MOB Subject 8 - WiFi Practical Traces Analyzes
1MOB Subject 8 - WiFi PracticalTraces Analyzes1. Configuration of a WiFi cardYou will have to find the answers for these questions while searching on the Web.1. What are two modes of connection allowed with WiFi?2. What are different modes in which a WiFi card can be configured, and what do theycorrespond to?3. How do you configure a Wifi card under Linux to make it function in a network named"TPMOB" in ad hoc mode or infrastructure, on a network having a shared key WEP "toto".4. What are the parameters that one can modify during the configuration of the WiFi cards?2. Traces AnalyzeThe traces has to analyze are to download from the folder:/Infos/lmd/2004/master/ue/mob2005fev/Traces_sujet4/.Trace 11. Which information can you obtain from this trace on the architecture (MAC Addressand IP of the implied stations in the exchanges, ad-hoc mode or infrastructure). How doyou identify the mode?2. How many different IP packets were generated within the framework of this exchange?3. Can one know if the recipient of ICMP packets is a mobile station or an AP?4. Can one know the command which is of the origin of this exchange (between trace-routeand ping)? Why.Trace 21. Which difference do you see with the preceding trace?Trace 31. Which information of management is exchanged are in this trace and for what it serves?2. How many AP do you see in the radio environment? 23. What are the flows supported by the different stations?4. For this capture we tried to listen on only one channel in card configuring to listen on achannel given. Which option of the iwconfi command did one use? The frame capture wasit done on only one channel?5. Which information can you obtain from the exchanged beacon frames?6. Which value is of the BSSID in ad hoc mode and infrastructure?7. Identify the frames which do intervene as source or destination the station of which theMAC address is 00:02:6f:09:3f:b0. Explain the frame exchanges in this cell.Trace 4: 4a and 4b1. Identify the stations concerned in the ICMP frames exchange of the traces 4a and 4b.2. How do you explain these exchanges of packets ICMP.Draw a diagram representative the exchange of implemented frames.3. What is the difference between two traces concerning the exchanges of ICMP packets?Explain the exchange of ICMP frames of the second trace.Trace 51. How many were there retransmissions and does it concern to all the same stations?2. Can one know if a retransmission is started in the causes of disruption on a wifi linkwhich corrupts a frame or in the causes of collisions?Trace 61. This exchange shows exchanges of beacon frames, which difference do you see incomparison with trace 3?2. Which exchange of frames will allow the station whose MAC address is:00:02:6f:09:3f:b0 to search others stations on the SSID "Test-captureTD " ?3. What is the BSSID of this network and when is it exchanged (which frame) and onwhich channel will be made the transmission? From which frame one sees that the stationswill be able to communicate? 34. Can one see the contents of the exchanged data? Why? . 1MOB Subject 8 - WiFi PracticalTraces Analyzes1 . Configuration of a WiFi cardYou will have to find the answers. configuration of the WiFi cards?2. Traces AnalyzeThe traces has to analyze are to download from the folder:/Infos/lmd/2004/master/ue /mob2 005fev /Traces_ sujet4/.Trace