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1 TT BD VH THĂNG LONG Số 4 – Chùa Bộc – Đống Đa Hà Nội ĐỀ THI THỬ TIẾNG ANH – ĐỢT 2 / 2013 Thời gian thi: 90 phút – Mã đề 1302 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. confidence B. supportive C. solution D. obedient 2. A. whenever B. mischievous C. hospital D. regular 3. A. introduce B. delegate C. marvelous D. currency 4. A. healthy B. remain C. alone D. accept 5. A. explain B. obtain C. promise D. suppose Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 6. The teacher gave some ____ on what could come out for the examination. A. effects B. symptoms C. hints D. demonstrations 7. I applied for a part-time job at the supermarket. They're going to ____. A. put on me B. take me on C. hold me on D. carry me on 8. Please add ____ salt to the soup if you think it is bland. A. a lot of B. many C. a little D. much 9. _ "I've got a headache." _ "____." A. I'll get an aspirin. B. Do you? C. You're O.K. D. That's right. 10. George is going to get _____ Mary. A. married to B. marry with C. married with D. marry to 11. The program _____ a lot of disc space so there wasn’t much room for anything else. A. took up B. backed up C. set up D. put up 12. Come _____, children! Get your coats on or you'll be late for school. A. along B. to C. across D. over 13. Africa is quite different from ____ these people believe. A. what B. which C. that D. who 14. Some 3,000 people die a year in the United States ____ using cocaine, according to a survey. A. because B. after C. before D. during 15. Calculations which used to take ages can now be _____ in a few seconds. A. worked out B. turned out C. taken out D. run out 16. _ "Have a drink, Tony". _ "____". A. Not yet. B. Enjoy it. C. Oh, no I'm possibly. D. That's ever so good of you, Henry. 17. _ "Can I help you, Madam?" _ "_____". A. Well, I'm sure to have a complaint B. A complaint, please C. I'm afraid I have a complaint D. May I have a complaint 18. On the one hand, this job doesn’t pay very well, but on ____ hand I can’t find a better job. A. the second B. other C. the other D. another 19. These days women are not expected to stay at home ____ their mother did in the past. A. as B. like C. as if D. even if 20. Every man and woman ____ the right to vote. A. have B. has C. are D. is 21. Finally, thanks to their parents' help, they found the____ to that problem. A. way B. decision C. condition D. solution 2 22. Metro is a very cheap place to buy ____ goods such as washing powder and other cleaning products. A. home B. house C. household D. home-made 23. Does your father ____ a hand with cleaning the house? A. work B. give C. try D. take 24. Do you think doing the household chores is the ____ of women only? A. task B. responsibility C. mission D. charge 25. As a child, I often came to my neighbors' to collect ____ for the pigs three times a week. A. remains B. garbage C. waste D. leftovers 26. He is angry because his parents keep him studying ____. A. from time to time B. in no time C. all the time D. in time 27. Suddenly a taxi ____ and an important-looking official got out. A. drew up B. called by C. leveled out D. stopped out 28. He _____ to be offered the job. A. was such inexperienced B. was too inexperienced C. not experienced enough D. B & C 29. He is ____ to take part in the competition. A. legible B. legal C. eligible D. legitimate 30. Up ____, and the people cheered. A. went the balloon B. did the balloon go C. does the balloon go D. goes the balloon Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. 31. Tell me some of the customs of your countries. For example, are there any unusual ways of greeting people? A. special ideas B. special opinions C. special answers D. special behavior 32. Australia offers a sophisticated, safe, friendly and harmonious multicultural society in which international students can travel and learn. A. multi-racial B. multi-lingual C. multi-religious D. multi-ethnic 33. We'd better get the ball rolling or else we will never raise enough money for the blood transfusion equipment for the International Children's Hospital. A. start throwing the ball B. take action immediately C. start work without delay D. make a beginning Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. 34. It was inevitable that there would be job losses. A. evident B. avoidable C. evitable D. sure 35. I was surprised that he should consent to his daughter travelling abroad alone. A. endorse B. disapprove of C. accept D. agree with Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 46 to 55. Television has transformed politics by changing the way in which information is disseminated, by altering political campaigns, and by changing citizen's patterns of response to politics. By giving citizens independent access to the candidates, television diminished the role of the political party in the selection of the major party candidates. By centering politics on the person of the candidate, television accelerated the citizen's focus on character rather than issues. Television has altered the forms of political communication as well. The messages on which most of us rely are briefer than they once were. The stump speech, a political speech given by traveling politicians and lasting 3/2 to 2 hours, which characterized nineteenth-century political discourse, has given way to the 30-second advertisement and the 10 second "sound bite" in broadcast news. Increasingly the audience for speeches is not that standing in front of the politician but rather the viewing audience who will hear and see a snippet of the speech on the news. 3 In these abbreviated forms, much of what constituted the traditional political discourse of earlier ages has been lost. In 15 or 30 seconds, a speaker cannot establish the historical context that shaped the issue in question, cannot detail the probable causes of the problem, and cannot examine alternative proposals to argue that one is preferable to others. In snippets, politicians assert but do not argue. Because television is an intimate medium, speaking through it require a changed political style that was more conversational, personal, and visual than that of the old style stump speech. Reliance on television means that increasingly our political world contains memorable pictures rather than memorable words. Schools teach us to analyze words and print. However, in a word in which politics is increasingly visual, informed citizenship requires a new set of skills. Recognizing the power of television's pictures, politicians craft staged events, called pseudo-event, designed to attract media coverage. Much of the political activity we see on television news has been crafted by politicians, their speechwriters, and their public relations advisers for televised consumption. Sound bites in news and answers to questions in debates increasingly sound like advertisements. 36. The main point of the passage is that __________. A. citizens in the United States are now more informed about political issues because of television coverage B. citizens in the United States prefer to see politicians on television instead of in person C. politics in the United States has become substantially more controversial since the introduction of television D. politics in the United States has been significantly changed by television 37. It can be inferred from the passage that before the introduction of television political parties _________. A. had more influence over the selection of political candidates B. spent more money to promote their political candidates C. attracted more members D. received more money 38. The author mentions the "stump speech" in paragraph 2 as an example of_________. A. an event created by politicians to attract media attention B. an interactive discussion between two politicians C. political presentation typical of the 19th century D. a style of speech common to televised political events 39. The phrase "given way to" in paragraph 2 can be best replaced by _________. A. added interest to B. modified C. imitated D. been replaced by 40. The word "that" in line 8 refers to _________. A. audience B. broadcast news C. politician D. advertisement 41. According to the passage, traditional political discourse was more successful than televised speeches because it __________. A. allows news coverage of political candidates B. places political issues within a historical context C. makes politics seem more intimate to citizens D. provides detailed information about a candidates private behavior 42. By saying that "politicians assert but do not argue", the author means that politicians __________. A. make claims without providing reasons for the claims B. take stronger positions on issues than in the past C. enjoy explaining the issue to broadcasters D. dislike having to explain their own positions on issues to citizens 43. It can be inferred from paragraph 4 that _________. A. politicians will need to learn to become more personal when meeting citizens B. politicians who are considered very attractive are favored by citizens over politicians who are less attractive C. citizens tend to favor a politician who analyzed the issue over one who does not D. citizens will need to learn how to evaluate visual political images in order to become better informed 4 44. According to paragraph 5, staged political events are created so that politicians can _________. A. create more time to discuss political issues B. obtain more television coverage for themselves C. spend more time talking to citizens in person D. engage in debates with their opponents 45. The passage supports the statement that _________. A. Political presentations today are more like advertisements than in the past B. Politicians today tend to be more familiar with the views of citizens than in the past C. Citizens today are less informed about a politician's character than in the past D. Political speeches today focus more on details about issues than in the past Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction. 46. People respect George Washington because he was an honest man and he turned up to be one of the A B C D greatest military leaders. 47. Carl Anderson discovered two atomic particles that he identified while studied cosmic rays. A B C D 48. Various chemical elements have more than one isotope. A B C D 49. The man sitting next to me on the plane was nervous because he hasn't flown before. A B C D 50. Would all competitions please make their way to the stadium? A B C D Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 36 to 45. A desert is a special (51) ___ where only certain kinds of plants and animals can survive. All deserts have very little water. This means that only animals and plants that can (52) ___ water for long periods of time can exist in the desert. Plants in the deserts are particularly (53) ___ to the dry and hot environment. One well-known desert plant is the cactus. (54) ___ many desert plants, this plant has very tiny leaves. As plants lose most of their water (55) ___ their leaves, the small leaves of the cactus help to cut down water evaporation. There are some desert plants that do not have leaves at all. Some desert plants survive by avoiding the dry season (56) ___. During the dry season, this plant remains a seed and does not (57) ___ from the soil at all. When the rains come, this seed would grow very quickly into a plant. It would bloom rapidly and then (58) ___ its seed before the dry season return. Desert animals have also learnt to adapt well to life in this region. The camel, for example, (59) ___ well in the desert because water can be stored in its body. Other desert animals include rodents such as mice. These animals need very little water as they can get all the water they (60) ___ from their food. 51. A. section B. district C. part D. region 52. A. do without B. keep off C. stay away D. give up 53. A. convenient B. adjusted C. regulated D. adapted 54. A. As B. Similar C. Like D. Just as 55. A. by B. through C. out of D. from 56. A. totally B. entirely C. altogether D. wholly 57. A. rise B. arise C. awake D. emerge 58. A. scatter B. throw C. fling D. cast 59. A. exists B. survives C. remains D. subsists 60. A. demand B. require C. request D. ask for 5 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 46 to 55. The Moon has been worshipped by primitive peoples and has inspired humans to create everything from lunar calendars to love sonnets, but what do we really know about it? The most accepted theory about the origin of the Moon is that it was formed of the debris from a massive collision with the young Earth about 4.6 billion years ago. A huge body, perhaps the size of Mars, struck the Earth, throwing out an immense amount of debris that coalesced and cooled in orbit around the Earth. The development of Earth is inextricably linked to the moon; the Moon's gravitational influence upon the Earth is the primary cause of ocean tides. In fact, the Moon has more than twice the effect upon the tides than does the Sun. The Moon makes one rotation and completes a revolution around the Earth every 27 days, 7 hours, and 43 minutes. This synchronous rotation is caused by an uneven distribution of mass in the Moon (essentially, it is heavier on one side than the other) and has allowed the Earth's gravity to keep one side of the Moon permanently facing Earth. It is an average distance from Earth of 384,403 km. The Moon has no atmosphere; without an atmosphere, the Moon has nothing to protect it from meteorite impacts, and thus the surface of the Moon is covered with impact craters, both large and small. The Moon also has no active tectonic or volcanic activity, so the erosive effects of atmospheric weathering, tectonic shifts, and volcanic upheavals that tend to erase and reform the Earth's surface features are not at work on the Moon. In fact, even tiny surface features such as the footprint left by an astronaut in the lunar soil are likely to last for millions of years, unless obliterated by a chance meteorite strike. The surface gravity of the Moon is about one-sixth that of the Earth's. Therefore, a man weighing 82 kilograms on Earth would only weigh 14 kilograms on the Moon. The geographical features of the Earth most like that of the Moon are, in fact, places such as the Hawaiian volcanic craters and the huge meteor crater in Arizona. The climate of the Moon is very unlike either Hawaii or Arizona, however; in fact the temperature on the Moon ranges between 123 degrees C to 233 degrees C. 61. What is the passage primarily about? A. the Moon's effect upon the Earth B. the origin of the Moon C. what we know about the Moon and its differences to Earth D. a comparison of the Moon and the Earth 62. Which of the following is the word "massive" closest in meaning to? A. unavoidable B. dense C. huge D. impressive 63. Which of the following is the word "debris" closest in meaning to? A. rubbish B. satellites C. moons D. earth 64. According to the passage, which of the following is True about the Moon? A. It is older than the Earth. B. It is protected by a dense atmosphere. C. It is composed of a few active volcanoes. D. It is the primary cause of Earth's ocean tides. 65. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "uneven" in the passage? A. Heavier B. Equally distributed C. Orderly D. Not uniform 66. Why does the author mention "impact craters" in the third paragraph? A. to show the result of the Moon not having an atmosphere. B. to show the result of the Moon not having active tectonic or volcanic activity. C. to explain why the Moon has no plant life because of meteorites. D. to explain the corrosive effects of atmospheric weathering. 67. Which of the following can best replace the word "erase" in paragraph 3? A. change B. impact C. obliterate D. erupt 68. Why would a person on the Moon would weigh less than on the Earth? A. Because of the composition of lunar soil. B. Because the surface gravity of the Moon is less. C. Because the Moon has no atmosphere. D. Because the Moon has no active tectonic or volcanic activity. 6 69. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the Moon? A. It has a wide range of temperatures. B. It is heavier on one side than the other. C. It is unable to protect itself from meteorite attacks. D. It has less effect upon the tides than the Sun. 70. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A. The Moon is not able to support human life. B. If the Moon had no gravitational influence, the Earth would not have tides. C. People living in Hawaii and Arizona would feel at home on the Moon. D. Mars could have been formed in a similar way to the Moon. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of following questions. 71. Tarn will wash the clothes, ______. A. iron the shirts, prepare the meal, dusting the furniture. B. ironing the shirts, preparing the meal, and dusting the furniture C. iron the shirts, prepare the meal, and dust the furniture. D. to iron the shirts, prepare the meal, and dust the furniture. 72. ________ your friend, but he's also mine. A. Not only he is B. Not is he only C. Not only is he D. He only is not 73. ________ when the electricity went out. A. We had started our lessons C. Hardly we had started our lessons B. We hardly had started our lessons D. Hardly had we started our lessons 74. I don't remember …………… of the decision to change the company policy on vacations. When was it decided? A. telling B. being told C. to ask D. being asked 75. ________ that he severed all contact with her. A. So was his disgust at her behavior B. Such is his disgust at her behavior C. Such was his disgust at her behavior D. Such is his disgust at her behavior Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence closest in meaning to the original one. 76. The doctor said, "You really ought to rest for a few days, Jasmine." A. Jasmine's doctor insisted she rest for a few days. B. The doctor suggested that Jasmine should take a short rest. C. It is the doctor's recommendation that Jasmine rested shortly. D. The doctor strongly advised Jasmine to take a few days' rest. 77. "You should have finished the report by now," John told his secretary. A. John reproached his secretary for not having finished the report. B. John said that his secretary had not finished the report. C. John reminded his secretary of finishing the report on time. D. John suggested his secretary for not having finished the report. 78. Had it not been for the attendance of a famous film star, the party couldn't have been a success. A. The film star didn't attend, so the party was a failure. B. If the famous film star hadn't attended, the party could have been a success. C. The party was successful without the attendance of the famous film star. D. The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film star attended. 79. I would be very grateful if you could send me the document. A. I was very grateful for your document. B. I would appreciate your sending me the document. C. I'm upset about your not sending me the document. D. Do not send me the document, please. 7 80. "It's too stuffy in this room, isn't it?" said the guest. A. The guest suggested the room be aired. B. The guest remarked that the room should be aired. C. The guest said that the room was too crowded. D. The guest said that there was too much stuff in the room. THE END . can exist in the desert. Plants in the deserts are particularly (53) ___ to the dry and hot environment. One well-known desert plant is the cactus. (54) ___ many desert plants, this plant has. 1 TT BD VH THĂNG LONG Số 4 – Chùa Bộc – Đống Đa Hà Nội ĐỀ THI THỬ TIẾNG ANH – ĐỢT 2 / 2013 Thời gian thi: 90 phút – Mã đề 1302 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer. this region. The camel, for example, (59) ___ well in the desert because water can be stored in its body. Other desert animals include rodents such as mice. These animals need very little water

Ngày đăng: 16/02/2015, 02:00

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