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Word formation revised past papers (2014) (grade 9)

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1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 fr om S afety tests on old cars have been __________ throughout E urope. ( W e eventually p apers. ( C hildren normally feel a lot of __________ about their first day at school. ( T hat T he engineering sector achieved significa y ear. ( H e was __________ from a wound in his shoulder. ( H er first novel, __________ More Innocent Times, was published in 1977. ( T here is a(n) __________ simple explanation of what happened. (S UPPOSE H er face showed 10 T he 11 W atch how she does it and then do 12 T he painting consists of four (R ECTANGLE 13 T he magazine offers tips on cutting your house c osts. ( 14 T he government has a policy of letting the ca red for in the community. ( 15 T hat staircase of theirs __ ________ 16 In t 17 I’ m not 18 H undreds of mature trees were (R OOT 19 H ow do we know humans 20 H e had grown up in a(n) n ot take care of him. ( 21 A UN force has been sent in to try and w orst affected by the civil war. ( 22 I am simply trying to (C ERTAIN 23 If you come to the th en. ( 24 In his later paintings he used a more c olours. ( 25 It was a(n) ar ms deals that shocked the nation. ( 26 S he has that reserve and slight coldness of manner which is __ ________ 27 S he is accused of playing a(n) Grade fro m Sa fet y tests on old cars have been __________ throughout Eu ro pe. ( W e e ventually pa pe rs. ( Ch ild ren normally feel a lot of __________ about their first day at sc hool. ( Th at’ s a very _ Th e engineering sector achieved significa ye ar. ( He w as __________ from a wound in his shoulder. ( He r fi rst novel, __________ More Innocent Times, was published in 19 77. ( Th er e is a(n) __________ simple explanation of what happened. S U P POSE He r f ace showed Th e r eports are treated as strictly __________. W atc h how she does it and then do Th e painting consists of four R EC TANGLE Th e magazine offers tips on cutting your house co sts . ( Th e government has a policy of letting the ca re d for in the community. ( Th at staircase of theirs ___ __ _____ In th e exam we had to write one m n ot Hu n dreds of mature trees were R O OT Ho w do we know humans He h ad grown up in a(n) no t t ake care of him. ( A U N force has been sent in to try and wo rs t affected by the civil war. ( I am simply trying to C ER TAIN If y o u come to the the n. ( In hi s later paintings he used a more co lo urs. ( It wa s a(n) ar ms deals that shocked the nation. ( Sh e has that reserve and slight coldness of manner which is ___ __ _____ Sh e i s accused of playing a(n) Grade from P ho Thong Nang Khieu Safety t ests on old cars have been __________ throughout Europ e. ( We ev e ntually paper s. ( Childr en normally feel a lot of __________ about their first day at sch oo l. ( s a very _ The e n gineering sector achieved significa year. (G ROW He wa s __________ from a wound in his shoulder. ( Her fi rst novel, __________ More Innocent Times, was published in 197 7. ( There is a(n) __________ simple explanation of what happened. S UPP O SE Her fa ce showed re p orts are treated as strictly __________. Watch h ow she does it and then do The pai nting consists of four R ECT A NGLE The m a gazine offers tips on cutting your house costs. ( MAINTAIN The g ov ernment has a policy of letting the cared fo r in the community. ( That st aircase of theirs ______ __ __ he ex am we had to write one m no t __________ Hund re ds of mature trees were R OO T) How do we know humans He ha d grown up in a(n) not ta ke care of him. ( A UN f orce has been sent in to try and worst af fected by the civil war. ( I am si mply trying to C ERT AI N If you c ome to the then. (S URGICAL In his l ater paintings he used a more colou rs. ( It was a (n) arms de als that shocked the nation. ( She h as that reserve and slight coldness of manner which is ______ __ __ She is a ccused of playing a(n) Gr a de Ph o Thong Nang Khieu Safety te st s on old cars have been __________ throughout Europe. ( ST ANDARD We even tu ally papers. ( LA BOUR Children no rmally feel a lot of __________ about their first day at schoo l. ( ANXIOUS s a v er y _ The eng in eering sector achieved significa G R O W He was _ __ _______ from a wound in his shoulder. ( Her first no vel, __________ More Innocent Times, was published in 1977. (TI TLE There is a(n ) __________ simple explanation of what happened. S UPPOS E) Her face sh owed repo rts are treated as strictly __________. Watch ho w she does it and then do The pain ti ng consists of four R ECTAN GL E The mag az ine offers tips on cutting your house M AI NTAIN The gov ern ment has a policy of letting the cared for in the community. ( That sta irc ase of theirs _________ _. ( he ex am we had to write one _ ___ ______ Hundred s of mature trees were How do we know humans He had g ro wn up in a(n) not take ca re of him. ( A UN fo rc e has been sent in to try and worst aff ect ed by the civil war. ( I am si mp ly trying to C ERTAIN ) If you co m e to the S U R GICAL In his la ter paintings he used a more colours. (H ARMONY It was a( n) __________ arms dea ls that shocked the nation. ( She has th at reserve and slight coldness of manner which is _________ _ E nglish. ( She is ac cu sed of playing a(n) Gra d e Pho T h ong Nang Khieu Safety tests o n old cars have been __________ throughout S TA N DARD We eventua lly began the __________ task of sorting through his LAB O UR Children no rm ally feel a lot of __________ about their first day A N XIOUS s a very _ __ The engine eri ng sector achieved significa G ROW ) He was ____ ___ ___ from a wound in his shoulder. ( Her first nov el, __________ More Innocent Times, was published T IT LE ) There is a(n ) _ _________ simple explanation of what happened. Her face sho w ed reports ar e treated as strictly __________. Watch how sh e does it and then do The paintin g consists of four R ECTANGL E) The magaz ine offers tips on cutting your house M AIN T AIN The govern me nt has a policy of letting the cared for in th e community. ( That stairca se of theirs . ( CA RPENTER he exam w e had to write one _____ __ ___ Hundreds o f mature trees were How do we kn ow humans He had grow n up in a(n) not take car e o f him. ( A UN force h as been sent in to try and worst affecte d by the civil war. ( I am simp ly trying to If you come to the S URG IC AL In his later p aintings he used a more H A R MONY _ __ _______ arms deals t ha t shocked the nation. ( She has tha t r eserve and slight coldness of manner which is E ngl ish. ( She is accus ed of playing a(n) Grad e Pho Tho ng Nang Khieu Safety tests on old cars have been __________ throughout S TAND A RD b e gan the __________ task of sorting through his LABOU R) Children norma lly feel a lot of __________ about their first day A NX IO US _ ___ _ flower arrangement you have there. ( The engineerin g sector achieved significa He was ________ __ from a wound in his shoulder. ( Her first novel, __ ________ More Innocent Times, was published ) There is a(n) __ __ ______ simple explanation of what happened. Her face showe d a(n) __________ reports are tr eated as strictly __________. Watch how she d oes it and then do The painting c o nsists of four The magazine of fers tips on cutting your house M AINTA IN) The governme nt has a policy of letting the cared for in the c ommunity. ( That staircase o f theirs C A RP ENTER he exam we ha d to write one ________ __ Hundreds of ma ture trees were How do we kno w humans He had grown up in a(n) not take care o f hi m. ( A UN force ha s been sent in to try and worst affected b y the civil war. ( I am simply tryi ng to If you come to th e S URGICA L) In his later pa int ings he used a more H ARM O NY ____ __ ____ arms deals that sh ocked the nation. ( She has that re se rve and slight coldness of manner which is Engl ish. ( She is accused of playing a(n) Grade 9 Pho Thong N ang Khieu Safety tests on o ld cars have been __________ throughout S TANDAR D ) beg an the __________ task of sorting through his Children normally fe el a lot of __________ about their first day A NXIOU S) ___ fl ower arrangement you have there. ( The engineering se ctor achieved significa He was __________ fro m a wound in his shoulder. ( Her first novel, ___ ___ ____ More Innocent Times, was published There is a(n) _____ ___ __ simple explanation of what happened. a (n) __________ reports are tre at ed as strictly __________. Watch how she do es it and then do The painting con sis ts of four The magazine off er s tips on cutting your house ) The government has a policy of letting the cared for in the co m munity. ( That staircase of t heirs C ARPE N TER he exam we ha d t o write one __________ to being treated like this. ( Hundreds of mat ur e trees were How do we know hu mans He had grown up in a(n) not take care of hi m. ( A UN force has b ee n sent in to try and worst affected by t he civil war. ( I am simply tryi ng to If you come to the _ ___ In his later painti ng s he used a more H ARMON Y) _______ ___ arms deals that sho c ked the nation. ( She has that rese rve and slight coldness of manner which is English. (T YPE She is accused of p la ying a(n) 9 Pho Thong Na ng Khieu Safety tests on old ca rs have been __________ throughout ) began th e __________ task of sorting through his Children normally fee l a lot of __________ about their first day ) ___ flo w er arrangement you have there. ( The engineering sec tor achieved significa He was __________ fro m a wound in his shoulder. ( Her first novel, _______ __ _ More Innocent Times, was published There is a(n) _________ _ simple explanation of what happened. a(n) __ ________ reports are treate d as strictly __________. Watch how she does it a nd then do The painting consist s of four The magazine offers ti ps on cutting your house The government has a policy of letting the cared for in the comm u nity. ( That staircase of th ei rs C ARPENT ER) he exam we had to w rite one to b ei ng treated like this. ( Hundreds of mature t rees were How do we know hum a ns He had grown up in a (n ) not take care of him. (O RPHAN A UN force has been s ent in to try and worst affected by the civ il war. ( I am simply trying to __ ___ _____ In his later paintings h e used a more __________ of the President arms deals that shock ed the nation. ( She has that reserve an d slight coldness of manner which is TY PE ) She is accused of play in g a(n) Pho Thong Nang K hieu Safety tests on old car s have been __________ throughout began the __ ________ task of sorting through his Children normally feel a lot of __________ about their first day ___ flowe r a rrangement you have there. ( The engineering sector a chieved significa He was __________ from a w ound in his shoulder. ( Her first novel, __________ M ore Innocent Times, was published There is a(n) __________ s im ple explanation of what happened. a(n) ___ __ _____ reports are treated a s s trictly __________. Watch how she does it a nd then do The painting consists o f four The magazine offers tip s on cutting your house The government has a pol icy of letting the cared for in the commun ity. ( That staircase of their s is the most beautiful piece of ) he exam we had to w rite one to bein g treated like this. ( Hundreds of mature tr ee s were How do we know human s _ ______ He had grown up in a(n) __ ________ OR P HAN A UN force has been se nt in to try and worst affected by the civi l w ar. ( I am simply trying to _ _________ __ __ __ In his later paintings he used a more of th e President arms deals that shocked th e nation. ( She has that reserve an d s light coldness of manner which is ) She is accused of playing a( n) Word Formation r evised past papers Pho Thong Nang Kh ie u Safety tests on old cars h av e been __________ throughout began the ___ __ _____ task of sorting through his Children normally feel a lot of __________ about their first day ___ flower a rra ngement you have there. ( The engineering sector ac hi eved significa He was __________ from a wo u nd in his shoulder. ( Her first novel, __________ M or e Innocent Times, was published There is a(n) __________ simp le explanation of what happened. a(n) ______ ___ _ reports are treated as st ric tly __________. Watch how she does it and t he n do The painting consists of f ou r The magazine offers tips o n cutting your house The government has a pol icy of letting the cared for in the community. (M IND i s the most beautiful piece of he exam we had to write on e to being t rea ted like this. ( Hundreds of mature trees were _ __ ___ ___ __ _____ ORPH A N A UN force has been sent in to try and worst affected by the civil wa r. ( __ __ ______ _____ _ at 10:30, the doctor will see you In his later paintings he u se d a more of the P resident arms deals that shocked the na tion. ( She has that reserve and s lig ht coldness of manner which is She is accused of playing a(n ) _ Word Formation revised past papers Pho Thong Nang Khieu ( HCMC) Safety tests on old cars have been __________ throughout began the ______ __ __ task of sorting through his Children normally feel a lot of __ ________ about their first day ___ flower arran ge ment you have there. ( The engineering sector achie ve d significa He was __________ from a woun d i n his shoulder. ( Her first novel, __________ More In nocent Times, was published There is a(n) __________ simple ex planation of what happened. a(n) __________ o f fear and excitement. reports are treated as strict ly __________. Watch how she does it and the n d o The painting consists of four _ _________ The magazine offers tips on cu tting your house The government has a policy of letting the M I N D is t he most beautiful piece of he exam we had to write on e _ _________ to being trea ted like this. ( Hundreds of mature trees w er e ____ __ __ ______ __ __ ORPHAN ) A UN force has been sent in to try and worst affected by the civil war. ( PE ACE _____ ___ __ a t 1 0:30, the doctor will see you In his later paintings he used a more of the Pr esi dent arms deals that shocked the na tio n. ( She has that reserve and sligh t c oldness of manner which is _ ___ ___ Word Formation rev i sed past papers (H C MC) Safety tests on old cars have b ee n __________ throughout began the _________ _ t ask of sorting through his Children normally feel a lot of ___ __ _____ about their first day ___ flower arrange me nt you have there. ( The engineering sector achieved s ignifica He was __________ from a wound in hi s shoulder. ( Her first novel, __________ More Inn oc ent Times, was published There is a(n) __________ simple exp la nation of what happened. of fe ar and excitement. reports are treated as strictly _ ___ ______. Watch how she does it and then d o _ _________ __ __ ______ The magazine offers tips on cut tin g your house The government has a policy of let ting the M IND ) is the most beautiful piece of __ __ ______ to being treated lik e this. ( Hundreds of mature trees were __________ _ _ f rom apes? ( _________ _ because his mother could A UN force has been sent in to try and P EA C E _________ _ at 10 :3 0, the doctor will see you In his later paintings he used a m ore of the Presid e nt arms deals that shocked the nation . ( REVEAL She has that reserve and slight co ld ness of manner which is __ __ Word Formation revi s ed past papers (HCM C ) Safety tests on old cars have been __________ throughout began the __________ ta sk of sorting through his Children normally feel a lot of ______ ___ _ about their first day ___ flower arrangeme nt you have there. ( The engineering sector achieved si gn ifica He was __________ from a wound in hi s s houlder. ( Her first novel, __________ More Innoc ent Times, was published There is a(n) __________ simple explan ati on of what happened. of fea r a nd excitement. reports are treated as strictly _____ __ ___. __ __ ______ _____ __ ___ The magazine offers tips on cutting y our house The government has a policy of lett in g the is the m os t beautiful piece of _____ __ ___ to being treated like t his. ( _ ___ ______ fr o m apes? ( b ec ause his mother could A UN force has been sent in to try an d P EACE ) __________ th e facts of the case. at 10:30 , t he doctor will see you In his later paintings he used a m or e of the Presiden t’s involvement in secret R E VEAL She has that reserve and slight cold nes s of manner which is ____ pa rt in the plot. ( Word Formation revised past papers Safety tests on old cars have been _ ___ ______ throughout began the __________ task of sorting through his Children normally feel a lot of __________ a bout their first day ___ flower arrangement y ou have there. ( The engineering sector achieved signi fic a He was __________ from a wound in his sh ou lder. ( Her first novel, __________ More Innocent Ti mes, was published There is a(n) __________ simple explanatio n of what happened. of fear a nd excitement. reports are treated as strictly ________ __. _____ __ ___ ________ __ The magazine offers tips on cutting yo u r house The government has a policy of letting th e is the most beautiful piece of ________ __ essay. ( to being treated like th is. ( _____ __ ___ from a pes? ( beca us e his mother could A UN force has been sent in to try and _ _________ the f acts of the case. at 10:30, th e doctor will see you In his later paintings he used a more _ _________ s inv olvement in secret REV EA L She has that reserve and slight coldnes s o f manner which is par t i n the plot. ( Word Formation revised past papers Safety tests on old cars have been _____ __ ___ throughout began the __________ task of s or ting through his Children normally feel a lot of __________ ab o ut their first day ___ flower arrangement you ha ve there. ( The engineering sector achieved significa nt __________ last He was __________ from a wound in his shou lde r. ( Her first novel, __________ More Innocent Tim es , was published There is a(n) __________ simple explanation o f what happened. of fear and ex citement. reports are treated as strictly __________. (C ONFIDE ________ __. ( __________ bl ocks of colour. The magazine offers tips on cutting your h ouse The government has a policy of letting th e __________ is the most b ea utiful piece of e ss ay. ( to being treated like this. ( CU STOM ________ __ from ap es ? ( because hi s mother could __ __ ______ the fa ct s of the case. at 10:30, the d oc tor will see you __ __ ______ s invo lv ement in secret REVEAL ) She has that reserve and slight coldness o f manner which is part in th e plot. ( Word Formation revised past papers Safety tests on old cars have been ________ __ throughout began the __________ task of sort ing through his Children normally feel a lot of __________ abou t t heir first day ___ flower arrangement you hav e there. ( nt __ ________ last He was __________ from a wound in his shoulder . ( BLOOD Her first novel, __________ More Innocent Times , w as published There is a(n) __________ simple explanation of w ha t happened. of fear and exc ite ment. C O N FIDE . (LI KE blo ck s of colour. The magazine offers tips on cutting your ho us e _ ___ ______ is the most beau tif ul piece of essa y. ( C U ST OM __________ in the storm. from apes? (E VOL because hi s mother could _____ __ ___ the facts o f the case. at 10:30, the doc tor will see you _____ ___ __ s involve m ent in secret She has that reserve and slight coldness of m an ner which is part in the pl ot. ( Word Formation revised past papers Safety tests on old cars have been __________ th roughout began the __________ task of sorting th rough his Children normally feel a lot of __________ about th eir first day ___ flower arrangement you have t he re. ( nt ___ __ _____ last B L OOD Her first novel, __________ More Innocent Times, wa s published There is a(n) __________ simple explanation of what h appened. of fear and excitem e nt. C ON FID E LIK E) blocks o f colour. The magazine offers tips on cutting your house _ _________ _____ __ ___ is the most beautifu l piece of essay. ( SC RIBE CUSTO M ) in th e storm. E V O L because his m ot her could ________ __ the facts of t he case. at 10:30, the doctor wil l see you _________ _ blend of s involveme nt in secret She has that reserve and slight coldness of mann er which is part in the pl ot. ( Word Formation revised pa s t papers Safety tests on old cars have been __________ thr ou ghout began the __________ task of sorting thr ou gh his Children normally feel a lot of __________ about their fir st day ___ flower arrangement you have ther e. ( nt ______ ___ _ last B LO O D Her first novel, __________ More Innocent Times, was p ub lished There is a(n) __________ simple explanation of what ha p pened. of fear and excitemen t. ( CONFID E) blocks of c olour. __ __ ______ ________ __ is the most beautiful p ie ce of S C RIB E ) in the storm. E VOL U TION because his moth er could __________ th e area the facts of th e case. at 10:30, the doctor wil l se e you ble nd of s involvement in secret She has that reserve and slight coldness of manner w hich is part in the plot. (N OBLE Word Formation revised past papers Safety tests on old cars have been __________ throug h out began the __________ task of sorting throug h his Children normally feel a lot of __________ about their firs t day ___ flower arrangement you have there. ( AR T nt __________ l ast B LOOD ) Her first novel, __________ More Innocent Times, was pub lish ed There is a(n) __________ simple explanation of what happ en ed. ( MI X blocks of c olo ur. _____ __ ___ __________ ill be is the most beautiful piec e of S CRIB E) in the s tor m. U T IO N because his mother co uld the a rea the facts of the ca se. at 10:30, the doctor will se e y ou blen d of s involvement in s ec ret She has that reserve and slight coldness of manner wh ich is NO B LE Word Formation revised past p apers Safety tests on old cars have been __________ througho ut began the __________ task of sorting through h is Children normally feel a lot of __________ about their first d ay ART ) nt __________ la st Her first novel, __________ More Innocent Times, was publish ed There is a(n) __________ simple explanation of what happene d. MIX ) blocks of colo ur. ________ __ ill be is the most beautiful piece of in the stor m. UTION ) because his mother cou ld the ar ea the facts of the cas e. at 10:30, the doctor will see yo u blend of s involvement in secr et She has that reserve and slight coldness of manner which is NOBL E) Word Formation revised past p a pers 2 8 2 9 3 0 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 3 7 3 8 3 9 4 0 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 6 4 7 4 8 4 9 5 0 5 1 5 2 Word Formation revised past pa p ers 28 T he company is 29 T here were complaints that the advertisements were _ _________ 30 We are all 31 T he company is keen to develop its own o f computer programming. ( 32 H e was ( VANITY 33 T hey knew that a vaccine for the virus was ( THEORY 34 O ver 30,000 ( COMPETE 35 T he names of all the dead were (S 36 T he new director of the TV station is likely to make major c hanges in 37 T hey b uildings and roads in 38 T hey claim that the fall in unemployment is based on a( _ _________ 39 T he company was inefficient because it was highly ( BUREAU 40 G athered all together in the church, they are going to _ _________ ( MEMORY 41 H e is the autho 42 T hat was one of the most (S PECTACLE 43 T hey 44 K ate was driven to the church for her wedding in a horse d rawn 45 T here is something wrong with anyone who is so r ude. ( 46 T he police have taken the n eighbourhood who matched the rapist (F INGER 47 Pl ants keep cool during the summer by t heir leaves. ( 48 T he streets were (L UMINOUS 49 _ _________ u ntil many people had been seriously damaged by it. ( TRAGEDY 50 T he g rowth. ( 51 T hey regarded him as the 52 S he bought a(n) o ffice. ( Word Formation revised past pap e rs Th e company is Th er e were complaints that the advertisements were __ ___ _____ W e a re all Th e company is keen to develop its own of co mputer programming. ( He was V A NITY Th ey knew that a vaccine for the virus was T HE ORY O ver 30,000 C O MPETE Th e names of all the dead were S CR IPT Th e new director of the TV station is likely to make major ch an ges in Th ey ’ bu ild ings and roads in Th ey claim that the fall in unemployment is based on a( __ ___ _____ Th e company was inefficient because it was highly B UR EAU Ga th ered all together in the church, they are going to __ ___ _____ M E MORY He is the autho Th at was one of the most S PE CTACLE Th ey ’ Ka te was driven to the church for her wedding in a horse dr aw n Th er e is something wrong with anyone who is so ru de. ( Th e police have taken the ne ig hbourhood who matched the rapist F IN GER Pl ant s keep cool during the summer by th eir leaves. ( Th e streets were L U MINOUS __ ___ _____ un til many people had been seriously damaged by it. T RA GEDY Th e __________ gr o wth. ( Th ey regarded him as the Sh e bought a(n) of fic e. ( Word Fo r mation revised past pape r s The c o mpany is There were complaints that the advertisements were ______ __ __ We a re all The c o mpany is keen to develop its own of co m puter programming. ( He w as __________ V AN IT Y They kn ew that a vaccine for the virus was T HEO R Y Over 3 0,000 C OM P ETE The n a mes of all the dead were C RI PT ) The ne w director of the TV station is likely to make major chang es in ’ ve got a model village that you can visit, with all the build ing s and roads in They cl aim that the fall in unemployment is based on a( ______ __ __ The c o mpany was inefficient because it was highly B UR EA U Gathe re d all together in the church, they are going to ______ __ __ M EM O RY He is th e autho That w as one of the most S PEC T ACLE ’ ve got very Kate wa s driven to the church for her wedding in a horse draw n _ _________ There is something wrong with anyone who is so rude. (H ABIT The pol ice have taken the neigh bo urhood who matched the rapist F ING ER ) Plant s k eep cool during the summer by their lea ves. ( The str eets were L UM IN OUS ______ __ __ until m any people had been seriously damaged by it. T RAG E DY _ __ _______ grow th. ( They re garded him as the She b o ught a(n) office . ( BOOK Word Formation revised past papers A dvanced English The com pa ny is There w e re complaints that the advertisements were _________ _ t o women. ( We are a ll __________ The com pa ny is keen to develop its own of comp ute r programming. ( _ __ _______ V ANITY ) They kne w that a vaccine for the virus was T HEORY ) Over 30 ,00 0 C OMPE TE) The nam es of all the dead were ) The new d irector of the TV station is likely to make major changes in __________ ve go t a model village that you can visit, with all the buildings a nd roads in They cla im that the fall in unemployment is based on a( _________ _ manipulation of statistics. ( The com pa ny was inefficient because it was highly B UREAU ) Gathered all together in the church, they are going to _________ _ MEMOR Y) He is the a utho That wa s one of the most S PECTA CL E ve go t very Kate wa s driven to the church for her wedding in a horse __ __ ______ There is so mething wrong with anyone who is so H A BI T The pol ice have taken the neighbo ur hood who matched the rapist ) Plants ke ep cool during the summer by their leav es . ( The stre ets were L UMINO U S _________ _, the side effects of the drugs were not discovered until ma n y people had been seriously damaged by it. T RAGED Y) ____ __ ____ growth. (RE TAIN They reg ar ded him as the She bou gh t a(n) B O OK Word Formation Ad va nced English The compan y i s There wer e complaints that the advertisements were to women. ( _ ___ ______ The compa ny is keen to develop its own of compute r p rogramming. ( ____ __ ____ They knew tha t a vaccine for the virus was Over 30,00 0 __________ ) The names of all the dead were The new d ire ctor of the TV station is likely to make major _ __ _______ ve go t a model village that you can visit, with all the buildings an d roads in They claim th at the fall in unemployment is based on a( m a nipulation of statistics. ( The compa ny was inefficient because it was highly Gathered a ll together in the church, they are going to th ose who lost their lives in the Great War. He is the au th o That was o ne of the most S PECTACLE ) ve got ve ry Kate was d riv en to the church for her wedding in a horse _____ __ ___ There is so me thing wrong with anyone who is so H ABI T) The police ha ve taken the neighbourh oo d who matched the rapist Plants keep co ol during the summer by their leaves. (V APOUR The streets w ere L UMINOUS ) , the side effects of the drugs were not discovered until many people had been seriously damaged by it. _______ __ _ RE TA IN They regard ed him as the She bought a( n) BOO K) Word Formation Advan ce d English The company i s _ _________ There were co mplaints that the advertisements were to w o men. ( _____ __ ___ The company i s k een to develop its own of computer pr og ramming. ( _______ __ _ They knew tha t a vaccine for the virus was _ __ _______ The names of all the dead were The new direc to r of the TV station is likely to make major ____ __ ____ ve got a m odel village that you can visit, with all the buildings and r oa ds in They claim tha t the fall in unemployment is based on a( man ip ulation of statistics. ( The company wa s inefficient because it was highly Gathered all to gether in the church, they are going to tho se who lost their lives in the Great War. He is the autho r o f three books and That was one o f the most ve got ve ry __________ Kate was drive n to the church for her wedding in a horse ________ __. ( There is some thi ng wrong with anyone who is so The police ha ve taken the neighbourhood who matched the rapist Plants keep co ol during the summer by V A P OUR The streets we re , the si de effects of the drugs were not discovered until many p eo ple had been seriously damaged by it. __________ of old technology has RETAI N) They regarded hi m as the She bought a( n) __________ Word Formation Advance d English __ __ ______ There were co mp laints that the advertisements were to wom en. ( ________ __ The company is ke e n to develop its own of computer prog ra mming. ( __________ ab out his looks, spending hours in the gym. They knew that a va ccine for the virus was ____ ___ ___ The names of all t he dead were The new director o f the TV station is likely to make major _______ __ _ ve got a mo d el village that you can visit, with all the buildings and road s i n They claim that t he fall in unemployment is based on a( manipu lati on of statistics. ( The company was in efficient because it was highly Gathered all tog et her in the church, they are going to those w ho lost their lives in the Great War. r o f t hree books and That was one of th e most _ ___ ______ Kate was driven t o the church for her wedding in a horse . (C ARRY There is somethin g wrong with anyone who is so The police have ta ken the neighbourhood wh o matched the rapist Plants keep cool d ur ing the summer by V APO U R The streets were __ ________ , the sid e effects of the drugs were not discovered until many peop le had been seriously damaged by it. of ol d technology has They regarded him a s the _ __ _______ Word Formation Advanced E ng lish _____ ___ __ There were comp lai nts that the advertisements were to women. (O FFEND to you for your help. ( The company is keen to develop its own of computer program mi ng. ( ab ou t his looks, spending hours in the gym. They knew that a vac cin e for the virus was ________ __ The names of all the de ad were The new director of th e TV station is likely to make major __________ . (P ERSON ve got a mode l village that you can visit, with all the buildings and roads in _ _________ They claim that the fal l in unemployment is based on a( manipulatio n of statistics. ( The company was in effi cient because it was highly Gathered all togeth er in the church, they are going to those wh o lost their lives in the Great War. r of th re e books and That was one of th e most _____ __ ___ Kate was driven to t he church for her wedding in a horse C A RR Y There is something w r ong with anyone who is so The police have tak en the neighbourhood wh o matched the rapist Plants keep cool duri ng the summer by V APOUR ) ___ __ _____ , the side e ffe cts of the drugs were not discovered until many people h ad been seriously damaged by it. of old t echnology has They regarded him as th e ____ __ ____ Word Formation Advanced Engl is h _________ _ to new ideas at all times. ( There were complain ts that the advertisements were O FF END to y ou for your help. ( The company is keen to de velop its own of computer programmi ng. ( about hi s looks, spending hours in the gym. They knew that a vaccine f or the virus was wil l run in the New York marathon. The names of all the dea d were The new director of th e TV station is likely to make major P ER SON ve got a model v illa ge that you can visit, with all the __ __ ______ They claim that the fal l i n unemployment is based on a( manipulation of statistics. ( The company was ineffic ie nt because it was highly Gathered all together in the church, they are going to those who lo st their lives in the Great War. r of three b ooks and That was one of the m o st ________ __ Kate was driven to the ch urch for her wedding in a horse C ARR Y) There is something wro ng with anyone who is so The police have taken th e neighbourhood who m atched the rapist Plants keep cool during th e summer by ______ __ __ , the side effe cts of the drugs were not discovered until many people ha d been seriously damaged by it. of old te ch nology has They regarded him as th e _ _________ _______ ___ Word Format i on Advanced English b y t o new ideas at all times. ( There were complaints th at the advertisements were O FFE N D to you fo r your help. ( The company is keen to dev el op its own of computer programming. (E XPERT about his lo oks, spending hours in the gym. They knew that a vaccine fo r t he virus was wil l r un in the New York marathon. The names of all the dead w e re The new director of the T V station is likely to make major P ERS O N ve got a model villag e that you can visit, with all the _____ ___ __ They claim that the fall in u nemployment is based on a( manipulation of s tat istics. ( The company was inefficien t because it was highly Gathered all together in th e church, they are going to those who los t their lives in the Great War. r of three bo ok s and That was one of the mos t __________ kid s, as I remember. ( Kate was driven to the ch urc h for her wedding in a horse There is something wrong wi th anyone who is so The police have taken the _ _________ neighbourhood who ma tc hed the rapist Plants keep cool during the s ummer by _________ _ with strings of coloured lights. , the side effects of the drugs were not discovered until many people had be en seriously damaged by it. of old tech nol ogy has __ __ ______ ab out the castle from the tourist Word Formation by bl ogchuyenanh to n ew ideas at all times. ( There were complaints tha t the advertisements were O FFEND ) to you for y our help. ( The company is keen to develo p i ts own E X PE RT about his loo ks , spending hours in the gym. They knew that a vaccine for th e virus was will ru n in the New York marathon. The names of all the dead wer e __________ The new director of the TV sta tion is likely to make major P ERSON ) ve got a model village tha t you can visit, with all the _________ _. ( They claim that the fall in un e mployment is based on a( manipulation of stati sti cs. ( The company was inefficient b ec ause it was highly Gathered all together in the church, they are going to those who lost t hei r lives in the Great War. r of three books a nd _ ___ ______ kids , a s I remember. ( Kate was driven to the churc h f or her wedding in a horse There is something wrong wit h anyone who is so __ __ ______ neighbourhood who match ed the rapist Plants keep cool during the su m mer by w it h strings of coloured lights. , the side effects of th e drugs were not discovered until many people had bee n seriously damaged by it. of old technolo g y has _____ __ ___ ab ou t the castle from the tourist Word Formation blo g chuyenanh to new id eas at all times. ( There were complaints that th e advertisements were to you for yo ur help. ( The company is keen to develop i ts own E XPER T) about his looks, s pending hours in the gym. They knew that a vaccine for the v iru s was will run in the New York marathon. _ ___ ______ The new director of the TV stat ion is likely to make major ve got a model village tha t y ou can visit, with all the . (MI NI They claim that the fall in unem pl oyment is based on a( manipulation of statistic s. ( FRAUD The company was inefficient beca us e it was highly Gathered all together in the c hu rch, they are going to those who lost thei r l ives in the Great War. r of three books an d _ _____ __ ___ kids, a s I remember. ( Kate was driven to the church fo r her wedding in a horse There is something wrong with a ny one who is so _____ __ ___ neighbourhood who matched t he rapist Plants keep cool during the summ er by with s trings of coloured lights. , the side effects of the d rugs were not discovered until many people had been se riously damaged by it. of old technology h as ________ __ of their country. ( about th e castle from the tourist Word Formation blogc hu yenanh to new ide as at all times. ( There were complaints that the advertisements were to you for your h el p. ( The company is keen to develop its o w n about his looks, sp en ding hours in the gym. They knew that a vaccine for the viru s was will run in t he New York marathon. _____ __ ___ The new director of the TV station is likely to make major ve got a model village that yo u can visit, with all the M I NI) They claim that the fall in unemplo y ment is based on a( F R AUD The company was inefficient because it was highly Gathered all together in the chu rch , they are going to those who lost their li ve s in the Great War. _ ___ ___ ________ __ kids, as I r e member. ( Kate was driven to the church for h er wedding in a horse There is something wrong with anyo n e who is so ________ __ neighbourhood who matched th e rapist Plants keep cool during the summer by with st rin gs of coloured lights. , the side effects of the dr ug s were not discovered until many people had been se rio usly damaged by it. of old technology ha s slowed the company o f t heir country. ( about the c astle from the tourist Word Formation blogchu ye nanh to new ideas a t all times. ( There were complaints that the ad vertisements were to you for your help . ( DEBT The company is keen to develop its own __ ________ about his looks, spend in g hours in the gym. They knew that a vaccine for the virus w as __________ will run in the N ew York marathon. ________ __ The new director of the TV station is lik ely to make major ve got a model village that you ca n visit, with all the They claim that the fall in unemploym en t is based on a( F RA U D The company was inefficient because it wa s highly Gathered all together in the church, t hey are going to those who lost their lives i n the Great War. __ __ ex hibitions I kids, as I rem e mber. ( Kate was driven to the church for her w edding in a horse There is something wrong with anyone w ho is so of every man in the neighbourhood who matched the r apist Plants keep cool during the summer by __ ________ with string s of coloured lights. , the side effects of the drugs w ere not discovered until many people had been seriou sly damaged by it. s lo wed the company of t hei r country. ( about the ca stl e from the tourist blogchuyen a nh to new ideas at a ll ti mes. ( There were complaints that the adv ert isements were D E BT ___ __ _____ about his looks, spending h ours in the gym. _ __ _______ will run in the Ne w York marathon. on the monument. The new director of the TV station is like ly to make major ve got a model village that you can v isit, with all the They claim that the fall in unemployment is based on a( F RAUD ) The company was inefficient because it wa s h ighly Gathered all together in the church, th ey are going to those who lost their lives in t he Great War. art icles. ( exh ibi tions I kids, as I remem be r. ( Kate was driven to the church for her we dd ing in a horse There is something wrong with anyone wh o is so of ev ery man in the neighbourhood who matched the ra pis t ___ __ _____ with strings o f coloured lights. , the side effects of the drugs we re not discovered until many people had been seriously d amaged by it. slow ed the company of their c ountry. ( about the castle f rom the tourist blogchuyenan h 2014 to new ideas at all ti me s. ( There were complaints that the advert ise ments were D EB T) ______ __ __ about his looks, spending ho ur s in the gym. ____ __ ____ will run in the New Yo rk marathon. on th e monument. The new director of the TV station is likely to make major ve got a model village that you can vi sit, with all the They claim that the fall in unemployment is b ased on a( The company was inefficient because it was h igh ly Gathered all together in the church, they a re going to those who lost their lives in th e Great War. arti cle s. ( exhibi tio ns I kids, as I remember . ( QUARREL Kate was driven to the church for her wedd ing in a horse There is something wrong with anyone who is so of eve ry man in the neighbourhood who matched the rapist ’s description. ______ ___ _ with strings of col oured lights. , the side effects of the drugs were n ot discovered until many people had been seriously da m aged by it. slowed th e company of their co un try. ( about the castle fr o m the tourist 2 01 4 to new ideas at all time s. ( RECEIVE There were complaints that the advertisem e nts were _________ _ i n the area about his looks, spending hours in the gym. _______ __ _ will run in the New Yor k marathon. on the m onument. The new director of the TV station is likely to m ake major ve got a model village that you can visit, wi th all the They claim that the fall in unemployment is ba se d on a( The company was inefficient because it was high ly __________ Gathered all together in the church, they ar e going to those who lost their lives in the Gr eat War. articles . ( NUMBER exhibition s I Q U ARREL Kate was driven to the church for her wedding in a horse There is something wrong with anyone who is s o __________ of every m an in the s d escription. __________ w ater from with strings of colo ur ed lights. , the side effects of the drugs were no t d iscovered until many people had been seriously dama g ed by it. slowed the c ompany of their count ry. ( about the castle from th e tourist 2014 | Page R E CEIVE There were complaints that the advertisemen ts were in th e area about his looks, spending hours in th e gym. __________ p ossible. will run in the New York m ar athon. on the mo n ument. The new director of the TV station is likely to ma ke major ve got a model village that you can visit, wit h all the They claim that the fall in unemployment is based o n a( _ ___ ______ Gathered all together in the church, they are goi ng to those who lost their lives in the Gr eat War. N U MBER exhibitions I ’ve seen. Q UA RR EL Kate was driven to the church for her wedding in a horse _ __ _______ of every ma n in the s de sc ription. w ate r from with strings of coloure d lights. , the side effects of the drugs were not d isc overed until many people had been seriously damage d by it. slowed the co m pany of their country. (S AVE about the castle from th e t ourist P ag e REC EI VE There were complaints that the advertisements w ere in th e a rea about his looks, spending hours in the g ym. po ssi ble. will run in the New York mar ath on. on the monu m ent. The new director of the TV station is likely to make m ajor ve got a model village that you can visit, with a ll the They claim that the fall in unemployment is based o n a( _____ __ ___ Gathered all together in the church, they are goi ng to those who lost their lives in the Great War. NUM B ER ve se en. Q UARR EL) Kate was driven to the church for her wedding in a h or se ____ __ ____ of every man in the s descr ipti on. wate r fr om with strings of coloured lig hts. , the side effects of the drugs were not disco ve red until many people had been seriously damaged by it. slowed the com pa ny SA VE ) about the castle from the to ur ist Page 1 RECEIV E) There were complaints that the advertisements we re in the a rea about his looks, spending hours in the gy m. possib le. will run in the New York marath on. on the monume nt. The new director of the TV station is likely to make ma jor ve got a model village that you can visit, with all t he They claim that the fall in unemployment is based on a (n) ________ __. Gathered all together in the church, they are going to those who lost their lives in the Great W ar. N UMBE R) ve se en. Kate was driven to the church for her wedding in a hor se- _______ __ _ of every man in t he s descripti on. water fro m with strings of coloured ligh ts. , the side effects of the drugs were not discover ed until many people had been seriously damaged by it. slowed the compan y’s ) about the castle from the touri st Advanced English by blogchuyenanh 2014 | Page 2 53 It’s impossible to prove __________ that the factory is responsible for the pollution. (C ONCLUDE) 54 The __________ sounds made by young babies were very similar to those used in early speech. (V OICE) 55 Children from a(n) __________ background are statistically more likely to become involved in crime. (P RIVILEGE) 56 The line between the real and the __________ is very blurred in the film world. (F ABLE) 57 This attack on a defenceless elderly person is an act of purely __________. (C OWARD) 58 A UN force has been sent in to try and __________ the area worst affected by the civil war. (P EACE) 59 The program will take a detailed and __________ look at the problem of homelessness. (P ROVOKE) 60 He became editor of the __________ Irish journal “The Bell”. (L EGEND) 61 Vitamin C increases the __________ of iron from food. (A BSORB) 62 The players were __________ by the referee’s decision. (F URY) 63 If you are sweating a lot you should wear a(n) __________. (O DOUR) 64 They executed Russia’s __________ family in 1918. (EMPIRE) 65 The window-dresser has arranged the clothes very __________ in the windows of the department store. (A RT) 66 She scooped up a(n) __________ of sand and let it truckle through her fingers. (H AND) 67 It is __________ for companies to provide details of their industrial processes. (O BLIGE) 68 The seller usually pays a commission to the __________ or auction company based on a percentage of the final sale price. (AUCTION) 69 The main __________ of pension equality so far have been men. (B ENEFIT) 70 Falling coffee prices have __________ many Third World economies. (P OOR) 71 The first inhabitants of Iceland were a group of __________ families who settled on the island in AD 874. (N ORWAY) 72 There was disagreement about whether the country needs to maintain a(n) __________. (D ETER) 73 Hundreds of __________ from the war zone have arrived in the city and we are trying to find homes for them. (E VACUATE) 74 __________ patients are often given exercises to help prevent their muscles from becoming stiff. (B ED) 75 It was this passion for fast cars that led to his __________ death at the age of 33. (T IME) 76 Every effort is made to __________ any errors before the book is printed. (R IGHT) 77 In a recent opinion poll, a majority of __________ were against nuclear weapons. (R ESPONSE) 78 Her mouth is __________ lipsticked and her eyes are wide open with anticipation. (S EDUCE) 79 The script has a refreshing __________ and sparkle. (S PONTANEOUS) 80 It’s better to be a(n) __________ and eat a variety of plant and animals in case there is a shortage of one particular kind of food. (-V ORE-) 81 VOS is a(n) _________ agency which finds, selects and places volunteers in response to overseas requests. (RECRUIT) 82 The editor must be able to justify the choices he makes and this obviously limits his __________. (S UBJECT) 83 The waiter often finds the __________ nature of his work rather congenial. (SERVE) 84 This monument was erected to __________ those who died. (MEMORY) 85 When he was found he wore the __________ of a tattered shirt, which indicated that he had been lost or abandoned some years before. (REMAIN) 86 England’s greatest __________ Shakespeare, one of whose most read works is Hamlet, is still the dominant role in literature. (PLAY) 87 There is still no __________ about how the Neanderthals were driven to extinction, leaving our Homo sapiens ancestors without any competition. (CONSENT) 88 Too much of the food we eat nowadays is full of chemicals and other __________. (ADD) 89 All animals, and probably other __________ such as trees, or even the universe itself, must in the nature of things ‘wear out’. (ORGAN) 90 My favourite subject at school was _________ geography. Now I want to study it at university. (D OUBT) 2 from HCMC High School Entrance Exam 1 The band performed very __________ in the concert last night. (IMPRESS) 2 Teenagers always try to be ________ of their parents. (D EPEND) 3 The advantage of living in the countryside is that the air is __________. (P OLLUTE) 4 Her boring essay is the __________ one that I have ever read. (LENGTH) 5 My opinion is that ghosts are __________. There are no ghosts in this world. (EXIST) 6 At the end of the concert, the audience gave the young pianist a(n) __________ ovation. (STAND) 7 The university has __________ the use of dictionaries during language examinations. (AUTHOR) 8 A dilemma is a situation where a difficult choice has to be made between two, sometimes unpleasant, __________. (A LTER) 9 It is very difficult to find Mrs. Burton’s shop, for it was __________ from all others in the street. (DISTINGUISH) 10 When we arrived at the hotel, we were amazed at the __________ hospitality of the fans. (COMPARE) 11 The teacher’s criticism has __________ Tom’s interest in learning. (DIE) 12 The staff’s bad behaviour has brought __________ to the whole company. (GRACE) 13 Panda is __________ to China only. (N ATION) 14 Traditional __________ are a good source of fun and entertainment. (CELEBRATE) 15 The public were angry with the Minister’s __________ to tell the truth about the bribery. (REFUSE) 16 Young children should be well aware of their __________ manner. (B EHAVE) 17 Please put the books back to where you took them. Don’t __________ any of them. (PLACE) 18 The _______ are scheduled to take off at 15:00 and 15:30. (FLY) 19 I’ve never met such a strong man. His energy seems __________. (EXHAUST) 20 Those rose bushes need protection. Spray them with __________. (INSECT) Advanced English by blogchuyenanh 2014 | Page 3 21 Don’t you know that your good result will make your parents __________ proud of you? (M EASURE) 22 Be careful. You may be __________ to put all your eggs in one basket. (A DVICE) 23 The boy watched the performance of the tigers, ___________ with amazement. (B REATHE) 24 I would like to express my admiration for his ___________ of knowledge. (P ROFOUND) 25 The cancellation of the case resulted from the ___________ in court of the defendant resulted in. (A PPEAR) 26 The ___________ of the Ministry of Education announced the date of the graduation exam. (S PEAK) 27 Mercedes is a very ___________ car. (D EPEND) 28 There should be ___________ staff in case someone is absent and needs to be replaced. (S TAND) 29 You’ll be punished for all your ___________. (D O) 30 With all the modern facilities, doing housework is still very ___________. (C ONSUME) 31 As __________ as he is, it’s not surprising that he believed their lies. (I MPRESS) 32 Our factories, cars and power stations may poison the environment with __________ gases and chemical waste. (P OLLUTE) 33 The monument was erected in __________ of the fallen soldiers for posterity. (R EMEMBER) 34 Being a career woman, Angelina devoted herself exclusively to __________ her career. (F AR) 35 Hopefully, patients infected with influenza A/H1N1 can be treated with __________ drugs like Tamiflu and Relenza. (V IRUS) 36 Urban sewage and industrial waste that man discharges into the sea have a(n) __________ effect on marine life. (D ELETE) 37 We should make young people realize that drug-taking is __________. (D ESTROY) 38 Good jobs are in short supply these days and you need to be on the __________ for them as a result. (L OOK) 39 The invention of software by Bill Gates brought __________ wealth to him when he was 25. (T ELL) 40 Mind your language, you guys. It is __________ rude. (E XCUSE) 41 One of the most studied of all ‘kitchen cures’, ginger has been used __________ for millennia. (M EDICINE) 42 Whenever examination is in progress, I often see parents, family members and __________ waiting anxiously outside the exam sites. (WISH) 43 There was a(n) __________ in the arrangements so I missed my flight. (S LIP) 44 __________ skill is the one skill that can grant you the opportunity to get a good job. (L EAD) 45 Bill Gates is a(n) __________ story of an entrepreneur. (S UCCEED) 46 Such a kind man would never __________ hurt his friend’s feelings. (I NTEND) 47 The scenery along the coast was __________. (B REATHE) 48 Because of a car __________, she didn’t get to the airport in time for her flights. (B REAK) 49 The __________ need assistance from the whole society. (P OVERTY) 50 Her bedroom is __________ decorated with her favourite souvenirs from her trips. (PLEASE) 51 We are offering many special price __________ on printers this month. (R EDUCE) 52 Students hate their classmates who get __________ treatment from their teachers. (PREFER) 53 Explosives are __________ weapons. (D IE) 54 Three of the __________ tried to escape through the window. (CAPTURE) 55 We were all surprised at her __________ to help. (R EFUSE) 56 Health care was __________ in ancient time. There was no hospital or doctor then. (EXIST) 57 What the teacher does first is to check __________ of the students. (ATTEND) 58 The company went bankrupt on account of inefficient __________. (MANAGE) 59 __________ are built to entertain and educate people about marine life. (AQUATIC) 60 The educational program we are launching is to __________ teenage girls in rural areas. (P OWER) 61 The clothes we wear, like a(n) __________ language, can give out message. (SPEAK) 62 After months of surveillance, the police could take the criminals __________. (AWARE) 63 They won the case because of the __________ of the defendant. (APPEAR) 64 Some country lanes are _______ to cars in rainy seasons. (P ASS) 65 The mechanic __________ fixed our car, which really upset us. (PROFESS) 66 His __________ of his opponent led to his biggest failure. (ESTIMATE) 67 Most tourists are amazed at the __________ splendours of the Rocky Mountains. (SCENERY) 68 Circumstances have __________ a change of plan; otherwise, things would become worse. (COMPULSORY) 69 On its __________, your passport may be renewed for a further five years. (EXPIRE) 70 The interior decoration of the hotel presents __________, which is just one of the drawbacks. (TASTE) 71 We all take pride in our __________ friendship. (D ESTROY) 72 He arrived, as if in answer to her __________. (P RAY) 73 She travels to different parts of the world as part of her job in that __________ company. (N ATION) 74 The little boy dreams of being a sports __________ for the TV station. (COMMENT) 75 He proposes closing down all the __________ factories in the area. (ECONOMY) 76 Managers should be more __________ to the needs of their staff. (RESPOND) 77 She felt __________ by her classmate’s arrogant behaviours. (LITTLE) 78 Let’s join us for a(n) __________ drink at the pub! (C ELEBRATE) 79 The winners of the two __________ are to compete for the trophy at the end of the month. (FINAL) 80 The song always brings back her lovely __________ memories. (CHILD) 81 To my surprise, they treated me __________ enough. (P LEASE) 82 The Red Cross is sending emergency aid to the __________ country. (F AMINE) 83 Since the __________, we have had all the locks changed. (BREAK) 84 The article failed to __________ the unemployment issue. (PUBLIC) 85 The volcanic lava __________ as it cools. (S OLID) Advanced English by blogchuyenanh 2014 | Page 4 86 Foreign language learning is __________ an issue that has attracted a lot of attention. (A RGUE) 87 Expenditure on wildlife protection has been cut to a(n) __________ minimum due to the economic crisis. (R EDUCE) 88 Besides traditional courses and discussions, our teachers may sometimes conduct online __________. (T UTOR) 89 The destruction caused by Alzheimer’s disease has been likened to the __________ of a hard drive, beginning with the most recent files and working backward. (ERASE) 90 The strikers of our home team played __________ well during the last match. We scored four goals. (S TAND) 91 The __________ of the Roman fortifications was one of their prides during the war. (V ULNERABLE) 92 He insisted that his project be __________ by the Council thought it was costly and impractical. (P RIOR) 93 Though she tried to keep calm, I noticed some __________ in her voice. (U RGE) 94 Compared to foreign universities, Vietnamese universities are still __________ to meet a great number of students. (E QUIP) 95 Michael Jackson’s first two music videos were __________ effort with the Hollywood director John Landis. (J OIN) 96 I am afraid that you have been __________ about the schedule. The key speech will be on Friday, not today. (I NFORM) 97 __________ as Joe is, he is quite reliable and trustworthy. (E XPERIENCE) 98 Unicorns and dragons are just Asian __________ and legendary animals. (I MAGINE) 99 A popular type of vaccine contains living __________ that have been caused harmless. (O RGANIC) 100 The suspect was questioned why there was no __________ in his diary that day. (E NTER) 3 from HCMC Exam for the Gifted 1 You may have some __________ during the first few days but you’ll soon get used to it. (C OMFORT) 2 I often get __________ when I travel by boat. (S EA) 3 Thanks to the __________ of the soil, there’s plenty of food on the Island. (F ERTILE) 4 What a nuisance! The Internet is sometimes __________ at peak hours. (R EACH) 5 Parents sometimes complain about teachers giving a great number of __________ to their children. (S IGN) 6 Those remote areas are still ________ to the Internet. (A CCESS) 7 The __________ of knowledge for the young is a policy to follow. (R ICH) 8 No ______ details about the celebration have been given. (F AR) 9 Would you like to go _________ with us this Sunday? (P ICNIC) 10 The principal said some __________ words to the pupils before the exam. (C OURAGE) 11 Junior high school is __________ in most countries. (C OMPEL) 12 Farmers have to use __________ to protect their crops. (H ERB) 13 He is a(n) ___ person who directly says what he thinks. (S PEAK) 14 Smoking does __________ harm to human lungs. (R EPAIR) 15 His __________ attitude toward the teachers deserves punishment. (R ESPECT) 16 __________ is what he takes up as a hobby. (C OOK) 17 Take them to the __________ centre, please. (C YCLE) 18 He seems __________ about life and everything. Just like a happy child, really! (C ARE) 19 Our teacher is a(n) __________ person. It seems as if he is always ready to shout. (HOT) 20 He had his phone __________ because he is going away for some time. (CONNECT) 21 That __________ should be stopped at any rate. (P RACTICE) 22 The fire was __________, and the loss was high. (C ONTROL) 23 I don’t think the students are __________; they did their best. (BLAME) 24 There will be no extra-curricular activities in the _________ _ future. (SEE) 25 The idea that the sun ‘rises’ is a popular _________. (C ONCEIVE) 26 After a six-month course, his English __________ is really something. (ACQUIRE) 27 He accepted the offer __________. He didn’t want the job very much. (VOLUNTEER) 28 Most people agree that celebrations have become too __________. (COMMERCE) 29 The fuel __________ of this car is rather high. (C ONSUME) 30 Local people assembled to welcome back their __________ army. (T RIUMPH) 31 A(n) __________ figure suddenly appeared in front of us. (GHOST) 32 They exchanged the usual __________ before getting down to discussing business. (PLEASE) 33 Professor Jackson has joined the company, working in the __________ section. (ADVICE) 34 The company was hit by a(n) __________ of crisis. (S UCCESS) 35 He incurred her __________ by refusing her invitation. (P LEASE) 36 Thousands of African children are __________; they suffer from malnutrition. (NOURISH) 37 I could see several __________ in your performance today, Roddick! (DRAW) 38 We are grateful to him for his __________ in teaching career. (HEART) 39 You have to find a(n) __________ person to ask for an objective judgement. (INTEREST) 40 As a result of her good __________, she’s made a lot o f achievements in her life. (BRING) 41 His success in the field of mathematics is __________. (PHENOMENON) 42 __________, this TV program should be carefully censored. (EDUCATE) 43 Several __________ have been eliminated so far. (C ONTEST) 44 __________ is the study of animals and their behaviours. (Z OO) 45 The city council is thinking of building a(n) __________ system. (GROUND) 46 His contribution to the development of sports makes him a(n) __________ figure. (REPLACE) 47 He bought that tie in a(n) __________ shop at the airport. (DUTY) 48 In all __________, they will be successful in their project. (PROBABLE) 49 The composition should be __________; there may be spelling mistakes in it. (READ) 50 It is education that helps with the __________ of knowledge for the young. (BROAD) 51 We need greater __________ in how we deal with the problem of traffic congestion. (FLEX) 52 The principal has placed a great number of __________ on picnicking activities. (CONSTRAIN) Advanced English by blogchuyenanh 2014 | Page 5 53 Delays at the International Airport are far from __________. (N EGLECT) 54 Several __________ have been used, which is environmentally damaging. (F RIDGE) 55 I feel that he is __________ helping us this time; he doesn’t seem wholehearted. (R ELUCTANCE) 56 The __________ of bird flu can bring about disastrous effects. (B REAK) 57 The woman stated that she had not __________ those street children. (T REAT) 58 There is every __________ that school will be innovated. (L IKE) 59 This is a famous school for pupils with hearing __________. (P AIR) 60 She is cooking the meal under the __________ eye of her mother. (W ATCH) 61 He’s a university student majoring in __________. (C LIMATE) 62 The teacher gave us a(n) __________ lesson on conservation. (I NTRODUCE) 63 To be completely fair, we need a(n) ______ person. (I NTEREST) 64 The inauguration ceremony was given __________ coverage. (W ORLD) 65 After working really hard for the examination, he deserved a(n) __________ holiday. (E ARN) 66 Such important work needs __________. (E XACT) 67 The article I read the other day was quite __________. That’s why I keep it for later reference. (I NFORM) 68 _______ enough, no-one else has applied for the job. (A MAZE) 69 Please check the __________ of the language lab on that day. (A VAIL) 70 The tendency now is to __________ our cell phone ringtones. (P ERSON) 71 Wimbledon is widely __________ as being the premier tennis tournament. (K NOW) 72 Frankly, they are just my mere __________. (A CQUAINT) 73 I really appreciate the author’s __________ the animals in that fable. (P ERSON) 74 The water in this lake is poisoned by _______. (C ONTAMINATE) 75 Our new __________ are a lot more beautiful than we expected. (R OUND) 76 You should choose a partner who compensates for your several __________. (S HORT) 77 Judo is a(n) __________ sport to take up because you do not need much equipment. (E XPENSE) 78 __________ speaking, their goal is to promote healthier eating habits. (B ASIS) 79 The audience was completely absorbed in their __________ performance. (W ITCH) 80 He was known as a(n) __________ criminal. (F AME) 4 from 218 Ly Tu Trong (HCMC) 1 Hundreds of soldiers were sent to Japan to help the people in __________ areas. (D ISASTER) 2 As his political power has shrunk, the General has grown __________ more dependent on the army. (R ESPOND) 3 __________ scan helps to show the size of the cancer cells. (S OUND) 4 Reduction in government spending will __________ further cuts in public services. (N ECESSARY) 5 Aquatic plants can only grow __________. (W ATER) 6 It is advisable to __________ the water to keep your golden fish alive. (O XYGEN) 7 Playing sports can enrich the quality of our lives __________. (M EASURE) 8 A lot of leaves in Vietnam’s forests are said to have __________ properties. (M EDICINE) 9 English is a(n) __________ subject at school. (C OMPEL) 10 Thousands of __________ pour out of the mosque after the prayer service. (WORSHIP) 11 His achievements as a political reformer have been nothing short of __________. (SUCCEED) 12 The bank teller is accused of __________ $50,000 to pay of f gambling debts in Cambodia. (A PPROPRIATE) 13 __________ children often have poor concentration and require very little sleep. (ACT) 14 Your criticising her seems __________, considering that the proof is not found yet. (MATURE) 15 The problem with video games is that they are __________. (ADDICT) 16 __________ projects have been responsible for destroying the natural habitats of many animals. (URBAN) 17 He doesn’t look like the sort of man you should __________ your luggage to. (T RUTH) 18 This nine-year-old genius is __________ equivalent to someone twice in his age. (INTEL) 19 A way of preserving the environment is to check how we dispose of __________ material. (CYCLE) 20 His __________ of the late Michael Jackson drew hearty laughter from the audience. (P ERSON) 21 During the economic crisis __________ with the government increases. (ILLUSION) 22 We sent her a copy of the book in __________ of her part in its creation. (K NOW) 23 For some reason he __________ mistakes his phone number for his ID number. (COUNT) 24 The wall of the church was __________ with the names of the dead from the Great War. (S CRIPT) 25 He wants the job purely for reasons of __________ and ambition. (VAIN) 26 Since they had their first baby they’ve both become quite __________. (DOMESTIC) 27 The prime minister seemed to have been caught __________ by this sudden attack of criticism. (AWARE) 28 __________ notes with the diagram should be sent to the consumers. (EXPLAIN) 29 __________ perception is the ability to know things without using hearing, seeing, touch, taste or smell. (SENSE) 30 Shops of this type, once rare, are now __________. (N UMBER) 5 from HCMC University of Pedagogy (2013) There can be little that (1) __________ (H ORROR) a house-owner more than discovering they have been burgled. Even if the thie f has only taken a box containing something he (2) __________ (M ISTAKE) believed to be valuable but which in fact only contains some family photographs, the effect on the owner can be devastating. They may be worthless to the thief, but these items are considered (3) __________ (REPLACE) by the owner. blogchuyenanh.wordpress.com Advanced English by blogchuyenanh 2014 | Page 6 Moreover, the owner’s sense of loss is often (4) __________ (C OMPANY) by a feeling of being unsafe in their own home as they know that, in all (5) __________ (L IKE), the items will not be found and the thieves not caught. So what can we do to (6) __________ (L ESS) the chance of our valuables being taken? First of all, burglars prefer homes which are easily (7) __________ (A CCESS) to them, so it’s a good idea to take some simple (8) __________ (C AUTIOUS) such as locking all your windows and doors. Also, do not enable the burglar to break into your house (9) __________ (N OTICE) by erecting high fences around your property. Burglars are also deterred by the (10) __________ (P RESENT) of dogs on a property, so if you are not a pet owner, record the loud barking of a friend’s and play the recording while you’re out. 6 from Chuyen Ngoai Ngu (Hanoi) A Chimpanzees use a system of different sounds to communicate with each other. These sounds have ( 1) __________ (V ARIETY) (2) __________ (MEAN) and chimps use them as a means of ( 3) __________ (COMMUNICATE). This is one (4) __________ (SIMILAR) between chimps, whales and dolphins. There has been a great deal of ( 5) __________ (SCIENCE) research into this ( 6) __________ (RECENT). However, this research has not produced ( 7) __________ (PROVE) that these animals really have a language. A(n) ( 8) __________ (COLLECT) of sounds is not the same thing as a language, which has some kind of ( 9) __________ (G RAMMAR) structure. Most scientists are in (10) __________ (A GREE) about this. B With its mind-bending ( 1) __________ (DIVERSE) – from snowcapped mountains to sun-washed beaches, tranquil temples to feisty festivals, ramshackle rural villages to techno-savvy urban hubs – it’s hardly ( 2) __________ (SURPRISE) that India has been dubbed the planet’s most multidimensional country. The continent is home to more than a billion people, and its wide range of ethnic groups translates into an intoxicating ( 3) __________ (C ULTURE) cocktail for the traveller. For those on a(n) ( 4) __________ (SPIRIT) quest, India has a large number of sacred sites and stirring philosophies, while lovers of the great outdoors can paddle in the shimmering waters of the palm-fringed beaches or simply breathe the scent of wildflowers on a rejuvenating forest walk. And then there’s the food! From ( 5) __________ (T ASTE) south Indian rice dumplings to zesty north Indian curries, travellers are treated to a positively ( 6) __________ (S EDUCE) meal of subcontinental specialities. Demystifying India is a perpetual work-in-progress and for many travellers, that’s (7) __________ (PRECISE) what makes her so deeply ( 8) __________ (ADDICT). Ultimately, it’s all about (9) __________ (S URRENDER) yourself to the unknown: this is the India that nothing can prepare you for because it’s very essence – it’s ( 10) __________ (ELUDE) soul – lies in its mystery. Love it or loathe it – most visitors seesaw between the two – India will jostle your entire being and no matter where you go or what you do, it’s a place you’ll never forget. C In Vietnam, one of the best places to spend holiday is the romantic highland city called Da Lat, which is also known for its (1) _________ (TRANQUIL). First, the superb scenery, complemented by the pleasant climate all year round, provides a(n) (2) ________ (POEM) setting for romance. Just imagine walking among tall pine trees on windswept hills, standing in awe of a(n) (3) ________ (SPECTACLE) waterfall, or sitting among carpets of (3) ________ (FRAGRANCE) flowers at sunset. Second, travelling to Da Lat, people can engage in a wide range o f activities. For example, beautiful gardens and buildings in lovely French (4) __________ (COLONY) architecture located in quiet (5) _________ (NEIGHBOUR) offer exciting adventure. People can also stroll along tree-lined boulevards in the shade of huge pine trees, exploring shops that sell traditional handicrafts unique to Da Lat. Finally, people visiting Da Lat can enjoy luxury because of its ( 7) __________ (MODERN). By way of illustration, there are (8) __________ (DELIGHT) hotels that have special rooms for them with candles and beautiful decorations. It is also possible for them to enjoy local specialties to the (9) __________ (A CCOMPANY) of soft music in elegant restaurants which are open until late at night. In conclusion, Da Lat is the Vietnamese’s first choice for a(n) (10) __________ (MEMORY) holiday. D Gift exchange, which is also called ceremonial exchange, is the transfer of goods or services that, although regarded as (1) __________ (VOLUNTEER) by people involved, is part of the expected social (2) __________ (BEHAVE). Gift exchange may be distinguished from other types of exchange in several respects. The first offering is made in a generous manner and there is no haggling between donor and (3) __________ (RECEIVE). The exchange is an expression of an existing social relationship or the establishment of a new one that differs from (4) __________ (P ERSON) market relationships; and the profit in gift exchange may be in the sphere of social relationships and prestige rather than in material advantage. The gift-exchange cycle entails (5) __________ (OBLIGE) to give, to receive, and to return. Sanctions may exist to induce people to give. (6) __________ (REFUSE) to accept a gift may be seen as rejection of social relations and may lead to enmity. The reciprocity of the cycle rests in the (7) __________ (NECESSARY) to return the gift. The prestige associated with the appearance of (8) __________ (GENEROUS) dictates that the value of the return be (9) __________ (APPROXIMATE) equal to or greater than the value of the original (10) __________ (SIGNIFY) expression of social relations. 7 from Hanoi Exam for the Gifted 1 Each member of the group worked __________ to achieve a common aim. (SELF) 2 They dare not leave their children __________ for even a moment. (ATTEND) 3 Help is immediately sent to the __________ of the earthquake. (SURVIVE) 4 During his speech he kept on __________ his tie. (S TRAIGHT) 5 I was late because I __________ how much time I needed. (ESTIMATE) 6 “Video recorders have __________ my life,” he said. (REVOLT) 7 The audience burst into __________ at the end of the play. (APPLAUD) Advanced English by blogchuyenanh 2014 | Page 7 8 __________ parked cars usually get a ticket and are sometimes towed away. (L EGAL) 9 The homemade ice-cream __________ after it had been in the freezer for an hour. (H ARD) 10 He is so __________. He can’t make up his mind. (D ECIDE) 11 My teacher is very _____ about the history of Vietnam. (K NOW) 12 It was a long, slow film. I nearly died of __________. (B ORE) 13 I enjoyed the book very much because it was so ______. (R EAD) 14 The traffic in the city is __________, especially in rush hours. (C HAOS) 15 __________ houses are degraded more quickly than inhabited ones. (U SE) 16 We can look forward to a period of __________. (P ROSPER) 17 The teacher warned the children that if they __________ again, they would be punished. (B EHAVE) 18 He would never do anything to __________ the lives of his children. (D ANGEROUS) 19 Though there are some __________, solar energy is still widely used today. (A DVANTAGE) 20 Her __________ worries his parents the most. (A PPEAR) 21 The neighbours are so tired because her dogs keep barking __________. (C ONTROL) 22 __________ surveys have been given out but no one collected them. (N UMBER) 23 Your lack of __________ has caused you to give such hurtful comments. (S ENSE) 24 The scientists have __________ predicted the direction of the storm. (S UCCESS) 25 His __________ words were whispered into his wife’s ear. (D IE) 26 There are a few __________ in the village after a sudden tornado. (S URVIVE) 27 I haven’t seen you for __________. (A GE) For some inexplicable reason, university students have always had an image of being (28) __________ (UTTER) irresponsible young people who play their music at ( 29) __________ (DEAF) volumes at all times of the day and night, hardly ever do any real work and spend every night attending ( 30) __________ (DRINK) parties until the small hours of the morning. Personally, I think this portrayal of students as such totally ( 31) __________ (REPEL) parasites, is (32) __________ (G ROSS) unfair, not least because living such an excessive lifestyle continually would be ( 33) __________ (PRACTICE) impossible when combined with the absolutely ( 34) __________ (M ASS) workloads of modern degree courses. It ( 35) __________ (SIMPLE) isn’t possible on a modern degree course in the UK to get up some time at around lunchtime. Students that I know seem to have lectures almost every day and spend the rest of their time working (36) __________ (AWE) hard indeed. They may let off some steam once every month or so and it is probably these ( 37) __________ (RELATE) rare occasions that have given undergraduates their fearsome reputation. 8 from Hanoi University of Pedagogy (2013) The world’s oldest captive goldfish, named Tish, has died ( 1) __________ (PEACE) at home in his tank. Tish, who had reached the (2) __________ (REMARK) age of 43, was won by seven-year-old Peter Hand at a fair. He (3) __________ (ORIGIN) shared his bowl with Tosh, who died in 1975; he also outlived the family’s other pets, (4) __________ (INCLUDE) dogs, rabbits and hamsters. When Peter left home, his parents took (5) __________ (RESPOND) for Tish, who moved with them to Yorkshire, where they now live in (6) __________ (RETIRE). His (7) __________ (APPEAR) in the Guinness Book of Records came when he turned 41. The normal procedure of counting the microscopic growth rings on a fish’s scales could not be used to establish (8) __________ (PROVE) of his age. Because he had been kept indoors and was unaffected by (9) __________ (SEASON) changes, this method was (10) __________ (R ELY) and friends of the family had to sign affidavits, written statements supporting the owner’s claim. blogchuyenanh personal use only no commercial use all free downloads . which is NOBL E) Word Formation revised past p a pers 2 8 2 9 3 0 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 3 7 3 8 3 9 4 0 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 6 4 7 4 8 4 9 5 0 5 1 5 2 Word Formation revised past pa p ers 28 . that reserve and slight cold nes s of manner which is ____ pa rt in the plot. ( Word Formation revised past papers Safety tests on old cars have been _ ___ ______ throughout began the __________. has that reserve and slight coldnes s o f manner which is par t i n the plot. ( Word Formation revised past papers Safety tests on old cars have been _____ __ ___ throughout began the __________

Ngày đăng: 30/10/2014, 08:47

