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145 M a n 25 quy tac de viet dung tieng Anh PRETEST SECTION ONE: W ORD BASICS Muc 1: T h a n h p h a n co' b a n cua tu1 SECTION TJJO: SPG LUNG STRATEGICS Muc 2: C h ie n lito'c v ie t dung SECTION THREE: THE GOOF-PROOF RULES Muc 3: Quy tac can nhd de viet dung SECTION FOUR: RESOJRCE 46 Pretest Mark each word below as spelled correctly or incorrectly with a check W hen you are finished you can check your answers in the Answer Key on page 212 r, WORD CORRECT \/ I independence paralel receive ^ absence achieve v/ globaly support ridiculous ^ immediatly 10 usually II W ednesday v 12 terrable 13 permanent - 14 mannar 15 calamaty 16 courage _ 17 decision _ 18 fewer INCORRECT 147 WORI) CORRECT INCORRECT 19 persue 20 millennium 21 fourth -/ — — 22 grammer —— 23 especially 24 necessary — 25 frequint 26 eighi 27 consistency 28 perceive 29 liaison \J 30 catagory 31 harrass - 32 fundemental 33 stopped 34 cheap 1/ / 37 jexvelery - 35 rcferance 36 balance i IN - 38 committee - 39 intermural 40 thinking - 41 correction - 42 survivel 43 simultaneous U WORI) CORRECT 44 puncluate 45 leveling 46 alot 47 exislance 'X 48 proclaim y 49 generate 50 anonymos t* INCORRECT 149 S e ctio n O N E M L i WORD BASICS Thanh ph an cdban ciia tit ■ W ORD PA R TS - Cac th a n h phan cua tiif A word is a word, right? Well vcs But a word also can consist of parts These arc roots, prefixes, and suffixes They comprise almost all words in the English language The root is the part of a word that holds the meaning Most roots come from ancient Greek and section ONE WORD BASICS Latin words (like deni, meaning people, for example), and many have become quite common in the English language Prefixes and suffixes can be thought of as root add-ons They change or enhance the meaning of the root (which may or may not be able to stand on its own as a word) A prefix, as the prefix pre- suggests, is a part placed at the beginning of a word A suf- fix, on the other hand, is placed at the end of a word A suffix will often signify how the word is being used and its part of speech Common roots, prefixes, and suffixes are outlined in the following tables Use these tables as references to help improve your understanding of word basics Roots - G dc t il This list is provided to help you become familiar with the common roots— so don't let it intimidate you! You might look at the list and think "This is too long, will never learn all of these roots." Fear not! You don't need lo learn them all you just need to start to recogni/e the most common roots Once you've done that, you can begin to build upon that knowledge 150 ROOT MEANING EX AM PLE agon struggle, contest agoni/e agony aud hear audible, auditorium bell war antebellum, bellicose ben good beneficial, benevolent bio life biography, bionic cap head decapitate, capitol ceil go precede, antecedent chron time chronology, chronic cis to cut incisor, incision contra against contradict, contrary creJ believe incredulous, credible deni people democracy, demographic due lead induce, conduct fer bear, carry transfer, ferry f id faith fidelity, infidel flu x I flu flow fluctuate, influx gen race or kind generation, genealogy gilt) / cog to know gnostic, cognoscenti o r(J a *> c ,* > crowd egregious, gregarious ject to throw, send project, interject locj speak loquacious, eloquent mithnis to send transmit, remittal noni name nominate, nominal path feelings pathology, apathv ped / pod foot impede, pedestrian ' 151 phi! love anglophile philanthropy phobe fear phobic, agoraphobia rog to ask interrogate, prerogative simul copy simulate, facsimile soph sophistication wisdom p h i l o s o p h y , spic / spec see speculate, suspicious tan / tac / tig touch tactile, tangent ten hold tenacity, pretend tract draw, pull attract, detract trib to give tribute, attribute urb city suburban, urbane ver truth veracity, verify vid sec evidence, vivid 17V life survival, vivacious [ Q U IZ ] - C au hoi tra c n g h iem kien thQc Match the root with the correct meaning l agon a love tract b to oppose greg c life bio d wisdom ten e to throw contra f draw ject g struggle pliil h people 152 deni i crowd 10 soph j to hold [ Q U IZ I I ] - - C au hoi tr^ c n g h ie m k ie n th rtc Circle Ihe root in the following words credential tributary impediment bibliophile auditory contract phobia benefit simultaneous 10 video P re fix e s - C a c t i i n to PREFIX MEANING EXAM PLE ante before antecedent, antemeridian anti against antipathy, antihistamine hi two binoculars, bicycle circum around circumference.circumspect with, together conference, contribute contr against controversy de down, away from deplete, denote dec ten decimal, decim ate dis not opposite of disengaged, disloyal eu good, well euphoric, euphemism ex out of away from extract, exhum e 153 hyper above hyperbole, hyperactive hypo below hypocrite, hypodermic il not opposite i Ilogic, illegal inter between intermittent, interplay intra within intranet, intramural null bad malady, malcontent post after postmortem, postwar pre before preview, prepare pro before proceed, progress re again review, repent retro back, again retrograde, retroactive sub under substrate, sublimate syn with, together synthesis, synonym trans across transmit, transfer tri three triumvirate, triad un not unable, unacceptable Many prefixes have similar or the same meanings, such as dis-, il-, and un- They are not always interchangeable, however, because their subtle differences will either change the meaning of a word, or simply make it wrong The former is the case with disable and unable While their meanings are similar, there is a difference Disable means to deprive of capability or effectiveness, especially to impair the physical abilities of, and make unable to perform a certain action Unable, on [he other hand, means lacking the necessary power, authority, or means; not able; incapable, and lacking mental or physical capability or efficiency; incompetent As you grow familiar with the meanings and nuances of prefixes, you will become better equipped to choose the correct one to use in every situation G o o f-p ro o f a c tiv ity - Bai ta p vS goc tu Test yourself! Write out at least three words - that aren't included on the prefix list— for each of the following prefixes anti- hi- '•uh- tri- mal- pre- ex- inter- dis- 154 [ Q U IZ ] - C au hoi tra c n g h ie m k ie n th iic Circle the correct prefix used in each of the following sentences Sylvia was unheartened/ disheartened to learn that she was wait listed at State University The p re te st/p ro te st was difficult for everyone because they hadn't yet learned algebra Stealing was antethetical /a n tith etica l to her beliefs He felt constant pain in his arm after hypoextending / hyperextendin% his elbow The meteorologist called for intermittent / intramittent rain S u ffix e s - H au to There are three main groups of suffixes— those for nouns, for adjectives, and for verbs They are listed with their meanings here NOUN ENDINGS - Hau toe cua danh ttf SUFFIX -escence -ism -ist -ity -ment -ology -tion -y.-ry M EAN IN G slate of state or doctrine of one who believes in state of being quality study of act or state of state of EXAM PLE adolescence.obsolcscence Catholicism, materialism idealist, anarchist humility, civility commitment, impediment geology, biology isolation, contraction mimicry, bigotry A D J E C T IV E EN D IN G S - Hau toe cua tmh tuf SUFFIX -uhle -inn -ic -He -ious -ire le ' s - M EANING capable, able one who is or does causing, making pertaining to having the quality of having the nature of without EXAMPLE perishable, culpable mathematician, pediatrician caustic, nostalgic senile, futile religious, delicious passive, furtive fearless, relentless 211 ANSW ER K EY ■ INTRODU CTIO N The correct sentences arc: I work from home on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday.\ Lucy asked her hairdresser for a low maintenance cut As a secretary, she regularly used a spreadsheet program P R E TE S T Independence was spelled correctly Incorrect The correct spelling is parallel Receive was spelled correctly Absence was spelled correctly Achieve was spelled correctly Incorrect The correct spelling is globally Support was spelled correctly Ridiculous was spelled correctly Incorrect The correct spelling is immediately 10 Usually was spelled correctly 11 Wednesday was spelled correctly 12 Incorrect The correct spelling is terrible 13 Permanent was spelled correctly 14 Incorrect The correct spelling is manner 15 Incorrect The correct spelling is calamity 212 16 Courage was spelled correctly 17 Decision was spelled correctly 18 Fewer was spelled correctly 19 Incorrect The correct spelling is pursue 20 Millennium was spelled correctly 21 Fourth was spelled correctly 22 Incorrect The correct spelling is gramm ar 23 Especially was spelled correctly 24 Necessary was spelled correctly 25 Incorrect The correct spelling is frequent 26 Eight was spelled correctly 27 Incorrect The correct spelling is consistency 28 Perceive was spelled correctly 29 Liaison was spelled correctly 30 Incorrect The correct spelling is category 31 Incorrect The correct spelling is harass 32 Incorrect The correct spelling is fundamental 33 Stopped was spelled correctly 34 Cheap was spelled correctly 35 Incorrect The correct spelling is reference 36 Balance was spelled correctly 37 Incorrect The correct spelling is jew elry 38 Committee was spelled correctly 39 Incorrect The correct spelling is intramural 40 Thinking was spelled correctly 41 Correction was spelled correctly 42 Incorrect The correct spelling is su n iv a l 43 Simultaneous was spelled correctly 44 Punctuate was spelled correctly 45 Incorrect The correct spelling is leveling 46 Incorrect The correct spelling is a lot 213 47 Incorrect The correct spelling is existence 48 Proclaim was spelled correctly 49 Generate was spelled correctly 50 Incorrect The correct spelling is anonymous ■ S E C T IO N O N E - P h an Roots - Coc tit Quiz I - Cau h o i trac n g h ie m k ie n thi'ic Match the root with the correct meaning agon = g, to struggle Agony is a personal struggle tract = f, draw When you are a ttra c te d to something, you are drawn to it greg = i crowd , A gregarious person is usually very sociable; he likes to be part of the crowd bio = c, life Biology is the science of life ten = j, to hold A tenacious person holds fast to a belief or goal contra = b to oppose To contradict is to support an opposing view or stance on an issue jec t = e, to throw The ejection seat throws a pilot out of a plane (with a parachute!) in an emergency 'phil = a, love Philanthropy is a love for humanity dem = h people A democracy is a type government ruled by the people 14 10 soph = d wisdom Philosophers spend their lives in the pursuit of wisdom \Q U tZ \ - C au lio i tra c n g h ie m k ie n th tfc I Circle the root in the following words ( c re d e ntial (lrib)utary imfpedliment biblio phile (audjitory (tract) (phob)ia 8.(Sen)efit (Timul)taneous 10 (vid)co P re fix e s - T ie n to I Q U IZ I - C an h o i tra c n g h ie m k ie n thi'fc Circle the correct prefix used in cach of the following sentence^ Sylvia was (c/7 sheartened]u) learn that she was wait-listed at Stale University The(/?re7e-.vf)was difficult for everyone because they hadn't \ c t learned algebra Stealing was fcntitheticai)lo her beliefs He fell constant pain in his arm aftei( hype rextending his elbow The meteorologist called \or(inteniiittent)rain 215 S u ffix e s - Hau to IQ U IZ J - C an h o i trac n g h iem kien thi'tc Circlc the correct part of speech for each suffix - 1st noun -ify -ology verb -He adjective -tion noun -able adjective -ious adjective -less adjective -ize veib -ism noun -ic adjective noun H om ophones - Tut dong am khac nghia IQ U IZ I - Can lidi trac n g h iem k ie n thitc Complete the sentences by circling the correct homophone Thc( two]girls were shopping for prom dresses She couldn'tQ T^o/Jto see her son cry We waited outside for hours just lo get a sneak peek s Emily was thrilled thal she[passeclj her French exam He wanted a buzz-cut to(«/ter)his appearance Are we meeting once or twice a(vv££k)? W e'll decide what lo alter(ro//)call had to stop running after hurt m\( heel] don'l like lhe(c medium = media Rule Pesky Plurals syllabus = syllabi Rule Pesky Plurals sweater = sweaters Rule Regular Plurals 10 decoy = decoys Rule 12: Final Y 11 knife = knives Rule 10: Funky F 12 man = men Rule Pesky Plurals 13 self = se l\e s Rule 10: F'unky F 14 piano = pianos Rule Regulat Plurals 15 parenthesis = parentheses Rule Pesky Plurals lunch = lunches Rule Regular Plurals 17 stress = stresses Rule Regular Plurals 18 rally = rallies Rule 12: Final V 220 19 apex = apices Rule 9: Pesky Plurals 20 curriculum = curricula Rule 9: Pesky Plurals R u le - Q u y t d c R egular Plurals - W hen to Just Add -s and W hen to Add -es - D anh tit so n h ie u theo quy tdc - K hi th e m -s va -es SINGULAR PLURAL box boxes watch watches radio radios sandwich sandwiches dress dresses television televisions calendar calendars potato potatoes cookie cookies 10 guess guesses R u le - Q u y t d c Pesky Plurals - D a n h tit so n h ie u co h in h th itc p h iic tap SINGULAR PLURAL phenomenon phenomena focus foci stimulus stimuli child children oasis oases alumnus alumni 221 woman women analysis analyses bacterium bacteria 10 ellipsis ellipses R ule - Q u y t d c The Funky F - M aking W ords Plural W hen They Fnd in / o r f e SINGULAR PLURAL I self selves hoof hooves wolf wolves thief thieves chef chefs gulf gulfs wife wives elf elves belief beliefs loaf loaves R u le - Q u y t a c W hen to k e e p a final Y - W hen to change it to / - K hi nao g ift chi? V if cuoi tit - K h i nao ch uyen sa n g I true + ly = truly browse + ed = browsed peace + able = peaceable change + ing = changing opportune + ity = opportunity surprise + ing = surprising 222 argue + able = arguable encourage + ing = encouraging able + ly = ably 10 lake + ed = faked 11 tie + ing = tying 12 advance + ing = advancing 13 bake + ing = baking 14 singe + ing = singeing 15 grace + ful =graceful Rule 13 - Q uy t i c 13 Adding Endings to W ords that End with a C - T h e m p lia n c u o i vao n h ffn g tit ta n c iin g h a n g c h it C Peter would spend entire afternoons mimicking his sister W henever she rode on a roller coaster she would become panicky We were relieved when the drug traffickers were arrested She had a distinct, easily m imicked voice In the summer, they would go on many picnics Anna had trouble learning to read until her mother started helping her with phonics You can get by in a foreign country as long as you know the basics of the language Parts of Boston have a very historical feel The barbarians havocked Rome 10 The wire was electrically charged 23 Rule 14 - Qu y t i c 14 A postrophes - The Attraction of Contractions - D au hide - D au hieu chi tit viet tdt We're heading out to the beach D on't eat thal cake, it’s for Harold! She's baking cookies They're studying hard for the exam tomorrow It's a bright sunny day Jeremy ihinks that I'm keeping secrets! Harriet doesn't like lish and chips Take off your boots if y o u ’ve been outside I won't eat liver 10 I wouldn't go to Sylvia's if you paid me! Rule 15 - Q uy tac 15 Apostrophes - The Politics of Possessives - D au hide - Dau clii viec s d lulu Linda's calendar was too small to fit all of her appointments We decided to order the hot turkey sandwiches on rye The buses parked in front of the school in the afternoon Those are the hostess’s favorite candles Did Rudy's cat climb up the tree? The lion bared its huge, sharp teeth The m agistrate's daughter was lovely Jones's mother looked younger than her years The puppies were so tiny, they could all fit in a shoebox l() We knew nothing about the waitress’ past 224 Rule 16 - Q uy t i c 16 A b b r e v ia t io n s - C h it viet ta t Massachusetts MA General Electric GE October Oct Sunday Sun Lieutenant Lieut California CA Doctor Dr Captain Capt Junior Jr 10 Tuesday Tues 11 New Jersey NJ 12 Mister Mr 13 versus vs 14 public relations P.R 15 United States of America USA Rule 17 - Q uy t i c 17 Heavy-handed with hyphens - Cach du n g d au g a clt n di My mother-in-law lives in Florida Her generosity was completely self-serving The depth of her depression was unfathomable to her friends She was looking for an apartment in a prew ar building Cindy was proud of her Japanese-American heritage Around town, the mayor was very well known Sixteen seven-year-olds were on the field trip to the museum I am still lriendly with my ex-supervisor The editor-in-chief nixed my submission 10 The chances of that are highly unlikely ... 20 millennium 21 fourth -/ — — 22 grammer —— 23 especially 24 necessary — 25 frequint 26 eighi 27 consistency 28 perceive 29 liaison \J 30 catagory 31 harrass - 32. .. you can begin to build upon that knowledge 150 ROOT MEANING EX AM PLE agon struggle, contest agoni/e agony aud hear audible, auditorium bell war antebellum, bellicose ben good beneficial, benevolent... affect, effect none.nun all awl oai ore altar, alter pail, pale bare, bear passed, past bloc, block peak, peek boar, bore peal, peel buy by bvc piece, peace capital, capitol plain, plane caret, carrot,