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[...]... lf's95,60, lJow much qre fhesegloves? |.80 They're 91 pyiomqs cop - cops but a f 1 j 8 0 dress dresses scorf- scorves Complete 4 Howmuch I row much is thiscoot? ? 944 .10 5 Howmuch 2 llow much 2 5 How much 3 -lcw much s 15,87 919.20 Now tolk with Au low much ls fhlscoat, pleose? I 2 3 4 got Joke's 920.He con buy the jumper got Troy's 935.He con buy the scorves, Ann'sgot 910,Shecon buy the slippers., Fom'sgot... isthe girlweoringon her heod? o ,.,,., Whot ore they ploying? 4 Whot isthe fishdoing? drums violin bqskelboll storfish gnd.yvrile neod *$ is This mein 6ermqny l#s veryool4, bu* l'm hoving f,rn Loo[.! s[.iiry! l'm Alic.e tr ry of Thisisaphoto me at ovi Ec-hool r-onr-ort m 7la1ing,l' the violin Tom I 2 ^l in Germony, ^nployingmusic, 3 lt'sverycold, 4 l'm eoting ice creom on B tr 9rqry Nqry gl9 ytile, 'P,... tolkobout describe theirpersonolities tolkoboutwhot peoplecon do tolkoboutoctions hoppening now osk hetp _ ror innnsl_th \ tr^ lown bonk bulcher's ond km-usten reod ticF (4 lnp_plo_cgs, tr 2 supermorket tr I bonk 3 clothes shop I I 5 hotel 4 hospitol 6 boker's tr tr npermorkel boker's hotel Where's clothes shop? the greengrocer's posl office It'sopposite hospitol, the /-\f\ ( 9\./ opposite befween on the... hos 3 Asterix got o yellowhqt/moustoche, hos 4 Supermon got o blueond red cosfume/dress, 3 *ffi-* %tr @ry Itl*olDrowqnd writeobouf youl fqvouritecorloon supelheto it Present to the closs, -^s ismysuper fomily, ,"e 0) is/ fromthe UK, '.t grondmo con l) flylliflo lorry! grondpo ',*,'' con see2)fhrough/up wollsl i ft',FrlUln's 3) fqir/dork hoir got * cod's got 4) long/short hoir i.*, r'rumond dod con fly... my style! L _l- -L I ltkehovtngp(cn{cs, Andsktpphs the $ in l -b %b.@ l_l- I like plonting flowers, l r- (n And r(d(ng o 4 l_t- E _) l! Motch Thentolk with _.- t PointPictures numbers *"tn wth O the violin ; PloY ; ptoYsPort "o ;t the comPuter A: Whot'syour fovouritesubjecf? B: 4rt, A: whv? B: BecouseI love pointing pictures t- t- =L -L Enslish Geosropfr *l,ttolr _ M:tl:= 1ct _.-yrri" " PE Science... writer one doy I 2 3 4 Who gets up of holf post eight? Whosefovouritesubjectis English? Who wonts to be o writer? Who wontsto be on ostronout? #n qnd soy.Thenreod Listen w A* He wosheshisspoceshipeverySoturdoy, t Z, ffi Listen read rnil @ ==-Con I driveit? l Now,turn left ond stop ot the red liohtl I know,PoglI olwoys stopot the red lightl Grr!You never listen mel to @ , ie*Slt4 We ll, ol l s tr con't... into/outof o bin, + cog isjumping into/oufof -le window, &t "l & EFEES I Eg ffii-*- -i:: Writedown , you I three sports need o net for, '-/ 2 two sportsyou con do in woter, you threesports ploy witho boll 4 fourteom sports, whereyou 5 two sports con score gool, o I A: Whot'she doing? B: gnd p"gint, Theontmxrls down tn the oce . curtoins! Fovourite colour: Fovourite toy: Fovourite onimol: Fovourite seoson: 3 13 30 14 4 40 99 9 t9 Reod ond wfile. Then oct oul. A B c * D E F l5 6 88 50 t6 8 55 60 t8 I A: Whot's. They're from Greece, 4 Erlino is/isn't o foiry, 5 Alvin is/isn't o teocher, 5 Horry ond Lee ore/oren't brothers, 3 ls Sontos from Spoin? 4 Are Sibel ond Cori from. violin. Tom 3 lt's very cold, 4 l'm eoting on ice creom flJ ,'rl * ( Gus ond Gordon ore singing ond doncingl drums l#s very ool4, bu* l'm hoving Loo[.! l'm This