, markets, customers, technology andphilosophiesthat the company is pursuing So it can be said that missionstatements clarify the meaning of theexistence of an organization, what it wantstobe, thecustomers it wantstoserve, theway it wants to operate
~ Core values
A company’s core values are what the company consider as priceless and
unchangeable Core values create a foundation for the company’s internal regulations
+ Core values are defined as follows:
- A belief system that affect behaviors between human and human, or between groups of people
- Core values are the "soul" of an organization
- Effective values that are deeply rooted in an organization
- Core values help shape organizational psychology, which can support or reduce
individual psychology
+ Core values are the essential and long-term guidelines and rules: - They help orient the decisions and actions of an organization - They are not cultural actions or specific activities
- They are not built for the purpose of profit or other short-term interests
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- Organizations want to retain their core values even when its mission has changed
- They are essential and long-term principles of an organization - a set of tiny guiding rules that have profound impacts on the way that the people in that organization think and act
- Core values are not affected by public opinions, but have intrinsic values and great importance to those inside the organization Core values are some of the very rare guiding rules that have enormous influences They are the soul of an organization, the values that guide all actions
- Core values have depth and they are extremely important values These values are rarely changed by market changes On the other hand, organizations will normally change the market, if necessary, in order to maintain its core values Characteristics of business strategy
Business strategy determines the basic objectives and business direction of a business in a specific period
The orientation characteristic of business strategy is to ensure the continuous and sustainable development of a business in the constantly fluctuating business environment
Business strategy ensures maximum mobilization and optimal combination of the extraction and use of a business’s resources at the present and in the future It also promotes the strengths and seizes the opportunities to gain competitive advantages
Business strategy of an enterprise is reflected throughout a continuous process.It is often developed in a long period of time (3, 5 to 10 years)
Business strategy always has attacking thoughts in order to win in the marketplace 1.1.2 Levels of business strategy
Depending ondifferent viewpoints, exact strategiclevels can be identified However, most commonly, strategyisdividedintothreelevels:
- Corporate-level strategy: towardstheoverallpurposeandscopeof an
Organization.Itidentifiesthe actions thatthecorporatetakes ¡nordertogaina competitive
advantageby selecting, managing a group
ofdifferentbusinesses,competinginanumberofindustriesandproduct markets
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- Business-level Strategy: the overallcommitmentsandactionsthat helpbusinessesgaina competitive advantageby exploitingtheircore competenciesinspecificproductmarkets It reflects theconfidenceof a business in the locationandthe way itcan gaina competitive advantageoveritscompetitors The importance ofbusinessstrategyisto allow a_ business to"decide to perform activities differently or perform different activities as compared to its rivals”
- Functional-level strategy: helps implement effectively corporate-levelandbusiness-
level strategies bythecomponentsin terms ofresources, processes, people and necessary skills This is the strategytoimprovetheeffectiveness ofbasic activitiessuchasproduction, marketing, materialsmanagement, research and development Key issues in business strategy
A business strategy must address three following key issues: - Who will be served?
- What needs will be satisfied? - How will those needs be satisfied? Roles of business strategy
Firstly, business strategy helps enterprises understand and take advantage of
business opportunities to formulate appropriate strategies and development policies in order to accomplish the set goals
Secondly,business strategy helps managers forecast uncertainties and risks occuring in the present and in the future; thereby adopt appropriate policiesin order to initiatively response to those uncertainties and risks
Thirdly, business strategy helps managers efficiently use and effectively
allocate the enterprise’s available resources
Fourthly, business strategy helps managers effectively coordinate the organization’s functions to reach the common goals
1.1.3 Factors influencing a company’s business strategy
The strategic management process of an enterprise is divided into four phases: Strategic Planning =>Strategy Implementation=> Control => Strategy adjustment
This process is influencedbymany factors whichcan be divided intotwogroups: external environmentandinternalenvironment Ineachtype of environment, there are factorsthatdirectlyinfluencean enterprise’s strategy.In fact, these factorsare always
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changing and closely interactingwitheachother, creatingopportunitiesandrisks thatan enterprise may encounter Thus,evaluating theexternal environmentisastep in the strategy formulation process; it helps enterprises takeadvantageofopportunitiesand avoid risks brought by the external environment External environment analysis Analysis of influencing factors
This is the group of factors that create opportunities and threats that enterprises may face in a competitive condition The external environmental factors are classified into two major groups, including the macro environment and micro environment
A Macro environment (PEST Model) (1) Economic environment
This segment determines the health and prosperity of an economy, it always
make significant impacts on enterprises and industries It refers to the nature and development direction of an economy in which enterprises are operating.In fact, enterprises, especially banks usually pay attention to these economic factors through various economic variables such as: GDP growth trend, inflation, interest rates, the availability level of the credit system, the level of disposable income and consumptiontrends of citizens
(2) Technological environment
Inaspreadinganddiverse space, technological changesaffectmanyaspectsof asociety.Forbanking operations, technology can allowbankstoprovidethebestofmodernbankingservices
(3) Social-cultural environment
This segment is_ related tosocialattitudesandculturalvalues Similar totechnologychanges, socialchangesalsocreateopportunitiesandthreats, ascultural valuesandsocialattitudesmakeupthe foundation ofa society Therefore, these changesoftenlead tothe changes intechnological, political-legal, economicanddemographic conditions
(4) Demographic environment
The demographic segmentin themacroenvironment isrelated topopulation, agestructure, geographic distribution, ethniccommunities, andincome distribution (5) Political — legal enviroment
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This environment has a major impact on the level of environmental opportunities and threats Banks must always carefully analyze the new philosophies andpolicies related to banking activities such as: interest rate policy, exchange rates, foreign exchange management, tax, debt management
(6) Global environment
This environment includes relevant global markets, current changing markets, important international political events, basic institutional and social! characteristics of the global market
B Macro environment — Industry environment
The Five Forces Model was introduced by Michael E Porter — a professor at Harvard Business School and becamea popular strategic model used by many corporate strategists According toMichaelE.Porter, there arefive forces that determine the competitionin a particular industry They are:(1) threat of new entrants, (2) bargaining power ofsuppliers, (3) bargainingpowerofbuyers, (4) threatofsubstitute products, and(5)industry competitor
Figure 1.2 M Porter's 5 Forces Model Potential Entrants Threat of new entrants ele INDUSTRY Bargaining a Power at Sunniliore COMPETITORS :
Rivalry among of Buyers
Suppliers Existing firms l Threat of Substitute Products or Services Substitutes
(1) Threat of new entrants
New competitors when entering the marketoften create new competition by taking the market share from existing firms Normally, when entering a new entrants face certain barriers such as: the econmies of scale, product
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differentiation, capital requirements, cost advantages, access to distribution channels, the Government’s regulations,
(2) Bargaining power of suppliers
Suppliers can claim their power and threaten producers by increasing prices, reducing the quantity and quality of products/services For banks, suppliers are depositors and w0se power is reflected by the amount of capital they can deposit Thus, they can stow their power by setting the price/interest rate
(4) Bargaining power of buyers
Buyers often ask for discounts ordemandhigher quality of products and services, svitch to other providers if necessary For banks, buvers are the people who use the benking products and services Power of buyers is usually expressed by the scale of products and services that they use Hence, they also have the right to negotiate with benks on the price of products and services
(4 Threat of substitutes
Substitute products may limit the development potential or profits of an inlustry In the banking industry, substitute services are considerably rare However, to some extent, it still appears new markets and customer trends Instead of using treditional bank servicessuch as savings and loans, customers may have different choices, for example: investing in the stock market or real estate instead of oreningsavings accounts
(5S Intensity of rivalry among competitors
The competition within an industry is reflected by the fact that competitors use their power to attract customers Commonly used techniques are price competition, product introduction, marketing campaigns and advertising programs The intensity of conpetition within an industry depends on factors such as: the number of competitors, intustry growth rate, high fixed costs or perishable products, the level of product standardization and the barriers to exit
In fact, when analyzing the industry environment and competition environment, sitntegists often answer four questions: (1) what is the scope of the industry in which the c:onpany is operating?, (2) what is the structure of the industry?, (3) which companies are tthe competitors?, (4) what are the criteria to determine the competitors?
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Trang 25( 3[$|( 1 3 UNIVERSITY | SIrUle 2d Vanageme stl tướng 6 GdNIBA MOTT External factor evaluation matrix a.External factor evaluation matrix (EFE)
EFE matrix helps managers evaluate external factors, synthesize and summarize major opportunities and threats from the external environment that can affect the business Based on this, business managers can evaluate the response level of the business to those opportunities and threats
There are 5 steps to develop an EFE matrix:
Step 1:Make a list of factors including opportunities and threats that influence the success of the business in the industry
Step 2:Each factor will be assigned a weight of importance from 0.0 (not important) to 1.0 (very important) The total value of the weight for all factor’s level of importance must be 1.0
Step 3: Assign a rating between 1 and 4 to each factor that decides the business success to evaluate how the current business strategy responds to that factor: 4 = the response is superior, 3 = the response is above average, 2 = the response is average and | = the response is poor;
Step 4: Multiply each factor’s weightwith its rating to calculate the weighted score for each factor
Step 5: Add all weighted score of all factors to identify the total weighted score for the company
Evaluation: The total weighted score of the matrix does not depend on the
number of factors listed The highest total weighted score a business can have is 4.0, the lowest is 1.0
If the total weighted score is higher than 3: the business responds positively to external opportunities and threats
If the total weighted score is higher than 2.5 (and lower than 3): the business has average ability to respond to external opportunities and threats
The total weighted score lower than 2.5 reveals that the business responds poorly to external opportunities and threats
Trang 26GRIC 63) UNIVER sity Strategic Management Group 6 GaMIBA MOTT Table 1.1 External Factor Evaluation Matrix (EF E) L _Exfernal business environment factors Weight Rating Weighted score (1) (2) (3) (4) = (2)x(3) OPPORTUNITIES — —— ——}—->—-—-—-——————— Total = 1 | Total weighted score =A
b Competitive profile matrix (CPM)
This matrix provides visual assessment of the business compared with major
competitors in the industry.The comparison is based on the factors affecting the
Competitiveness of companies in the industry
A Competitive profile matrix can be developed by 5 steps:
Step 1: List all the key success factors of the industry (about 10 factors)
Step 2: Assign a weight for each factor from 0 (not important) to 1.0 (most important) The sum of all weights should equal 1
Step 3: Rate each factor ranging from | to 4 for all the companies in analysis Here,the response is poor represented by the rating of 1, the response is average represented by 2, the response is above average represented by 3, the response is superior represented by 4
Step 4: Calculate the weighted score for each factor by multiplying each factor’s rating with its weight
Step 5: Calculate the total weighted score for each company by adding all the weighted scores of this company
Evaluation: Compare the total weighted score of the company with that of other major competitors in the industry in order to evaluate the competitiveness of the
Trang 27ie ( J[$|C ›( 3 UNIVERSITY _ Strategic Management Group 6 GaN{BA MOTTT Table 1.2 Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM)
Critical success factors | Weight | Rating i score Rating Mác sảớu Rating HN score score | Leveep-recrenrasueommennes rae ae [ooo Lee ee a baa int is i i a sa Saas ea at ame ca Total 10 | [| — ere pn Internal environment analysis Analysis of influencing factors
By analyzing the internal environment, businesses in general and banks in particular identify what they can do The outcome of internal environmental analysis is to identify unique resources, capabilities and competenciesrequired for sustainable competitive advaniage
Resources include financial resources, human resources, physical and technological resources, organizational resources, brand value, reputation, etc
(1) Financial capability analysis
For a bank, financialresourcesare shownby many factors:thesize of owners’ equity; the bank's abilitytoraisecapital compared toitscompetitors; capitalstructureandassetstructure; growth rate indicators (profit growth, credit outstanding growth, mobilization growth ); profitandthe profit distributionpolicy; the balancebetweencapitalandcapital usage; capitalcostcomparedtotheindustryandcompetitors; liquidity; ability to
contro\costsandreducecapital cost; financialscale; financial ratios such as ROA (return on
assets) ROE (return on equity); relationships withtheowners, shareholders andinvestors; ability to estimate and prepare for financial losses
(2) Marketing capability analysis
Marketing capabilities can increase customers’ perceived valuesof the baking products and services Marketing capabilities include market research capability, current and
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future competitive position in themarket; ability to identify target customers; the level of diversification of service portfolio and the development of new services
(3) Human resource analysis
In a service business in general and a bank in particular, human resources play an important role in determining the quality of products and services A bank employee conveys the value of product and services to customers and build customers’ trust The quality of human resources is shown by many indicators such as: professional qualifications, soft skillssuch as foreign language proficiency, computer proficiency, communication skill, presentation skill and decision-making skill Among these, qualifications are important because they demonstrate the ability of employees to understand their job and perform it in
a propermanner
(4) Organizational analysis
Analysis of a bank’s organizational resources includes the following: the bank’s
existing organizational structure; the bank's prestige and position; organization of internal information system and communication; control system,internal inspection and audit;
organizational atmosphere and routines; strategic planning system; capacity, level of consideration and enthusiasm of the topleaders; ability to use various methods and techniquesin preparingdecisions and other documents
(5) Physical analysis
Analysis of physical resources includes the following details: head offices and transaction offices; customer service equipment; internal machinery and equipment: payment system, computer system; banking technological level
The application of technology is one of the factors that determine the
competitiveness of commercial banks Today, banksare developing intensive technology products and using advanced technology products as a measure of competitiveness, especially in the development of e-banking products
(6) Analysis of techonology and science capabilities
Technology is the most important component in a _ bank’s necessary infrastructures Automatic machinery and equipment help shorten the operating time, increase the accuracy and convenience of banking services Technology is a basic condition for banks to deploy modern services Banking technology also includes internal information management system and risk reporting system
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(7) Diversity of products/services and customer service quality
A bank that has various types ofproductsand servicesprovidedinaccordancewiththe market demandsandthe bank’ smanagementcapacitywillhasa significant advantage The diversificationofproductsand services not onlyensure a bank’s stable development but also help the bankto take advantage of the economiesofscale The diversificationofproductsandservicesmust also be consistentwiththe bank’s existing resources; otherwiseit willnotguaranteehighefficiency
(8) Core competencies
Core competenciesgenerate a business’s competitive advantage However,the point of view that businesses have to be based on core competencies to develop new products and services is not always true
In the field of marketing, there is a concept namely“core competencies” of an organization/business and "core core benefit” of a brand
Core competencies are often understood as activities that a business performs especially well compared to competitors They must simultaneously satisfy 04 criteria:
- Valuable: Core competencies must bring real values to customers, influence them to choose the company’s products/services Otherwise, they will not be effective lin gaining competitive position and can not be considered as core competencies
- Rare: They are competencies that are not possessed by many others
- Costly-to-Imitate: It allows the company to create better products than Competitors As the company constantly upgrade them, they will create the ultimate Competitive position in the market
- Nonsubstitutable: Core competencies couldbetechnology, technical know- how, closerelationshipswithcustomers, distribution system, powerful brands Core competencies createcompetitive advantages forenterprisesintheirproduction andbusinessactivitieswithoutequivalentcompetitors
When developing new products and services, businesses often rely on core competencies which are their existing strengths This is considered a top priority for many businesses when making decisions on developing new products and services, complementing their existing products and services Core competencies will create a
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competitive advantage for businesses, reduce the risks in goal-setting and strategic planning activities, determine the success or failure of projects
Core competencies are not always the most imperative condition when developing new products, services or business fields Because the final result is not always consistent and a consensus is not always achieved Some prudent managers usually determinedly defend their point of view which is relying on core competencies (existing strengths of the company); while some other prefer adventures and consider that is not necessary Although core competencies generate a business’s competitive advantage, the point of view that businesses have to be based on core competencies to develop new products and services is not alwavs true
Indeed, if a business determinedly relies on its core competencies, it might lose some opportunities Developing partnerships and joint ventures in order to rely on the
strengths of the partners, and then gradually build up their own core competencies has
been one of the wise decisions,bringing outstanding success for many businesses recently
In summary, core competencies are essential business capabilities that businesses can perform better than competitors (or at least make the best of their capabilities Core competencies are not only knowledge and skills, but also a business’s personality, ability and mannerto obtain these knowledge and skills Therefore, each business has its own core competencies as its own personality and
identity That will determine the manner and the path that they will follow in the
future, rather than the frame limiting the business’s development Internal factor evaluation matrix (IFE)
Internal factors are considered very important for every business strategy and
objectives set by the business.After taking into account all internal factors, strategic
managers should develop an internal factor evaluation matrix in order to consider the response ability and identify the business’s strengths and weaknesses Based on this, the business can take advantage of its strengths to exploit and prepare its internal resources to cope with the weaknesses and find ways to improve those weaknesses
There are 5 steps to develop an IFE Matrix
Step 1: Make a list of key internal factors including strengths and weaknesses
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Step 2: Assign a weight of importance that ranges from 0.0 (not important) and 1.0 (all- important) to each factor The total value of those weights should be 1.0 The weight indicates the relative importance of that factor to being successful in the industry regardless of whether it is an internal strength or weakness
Step 3:Assign a 1-to-4 rating to each factor to indicate whether that factor represents a major weakness (rating =1), a minor weakness (rating — 2), a minor strength (rating = 3), or a major strength (rating = 4)
Step 4: Multiply each factor’s weight by its rating to calculate a weighted score
for each factor;
Step 5: Add all the weighted scores of all factor to identify the total weighted
score for the organization
Evaluation: Regardless of how many factors are included in an IFE Matrix, the total weighted score can range from 1.0 to 4.0 The total weighted score below 2.5 undicates that the business isweak internally The total weighted score above 2.5
characterizes that the business is strong internally
Table 1.3 Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix (IFE) Internal business environment factors Weight Rating Weighted score () (2) (3) (4) = (2)x(3) STRENGTHS ) \WWEAKNESSES Total = 1 Total weighted score =A
Depending on each business’s viewpoints on strategy, different strategy formulation processes can be formed In this paper, the group approachs a common business development method using SWOT Matrix In the opinion of the group, the SWOT matrix analysis approach is comprehensive and superior with the principle that
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strategic efforts must aim atcreating the best match between the company’ sinternal resources, capabilities and external factors
1.2.1 Formulating and selecting business strategies - using SWOT Formulating business strategies - using SWOT
Normally, strategy is understood as the result of a rational planning process which is arranged carefully and dominated by the top management team in an enterprise So far, management scientists, strategists and managers have offered various strategic planning models Using the SWOT analysis method, strategy development
consists of 04 steps:
Bước 1: Establish the company’s vision and mission statements
In this step, the company should clearly identify its current business field and potential opportunities in the future The company’s vision and mission statements should also be identified and established This requires the company to identify the scope of current operations and future business opportunities In other words, it has to
answer the question: "What is the business industry in which we are operating " and
"What is theposition of our industry in the value network?"
Key strategic goals determine what the bank expect toaccomplish in medium term and long term A meaningful goal should have four characteristics:
Firstly, a well-established goal must be accurate and can be measured Secondly, a well-established goal focuses on important issues
Thirdly, a well-established goal must be challenging but realistic Fourthly, a well-establishedgoal should be set within a time frame Bước 2: Perform external and external environment analysis
In this step, the company should collect the information about its external and internal environment, evaluate and analyze this information to identify Opportunities/threats and strengths/weaknesses Moreover, this step also identifies the possible combinations of external environmental factors and internal environmental factors
Buc 3: Evaluate the best combination between opportunities and resources
This refers to the identification of appropriate strategies in accordance with the comany’s resources and capabilities as well as its external environment
Bước 4: Strategy selection
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Trang 33-28-( IER IC 3 9) UNIVERSITY _ Stratezic Management Group 6 GaNIBA VIUTT] Figure 1.3: Strategy development process using SWOT Matrix i } i Step 1 | Establish the company’s vision and mission statements ] — | = Ị | | Evaluate | | ¬ | Evaluate |
—¬ | opportunities/threats | | và all | strengths/weaknesses
Step 2 > | - Macro environment F FT ¡ - Resources |
=—m | „INHEEG-GEBVHFORSNIESE | combinations | | - Special capabilities |
L_— D 1 —T—— L—_ -—-
¬ 7 —— ì
| Step 3 » | Evaluate the best combination between opportunities and resources
| Step 4> Strategy selection Selecting business strategies
By analyzing the SWOT matrix,alternative business strategies will be proposed Based on those alternative strategies, the company can analyze, evaluate and select the
most appropriate strategy
1.2.2 Tools for developing business strategies SWOT Matrix
SWOT matrix is a tool combining four key elements: Opportunities (O) Threats (T), Strengths (S) and Weaknesses (W) to form four groups of strategies
The four key elements are:
* Opportunities: Includethe environmental conditions thatpositively influence a company There are main trends that create opportunities for a company In addition, assessing the market segments that the company is not pursuing, competitive and legal changes, technological changes and relationships with suppliers and buyers also creates Opportunities for the company
* Threats: Include the environmental conditions that negatively affect a company New entrants, market decline, anincrease inthe bargaining power of suppliers or buyers, technological changes and new regulations may be threats to a company
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* Strengths: Includea company’s available resources and capabilitiesthat can create its advantages compared to competitors in fulfilling customers’ needs
* Weaknesses: are the limitations or lack of resources or capabilities of a company in relation to its competitors, creating disadvantages for the company in fulfilling customers’ needs
Four groups of strategies:
SO Strategies: businesses use their internal strengths to take advantage of external opportunities
WO Strategies: businesses overcome theirinternal weaknessesby taking acvantage of external opportunities
ST Strategies: businesses use their strengths to avoid threats or reduce the unpact of threats from the external environment
WT Strategies: businesses overcome or minimize their internal weaknesses to
avoid external threats
Table 1.4 SWOT Matrix SWOT S WwW MATRIX Strengths Weaknesses O S-O Strategies W-O Strategies Opportunities T S-T Strategies W-T Strategies Threats SPACE Matrix
SPACE Matrix includes 02 internal factors: FS (Financial Strength) and CA (Competitive Advantage); 2 external factors: ES (Environmental Stability) and IS (Irdustry Strength) SPACE Matrix can be developed through the following steps: Step 1: Choose a set of variables to be used to represent the competitive advantage (CA), industry strength (IS), environmental stability (ES), and financial strength (FS) Bréc 2: Rate individual factors using rating system specific to each dimension Rate
Ca and ES using rating scale from -6 (worst) to -1 (best) Rate IS and FS using rating
sicile from +1 (worst) to +6 (best)
St:p 3: Find the average scores for CA, IS, ES, and FS
St:p 4: Plot values from step 3 for each dimension on the SPACE matrix on the
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Trang 35Pa ( xỉ 4 € › 1# \ Bek if 3) NIPQtƯỜƠIt Vana INCH Group 6 Gah{B 1Af0771 JNIVERSITY appropriate axis
Step 5: Add the average score for CA and IS dimensions This will be the final point or axis X Add the average score for ES and FS dimensions to find the final point on the axis Y
Step 6:Find intersection of the X and Y points Draw a line from the center of the
SPACE matrix to this point Conservative FS Aggressive +4 | + +2 | CA 0 +l +2 #3 dể IS Defensive -3 Competitive
Figure 1.4.Strategic Position & Action Evaluation Matrix (SPACE)
SFACE Matrix allows a business to select the following strategies: Aggressive, Conservative, Defensive and Competitive Quantitative strategic planning matrix (QSPM)
THs is atechique for analyzing and _ selectingstrategiesusing the Quantitative StategicPlanningMatrix(QSPM) The QSPMusestheinputdatafrom theEFE Matrix, IF2 Matrix and SWOT Matrix to objectively determine which strategy among the alternative strategies is the most attractive one and worthpursuinginordertosuccessfully atc:omplish the setgoals Stepsto construct a QSPM are listed as follows:
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Make a list of the firm’s key external opportunities/ threats and internal strengths/weaknesses in the left column of the QSPM These information should be ‘aken directly from the EFE Matrix and IFE Matrix
Assign weights to each key external and internal factor These weights are identical to those in the EFE Matrix and IFE Matrix
Examine the SWOT, BCG, Hofer matrices and identify alternative strategies that the company should consider implementing Record these strategies in the top row of the QSPM Group the strategies into mutually exclusive sets if possible
Determine the Attractiveness Scores (AS) The range for AS is: | = not attractive, 2= somewhat attractive, 3 = reasonably attractive, 4 = highly attractive
Calculate the Total Attractiveness Scores by multiplying the weights by the Attractiveness Score in each row The Total Attractiveness Scores indicate the relative
attractiveness of each alternative strategy, considering only impact of the adjacent
external or internal critical success factor
Calculate the Sum Total Attractiveness Score by adding Total Attractiveness Scores in each strategy column of the QSPM (considering all the external and internal factors that could affect the strategic decisions) The higher the Sum Total Attractiveness Score is, the more attractive and appropriate the strategy is
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2.1.1 Overview of Saigon- Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank (SHB) * Brief introduction:
- Vietnamese name: Saigon Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Transaction name: SHB
- Head Office: 77 Tran Hung Dao - Hoa Kiem, Hanoi
- Current chartered capital: Nearly 9,000 billion VND
- Establishment license: Saigon Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank, abbreviated as SHB, was established under the Decision No 214/QD-NHS5 dated 13/11/1993; Decision No 93/QD-NHNN dated 20 / 1/2006 and No 1764/QD-NHNN dated 11/09/2006 Business license: No 0103026080
* Major business fields: + Currency Trading
+ Foreign currency and foreign exchange trading + Gold trading
+ International payments
* Vision and Mission: SHB strives to become a leading modern and versatile retail bank of Vietnam by 2015 with modern technology, professional staff, and extensive network across the country and internationally, providing partners and customers with high-quality and synchronized banking products and utility services at affordable costs; becoming a strong financial group by 2020 according to international standards
* Development strategy:
- Always build the appropriate strategy for each stage of development, with
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long-term orientation in accordance with competition strategy,always create the difference, targeting at the market and customers
- Risk management system is establishedsychronizinglyand intensivelythroughout the whole system, with high quality, efficiency and protessionalism to ensure safe and sustainable operations
- Build SHB culture to be a spiritual factor connecting the whole system Develop professional management and human resource training strategies in order to
ensure a smooth, efficient and continual running process in the whole SHB system
- Develop products and services; increase the profits from services/annual total return based on an advanced and modern technology foundation
- Always best meet the interests of shareholders, investors towards a Prosperous
* New structure
In 2012, implementing the policy of restructuring the commercial banking system of Vietnam’s Government, SHB researched and figured out some of the best opportunities which could help SHB develop rapidly, strongly withthe lowest cost by mergering another credit institutioninto SHB The Decision No 1559/QD-NHNN was signed on August 7, 2012 by the State Bank approving the merger of Hanoi Builiding Commercial Joint Stock Bank into Saigon Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank SHB
held a press conference to proclaim the Decision No 1559/QD-NHNN approving the
merger of Hanoi Building Commercial Joint Stock Bank (HBB) into SHB on August 9,
According to the above decision, SHB is obliged to receive all assets, rights, obligations and legal interests of HBB and HBB simultaneously announced the
termination of its operations within 15 days (from the date of 28/08/2012)
The merger of HBB on SHB is planned in the development strategyof SHB and in accordance with the policy of the Government and the State Bank, aiming at restructuring the system of commercial joint-stock banks SHB after the merger became a large-scale financial institution in Vietnam with the charter capital of 9.000 billion VND, total assets of over 120.000 billion VND, a vast trading network with more than 240 branches, transaction offices nationwide and 2 branches in Cambodia, Laos, nearly 5,000 employees, including professionally trained personnel with rich
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2xperience and good qualifications;based on an advanced and modern technology ‘oundation to develop diverse products and utility services The Bank also has great advantages in terms of market and customer diversity which are developing in both juantity and quality Especially, SHB, after the merger,has the capital adequacy ratio- CAR of 11.39%,meeting the international standard, which affirms the safety and sustainability of SHB after the merger
2.1.2 Overview of SHB Quang Ninh Branch General Introduction
SHB Quang Ninh was established under Decision No 26/QD-HDQT2 dated 04/04/2007 of Saigon Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank (SHB) Management Board and officially put into operations on June 20" 2007 The head office of the branch is located at 488 Tran Phu, Cam Pha, Quang Ninh
SHB Quang Ninh’s business activities are based on the supervision and administration of SHB’s Head office SHB Quang Ninh is a level-one branch of SHB in Quang Ninh province
Up to the present, SHB Quang Ninh has a network consisting of 01 head office and 14 transaction officeslocated in almost all districts of the province Besides, the branch has a team of over 194 young, dynamic and enthusiastic staff, who are always determined to best serve their customers
The head office of SHB Quang Ninhincludes the following departments:
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1 Branch’s Board of Directors
to Comprehensive- AdministrationDepartment 3 Accounting Department
4.Customer Services and BugetDepartment 5 Corporate Customers Department 6 Individual Customers Department 7 Credit Support Department
8 Re-evaluation Department
9 International Payments Department 10 Debt Settlement Department 11 Information Technology Team 12 MarketingTeam Organizational structure of SHB Quang Ninh Branch
Figure 2.1 Organizational chart of SHB Quang Ninh —_— ¥