We would like to express our sincerest thanks to all Vietnamese and foreign Teachers and Lecturers of Global Advanced Master of Business Administration Program organized by Griggs University & International Academy and Center for Educational Technology
and Career Development- ETC ( Vietnam National University, Hanoi) Their valuable
encouragement, support and comments did help us a lot during our works on this Capstone Project Report, especially Teachers of Strategy Management course Without their support, We would have never completed this capstone project report
] owe a heartfelt thanks to Advisors from Vietnam Oil and Gas Group and Petro Vietnam Power Corporation, especially those who have been with Group 01 for their interesting and useful information about Strategy Analysis in Business, especially in Electricity Business Firms
Last but not least, thanks are due to our classmates in Gemba 01.03 Class , who
Ce {na an ga nŸŸỶnn nan nntOnEnEEannEOnOOoEnAAEAEO 1 [- REASONS FOR CHOOSTNG THE TOPIC - 22222212 2+ xkrsrikeskreses | II- RESEARCH OBJECTIVES oon ecccceecceseeteescseeeneeesseeneeessesnseseeeneeteesneeesees 3 IH- RESEARCH METHOIHDOLOOY c2 11221112 112 11x yệu + Ts Erase PED SCORE sar as sve noms RA GN DARA DEAS sh RO RAS + V- RESEARCH 8 PRUCT URES conennsarssmssxs am rnongsippdeeittirtangirhiisiot ĐESNGEE90380.S88450090030108 5 CHAPTER ly CONCEPTUAL BASIS carcass maasssemevreenaemmncmmaeaienss 6 1.1 THEORIES ON BUSINESS STRATEGY ooo eececccccccecseceeteeseeeenseesnseeeseens 6 1.1.1 Concepts OÍ SIFA[€ĐY cuc HH n HT TH TT KH tk kg 6 II VAO) 2U0ể000 00v AŒQẦỒaỚẮỚŨỚÚŨ À 6 1.1.3 Features of business S{TA{CĐV LH n TH HH TH ng HH ng khe 7 1.2 STRATEGY FORMULATTING PROCESS c2 1 12 seerye 8 Phố 10 D2, VINH ii ke SẰ caeneiiiiB se im seo Eusvasel Eoengie cơn gưnbrrlee ly vang reo chỗ 10 Tec CGC ics sxe i26 sáng 0HD.< s68 Tni2ln c8 6u sẵn 488 Rerreaoil in hroen emexisesmonea ensign tm a 10 1.3 EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS MODEL - II 1.3.1 Macro analySIS mOd€Ì cv TS TT ng nhện 1] 1.3.2 Porter`s five force model — Industrial anaÏySIS . -.-<© 52 15 1.4 INNTERNAL BUSINESS ANALYSIS Ặ 2Q 2v Hy nhe 19 Ae Ls WRU: IAM sores crate donna ined Hie onnadiantitdanuane tbdobe WiesivmenatiitSann shniienenaliokis nailiteane 19 lL Az Stable competitive: advantages ccomsas.aneresan mse onsimess enarasmwamenea euseomes 22 1.5 SWOT ANALYSIS 2 eecccccccneceseeseesecseeteeesseeesaeesaeenseeeeestrenaeeeneeeneeeatens 22 1.6 GENERAL COMPETITIVE STRATEGIES eecccceeceeeesteeeteeeeteeeeneeeneeens 24 l.6.1 KDst TeatErgHiI? SÍRgÍGĐ sa caccax 0Ÿs«s s10 <snđh4 đáo o=DNG hàn au44231soổ gi mast 24 lở TEWUDGE ĐỊITEEFETTTNLIOTI IRIEH[ĐTVfisnonse gà nh ng GanngH nghĩ thngia0130000300030g410831583001800008 25 AS , PSS ES oe sngrooae phe: Enga2NNNhPGME2TNDESUEP HDĐGVGDGEP'ĐMNNGB-7HDIDRHEDNJĐEISEEGNNIRGEEIGGREISSZ80V0800n 25 1.7 ANALYSIS AND SELECTION OF STRATEGIES c-cscs2+ 26 1.7.2 Peripheral factor evaluating IẪAfTIX cc ctS ch re oi 1N 990, na - 28 1 7á, CPR, TAI cau san ty tina gia gõ n huấn ĐEheeu-iuEnSBB xeoSBifBdGicoð Đu no duÄiicbeemdiukirocuä 8 vẽ 29 18, 8LBRATEGY DMPLEMEN TAL TION so cscmasanscasaaecmsasnscrenn ones IS G90 canine naa 29 10, STRATEGY WOM OREN G cnc: sacmnecmansenarememernenaessene am awn aan vn monde sis B8 30 1.10 APPLICATION OF THEORIES IN BUILDING STRATEGIES FOR PV 6): TA ore esa cons ensense nnsensnens nes petesonepreeenaseeenarred eheenss caveureven eneenesinereuones neseney 31
CORPORATION: sisscssassnsansesstignstivessgaucheneonensbtibonpaielsingnstinceosesitinpenpesShinensiesboren Takes 32 2.1 GENERAL BACKGROUND INFORMATION OF PV POWER .005 33 2.1.1 Establishment and development of PV PowWetr cccccccccceesseceeeteseeeeteees 33 2.1.2 Functions and đutI€S uc 111cc HH ST TS TH TT ng tk khe 34 2.1.3 Business fields ofPV PO'WER c c2 2 v11 ng 35 2.1.4- Organizational structure of the €OFpOFafION: cc 22s cssscssses 37 2.1.5 Production and business situation of Petro Vietnam and PV Power in the FAISE POWELL YS AUS wre acs woern acs wea.nas een 0300125810005 380 can Maes mH Ra ane SUING Kem LANE aie wu ape AL 39 2.2 BUSINESS RESULT OF PV POWER wu eceecceceeceeeseeeeteeeneeseeeeesereenaeenes A 2.2.1 Brief summary of Petro Vietnam business resuÌfS .:‹-.: 44 2.2.2 Business results in 2008 and 2009 oFPV POWER - sec: 44 2.3 OVERVIEW ON EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT .cccccceeeceessseeeccecseceeeecccceeeeseuuaanaas 48 2.3.1 Brief Introduction about current situation of Vietnam Electric Industry 48 2.4.2 Polioy lor developing Electrielty I aCket cr nà: gà nà nan vườn Go consi ase ston ara ean xm 49 2.3.3 Comparison on electricity investment in Vietnam eeeeeeeteees ae 2.4 CURRENT PRODUCTION PLAN AND BUSINESS STRATEGY OF PV POWER IN THE RECENT TIME G1 1112011129 1 v1 nh ray 61
2M mg SAUL “WES MOE es sence sre teensercan ans UR MT PE A DU 61 2.4.3 Current strategy of PV POWER: woo eee ececcccecseceeccesssseeceseseeeeeseeeeseaeees 65
2.4.4 Strengths and weaknesses of the present sfraf€Ø1€S: sec: 67
2.4.5 Difficulties in Implementing presenf straf€Ø1©S: - ccẰceesee 69 2.4.6 Problems to be solved for the present strat€gy: . -.««-.«cc<«2 70 27.72 ASSesamMient OF Ihe Present SECALEOY: sic scnccscsnseecenssntcanssassace umboascews 488 3606 Hghi 12 ưng DU ON MA IV HƠI CHI¬LThT Tà từ) th singi0017N01EPBiVEPNI t8 HG030724G300078983011980107 7'GMH1S/09136.7SG03188 NEĐSNBEHS 74 CHAPTER 3 SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE BUSINESS STRATEGIES AND DEVELOPMENT ORIENTATION TO YEAR 2015 AND VISION TO YEAR
FT onnecandssctonnocsnsrsi secnstonneprrintgrmteSnaseinencetsmouasinomenjutecuarestineivncasaoiemaisiesdrikenstnanum toveemesssnal 76 BLL L VISION: cece eccceeeceeccccccccceeaseeesseseseeseeeeeeecceseeeceseuuusasseeauassteseceeeseeueeeeueuuaaaaaaaaas 76 3.1.2 MiUSSION Lecce ccececsccseeeeeeeessssssesssseseeessessseeeuuesssesseusseeteceeseeassssseuaaeensesseenes 76
h0) ĐỀ ằ.ằ.ằ 77
3.2 SWOT ANALYSIS IN THE FUTURE AND COMPETITORS .:csssssseetseeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 77 3.2.1 SWOT matrix in the ẨU{UF€: 2 c1 11111 ven gưyt 77
3.2.2 Amalyzing COMPECtitOIS 177 81
LLG, UE sscnnamionemesanmemencchstimnonntmsitiayeinagynaneseielton ieee heen leer WAS 0 84
3.3.1, CHHÌ IS DWE BH BÍ san ars enon aexesecncmamcammremamaresan ccuesenans aemeacees anccenn sseeee 84 Electricity industry developIm€Ti «c5 che 84
Trang 53.3.2 QualItafIV€ CFIẨCFIA: 2 225 1221021211112 22121211211 ru 85
oh BeLECTION OF BT RAT EOUES: secremnedens ames emcmerenreteten E295 HE HƠPRSVETHE tÙP 29 S0EH z3Hl 89 3.4.1 Strategy A: Low cost strategy — to meet the demand of extending market share and lower electricity priCe COSt 0 eccceeeessecesereeeeenteesteeesseeeeneessneesensaes 89 3.4.2 Strategy B: Combination of Low cost strategy and outstanding features to gain more market share and create distineguished products 90 3.4.3 Strategy selection for period to 2015: oie eeceeeteeetecteeeeteeteeteeeetens 9] 3.4.4 Orientation for development of PV Power in period of 2015-2025: 95
3.5 MEASURES TO IMPLEMENT STRATEGIES ccc:sssssseesesecscceseesceseeessassuueeeauaeesens 97
3.5.1 Measures for trading and investing In eÌeCfrICIẨY - c2 97 Daou Measures Tor developing NUNIT TESOUT CEB soannei sang ggg tk gang Ha gia nag8 98 3.5.3 Marketing SỌUtÏOPS c c2 HH H* Hs HT TH KH khen kn 98 3.5.4 Measures for organization — external relatIOnS -. .c + ssss2 99 3.5.5 Measures of technological deveÏlopmenI ccsccccsccsssssrereeses 99 3.5.6 Measures of finance and inVeStIm€nI[L - án vn nhe 100 3.6 SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 3 AND RECOMMENDATIONS 104 CONCLUSTON sueeeeeeneninsennnapnnareririaDinisiioDDnBSEHGIYD1000l101400/0/7ĐSS8000013800439300%4068/09-00006 106 BI.) no TL san c-sna nen nnnnn00051 08502 EgrcspEsi0VT02ES11255767Ex00500050000953801230005.SE10010iW995200n06091 7E 107 APPENDIX
EVN: Electricity of Vietnam
PV POWER: Petro Vietnam Power IPP: Independent Power Producer
VINACOMIN: Vietnam National Coal — Mineral Industries Group CBP: Cost based pool
ODA: Official Development Aid SBU: Share of Business Unit BT: Build and Transfer
Trang 7LIST OF TABLES Chapter 1
Table 1.1 Macro-environment analysis Table 1.2: SWOT analysis model Table 1.3: Hoper matrix
Chapter 2
Table 2.1 Business results of 2006, 2007 & 2008
Table 2.2 Summary of business results in 2007,2008 & 2009 Table 2.3 Problems to be solved
Table 2.4 Assessment of present strategies Chapter 3
Table 3.1 SWOT matrix in the future
Table 3.2 Total electricity capacity of PV POWER in different periods
Table 3.3 Expected business results 2010- 2025
Table 3.4 Comparison between Strategy A & Strategy B
Chapter 1
Figure 1.1 Strategic management process model Figure 1.2 External environment
Figure 1.3 The relation between factors in the operation environment of a company Figure 1.4 Main parts of competitor analysis is presented as follow
Figure 1.5 | Value chain Mode
Figure 1.6 Building process of EFE matrix Figure 1.7 BCG matrix
Chapter 2
Figure 2.1 Organization chart of PV POWER
Figure 2.2 Expected electricity source structure in 2010 Chapter 3
Figure 3.1 New generated electricity capacity to be supplied by PV power compare with total expected whole the country
Figure 3.2 Structure of electric investment sources according to selection of PV
“he overall objective for economic development of Vietnam is to basically become in industrialized country by 2020 To realize the set objectives, the Ministry of
ndustry and Trade has developed a strategy for industrial development by 2020 An mportant direction is to lay focus on development of competitive industries, vinning the domestic market and promote exports of electricity, processed igricultural, forestry and fisheries products, textile, leather products-shoes, ‘lectronics and informatics, a number of mechanical, medical and consumer
lowever, significance has been given to development of infrastructure projects, ‘specially major and big projects In parallel to implementing series of big scale wrojects, for example Dung Quat oil refinery factory, bocid exploitation, alumin and luminium processing investment in the Highland, ship and steel production, ‘tutomobile production and assembling, paper and pulp, gas-power-fertilization wrojects The Government is laying focus on a number of work items of the power ‘ector, one of the most important infrastructure industry for a country where the ndustrialization process is underway Those are hydropower projects of Son La, Lai -hau and thermal power electricity projects of Vung Ang, Nghi Son, O Mon, Cam *ha, Hai Phong, and is enthusiastically preparing for a nuclear electricity project lo develop the energy sector in general and electricity sector in particular, the sovernment is exerting efforts to complete the legal framework concerning the sector by newly introducing or amending relevant legal regulations Specifically in he electric sector, the Law on Electric Energy and guiding decrees as well as sector levelopment strategy and planning, electricity price adjustment path has been ntroduced to match with the current conditions, creating an opportunity for private sector and foreign investment The domestic market for electric energy has been,
Trang 10
step by step, established with various ways of investment and making business in electricity, not turning the State monopoly into business monopoly, encouraging private and foreign investors to participate in construction of power source items and distributing networks under forms of: independent power producer (IPP), Building-Operating — Transfer (BOT) contract, BT, BTO, joint venture, joint stock company, taking an active part to join and link power networks, buy and purchase power from regional countries Under instruction from the Government, the plan for power sector is that by 2010, a competitive power market should be operated From 2015, a competitive power purchasing market will be developed, and from 2022, a competitive retail power market shall be operated
Most recently, on 31st July 2009, the Prime Minister provided his conclusion about the power sector restructuring proposal of MIT Restructuring of the power sector should meet the requirement of gradually implementing market oriented mechanism in the power sector, following which, selling price should attract other economic sectors to invest in power and state-owned enterprises continue to play a leading role
Investment in power projects presents a new business direction with lots of potentials of big corporations having financial capability and operating experience Under support of the Government, newly established corporations like Petro
Vietnam (PVN), Vietnam National Coal-Mineral Industries Group (VINACOMIN)
have actively invested in power projects apart from Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) who currently keeps a monopoly status in production and supply of power
Trang 11sas for power production, utilizing exploited gas for power production and firstly, it i required to meet 15% of power capacity of the whole country
letro Vietnam Power Corporation directly affiliated to Petro Vietnam came iito existence with the main task of power production and business, investing in construction of electrical network and has been contributing to improve electrical apacity of the whole country together with EVN, minimizing power shortage, msuring national security For sustainable and effective development PV Power 1eeds a sound development strategy that can bring about economic effectiveness nd adequate competitiveness with other economic incorporations once a healthy competitive power market has been established
Jor the reason, a research of the * Business and development strategy of PV Power ly 2015, with vision to 2025 ‘ is a necessity of PV Power in particular and Petro "ietnam in general This marks a breakthrough, contributing to break the monopoly ¢atus of a vital industry in the national economy, creating healthy competitiveness v develop all together, contributing to ensure power energy for economic growth nd the national security
“he research applies state-of-the-art business administration knowledge with the im of bringing an overall picture of PV Power development strategy which has just ieen established and developed and whose major business is power production and
upply for economic development and ensuring national power security
“he objective of the research is to produce a business and development strategy to
015, with vision to 2025 of PV POWER It also develops suitable solutions to
nlarge operational scale, reduce business costs and improve capital utilization ffectiveness, bring business profit as well as to improve business competitiveness, ilevelop a development direction with strategic vision to 2025 of the company
Trang 12
In this way, the research also makes proposals and recommends strategic solutions for Petro Vietnam to submit to the Government for consideration overall in terms of policies and mechanism, helping PV Power to achieve sustainable development and contributing to completion of policies for the power market to develop effectively following the power sector development direction instructed by the Government
1 Method of statistics collection
Primary data collection: observing facts in the company, interviewing individuals (mainly staff of the corporation), etc
Secondary data collection: collecting data from reports, document of the company,
annual statistics publication, information on media, television and latest researches
2 Method of comparison and synthetic:
To make comparison between indicators and planned indicators with business results statistics, market parameters, other comparative average indicators Comparative condition is statistics in line with time and space, economic contents,
measure unit, counting methods, business scale and condition
3 Method of listing in chart and table:
Listing and identifying trends or general characteristics of analyzing factors
4 SWOT method:
Find out strengths, weaknesses of the corporation This is a key method in forming strategy
The research consists of 3 parts: Introduction, main report content, conclusion and
list of reference materials In which, the main research content is divided into 3
Chapter 1: Conceptual basis for business strategy development
Chapter 2: Current business and production situation and strategy planning of PV Power
Chapter 3: Solutions to improve Business strategies and Development orientation to year 2015 and vision to year 2025 of PV Power
Trang 14
Nowadays, the concept of strategy has been widely and popularly used and it has been considered as an important foundation for company’s activities There have been a variety of ways to define strategy: “strategy is the model concluding options, missions and plans built to achieve these objectives” (Kenneth, 1965) or “strategy 1s a red thread lining through all of organization’s activities” (Ansoff, 1965) “Strategy is the plan for controlling and utilizing the organization’s resources like human, assets, finance with the aim to ensure and increase its own essential benefits” This outstanding idea has been firstly introduced Kenneth Andrews in his famous classic book “The Concept of Corporate Strategy” According to him, strategy is what to be done by the organization basing on its strengths, weaknesses in the condition that contains both threats and opportunities
1.1.2 Nature of business strategy
Business strategy is the way to do business, the enterprise’s operation creed, the way to use resources, and the foundation to solve all matters of the enterprise
Business strategy is a creative activity in management Basing on the set objectives to arrange and create a new effective and high competitive management system Copying the business strategy of other will not bring the long term development and prosperity for the company Therefore, making business strategy must be based on the real context of each firm Two companies operating in the same industry, providing the same product or service with the same production scale will have different business strategies because of differences in their internal conditions In addition, a business strategy can only show its effectiveness when there is a good
Trang 15combination of creative in management and creative in organization and technology
Business strategy is the action plan of company, building a business strategy is a crucial task but implementing it is considered to be more essential Obviously, a business strategy will be worthless if it is not put into implementation For implementing the business strategy, all members of the company must know and clearly understand it, it then must be broken down to detail feasible objectives for each year for each department and specified tasks for each individual
1.1.3 Features of business strategy
Overall: Business strategy is the overall map guiding the firm’s development; it decides the relationship of company with external environment The overall feature
can be seen in three aspects: be consistent with the overall development trend of the
firm, be the directing ground for all of company’s activities; be consistent with the country’s development trends in economic, technology and society for a particular period; be consistent with the trend of global economic integrations
Visionary feature: In the previous time, although employees worked hard, their work result and effectiveness were not high; the reasons were the company did not have a strategy to direct its business activities and it could not predict the company’s development trend Therefore, in order to build a successful business strategy, it is crucial to precisely anticipate the trends of overall economics, technology and society And a winning strategy must be built basing on the accurate
future forecasting
Competitiveness: Building and implementing the business strategy will not be required if there is no rivalry competition Consequently, competition is evaluated as the most fundamental factor of any business Additionally, there is no firm running business without knowing their rivalry competition So a business strategy
Trang 16rust be able to show how to achieve the competitive advantages to win their competitors
Risks: Business strategy is future development plans for the company and it is a dfficult task since future market environment is unpredictable and changeable The longer strategy’s period, the more changeable environment factors and the riskier tte strategy will be Therefore to reduce potential future business risk, company nust develop business strategy on the foundation of good vision, unbiased and ciutious observation and prediction
frofessional and creation: Basing on its own capability, the company should s:lect business activities that fit with its strengths and avoid heading directly with lirge competitors Because advanced technology and market competition is ulimited, companies should continuously catch up with advanced technology Specialization and technical innovation are also considered as survival factors for tie existence and development of the company, especially for the small and medium eiterprise
Felative stability: Business strategy of a company must be relatively stable during
a particular period; otherwise it cannot be the direction for the firm’s business
ativities Since the external environment and business activities continuously ciange over time, the business strategy also must be able to adapt with these cianges Accordingly, the strategy should neither be permanent nor changeable in siot term period, it should be comparatively stable
12 STRATEGY FORMULATING PROCESS ‘trategic management process includes:
Trang 17Implementing and adjusting the strategy, supervising and evaluating the implementation then making necessary adjustments to ensure that the strategy is suitable for the company
The strategic management process is displayed as below:
Figure 1.1 Strategic management process model Vision Mission Strategic Objectives Internal environment + Model: - Value chain Drafting and selecting - Competitive strate advantages (SWOT Analysis) +Conclusion: External environment + Macro analysis: -External macro environment + Micro analysis: -Five forces model Ỷ Monitoring Strategy Source: The strategic management lecture- Gemba01.03 - Strengths + Conclusion: - Weaknesses - Opportunities - Threats Selected strategy Cost-leadership Differentiation Focus Ỷ
Making adJustment Implementing and
to ensure that _—> adjusting Supervising and
company is suitable Strategy evaluating the
Trang 181.2.1 Vision
The most crucial element for building and selecting a strategy is the vision of the team and individual participated Vision depends on the intuition of each individual and organization Intuition and analysis are important backgrounds for setting a strategy, which is consistent with the business environment Doing business in the constantly changing environment, the company’s manager must have a good intuition and vision to accurately analyze business environment and find out the actual advantages as well as disadvantages that have large impacts on the company Moreover, it will help to make a high feasible strategy, which fits with the business’s environment and the company’‘s vision
1.2.2 Mission
It is no doubt that each organization has its own objectives even when the objectives are not officially announced Most of company’s founders and leaders believe that their business will be highly imaged by customers The earliest step of strategic management is to set objectives and strategy In addition, after a period joining the
fluctuated business environment, the manager will see the need to review the
original objectives 1.2.3 Objectives
e To ensure the unification in objectives of the company e To set standard or benchmark for resources allocation
e To establishing same communication language or company’s culture
e To serve as a central connection for all individual to follow the company’s objectives and direction
Trang 19e To determine clearly the company’s measurable objectives in term of cost
control, time and other variables
1.3.1 Macro analysis model
Macro analysis is used to analyze macro environment - enterprise’s external environment To analyze, summarize external forces affecting to the enterprise’s exist and development The enterprise has to identify opportunities and threats in the external environment; Macro environment’s factors are showed as following model: Figure 1.2 External environment Industrial environment
Threat of new entrants Bargaining power of suppliers
Trang 20Demographic analysis
Population size: observes the changes in population to highlight its importance Rapid population growth is a global challenge in the 21st century but could bring great business opportunities
Age structure of population: shows the potentiality for the elderly-care and insurance service However, it is also a threat for company in term of labour resources
Geographic distribution can create advantages for information technology firms With computer, people could stay at home and work, contact or communicate with others through telecommunication network
Politics and legal analysis
Political environment: is political factors and environment that impacts the business activities They consist of political system, parities, union, atmosphere and government policies
Legal environment: is legal system, the mechanism for creating, interpreting and enforcing the laws related to business area, it comprises the legal norms and rules that govern business activities
It is undoubted that the Politics and legal environment have deep influence on business activities On the whole, company can only grow stably and healthily in a country that has the political stability, transparent policies and low level of corruption risk
Economic analysis
Trang 21Socioeconomic structure analysis: socioeconomic structure is the structure of the national economy, it includes: industrial types, distribution, consumption, technology, property Because the industry development strategy is considered as the most crucial element, company’s manager has to carefully study the development and future tendency of the industry which covers the company’s business activities
Economic growth analysis: economic growth is the economy-scale, the economic growth of a country, a region The indicators of economic growth: GDP, national income, national income per capital, economic growth rate By analyzing the economic growth, company could understand the economic development trend and anticipate the future trend, base on that to build a suitable business strategy
Economic regime analysis: economic regime is the model of the national economy It governs the relationship between government and business, business and business, business and industry by applying certain methods in managing and adjusting the scale, content and mode of the economic activities
Government economic policies analysis: economic policies are the economic development objectives in a particular period and approaches as well as strategy of
government to achieve these objectives
Science and technology analysis
Science environment: includes factors and social phenomenon that have close relationship with scientific technology in areas where company‘s business is expanded Scientific technology factors consist of four elements:
e Development level of the technology in society e Scientific forces
e Scientific institutions
e Policies and law documents relating to science and technology Cultural and social analysis
Trang 22Social environment consists of:
e The establishment and changes of classes in society, population structure e Geographic shift in population
e Power distribution in society
e Schedules of people’s daily activities and working in society
Cultural environment: consists of philosophy, region, language, literature and art The impacts of these elements on business activities are often indirect, but can not be underestimated
Global environment
The global environment consists of:
e Global market of company’s business activities e Current markets that have been changing
e Important international political events e Culture of countries or regions
e Macro- environments analysis helps us to evaluate easier:
e Macro-economic factors which influence company’s business activities e Major changes in competition
Macro- environment analysis 1s shown as below: Table 1.1 Macro-environment analysis
Population size Ethnic diversity Demographic Age structure Income distribution segmentation of population
Geographic distribution
Inflation rate Household’ s savings Economic Interest rate business’ s savings segmentation Deficit/ surplus balance of trade |GNP
Deficit/ surplus government budget
Trang 23
IAnti-monopoly law Human resource training Political/legal Tax law law
segmentation Educational policies and trend
Female proportion in labour force|Environmental concerns Labour force diversity Changes in selection Social and cultural [Perception bout work-result decision of service and segmentation quality occupation
Changes in priority related to goods and service’s
Renovating products Government budget for Technological Knowledge application R&D
segmentations Innovative communication technology
Important international political |New industrialized Global events countries
segmentation Key global markets Cultural differences
Source: Strategic management text book- statistic publishing house 2007 1.3.2 Porter’s five force model — Industrial analysis
Sectors in the national economy are classified basing on the features of goods or services and its roles in the national economy:
It is a fact that when taking part in the business game, companies have to face with five types of competitive pressures associated with:
e Competition pressure from new entrants
e Competition pressure from same products providers
Trang 24
e Competition pressure from substitute products e Supplier bargaining power
e Buyer bargaining power
Trang 25The understanding of competitors has an important meaning for companies because of many reasons
Figure 1.4: Main parts of competitor analysis is presented as follow :
What they want to What they can do and
reach? | will be able to do?
Some questions have to
answer about the
Future competitors Present purpose - Do they satisfy with their present strategy Multidimension position? How is the
al management |» What are their ability? | competitive - What are their weaknesses? ability of the
- What can help them react in the company? most powerful and effective
Analytical review Potential
How can it effect Strengths and
on company and ị weakness industry?
Firstly, competitors determine competition property, competition level and advantage struggle skills Level of competition depends on interrelation among factors, such as number of competing companies, growth rate of sector, fix cost structure and level of product diversity Existence of these factors has tendency to increase demand or expectation of company for achieving and protecting their market share So, that makes competition more severe Companies should admit that competition process is not stable
Trang 26
Beside new competitors, new technology solutions affect property and level of competition Companies should analyze each competitor to master actions and reactions they may approve
Customer problem is not apart from competition environment Goodwill is the most valuable property The goodwill achievement is due to company meets the demand better than competitors do Other key problem is bargaining ability of customer The buyer has ability of decreasing the benefit of a business sector by mean of price squeezing or requiring higher quality and more services
Companies have relations with supplying organizations who supply many kinds of
goods such as materials, devices, labor, and capital
- Device supplier
Device supplying organizations has advantages and be able to get much profit by mean of decreasing product quality or accompany services
Factors increasing strength of supplying organization are similar to factors increasing strength of buyer
- Number of supplier is little - There isn’t replacement
- There isn’t supplier offering different product
Trang 27term borrowing capital issue Before analyzing capital market, company should pay attention to define its position in competition with others
Labour source is a main factor in company’s competition environment The ability of attractiveness and hold competence employees is prerequisite to ensuring success of company Main factors need analyzing:
Potential Entrants
New-started competitor is a factor decreasing benefit of company because it sets into extraction new production ability with desire to secure market share and
necessary resources
Buyback other companies in the same business in order to building market share is normally a manifestation of appearing new competitors Although company does not always have new potential competitors at any time, the danger of new competitors integrating in business has influence on company’s strategy A barrier preventing the entering is strong withstanding of well-established company
The pressure of replacement restricts potential benefit of a business because higher price is limited If a company does not pay attention to replacement, it may fall
behind with small market share
Hence, company should incessantly research and check new potential replacement Most of replacement is result of technology explosion To get achievement, company need pay attention to using resources to develop and apply new technology in its strategy
1.4.1 Value chain
Value of products is measured by price that buyers are willing to pay to purchase the product Company would have profit if the total cost is smaller than the total
Trang 28revenues Hence, to obtain the competitive advantage company has to lower its total cost comparing to competitors or differentiate their products or services to achieve higher sales It means they are applying low-cost and _ product differentiation strategy
Michael Porter had provided the conclusion: Value chain is a collection of design, production, sales, distribution and supported service activities Each activity has contribution to increase the products and service’s value Value chain could be divided into the primary activities, supported activities as following:
Primary activities Supporting activities Internal logistics Materials management Production Research & Development Sales and marketing Company’s infrastructures After sales service Human resource management External logistics
Trang 29Figure 1.5 Value chain Mode Profit FT '¡ Service Marketing and sales External logistics Production Supported activities AN Infrastructures Internal lòiStics XK W Primary activities
Source: The strategic management lecture- Gemba01.03
In order to achieve the objectives of efficiencies, quality, innovation and customization of products and services, company has to build specific strategies that are closely linked to activities creating the products differentiation These
mentioned objectives could be seen as cross- objectives which make contribution to
company value chain
Trang 301.4.2 Stable competitive advantages
The stable competitive advantages of a company have four main attributes:
Valuable: competitive advantages help the company to create value, reduce cost, and boost the business activities’ efficiencies
Uniqueness: competitive advantages can combine with company’s other resources in the unique way
Internal reproduction: it is the result of internal coordination between company’s individuals and divisions through the combination and organization of technical resources to create the company‘s main capability
The competitive advantages are formed through the studying and experience accumulation process It could not be sold or bought and copied
Constant changes in company’s environment could bring potential opportunities to business activities However, whether company can make use of potential opportunities; this depends on both external and internal environment factors It is the fact that although many companies have supportive external environment, they can not take advantages of their opportunities since their internal resources are in shortage Meanwhile, some companies with unsupportive external environment, but they still gain success because they actively and fully make use of their competitive advantages and strengths Consequently, it is necessary and important to analyze company’s external as well as internal environment
SWOT analysis: analyzing company’s strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats SWOT analysis is the key to develop a strategy, to highlight the internal strengths, also external opportunities and threats
Trang 31To build business strategy, SWOT analysis is often combined with other analysis tools
SWOT analysis model can be shown as following table: Table 1.2: SWOT analysis model
Strong strategy
Healthy financial situation
Popular brand name or reputation Market leader Unique technique Price advantage Large advertising budget Products innovation Good customers’ service Good products’ quality Joint-venture or partnership Weaknesses Ambiguous strategy Backward machine and equipments
unhealthy financial situation Higher cost than rivals
Lack of basic capabilities or resources
Production breaking down Backward R&D
Little products line Little advertising budget
Larger customers segments
Geographic expansion products line expansion Launching new products
Backward and forward
integration Threats More new entrants
Decrease sales due _ to substitutes
Slow demand growth
Trang 32e Expanding to gain market share’ e New costly regulation
rivals e Positive relationship with e Taking over rivals business cycle changes
e Joint-venture or partnership to e Strong bargaining power with increase market share buyers and suppliers
e Expanding to taking advantages e Shifts in customers’ demands of potential opportunities e Demographic changes
e Expanding to make brand name more popular
Source Strategic management lecture - Gemba0 1.03
Enterprises pursue company strategy to achieve competitive advantage, operate
better than competitors in order to achieve above-middle revenue Enterprises usually select its business strategy from basic strategies: cost leadership, product differentiation and focus
1.6.1 Cost leadership strategy
Trang 33Advantages: In the most general, solutions to achieve cost advantage depend on each industry and industrial structure Advantage may come from production scale, technological monopoly, favours on materials, product’s structure, service level, technological process
Disadvantages: The main threats of cost leadership method are that competitors find ways to produce with lower cost and attack the cost leadership enterprise to its own strong point Competitors’ imitative ability with cost leadership enterprise’s method is one of threats with cost leadership strategy Cost leadership enterprise may only think of decreasing cost but it they can not track changes in customer’s the demand will be affected dramatically
1.6.2 Product differentiation strategy
The differentiation strategy seeks to produce a competitive edge by producing products or service that buyers consider valuable and worth to purchase The company’s ability to differentiate their products to satisfy demand of the buyers in a unique way that the competitors can not offer, enables them to put a remarkable higher price than the industrial average one Earning higher revenue by setting higher price (not lower the cost like the case of the cost leadership) allows the product differentiation company to operate better and receive higher revenue
1.6.3 Focus strategy
What makes focused strategy be different from Cost leadership strategy or broad
differentiation strategy is the concentrated attention on a particular customer group
or market segment The targeted segment or niche can be defined by geography, by a specific group of customer, or by a branch in the whole product line through differentiation or cost leadership In nature, a focused company is a cost leader or a
Trang 34
Another point is that a focused company competes with a differentiator in only one or several chains of the product by successful differentiation as they have knowledge at only a small group of customers or areas Moreover, the focus on a small chain of product allows better focus to bring out new ideas than a broad
1.7 ANALYSIS AND SELECTION OF STRATEGIES 1.7.1 Strategy Selection using SWOT Matrix
SWOT analysis is putting opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses which influence the current and future position of company in an interactive relation then analyze it to identify strategic position of each relation
(Strengths) (Weaknesses)
(Opportunities) SO combined strategy WO combined strategy
(Threats) ST combined strategy WT combined strategy
In which:
SO Strategy - «development » strategy: combine opportunities and strengths factor of the company to expand and diversify Strengths and opportunities of
company need to be used to compete with other companies and expand market WO Strategy: weaknesses are bigger than strengths but external opportunities predominate It corresponds to “competition” strategy This combination enables company to overcome weaknesses by taking advantages of opportunities
Trang 35WT Strategy- `eƒense ` strategy: Company is unable to deal with external risks and has its development capacity revoked In this situation, company has two ways: being bankrupt or cooperate with other company This combination requests company to use method of lowering weaknesses to avoid risks by using defense strategy
Basing on internal factors of the company and external environment factors, the enterprise can select the most suitable strategy for itself
1.7.2 Peripheral factor evaluating matrix Building process of EFE matrix includes 5 steps:
Figure 1.6: Building process of EFE matrix
List > Define —> Give | „ị Grade Add mark
all the important coefficient each for each
peripheral level of for each factor factor in factors each factor factor the list
Step 1: List factors has decisive role in the success of company (10-20 factors) Step 2: Define important level from 0,0 (not important) to 1,0 (very important)
Total of level on the list is 1
Trang 361: Lower medium
Step 4: Grade each peripheral factor by multiplying coefficient and important level Step 5: Add the grades of all factor list If result is 2.5, it is medium, 4 1s the highest and | is the lowest
In short, micro and macro factors can combine together in many ways, direct or indirect impact on company to create opportunities or threats
The importance is to analyze, evaluate level of impact and responsive ability of current strategy in the fight against the changes 1.7.3 BCG Matrix Figure 1.7: BCG matrix A Question mark Star v O Dog Cow O © C)
Main purpose of BCG is helping strategy manager to recognize the requirement of different SBU (Share of Business Unit) in investment list
BGG includes 3 steps:
- Company is divided into some SBU, each SBU is evaluated of its prospect Compare SBU in a square matrix, show their prospect
Trang 37Star: SBU in top position
Question mark: SBU in weak position
Cow: SBU in low growth rate business but has high market share Dog: SBU in low growth rate business and has small market share 1.7.4 HOPER Matrix
Corporate-level strategy determining relies on two factors namely the competitive position and the stages of business cycle
Combination of these 2 factors determines the best strategy for each stages of business Table 1.3: Hoper matrix
Embryo Market share building | Market share building
Rising Developing Market concentrate
_ ¬ Market concentrate or
Fluctuation Market share raising
Strengthen and gain
Growing Reap or dissolve profit Market concentrate or | Situation reverse or Slackening asset reduce dissolve 1.8 STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION Implementation of a strategy is not an automatic process; there are two major parts to the process
The first step is the development of an action plan, which is a statement of what, who, when, and how the actions necessary to carry out the strategy will be done
Trang 38
Performance goals and objectives will also be specified Much of the information needed to develop the action plan will have been generated in above items
Tie second step of implementation consists of actions aimed at marshaling and applying resources In the context of policy change these actions may consist of (but aie not limited to), changes in organizational structures, shifts and reclassification of personnel, the establishment new routines, tasks, and procedures; installation of new ircentive systems; retooling production for new products or services; marketing of new services or creation of demand among new beneficiaries or consumers; development of new financing mechanisms; organizing coalitions to maintain political, budgetary, and beneficiary support; and developing collaborative trrechanisms with cooperating organizations It should be noted that the managers’ tesk is more than just the internal operation of his organization; they must also iranage its fit with the environment
Srategic management assumes continual change Therefore mechanisms must be d:veloped for monitoring and analyzing the performance of the organization with respect to achieving the goals and objectives set in the action plan As the elvironment undergoes changes, as minister’s change, elections occur, or budgets g) up or down, priorities will also change Resource flows may be uneven All of ttese elements can alter performance, priorities, and the desirability of certain
policies If the organization wants to maintain a good “fit” with the environment, it
To build business and development strategies for PV POWER in the later parts of this report, we have tried utmost to apply models that we have studied to analyze and evaluate and build most suitable strategies for each period It can be said that, electricity is not a new product to the society, however under the economic development policies, electricity production and trading has been with monopoly The changes in economic policies will allow Vietnam electricity market to develop to a competitive market, whole sale and retail market in the future
PV POWER is a young company in the field of electricity trading and production Building strategies is of great importance for the development of the company Therefore, it is necessary to apply modern theories on building business strategies with the core business of electricity production We will study the vision of the company, analyze the external environment of electricity industry in Vietnam, analyze the internal factors of the corporation, and define strengths and weaknesses of PV POWER basing on SWOT analysis We also use SWOT matrix to define group of strategies for comparison and then decide the most suitable strategy The most important part of development strategies for power plant is selecting building
places, technology, electricity structure such as gas thermo electricity, hydro
electricity or coal thermo electricity, etc., capacity of each plant as well as unit price in contract of electricity buying and selling Investment in electricity production is a long term process which includes careful calculation of input materials, construction schedule, capital mobilization, operation and handover However, as for PV POWER the top priority is gaining market share in the market of generating electricity We will base on theories of building strategies to recommend concrete solutions to increase the competitiveness of the company to bring benefits to the company in particular and to the whole society in general
Trang 40
In conclusion, this chapter has provided basic background tool and methods used to build company’s business strategy, pointing out concepts, nature and characteristics of business strategy We do understanding what does a strategic management process look like The approach described below is suggested as a guide:
1 Agreement on and initiation of the strategic management process
tO Identification and clarification of the organization’s mission, objectives, and current strategies
3 Identification of the organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses 4 Assessment of the threats and opportunities from the external environment 5 Identification of key constituents/ stakeholders and their expectations 6 Identification of the key strategic issues confronting the organization
7 Design/analysis/selection of strategy alternatives and options to manage issues identified in step 6
8 Implementation of strategy
9 Monitoring and review of the strategy’s performance
Any enterprises who want to build business strategies must study and master knowledge of strategies In order to build business strategies for PV Power, we tried to apply our knowledge of strategic management and models to recommend the best strategies for the development of this corporation It can be said that electricity industry is not a new one, but it is just at the beginning points and there are a lot of potentials in the future Applying theories of strategic management will help enterprises develop stably and effectively