CONTENTS A. REASONS FOR CHOOSING THE RESEARCH B. AIMS OF THE RESEARCH C. SCOPE, OBJECT AND RESEARCHING METHOD D. MAIN CONTENT 1. What is Eliciting? 2. Eliciting Lexis (Vocabulary) 3. Principles and advantages 1. Techniques for eliciting new vocabulary. 2. Demonstration. 3. Some suggestions for the teachers. E. RESULT AFTER APPLYING THE RESEARCH IN TEACHING F. CONCLUSION G. REFERENCE BOOKS A. REASONS FOR CHOOSING THE RESEARCH !"#$%&# '(%"%!(#%!$"))#%%#&&### '"*%% "!$'$'! ") !% !%!((%%& ! +##,'(#- . %&%)''/# %%#"#"/##+01 %&%/"%& ")" #"/##+.2 3 "!45678"+.&#"!%+#"%!%/#-%&#+"9% )'' 3!- %&# + % " #!. 2:!&#" " #1 ! 44;7 8 <#/#-#!$/#(%#"% '#' !#+ ")%&"%&!#$ )'' '#% '#! %&# "%#,% $ %&# %%#"# 1+ #+ !%#"# % *#!% "%&# $ !% "%#(#%% "-%&"##!("!#!&!.#!-'$%&# &!"$$ "%&%/ )#92"$! ")%#+ !&$$'#" ")9!&(91 %&%&# ") !&9$$ 91& &"'#"9#,%=' %#% "!& (98) /#!%&# !%#"#%&# 1") '(#!! "'/#-1 !##%&# '(%"#$/ #"#%#&#!!&+3"1&1%(#!#"%/#$$#% /# "+#% &#(!%+#"%+#/#(/ B. AIMS OF THE RESEARCH = "%+ ")# % ")"#1/"+!&1 ") %!#"#$ %! =!&11!$# % ")"#1/ =!&1&1"#1/"#(#!#"%#+$/ !!!' % / % #! =+1%1&%%&##"#!3"1%&)&%&# #% "!& (%%&# 1+!%&#"+#!%"+ C. SCOPE, OBJECT AND RESEARCHING METHOD = Scope 7#!#& ") "%&#(#!!$%#& ")") !&%#" ((#=!#"+!& =Object7& !!>#% !"#"#+1 %&1!$)" ? ")% / % #! " %&#!! =Researching method7#+ ")#$##"#3!-+ !!! ")1 %&%&# %#&#!-(( ") "%#& ")-!#/ ")"++1 ")%#,(# #"#! D. CONTENT I. GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1. What is Eliciting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Do you mime, or draw, or do something else? Please share in the comments below! 1. Techniques for eliciting new vocabulary. 1.1. Opposites H & !13!$#% "+>#% /#!-/#!-""!-+/#!-+#%#' "#!#%- #)@&%E!%&#((! %#$+3F!%(F" + %F!++#"F$#1BC 1.2. Ranks, sequences and sliding scales #"#,%#"+%&# +#$) / ")((! %#!% "+#%& ")!%&%+# 1 %%#"1 %&%1((! %#!!!%#(!"!#-#)21+!#% ")%# % "3#%!8@&%'#!"#,%B+-&%-2 ")8F ! 3#- 3#-2/#8C& ! "##,%#"+#+%"%& ")#!#%&%+#!##"%&/#!'#3 "+$ !#*#"#!&!@(( -"+#)+%#-2)+%#8C-@%(-& %-2!&8C@%+- #!%#+-2%&#+#$##!%#+8C 1.3. Similarities & ! !"%&#)+1$# % ")@%&#+#$##!%#+C=@$ %'1 !$1#+%&#+$%#%'1-1&% !#!%#+(##+#+ BC& !13!$1+$'!2#)@%&#""$I%E !'+#%&#!'#1! %&#""$I""#%E%&%1##"%!%1##3C8"+! ' % #! "!(# ")"+ ("" % "2#)@%&!%&#!'#!(# ")F("" % "F)''% $'! I)&%EC8 1.4. Definitions & ! !%&#%#&" *#%&%"#1%#&#!%#"+%!#'!%$%#""+'!% "% & ! ! (#&(! #!# 1# $%#" !# % 1&#" 1# # "E% #'#'#1+"'# "1""))#"+#&( ")%&#(#!"1# #!(#3 ")%"'#(1 %& %%#!%"+#!%"+1&%1##%3 ") %"1-! 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When we talked about it before J "%&#'#%&+1#!#"% ""'!(##&1#"#,( % " %&#!!' !@&1!%&%%1#1##%3 ")%#!%#+B #'#'#-1&#"1#1##%3 ")%$ '!%&%1#&%#&%E! )&%-#% 3#!& #-&#KC1 %&/ % "! 3#@#'#'#%+#/#"#&+ (#'!1 %& "%&#%#!%BC"+@&%1!%+$% "+$!&(%&%1# + +#(%!%1##3BC 1.7. Memory &# +# $)#%% ")%&#' % #'#'# %& ")! % # % 1+! "# #,%#"+#+%-$#,'(#-!## ") $%&#"#'#'#1+$'+ )# %&#&/#>!%##"+ ")-#)@&%1!%&#%& +(+%&#!3#+$ "%&# !&(BC 1.8. Gaps & !+'#"1+1 %&#%%#!"3#+%-%( !#"%#"#!1 %& %+#,(#!! "#% ")%# %"3#+%-' "% "$ %&#%1-#)@##%%&#A%%$%&#)C& !"#!#+1 %&!(3#" # %% "!1#!1 %%#"# %% "&'' ")%&#' !! ")(%$%&# !#"%#"# 1.9. Stress clues &'' ")%&#&%&'$%++1 ") %!!%#!!(%%#""%&# +-"&#(!%+#"%!13%1& &$!#/#! ' 1+!# % ")%# %$'%&#' 1.10. Multiple choice "#)$ %1 %&) / ")#!%# ")!%+#"%!(% "!%&# "&!#$'-%&)& $&/#&!#"%& !'#%&+#!#!%+#"%! %&/#" +#$%&#"!1#%& !'3#! %'#$(#!#"%% "%&"" # %% " 1.11. Brainstorm %&)&"%'"(#(#%& "3$ %%& !1- "!%' ") !! $'$# % ")%1 %&%%+!1"%%&#'%'#(1 %& "##!! # ")+#$ "#+ "!%' ")!%)#"%&#"#'/#+"%'# %+ % "# %% "!&1 ")%&#'1& &$1+!%&#&/##+) /#" !'!%! ' %%&#"#1"% 1.12. Spider diagrams/ Mind maps "!%' ")"!#+"# "'#)" !#+'""#1 %&1+! # ")++#+%%#) #!"+!%#) #! 3#%&#"&#!"+%1 )!$ %##"%&#"( "%%%&#(#1&##%+1"%%# %1+# $ %1!"%&%' "+'(-! ")%&## %% "'#%&+!%&#(%&#'13 %1& &$%&#(!! % #!%&%+#%&###%& "3 ")$ 1.13. Common mistakes "%&# %#&" *# %&% %#&#! +"E% $%#" %& "3 $ ' " ") 1 %& # %% " !%3 ")%#!-% "$%) / ")& "%!%1&%' !%3#! !%+#"%!'3#1 %&1+#,(#!! ""#)#%& "%%1& &"# #%& "3 ")$2#)@G#(#$%#""$!# %1 %&I%%#E-% %&!$ L "+ !(%"!'#%& ")%&%+##($C$@%%#C-@(" !&!(#3#! $%#" %& "3 % '#"! (#)""%- % % % '#"! !&'#+C $ @#'!!#+C8& !%#&" *#"!#+"%%3 ")%!>#%! 3# $!# $ #"+!- ("" % " ' !%3#!- "#)% /# "+ (! % /# ""%% "! 2@G#(#1&!'#"#$%!&+(!#%& !1+%&%1##"%!% %#' "!%#+C8"+$' %' !%3#!2@%&)&!'#(#(#1 %#I&#E% %&##) "" ")$! "#!!#' -%+1#1"%!%%!1 %&I+E"+ !KBC8 1.14. Visuals M!% 3#!%+#"%!1&#"%&#)#%%%!%3''" % ") " ") !&+ ")%&# %/#!-' )&%$ "+%&%* 3!3#%& !%&#"1 %)#%%&#'%"+#!%"+"+(+#%+#,(#!! "%&%'#"" %& "3( %#' )&%#%&##!%1$#,( " ")!'#%& ")-! &/#%&#(% "$! ")$!&+( "%%$'%&# "%#"#%2%!#& ") "%&# ')#!(% "$)#8 1.15. Multimedia $&/# "%#"#%#!! "%&#!!'-%&## !!%&#(% "%>!% !#&$" ')#!%&#%( '#!(2!")!%&#!%+#"%!"E%!##%&# !#&%#'!#! ")-!%& !'#"!%&## !"%& ")#$%%# %N8! ") / +#%3#!%'#(#(% "-%+!#/#!&% (%# % %&#"'#$!'#%& ")"!##"/ +#-#/#"!'#%& ")%&% !) ") %((#%&!"E%#% 2. Demonstration Visuals: Examples 1: A car H+3+ Examples 2: Athletic <)? "#( %# Mime ,'(#7+ 7' '#!$## ")+ !3!-@1+$##BC ,'(#72%8$3 %# ' '#!$ ")3 %# !3!-@&%' + ")BC Realia ,'(#7""! 2"%8- #2""%8 ")!#""!"+ # "%!! !3!-@&%E!%& !BC ,'(#7(#"2+>8-!#+2+>8 5 (#"!"+!#!%&#+ !!-@#'#%%&#+7%E!K1&%BC Situation/ Explaination ,'(#7&"#!% #,( "!-@+"E%%# #!+"E%&#% "%&##,'%#%&#%%&C !3!-@&%'B%#'#%+ " #%"'#!#C+1 !%#" % % "") !&@"#!%C ,'(#67" %#7 !%!#,'(#! $$" %#7@#-& !-#+!O %&#!##K 2" %#8K /#'#"%&##,'(#$K2" %#8 ,'(#;72%8'( " !!-@&##+ !%&++"E% 3# %&#' !%!'%E!" )+-#%C !3!-@&%'+ ")BC Synonym/ Antonym ,'(#7"%# )#"% !3!-@&%E!"%+$#/#BC ,'(#67!%( + !3!-@&%E!%&#((! %#$#/#BC Translation ,'(#72%8$)#% !3!-@1+!@*P"C "") !&BC 2. Some suggestions for the teachers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nit 9: Deserts Lesson 1: Reading Class: 12A1, 12A6, 12A11. I. Objectives %&##"+$%&##!!"!1 ##%7 ="+#!%"+%&#(!!)#%+#!#%!"+!"$!(# $ "$'% " =!#/#%#+%%&#%( $%&##!!"%&)&#,# !#! II. Teaching aids =#,%3-&3-(!%#!-( %#! III. Procedures E E <OG2J' "8 =!3!%3%( %#! "%&# %#,%3! "+ + !!! %&# *#!% "! #1 !!!"+"!1#%&#*#!% "! 4 ! " 2&- '(!"-"8 S"%+#%&#% %#$%&##!!"#$% &'(')( +1#9#) ")%#+% '(!"+#!#% G2;J' "8 *+7#!!%&#'#" ")$ !'#1+! 7 =% +, +,. +,.% +,. +,. % a. (to) comprise:!#!!""'% # %%&#/# 2%8 '( !#7 @2%8 "+# 2%8 "! !%$C !3! @&% +#! % '#" " #%"'#!#BC b. enormous (a): !#!!""'%# %%+ @#"'!C7#,%#'#)# !3! @&% +#! % '#" " #%"'#!#BC c. mystery (n): !#!#,( "% "%# %%+ @<!%#C'#"!!'#%& ")!##% !3! !- @&% +#! % '#" " #%"'#!#B d. corridor (n) !#! / ! +! 2 ( %# $ +8 "!1#!9!))#!% "7 % !'# 6% /#! "+#!#%! ; &# # +- &% "#! # "++#!#%! H &# #7 &- '(!"- "" 2 <8- : ") "" 28 =!(%%#"% ""+"!1#%&# *#!% "! G =!(%%#"% ""+%3#"%#! =!"!1#7)T' =!"!1#7:&U")T-%V" =!"!1#7W XYZ" R [...]... some names of National Cat Ba, Cat Tien, Cuc Phuong , U Parks In Viet Nam? Minh, - Give comments and present new lesson: Unit 11 (cont) C Listening 2 The new lesson Teachers activities Students activities 13 Techniques for eliciting new vocabulary at upper secondary school I BEFORE YOU LISTEN (10) Introduce the new lesson: You are going to listen to a passage about Cuc Phuong National Park -Ask Ss... Voi before it made its on Thang Long A accidental attack B surprise attack C accidental defeat D surprise defeat Task 2: (12) Chossing the best answer for question 1, 2, 4 and decide T or F for question 3, 5 1 How many provices does Cuc Phuong National Park belong to? A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 17 Techniques for eliciting new vocabulary at upper secondary school 2 How far is it from Hanoi to Cuc Phuong? A about... task, instruct them to use some strategies: + Read the sentences carefully: 15 Techniques for eliciting new vocabulary at upper secondary school * Try to work out what they are going to hear * Anticipate the grammatical form as well as vocabulary + Fill in each blank as they listen The - Listen to the tape information will be given in the same - Check the answers with a friend order as the sentences... Consolidation: (2) - Summarize the main points of the lesson: + New words that related to the lesson + Some main, special features of Cuc Phuong National Park 4 Homework: (2) - Learn by heart all the new words - Remember Some main, special features of Cuc Phuong National Park - Prepare for new lesson * Handout Task 1 (8): Filling missing information and verifying the guesses 1 Cuc Phuong National Park.. .Techniques for eliciting new vocabulary at upper secondary school - T asks What can you see in the picture? - T says Yes, it is So Corridor means hanh lang e stable (a): T uses explaination to elicit the word Stable means not likely to move or change - T asks What does it means in Vietnamese? f shrub-land: - T uses translation shrub-land: vung õt co nhiờu cõy... answers answers Answer: 1 B 2 C 3 F 16 Techniques for eliciting new vocabulary at upper secondary school - Give comments and feedbacks 4 D 5 F III AFTER YOU LISTEN (7) * Elicit some pictures - Ask Ss to work individually to write - Work individually to write about about the special features of Cuc Phuong the special features of Cuc Phuong National Park in five minutes National Park in five minutes - After... 11 Techniques for eliciting new vocabulary at upper secondary school Task 2: Decide whether the following Task 2: statements are true (T) or false (F): - Guide Ss the way to do Task 2 and ask them to work in pairs - Get Ss to check theirs answers and explain their choices - T calls on some Ss to read theirs 1 F (There are five: the Great answers and explain their choices Victoria, the Gibbon, Great... are threatened and endangered species. T asks What does the phrase mean? - Ss answer: Cỏc loai b e da va nguy him b ethnic minority (np): - T uses visual aids and asks who are - Ss answer: Ngi dõn tục thiờu they in Vietnamese? sụ 14 Techniques for eliciting new vocabulary at upper secondary school - - - Students say: h ụng vt T says so the phrase means dõn tc thiu s c flora (n) T uses translation Flora... they are parallel and are up to 20 meters high 12 Techniques for eliciting new vocabulary at upper secondary school 7.Two They are hummock grasses and spinifex 3 Post reading: * Read this story and answer the questions - Ask Ss to work in pairs - Go around for help - Call on some pairs to present - Give comments III CONSOLIDATION & HOMEWORK ( 5') - Learn vocabulary - Prepare section B - SPEAKING - Ss... of information, helps to break down traditional teacher-centredness, and begins to establish a variety of interaction patterns in the classroom It is also fundamental to the inductive approach to teaching language and to learning through tasks and self-discovery, and a simple and effective way of getting learners to produce language 18 Techniques for eliciting new vocabulary at upper secondary school . !#+3"1" II. TECHNIQUES FOR ELICITING NEW VOCABULARY What’s your favorite way to elicit new vocabulary? Do you mime, or draw, or do something else? Please share in the comments below! 1. Techniques for eliciting. advantages 1. Techniques for eliciting new vocabulary. 2. Demonstration. 3. Some suggestions for the teachers. E. RESULT AFTER APPLYING THE RESEARCH. REASONS FOR CHOOSING THE RESEARCH B. AIMS OF THE RESEARCH C. SCOPE, OBJECT AND RESEARCHING METHOD D. MAIN CONTENT 1. What is Eliciting? 2. Eliciting Lexis (Vocabulary)