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pro ibm websphere aapplication server 7 internals

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Cấu trúc

  • Prelims

  • Contents at a Glance

  • Contents

  • Foreword

  • About the Author

  • About the Technical Reviewer

  • Acknowledgments

  • Introduction

  • WaS architecture Outline from 50,000 Feet

    • Unknown

      • IBM J9 Java Virtual Machine

      • Eclipse/OSGI Runtime

      • Base Runtime

        • WaS Implementation on Different platforms

        • Underlying Communications

        • WaS enterprise Features

        • Configuration Files

      • Web Container

      • EJB Container

      • Service Integration Bus

      • Web Services Support

  • the IBM J9 Java Virtual Machine for Java 6

    • Unknown

      • Virtual Machine Stack-Based Architecture

      • Heap

      • Java Byte Code, Instructions, and Class Files

      • Native Methods

      • Garbage Collection

      • Class Loading and Verification

      • Threads and Synchronization

      • Code Generation

      • General Architecture

      • Pluggable Class Libraries

      • Code Optimization

      • Class Cache and Sharing

      • Garbage Collection

      • Java Standard Library and Apache Harmony

  • eclipse/OSGi runtime

    • Unknown

      • Writing a Simple Eclipse Plug-in

      • Using Extension Points to Create a Browser Application

      • OSGi Bundles

      • OSGi Services

        • running Your Sample OSGi Service

        • OSGi administration

      • Generating Your Own Monitoring Bundle

      • Adding the Monitoring Code to Your WAS7Monitor Bundle

      • Executing Your WAS7Monitor Functionality

      • Viewing the WAS Eclipse Services

      • Viewing the WAS OSGi Services

      • Viewing the Bundles and Extensions

  • Underlying WaS runtime

    • Unknown

      • Core WAS Infrastructure Services

      • The WAS Runtime Implementation and Its plugin.xml File

      • WAS Base Server Container Startup and Primordial Components

      • Component Loading and Services

      • Base Server Container Components Loading via com.ibm.wsspi.extension.server-startup

      • Base Server Container Components

        • primordial Components

        • Basic Infrastructure Components

        • Server Container Service Components and the application Server Container Initialization

        • Server Container Components

      • Application Server Container Components Loading via com.ibm.wsspi.extension.applicationserver-startup

      • Application Server Container Components

        • Core application Server Container Components

        • Javaee-Level Service Components and enterprise-Level Quality of Service Components

        • application Server Container Services

        • eJB Container Initialization and application Server Container Services

        • application Server Container Components

  • the eJB Container

    • Unknown

      • Generating Your Own EJB Container

      • EJBContainerImpl Methods

      • The JPAComponentImpl Controller and Integration Component

      • The com.ibm.ws.jpa.jar Implementation

  • the Web Container

    • Unknown

      • Container and Component Lifecycle Management

      • Web Container Functionality

      • WSWebContainer Lifecycle Methods

      • WSWebContainer WebApp Management and Request Forwarding

      • WSWebContainer Transport Management

  • Web Services

    • Unknown

      • WSServerImpl Component Initialization and Startup

        • the initialize Method

        • the start Method

      • Stopping and Destroying the WSServerImpl Component

        • the stop Method

        • the destroy Method

      • Running State Methods

        • the adjust Method

        • the waradjust Method

        • the jaradjust Method

      • Metadata Management Methods

        • the metaDataCreated and metaDataDestroyed Methods

        • the ejbMetaDataCreated Method

        • the warMetaDataCreated Method

      • Web Services Service Interface Methods

        • Simple, accessor, and Mutator Methods

        • the bindServiceref Method

        • Loading Web Service references

        • Working with WSDDs

      • The WSChannelManager Class

        • WSChannelManager Creation

        • WSChannelManager Methods

        • target Cluster Member Identification Methods

        • Connection Lookup Methods

      • The WebServicesServlet Class

        • the WebServicesServletBase Class

        • the MessageContext Class

        • the WebServicesengine Class

        • the Serverengine Class

        • the pivothandlerWrapper Class

        • the SimpletargetedChain Class

        • the JaXrpChandler Class

        • the JMSListenerMDB Class

        • the httpSender Class

        • the JMSSender Class

        • WebServicesServlet Operation

      • JAX-RPC Support Summary

      • Axis2 in a Nutshell

      • The com.ibm.wsfp.main.jar Plugin

        • the WebServicesadminComponentImpl Class

        • the WaSaxis2ComponentImpl Class

        • the MetaDataListener Interface

        • the DeployedObjectListener Interface

        • the WaSaxis2Service Interface

        • Controlling axis2

      • The WASAxis2ClientImpl Component

        • the processMetaData Method

        • the loadClientUrLInfo Method

        • the processBindingrefs Method

        • the getServiceref Method

      • The WASAxis2MetaDataProcessor Class

        • the processapplicationMetaData Method

        • the processModuleMetadata Method

        • the loadConfiguration Method

        • the finishruntimeConfiguration Method

        • the locateJaXWSClassesForScan Method

      • Other Key Classes

        • the axis2ServiceConfigpluginManager Class

        • the WaSaxis2MetaDataImpl Class

        • the WaSaxis2ConfigurationBuilder Class

      • The AsyncResponseServlet Class

      • Other Related Components

  • Service Integration Bus

    • Unknown

      • Channels

      • Chains

      • Thread Pools

      • Communications Handling

        • JFap handling

        • MQFap handling

        • the Messaging engine relationship

      • The JsMainImpl Class

      • The BaseMessagingEngineImpl Class Implementation

      • The JsMessagingEngine Interface and the JsMessagingEngineImpl Class Implementation

      • JsBusImpl Class Implementation

      • The MessageStore and MessageStoreImpl Classes

  • high availability

    • Unknown

      • WAS Cells

      • Core Groups and High Availability

      • High-Availability Communications

      • Coordination and Synchronization

      • The Controller: HAManagerImpl

        • haManagerImpl Inner Classes

        • handling Groups

      • Bulletin Board

        • the BulletinBoard Interface

        • the BulletinBoardImpl Class

        • Local Bulletin Board State Manager

        • Bulletin Board Data related Classes

      • Agent

      • Group Manager

        • the joinGroup Method

        • the createGroupName Method

        • the createdpartitionedManagerGroup Method

        • the createGroupNameInternal Method

      • DCS, RMM, Channels, and Chains

      • The Transaction Component and the TxServiceImpl Implementation

        • the recoveryagent Interface

        • the lookuptranService Method

        • the ishaConfigurationValid Method

        • the gatherServerConfig Method

        • the validateClusterConfig Method

        • the initialize Method

        • the start Method

        • the stop Method

        • the destroy Method

        • the getthreadpool Method

        • the exportUsertx Method

        • the registerWithrecoveryDirector Method

        • the activateMBeans Method

        • the registerWithWLM Method

        • the accessOrbService Method

        • the initializeZOSLogging Method

        • the prepareForrecovery Method

        • the initiaterecovery Method

        • the terminaterecovery Method

        • the logDirectories Method

        • the agentreportedFailure Method

        • the disableFileLocking Method

        • the isSnapshotSafe Method

        • the recoveryComplete Method

      • The Recovery Log Component and the RecLogServiceImpl Implementation

      • The Local Transaction Component and the LTCCallbacksComponentImpl Implementation

      • The Transaction Recovery Component and the TxRecoveryServiceImpl Implementation

      • The RecoveryManager

  • Load Balancing and Scalability

    • Unknown

      • Static WebSphere Infrastructure Configuration

      • An Application Is Deployed

      • Runtime Application Clustering

      • JSESSIONID and com.ibm.ws.runtime.jar

      • JSESSIONID and com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.jar

      • JSESSIONID and com.ibm.wsfp.main.jar

  • configuration

  • related products

    • Unknown

      • The com.ibm.sibx.runtime_6.1.0.jar Plugin

      • The com.ibm.soacore.sca_6.1.0.jar Plugin

      • The com.ibm.soacore.runtime_6.1.0.jar Plugin

      • The com.ibm.wbicmn.runtime_6.1.0.jar Plugin

      • The com.ibm.bpc.runtime_6.1.0.jar Plugin

      • The com.ibm.wps.runtime_6.1.0.jar Plugin

      • The wp.ext.jar Plugin

  • Mapping of WAS extension points to the extensions That Use Them

  • Index

Nội dung

this print for content only—size & color not accurate spine = 0.903" 392 page count Books for professionals By professionals ® Pro IBM ® WebSphere ® Application Server 7 Internals Dear Reader, Have you had days where systems are failing around you and the vendors don’t know how to fix them? Do you feel like the quality of assistance you receive from a vendor support line might determine whether you still have a job at the end of the day? I know I am not alone in these worries, because at WebSphere ® User Group conferences I often get asked how things work—sometimes even by vendor sup- port staff! Some time ago, I decided to look into how WAS works under the covers and document it at a level that would help me and the user community. I also wanted to document some unorthodox techniques that help in problem deter- mination for those of us that don’t have access to the source code. For WAS 7, the result is Pro IBM ® WebSphere ® Application Server 7 Internals. In this book, I present WAS 7 from the bottom up so that you can learn what makes it tick. I explain how the IBM ® version of the JVM works; how the Eclipse and OSGi ™ component and service models provide a base for an enterprise- class application server; and how the Java EE–level container structures and interactions function. I also look at how IBM extends WAS, and give code sam- ples that explain how WAS works and help you to build your own tools to look under the hood. My friends inside IBM have always been supportive, but they can’t tell me their trade secrets. Nevertheless, I’m convinced the secrets I’ve discovered on my own by looking from the outside in will be useful to you as presented in this book. The knowledge of what goes on under the covers will make you better at your job and, hopefully, help you sleep better at night. Enjoy the exploration. Colin Renouf Shelve in Java Programming User level: Advanced Renouf IBM ® WebSphere ® The eXperT’s Voice ® in JaVa ™ Technology Pro IBM ® WebSphere ® Application Server 7 Internals cyan MagenTa yelloW Black panTone 123 c Colin Renouf Vice Chairman of the WebSphere User Group U.K. and Chairman of the POWERAIX User Group U.K. Foreword by Paul Fletcher Principal Advisor, Financial Services Advisory, KPMG LLP (UK) Companion eBook Available THE APRESS ROADMAP Beginning JSF™ 2 and JBoss ® Seam Beginning Java™ EE 6 Pro JPA 2 Pro IBM ® WebSphere ® Application Server 7 Internals www.apress.com SOURCE CODE ONLINE Companion eBook See last page for details on $10 eBook version This book is for Java ™ EE developers, architects, and administrators who want to know how WebSphere ® Application Server 7 works under the covers. ISBN 978-1-4302-1958-3 9 781430 219583 9 0 0 0 0 Application Server 7 Internals Pro Coauthor of Running IBM WebSphere Application Server on System P and AIX: Optimization and Best Practices Author of Case Study: AIX and WebSphere in an Enterprise Infrastructure

Ngày đăng: 27/10/2014, 01:00

