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english 9-tuần 23

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Lesson plan- English 9 Lieng Trang Secondary School Week :23 Date of preparing:4/2/2012 Period: 45 Date of teaching: 162/2012 SPE AK - LISTE N I. Objective: • .Ss should take part in activities and persuade people around us to save energy. • By the end of the lesson, students will practice making and responding to suggestions about saving energy. II.Preparation Teaching aids: textbook, extra-board III. PROCEDURE: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1.Warm-up:5’ • Have Ss play a game: matching words with right pictures • Call Ss to get feedback • Look at the pictures • Work in pair to match 2.Pre-speaking:15’ • Have Ss look at picture and answer some questions 1. Which room is it? 2. Are the lights on or off? 3. Is the TV on? 4. Who is watching TV? 5. What should we do save energy? I think we should turn off the TV I suggest turning off the lights • Introduce the ways of making and responding to suggest Suggestion Respond I suggest+V-ing How about+V-ing What +about+Ving That is a good idea All right No, I don’t want to… • Listen and answer the questions It’s a living room They are turn on Yes,it’s. Nobody • Listen • Take note Nguyen Thi Kim Yen School Year 2011-2012 UNIT 7 : S AVING ENERGY Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Lesson plan- English 9 Lieng Trang Secondary School I think we should… Why don’t we…? I suggest that… I prefer to+V-inf Let’s +V-inf 3.While-speaking10’ • Have Ss look at the pictures/page 59 • Have Ss make suggestion and respond • Call Ss to get feedback • Make model T: I suggest we should take a shower instead of a bath. Ss: That’s a good idea. • Work in pair • Look at the picture to make suggestion and respond • Present their answers 4.Post-Speaking:15’ @ Activity 1 • Give some eliciting questions: 1. Can we produce electricity by using nuclear power? Nuclear power (n) 2. Can we get energy from the sun? What’s it called? Solar energy (n) 3.How can we get this energy? Solar panel (n) Install(v)=put Effective = good @ Activity 2 • Set the sence:you are going to listen some information about solar energy. • Have Ss predict T/F statements/page • Have Ss listen to the text and check their prediction • Call Ss to get feedback. • Answer key:1-T,2-F,3-F,4-T,5-F @ Activity 3 • Have Ss listen again and complete the blanks/page 60 • Call Ss to get feedback • Answer key: 1.effective 4.store 2.pollution 5.roof 3.countries 6.instead • Answer the questions • Guess the meaning of new words • Take note • Practice the new words • Read the sentences and guess Work in pair • Listen to the tape and check their answers • Work individually • Correct mistakes • Listen again and complete the blank • Compare with their partner 5 Homework:2’ • write down your suggestions to save electricity at home • Copy down 1. Can you turn the light? It's too dark. A. on B. off C. in D. for 2. What are you looking ? .My picture book. I've lost it. A. for B. off C. in D. on 3. There are saving methods and inventions to use solar energy. A. energy B. energize C. energetic D. energetics Comments:…………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Week :23 Date of preparing:4/2/2012 Period: 46 Date of teaching:7/2/2012 Nguyen Thi Kim Yen School Year 2011-2012 Lesson plan- English 9 Lieng Trang Secondary School WRITE I. Objective: • Ss should take part in saving-energy activities and persuade people around to save energy. Try the best way to save energy . • By the end of the lesson, students will practice writing a simple speech about saving energy and present before class. II.Preparation Teaching aids: textbook, extra-board Iii. Procedure: Teacher ’s ac tivities Stu dents ’ ac tivities 1.Warm-up: • Have Ss play a game:word quiz • Give the pictures and Ss give the words • Work in group 2.Pre-writing:15’ @ Activity 1 • Give Ss a poster • Have Ss match column A with column B A B 1.Introduction 0 0 A. Summing up what you have said 2.Body 0 0 B.getting people’s attention and telling them what you are going to talk 3.Conclusion 0 0 C.giving details in easy-to-understand language @ Activity 2 • Introduce some new words 1. Sum-up: (v) 2. attention(n) 3. detail (n) 4. solid (n) • Work in pair to match column A with column B • Guess the meaning • Practice the new words Nguyen Thi Kim Yen School Year 2011-2012 UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Lesson plan- English 9 Lieng Trang Secondary School 5. draft (n) • Have Ss practice the new words @ Activity 3 • Have Ss read a speech /page 62 • And then put the sections in the correct place. • Get feedback • Read a speech /page 62 and then put the sections in the correct place 3-introduction 2-body 1-conclusion 3.While-writing:10’ @ Activity 1 • Have Ss work in group of four • Have Ss choose one of three topics to write out a speech 1. Reduce garbage 2. Reusing paper 3. Saving energy in the kitchen @ Activity 2 • Have a volunteer from each group present his/her’s group speech before class • Correct mistakes • Suggested idea: reduce garbage Good morning ,ladies and gentlemen. My name is….and I ‘m going to tell you how to reduce garbage. Most of us produce too much garbage everyday . You can reduce garbage by: Collecting plastics bags Not keeping solid waste with food waste. Putting different kinds of waste in different places. If you follow those simple rules, you’ll not only reduce garbage, but also keep the environment cleaner. • Work in group • Write out a speech • Present their speech • Take note mistakes 4.Post-writng:17’ • Have Ss play a game:Lucky number • Have Ss look at the pictures and make suggestion • Team work Nguyen Thi Kim Yen School Year 2011-2012 Collect plastic bags. not keep solid waste with food waste. put different kinds of waste in different places. - have a separate wastebasket for wastepaper. - keep sheets with single printed page for drafting. Turn off the lights. Prepare food carefully before turning on the stove. Keep refrigerater door closed. Lesson plan- English 9 Lieng Trang Secondary School 5 Homework:2’ • Have Ss choose one topic to write in their notebook  Copy down Comments:…………………………………………………………………………… Nguyen Thi Kim Yen School Year 2011-2012 . Lesson plan- English 9 Lieng Trang Secondary School Week :23 Date of preparing:4/2/2012 Period: 45 Date of teaching: 162/2012 SPE. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Week :23 Date of preparing:4/2/2012 Period: 46 Date of teaching:7/2/2012 Nguyen Thi Kim Yen School Year 2011-2012 Lesson plan- English 9 Lieng Trang Secondary School . note Nguyen Thi Kim Yen School Year 2011-2012 UNIT 7 : S AVING ENERGY Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Lesson plan- English 9 Lieng Trang Secondary School I think we should… Why don’t we…? I suggest that… I prefer

Ngày đăng: 03/11/2014, 14:00
