Teachering VersionTeaching Version Untitled-22 T2Untitled-22 T2 6/6/05 4:06:45 PM6/6/05 4:06:45 PM Untitled-22 T3Untitled-22 T3 6/6/05 4:06:47 PM6/6/05 4:06:47 PM Rigby Flying Colors Teaching Version Yellow Text © 2003 Nelson Australia Pty Ltd Photographs © 2003 Nelson Australia Pty Ltd Originally published in Australia by Thomson Learning Australia U.S. Edition © 2006 Harcourt Achieve Inc. All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, in whole or in part, without permission in writing from the copyright owner. Requests for permission should be mailed to: Copyright Permissions, Harcourt Achieve Inc., P.O. Box 27010, Austin, Texas 78755. Rigby and Steck-Vaughn are trademarks of Harcourt Achieve Inc. registered in the United States of America and/or other jurisdictions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 121 09 08 07 06 05 Printed in China/United States of America. Fred and the Ball: Teaching Version ISBN 1-4189-0901-7 Untitled-22 T4Untitled-22 T4 6/6/05 4:06:48 PM6/6/05 4:06:48 PM T1 Overview Fred and the Ball A girl and her dog must retrieve a lost ball. Reading Vocabulary Words High-Frequency Words shouted said ball gate new but under here into over went Building Future Vocabulary * These vocabulary words do not appear in this text. They are provided to develop related oral vocabulary that fi rst appears in future texts. Words: throw close lost Levels: Gold Turquoise Blue Comprehension Strategy Drawing conclusions Fluency Skill Emphasizing words in boldface Phonics Skill Identifying and reading contractions (can’t) Reading-Writing Connection Making a list Home Connection Send home one of the Flying Colors Take-Home books for chil- dren to share with their families. Differentiated Instruction Before reading the text, query children to discover their level of understanding of the compre- hension strategy — Drawing conclusions. As you work together, provide additional support to children who show a beginning mastery of the strategy. Focus on ELL • Hold up a ball for the children. Ask them to show how they would throw the ball. Ask them to show how they would kick the ball. Show them the differ- ence between throw and kick. • Discuss different sports and games that use balls. Untitled-14 T1Untitled-14 T1 5/31/05 1:20:08 PM5/31/05 1:20:08 PM 1 T2 This Teaching Version will assist you in directing children through the process of reading. 1. Begin with Before Reading to familiarize children with the book’s content. Select the skills and strategies that meet the needs of your children. 2. Next, go to During Reading to help children become familiar with the text, and then to read individually on their own. 3. Then, go back to Revisiting the Text and select those specifi c activities that meet children’s needs. 4. Finally, fi nish with Assessment to confi rm children are ready to move forward to the next text. Before Reading Using This Teaching Version 2. During Reading 4. Assessment 1. Before Reading 3. Revisiting the Text Building Background • Write the word under on the board. Read it aloud. Have children list things they can get under. (tables, beds, trees) Have children identify the opposite of under. (over) • Introduce the book by reading the title, talking about the cover illustration, and sharing the overview. Building Future Vocabulary Use Interactive Modeling Card: Sentence Maker • Introduce the word close. Ask What sorts of things can you close? (doors, mouths, boxes) • Write close at the top of the Sentence Maker. In the fi rst box, write a sentence subject. Beneath that, write a phrase using the word close. In the fi nal box, write an entire sentence. Introduction to Reading Vocabulary • On blank cards write: shouted, gate, and under. Read them aloud. Tell children these words will appear in the text of Fred and the Ball. • Use each word in a sentence for understanding. Untitled-14 T2Untitled-14 T2 5/31/05 1:20:10 PM5/31/05 1:20:10 PM 2 T3 Book Talk Beginning on page T4, use the During Reading notes on the left-hand side to engage children in a book talk. On page 16, follow with Individual Reading. During Reading Introduction to Comprehension Strategy • Explain that drawing conclusions means that you look for clues to fi nd information not directly stated in the story. • T ell children they will be drawing conclusions about Fred and the Ball. • Using the cover illustration, ask Does the girl like playing with the dog? (yes) How do you know? (She is smiling.) Introduction to Phonics • Write on the board: can, not. Read the words aloud and use them together in sentences. • Show children how to form the contraction can’t from can not. Use can’t in a sentence. • Together brainstorm other not phrases that can become contractions: could not, should not, is not, and will not. Write these on the board. Show the children how to form contractions with these words. • Have children look for the word can’t as they read Fred and the Ball. Modeling Fluency • Read aloud the fi rst sentence on page 5, modeling emphasis of the boldfaced word. • Talk about using boldfaced type to em- phasize a word. Authors do this to show something is important, to show something is different, or to show someone is talking more loudly than normal. Untitled-14 T3Untitled-14 T3 5/31/05 1:20:15 PM5/31/05 1:20:15 PM T4 During Reading Book Talk • Explain to children that drawing conclusions means looking for clues to fi nd information not directly stated in a story. • Comprehension Strategy Show children the book cover. Ask What two characters are in this book? (a girl and a dog) What do you think the dog’s name is? (Fred) How do you know the dog’s name is Fred? (because girls are not usually named Fred) • Discuss the cover. Ask children for more clues. Ask What are Fred and the girl doing? (playing with the ball) Turn to page 2 — Book Talk Untitled-14 T4Untitled-14 T4 5/31/05 1:20:16 PM5/31/05 1:20:16 PM 1 Revisiting the Text Future Vocabulary • Look at the cover illustration. Ask Has Rosie lost the red ball? (No, she and Fred are playing with the ball.) Now revisit pages 2–3 Untitled-14 1Untitled-14 1 5/31/05 1:20:19 PM5/31/05 1:20:19 PM “Here you are, Fred,” said Rosie. “This new ball is for you to play with today.” 2 2 During Reading Book Talk • Ask Where are Rosie and Fred? (in the yard) Is the gate open? (no) • Comprehension Strategy Ask How does Fred feel? (happy or excited) How do you know this? (He is wag- ging his tail.) Why is Fred happy? (because Rosie has a new ball for him) Turn to page 4 — Book Talk Untitled-14 2Untitled-14 2 5/31/05 1:20:21 PM5/31/05 1:20:21 PM 3 3 Revisiting the Text Future Vocabulary • Ask What things can Rosie do with the ball? (She can throw it, kick it, roll it, or hand it to Fred.) What other games use balls? (baseball, basketball, football, soccer, volleyball, bowling) In which games would you throw the ball? (baseball, basketball, football) In which would you kick it? (soccer) In which would you roll it? (bowling) Now revisit pages 4–5 Untitled-14 3Untitled-14 3 5/31/05 1:20:25 PM5/31/05 1:20:25 PM [...]... Story Title Fred and the Ball 2 close the gate Directions: With children, fill in the Sentence Maker using the word close © 2006 Harcourt Achieve Inc All rights reserved You will close the gate Solution Fred digs under the gate and finds the ball © 2006 Harcourt Achieve Inc All rights reserved 3 Problem Rosie loses the ball Directions: With children, fill in the Story Map for Fred and the Ball Discussion... Revisiting the Text Future Vocabulary • Say Rosie can kick the ball a long way Do you think you can throw a ball farther than you can kick it? The ball went up and up and up! It went over the gate Now revisit pages 6–7 and into the grass 5 5 Untitled-14 5 5/31/05 1:20:31 PM During Reading Book Talk • Comprehension Strategy Ask What is Fred doing now? (He is looking under the gate.) Why can’t he get the ball? ... conclusion? (She can kick the ball high up into the air and over the gate.) Rosie kicked the ball to Fred “Jump up and get the ball, Fred! ” Rosie shouted • Have children locate the word shouted on these pages Ask Why has Rosie shouted? (because she is excited) • Fluency Skill Ask Why is the word up in boldfaced type? (to give more attention to it) Should you shout this word? (No, just say the word a little... Book Talk • Ask Who has the ball now? (Fred) Where is Fred going? (under the gate and back into the yard) Fred ran back to the gate • Comprehension Strategy Ask How does Fred feel now? (happy) How do you know Fred is happy? (He is wagging his tail.) He went under the gate with the ball in his mouth Turn to page 16 — Book Talk 14 14 Untitled-14 14 5/31/05 1:20:54 PM Revisiting the Text Future Vocabulary... at the ball. ) Rosie looked in the grass “I can’t see the ball, ” she said “It is not down here.” Fred looked in the grass, too • Phonics Skill Have children find the word can’t on page 12 Remind them of the contractions you discussed earlier in the lesson Tell them that people often use contractions when speaking but often spell out both words when writing Turn to page 14 — Book Talk Fred saw the ball. .. he get the ball? (The gate is closed.) Does Rosie have a key to the gate? (no) How do you know this? (If she had the key, she would unlock and open the gate.) Rosie looked over the gate Fred looked under the gate • Have children locate the words shouted and gate on these pages • Fluency Skill Read the sentences on page 6 Ask Why is the word under in boldfaced type? (It stresses that Fred is doing something... room.) What is Fred doing now? (digging under the gate) Why? (so they can find the ball) • Phonics Skill Have children locate the word can’t on page 8 Remind them of the contractions you discussed earlier in the lesson Have them read the sentence once with can’t, and again with can not Ask What sounds do you hear in cannot that you do not hear in can’t? (/n/ and o as in pot) Rosie said to Fred, “I can’t... throw the ball back over the gate? (because Fred has the ball now) • Talk about what Rosie will do next Ask Do you think she will kick the ball again or throw it instead? Go to page T5 — Revisiting the Text 15 15 Untitled-14 15 5/31/05 1:20:56 PM During Reading Book Talk • Leave this page for children to discover on their own when they read the book individually Rosie looked over the gate “Good boy, Fred! ”... the ball, Fred! ” • Ask How does it feel after you have lost a game? How does it feel to have had a fight and lost a friend? Now revisit pages 12–13 11 11 Untitled-14 11 5/31/05 1:20:46 PM During Reading Book Talk • Comprehension Strategy Ask Why can’t Rosie see the ball? (She is looking for it in the wrong place.) Does Fred find the ball? (yes) What clues tell you Fred has found the ball? (He barks and. .. instances of the words under and gate on these pages under the gate, too 10 Turn to page 12 — Book Talk 10 Untitled-14 10 5/31/05 1:20:44 PM Revisiting the Text Future Vocabulary • Say Rosie has lost the ball How does this make Rosie feel? (anxious) Have you ever lost anything? Did you find it again? Encourage children to use the word lost as they share their experiences “Where is the ball, Fred? ” said . mastery of the strategy. Focus on ELL • Hold up a ball for the children. Ask them to show how they would throw the ball. Ask them to show how they would kick the ball. Show them the differ- ence. can’t Rosie see the ball? (She is look- ing for it in the wrong place.) Does Fred fi nd the ball? (yes) What clues tell you Fred has found the ball? (He barks and looks at the ball. ) • Phonics. PM 5 The ball went up and up and up! It went over the gate and into the grass. 5 Revisiting the Text Future Vocabulary • Say Rosie can kick the ball a long way. Do you think you can throw a ball