by Harriet Stansbury Scott Foresman Science 2.12 Genre Comprehension Skill Text Features Science Content Nonfi ction Alike and Different • Captions • Labels • Glossary Earth and Space ISBN-13: ISBN-10: 978-0-328-34224-2 0-328-34224-6 9 780328 342242 90000 Space and Technology 34224_CVR_FSD Page Cover1 1/23/07 3:41:59 PM christ34224_CVR_FSD Page Cover1 1/23/07 3:41:59 PM christ /Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224/Links/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224/Links by Harriet Stansbury Scott Foresman Science 2.12 Genre Comprehension Skill Text Features Science Content Nonfi ction Alike and Different • Captions • Labels • Glossary Earth and Space ISBN-13: ISBN-10: 978-0-328-34224-2 0-328-34224-6 9 780328 342242 90000 Space and Technology 34224_CVR_FSD Page Cover1 1/23/07 3:41:59 PM christ34224_CVR_FSD Page Cover1 1/23/07 3:41:59 PM christ /Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224/Links/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224/Links Vocabulary axis constellation crater orbit phase rotation solar system What did you learn? 1. What is the Sun made of? 2. What is Earth’s axis? 3. Earth’s rotation causes night and day. Write to explain how this happens. 4. Alike and Different Look at the picture of the planets in our solar system. How are the planets alike? How are they different? Illustrations: 6, 8, 15, 21, 22 Bob Kayganich Photographs: Every effort has been made to secure permission and provide appropriate credit for photographic material. The publisher deeply regrets any omission and pledges to correct errors called to its attention in subsequent editions. Unless otherwise acknowledged, all photographs are the property of Scott Foresman, a division of Pearson Education. Photo locators denoted as follows: Top (T), Center (C), Bottom (B), Left (L), Right (R) Background (Bkgd) Opening: ©Photodisc Green/Getty Images; Title Page: ©Goddard Space Flight Center/NASA; 2 ©Roger Tidman/Corbis; 4 ©SOHO (ESA & NASA)/NASA; 10 ©John M. Roberts/Corbis; 11 ©Taxi/ Getty Images; 12 ©James Randklev-Visions of America/Corbis; 13 ©Royalty-Free/Corbis; 16 ©Roger Ressmeyer/Corbis; 17 ©Jerry Schad/Photo Researchers, Inc.; 18 (B) NASA Image Exchange, (TC) ©Stone/Getty Images; 20 ©John Sanford/Photo Researchers, Inc. ISBN 13: 978-0-328-34224-2; ISBN 10: 0-328-34224-6 Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permissions, write to: Permissions Department, Scott Foresman, 1900 East Lake Avenue, Glenview, Illinois 60025. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 V010 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 34224_CVR_FSD Page Sec1:2 1/23/07 3:42:03 PM christ34224_CVR_FSD Page Sec1:2 1/23/07 3:42:03 PM christ /Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224/Links/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224/Links Earth and Space by Harriet Stansbury 34224_01-24_FSD Page 1 1/17/07 9:47:33 AM impos0234224_01-24_FSD Page 1 1/17/07 9:47:33 AM impos02/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224 What is the Sun? You can see stars in the night sky. Stars are made up of hot gases. The Sun is a star. You might think the Sun is the biggest star. This is because the Sun is the closest star to Earth. 2 34224_01-24_FSD Page 2 1/17/07 9:48:24 AM impos0234224_01-24_FSD Page 2 1/17/07 9:48:24 AM impos02/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224 The Sun is very bright. This is why you cannot see other stars in the day. 3 34224_01-24_FSD Page 3 1/17/07 9:49:55 AM impos0234224_01-24_FSD Page 3 1/17/07 9:49:55 AM impos02/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224 Why We Need the Sun The Sun is far from us. This makes it look small. The Sun is really much bigger than Earth. This is the Sun in space. 4 34224_01-24_FSD Page 4 1/17/07 9:50:02 AM impos0234224_01-24_FSD Page 4 1/17/07 9:50:02 AM impos02/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224 We need the Sun. Plants and animals need the Sun too. The Sun gives living things light and heat. 5 34224_01-24_FSD Page 5 1/17/07 9:50:14 AM impos0234224_01-24_FSD Page 5 1/17/07 9:50:14 AM impos02/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224 What causes day and night? Look at the picture. You can see an imaginary line through Earth. This line is called an axis. Earth spins on its axis. 6 Axis 34224_01-24_FSD Page 6 1/17/07 9:50:16 AM impos0234224_01-24_FSD Page 6 1/17/07 9:50:16 AM impos02/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224 Spinning on an axis is called a rotation. Earth makes one full rotation each day. 7 34224_01-24_FSD Page 7 1/17/07 9:50:43 AM impos0234224_01-24_FSD Page 7 1/17/07 9:50:43 AM impos02/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224 Earth’s rotation makes day and night. It is day when your side of Earth is facing the Sun. 8 34224_01-24_FSD Page 8 1/17/07 9:50:44 AM impos0234224_01-24_FSD Page 8 1/17/07 9:50:44 AM impos02/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224 It is night when your side of Earth is facing away from the Sun. 9 It takes 24 hours for Earth to rotate one time. 34224_01-24_FSD Page 9 1/17/07 9:51:39 AM impos0234224_01-24_FSD Page 9 1/17/07 9:51:39 AM impos02/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224 Sunrise The Sun in the Sky The Sun seems to go up and down in the sky. The Sun looks low in the sky in the morning. 10 34224_01-24_FSD Page 10 1/17/07 9:51:41 AM impos0234224_01-24_FSD Page 10 1/17/07 9:51:41 AM impos02/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224 Noon By noon, the Sun is high in the sky. 11 34224_01-24_FSD Page 11 1/17/07 9:51:45 AM impos0234224_01-24_FSD Page 11 1/17/07 9:51:45 AM impos02/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224 At night, the Sun is low in the sky again. The Sun is not moving. It is Earth that is moving. 12 Sunset 34224_01-24_FSD Page 12 1/17/07 9:51:46 AM impos0234224_01-24_FSD Page 12 1/17/07 9:51:46 AM impos02/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224 13 The Sun is always shining, but you cannot always see it. 34224_01-24_FSD Page 13 1/17/07 9:51:47 AM impos0234224_01-24_FSD Page 13 1/17/07 9:51:47 AM impos02/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224 14 What causes seasons to change? Earth spins on its axis. Earth’s axis is tilted. Earth also makes an orbit around the Sun. This means it moves in a path around the Sun. In the summer the part of Earth where we live is tilted toward the Sun. summer fall 34224_01-24_FSD Page 14 1/17/07 9:51:56 AM impos0234224_01-24_FSD Page 14 1/17/07 9:51:56 AM impos02/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224 In the spring the part of Earth where we live is starting to tilt toward the Sun. In the winter the part of Earth where we live is titled away from the Sun. In the fall the part of Earth where we live is starting to tilt away from the Sun. 15 It takes a year for Earth to move around the Sun one time. The tilt of Earth and Earth’s orbit around the Sun make the seasons change. winter spring 34224_01-24_FSD Page 15 1/17/07 9:52:50 AM impos0234224_01-24_FSD Page 15 1/17/07 9:52:50 AM impos02/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224 16 What can you see in the night sky? You can see stars in the night sky. The stars look small. Stars are far from us. People see pictures when they look at the stars. A group of stars that look like a picture is called a constellation. This constellation is called Leo. 34224_01-24_FSD Page 16 1/17/07 9:52:52 AM impos0234224_01-24_FSD Page 16 1/17/07 9:52:52 AM impos02/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224 Here is the Little Dipper. Here is the Big Dipper. 17 34224_01-24_FSD Page 17 1/17/07 9:53:00 AM impos0234224_01-24_FSD Page 17 1/17/07 9:53:00 AM impos02/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224/Volumes/403/sf00207_SciLR_copyright%0/sf00207_G2/sf00207_G2a_Below/34224 [...]... see the Moon at night The Moon is big and bright The Moon has hills and craters A crater is a hole A crater is shaped like a bowl Big rocks from space hit the Moon and made craters This is a crater 18 19 Why does the Moon change? The Moon moves in an orbit around Earth The Moon orbits Earth while Earth orbits the Sun It takes four weeks for the Moon to go around Earth The shape of the Moon seems to... Moon that is lit up 20 21 What is the solar system? Earth is a planet Earth moves around the Sun Other planets move around the Sun The Sun, the Moon, Earth, other planets, and their moons all make up the solar system The Sun is the center of the solar system Eight planets orbit the Sun Look at the picture Can you find Earth? Sun Jupiter Mercury Venus Earth Mars Saturn Uranus Neptune 22 23 What did you... Vocabulary Glossary axis axis constellation crater constellation orbit crater phase rotation an imaginary line through the center of Earth 1 What is the Sun made of? a group of stars that form a picture 3 Earth s rotation causes night and day Write to explain how this happens 4 Alike and Different Look at the picture of the planets in our solar system How are the planets alike? How are they different? a hole... ©Goddard Space Flight Center/NASA; 2 ©Roger Tidman/Corbis; 4 ©SOHO (ESA & NASA)/NASA; 10 ©John M Roberts/Corbis; 11 ©Taxi/ Getty Images; 12 ©James Randklev-Visions of America/Corbis; 13 ©Royalty-Free/Corbis; 16 ©Roger Ressmeyer/Corbis; 17 ©Jerry Schad/Photo Researchers, Inc.; 18 (B) NASA Image Exchange, (TC) ©Stone/Getty Images; 20 ©John Sanford/Photo Researchers, Inc solar system the planets and their... of the Moon rotation the spinning on an axis Illustrations: 6, 8, 15, 21, 22 Bob Kayganich Photographs: Every effort has been made to secure permission and provide appropriate credit for photographic material The publisher deeply regrets any omission and pledges to correct errors called to its attention in subsequent editions Unless otherwise acknowledged, all photographs are the property of Scott Foresman,... Images; 20 ©John Sanford/Photo Researchers, Inc solar system the planets and their moons and other objects that move around the Sun ISBN 13: 978-0-328-34224-2; ISBN 10: 0-328-34224-6 Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc All Rights Reserved Printed in the United States of America This publication is protected by Copyright and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction,... likewise For information regarding permissions, write to: Permissions Department, Scott Foresman, 1900 East Lake Avenue, Glenview, Illinois 60025 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 V010 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 24 2 What is Earth s axis? . Content Nonfi ction Alike and Different • Captions • Labels • Glossary Earth and Space ISBN-13: ISBN-10: 978-0-328-34224-2 0-328-34224-6 9 780328 342242 90000 Space and Technology 34224_CVR_FSD. Content Nonfi ction Alike and Different • Captions • Labels • Glossary Earth and Space ISBN-13: ISBN-10: 978-0-328-34224-2 0-328-34224-6 9 780328 342242 90000 Space and Technology 34224_CVR_FSD. learn? 1. What is the Sun made of? 2. What is Earth s axis? 3. Earth s rotation causes night and day. Write to explain how this happens. 4. Alike and Different Look at the picture of the planets