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wonders content reader grade 4

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Contents PS 4.1.a PS 4.1.b PS 4.1.c PS 4.1.d PS 4.1.e PS 4.1.g PS 4.1.f LS 4.2.a LS 4.2.b LS 4.2.c LS 4.3.a LS 4.3.b Circuits 6 Earth’s Magnetic Field 8 Cause/Effect Writing Frame 10 Critical Thinking DIAGRAM 11 Electromagnets 12 Inventors Electrify Our World 14 Compare/Contrast Writing Frame 16 Critical Thinking DIAGRAM 17 Electricity 18 When the Lights Go Out 20 Description Writing Frame 22 Critical Thinking PHOTOGRAPH/CAPTION 23 Magnets 24 Flying Trains! 26 Sequence Writing Frame 28 Critical Thinking PHOTOGRAPH/CAPTION 29 Plants 30 Bad News for Bees 32 Problem/Solution Writing Frame 34 Critical Thinking MAP 35 The Food Chain 36 Welcome Back, Grizzly Bears 38 Compare/Contrast Writing Frame 40 Critical Thinking INSET MAP 41 Decomposers 42 Food to Flowers 44 Sequence Writing Frame 46 Critical Thinking PHOTOGRAPH/CAPTION 47 Ecosystems 48 Stop the Spartina! 50 Description Writing Frame 52 Critical Thinking CAPTION 53 Contents Annotated Teacher’s Edition includes highlighted pages 2 LS 4.3.b Ecosystems Change 54 A Very Hairy Crab 56 Cause/Effect Writing Frame 58 Critical Thinking PHOTOGRAPH 59 LS 4.3.c Pollination and Seed Dispersal 60 Bats! 62 Compare/Contrast Writing Frame 64 Critical Thinking DIAGRAM 65 LS 4.3.c Plants for Food and Shelter 66 Are They Cousins? 68 Sequence Writing Frame 70 Critical Thinking GLOBE 71 LS 4.3.d Microorganisms 72 “Good Germs” 74 Compare/Contrast Writing Frame 76 Critical Thinking TAB LE 77 ES 4.4.a ES 4.4.b Minerals and Rocks 78 Sand Helps Make Computers 80 Sequence Writing Frame 82 Critical Thinking CHART 83 ES 4.5.a ES 4.5.c Landforms Can Change 84 Alaska Has a Problem 86 Description Writing Frame 88 Critical Thinking CAPTION 89 ES 4.5.b Weathering 90 The Old Man of the Mountain 92 Problem/Solution Writing Frame 94 Critical Thinking PHOTOGRAPH 95 3 Contents HSS 4.1.12 HSS 4.1.3 HSS 4.1.45 HSS 4.2.1 HSS 4.2.23456 HSS 4.2.78 HSS 4.3.1 HSS 4.3.23 California in the World 96 National Parks in California 98 Description Writing Frame 100 Critical Thinking MAP/COMPASS ROSE 1 01 The Physical Regions of California 102 Vacation in Death Valley 104 Problem/Solution Writing Frame 106 Critical Thinking PHOTOGRAPH 107 Land Meets Water 108 Earthquakes and Buildings 1 10 Compare/Contrast Writing Frame 112 Critical Thinking MAP/LABELS 113 The First People of California 1 14 Save the Salmon! 116 Problem/Solution Writing Frame 118 Critical Thinking PHOTOGRAPH/CAPTION 1 1 9 Explorations of Cabrillo 120 California and Cattle 122 Sequence Writing Frame 124 Critical Thinking TIME LINE 125 The Mexican War for Independence 126 Ranchos of California 128 Cause/Effect Writing Frame 130 Critical Thinking MAP KEY/LEGEND 131 The Fur Trade 132 Sutter’s Fort 134 Compare/Contrast Writing Frame 136 Critical Thinking PHOTOGRAPH/CAPTION 137 They Found Gold! 138 Gold Rush Glory! 140 Sequence Writing Frame 142 Critical Thinking CHART 143 Contents Annotated Teacher’s Edition includes highlighted pages 4 HSS 4.3.45 HSS 4.4.12 HSS 4.4.345 HSS 4.4.6789 HSS 4.5.12 HSS 4.5.34 HSS 4.5.5 California Becomes a State 144 Biddy Mason 146 Problem/Solution Writing Frame 148 Critical Thinking CAPTION 149 The Pony Express 150 A Chinese-American Marriage 152 Sequence Writing Frame 154 Critical Thinking MAP/LABELS 155 Land of Opportunity 156 Manzanar 158 Cause/Effect Writing Frame 160 Critical Thinking MAP KEY/LEGEND 161 Southern California Grows 162 Two California Photographers 164 Compare/Contrast Writing Frame 166 Critical Thinking DIAGRAM 167 Our Government 168 America’s Grand Plan 170 Description Writing Frame 172 Critical Thinking DIAGRAM 173 State Government 174 Driver’s License 176 Sequence Writing Frame 178 Critical Thinking DIAGRAM 179 Our Local Government 180 In the Middle 182 Problem/Solution Writing Frame 184 Critical Thinking CHART 185 Credits 186 5 Cause/Effect Writing Frame Use the Writing Frame to summarize “Circuits.” An electric current must have a path so that . A circuit has three parts. They are . If any part of a series circuit breaks, the circuit is open. As a result, . In a parallel circuit, each branch . Therefore, if any branch of a parallel circuit breaks, . Use the Writing Frame to write the summary on another sheet of paper. Be sure to include the bold signal words. Keep this as a model of this Text Structure. wire of the parts will work because current cannot flow through the other branches the current can flow a power source, a load, and connecting none has its own path for electric current currents will still flow 10 Diagrams are pictures that show how things relate to one another. For a list of links and activities that relate to this Science standard, visit the California Treasures Website at www.macmillanmh.com to access the Content Reader resources. Have students view the e-Review “Electric Circuits.” In addition, distribute copies of the Translated Concept Summaries in Spanish, Chinese, Hmong, Khmer, and Vietnamese. Critical Thinking 1 A complete, unbroken circuit is called a . A. open circuit B. series circuit C. closed circuit 2 Find the paragraph in “Earth’s Magnetic Field” that explains how a compass works. 3 Find the paragraph in “Earth’s Magnetic Field” that tells how often Earth’s magnetic field reverses. 4 What do the diagrams on page 7 in “Circuits” show you? Discuss this with a partner. The second paragraph on page 8; the north-seeking needle is attracted to the north end of Earth’s magnetic field. the second paragraph on the top of page 9; about every 250,000 years Possible answer: They show how a series circuit and a parallel circuit are alike (both have the same parts) and different (a series circuit has only one path, while a parallel circuit has several paths). 11 Compare/Contrast Writing Frame Use the Writing to orally summarize “Electromagnets.” An electromagnet is . Both electromagnets and permanent magnets . Unlike permanent magnets, electromagnets . Also, by changing the current, you can . Electromagnets can be found in . Use the Writing Frame to write the summary on another sheet of paper. Be sure to include the bold signal words. Keep this as a model of this Text Structure. a coil of wire wrapped around a metal core, such as an iron bar attract iron; produce a magnetic field can be switched on and off by turning the electric current on and off make the electromagnetic stronger or weaker hundreds of devices from electric guitars to generators 16 Critical Thinking 1 If an electromagnet receives more current, it . A. becomes weaker B. becomes stronger C. turns off 2 Find the paragraph in “Inventors Electrify Our World” that tells about the light bulb. Who invented a long-lasting bulb? 3 Find the section in “Electrifying Inventors” that tells about Grace Hopper. 4 What does the diagram “How a Loudspeaker Works” on page 13 tell you? Discuss this with a partner. Diagrams are pictures that show how things relate to one another. For a list of links and activities that relate to this Science standard, visit the California Treasures Web site at www.macmillanmh.com to access the Content Reader resources. Have students view the e-Review “Electromagnets.” In addition, distribute copies of the Translated Concept Summaries in Spanish, Chinese, Hmong, Khmer, and Vietnamese. the middle paragraph on page 15; Louis Latimer Possible answer: It shows that the permanent magnet can affect the electromagnet and that the diaphragm can vibrate as a result. The last paragraph on page 15; she invented a computer software language, COBOL. 17 Description Writing Frame Use the Writing Frame to orally summarize “Electricity.” All electricity is the result of . Electric currents carry . Electrical objects change this energy into other kinds of energy, such as . For example, heat can be used . Electrical energy can also be changed into light, such as . Electric motors change electrical energy to motion. They are in many things, such as . Electrical energy can be very useful. Use the Writing Frame to write the summary on another sheet of paper. Be sure to include the bold signal words. Keep this as a model of this Text Structure. electrical energy, which people can use electrical charges heat, light, and motion to cook food/dry clothes/heat homes in an incandescent bulb, which produces heat and light/a fluorescent bulb, which uses a gas to produce light toys, washing machines, tools, and trains 22 Critical Thinking 1 Electrical charges can be . A. positive B. negative C. positive and negative 2 What is a rotating blackout? Find the paragraphs in “When the Lights Go Out” that explain it. 3 Find the sentences in “Electricity” that explain how charges affect each other. 4 Read the caption for the picture of California on page 20. Talk about this caption with a partner. What added information does it give that is not in the text? For a list of links and activities that relate to this Science standard, visit the California Treasures Web site at www.macmillanmh.com to access the Content Reader resources. Have students view the e-Review “Using Electrical Energy.” In addition, distribute copies of the Translated Concept Summaries in Spanish, Chinese, Hmong, Khmer, and Vietnamese. Photographs and captions give the reader additional information. People used signs to help the traffic problems. The second paragraph on page 18; two positive charges repel each other. Two negative charges repel each other. A positive charge and a negative charge attract each other. [2] The second paragraph on page 20; first, one part of town had a blackout. An hour later, the lights went on. Then another part of town lost electricity. Each are lost electricity for only one or two hours. 23 [...]... paper Keep this as a model of this Text Structure 46 Critical Thinking 1 Fungi break down A only plants B animals C wood and other plant parts 2 Find the sentences in “Food to Flowers” that describe organic matter the second paragraph on p 44 , second and third sentences; anything that was once alive; leaves, grass, paper and food 3 Point to the word on page 42 that defines what breaks down plants and animals... climate in an ecosystem Discuss with a partner 4 Look at the diagram on pages 48 49 Read the numbered captions How do the living and nonliving things in the pond interact? Captions help explain the diagram Possible answers: Many plants live on the water’s edge They get water and nutrients from the soil Turtles get warmth from the Sun at the water’s surface [3] p 49 ; Each (ecosystems) has its own living things,... Science standard, visit the California Treasures Web site at www.macmillanmh.com to access the Content Readers resources Have students view the Science in Motion “Microorganisms at Work.” In addition, distribute copies of the Translated Concept Summaries in Spanish, Chinese, Hmong, Khmer, and Vietnamese 47 Description Writing Frame Use the Writing Frame to orally summarize “Ecosystems.” Ecosystems... relate to this Science standard, visit the California Treasures Web site at www.macmillanmh.com to access the Content Readers resources Have students view the e-Review “Food Chains.” In addition, distribute copies of the Translated Concept Summaries in Spanish, Chinese, Hmong, Khmer, and Vietnamese 41 Sequence Writing Frame Use the Writing Frame to orally summarize “Food to Flowers.” A California program... second paragraph on p 74; antibiotics can kill harmful bacteria On the other hand, they can cause diarrhea and stomach problems 3 Show a partner the sentences in “Good Germs” that The second and describe how probiotics are helpful third paragraphs on p 74; probiotics can help you handle antibiotics They help you fight diarrhea They make the body’s defenses stronger A table has columns 4 Discuss the table... miles away 3 Point to the place in “Landforms Can Change” that gives an example of a quick way landforms can change 4 Choose your favorite photo from “Landforms Can Change.” Write a new caption for it and tell it to a partner Possible answer: Page 84 waves drilled a Captions help the reader tell how similar pictures are different hole through the rock Page 85—glaciers scooped out this valley to make... exfoliation 4 Look at the photograph at the bottom of page 90 Discuss what happened to the landform with a partner Possible answer: wind drilled a hole through the rock and made an arch Photographs provide visual examples of facts that appear in a text For a list of links and activities that relate to this Science standard, visit the California Treasures Web site at www.macmillanmh.com to access the Content Readers... alive; leaves, grass, paper and food 3 Point to the word on page 42 that defines what breaks down plants and animals that are dead the second paragraph; decomposers 4 With a partner, orally create your own caption for the photo on page 45 Students should express what they see in the photograph, but can give it their own insights—including the possible smell, the benefit of collecting leftovers, and... carry the pollen to other blossoms 3 Find the sentences in “Plants” that explain the importance of plants the first three sentences on page 30; food, clothing, oxygen 4 Talk about the map on page 32 with a partner What does the map tell you? 24 states are colorcoded to indicate bee loss; the other states may not have bee loss or perhaps may have loss but are not reporting any loss Maps are drawings of geographic... geographic locations such as a city, state, or park For a list of links and activities that relate to this Science standard, visit the California Treasures Website at www.macmillanmh.com to access the Content Reader resources Have students view the e-Review “Plants and Sunlight.” In addition, distribute copies of the Translated Concept Summaries in Spanish, Chinese, Hmong, Khmer, and Vietnamese 35 Compare/Contrast . highlighted pages 4 HSS 4. 3 .45 HSS 4. 4.12 HSS 4. 4. 345 HSS 4. 4.6789 HSS 4. 5.12 HSS 4. 5. 34 HSS 4. 5.5 California Becomes a State 144 Biddy Mason 146 Problem/Solution Writing Frame 148 Critical Thinking. Contents PS 4. 1.a PS 4. 1.b PS 4. 1.c PS 4. 1.d PS 4. 1.e PS 4. 1.g PS 4. 1.f LS 4. 2.a LS 4. 2.b LS 4. 2.c LS 4. 3.a LS 4. 3.b Circuits 6 Earth’s Magnetic Field. 92 Problem/Solution Writing Frame 94 Critical Thinking PHOTOGRAPH 95 3 Contents HSS 4. 1.12 HSS 4. 1.3 HSS 4. 1 .45 HSS 4. 2.1 HSS 4. 2.2 345 6 HSS 4. 2.78 HSS 4. 3.1 HSS 4. 3.23 California in the World

Ngày đăng: 28/01/2015, 17:50

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