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words you should know how to spell

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E = mc 2 1 A Uploaded By Bhav esh P amecha (samse xy98) ∑ This eBook is pro vided b y www .Plenty ofeBooks .net Plenty of eBooks is a blog with an aim of helping people, especially students , who cannot aff ord to b uy some costly books from the market. F or more Free eBooks and educational material visit www .Plenty ofeBooks .net defammasion priveledge arrouse hexagonnal saicred acheeve trajectary machinry extrac grimey readally t i i o t i Words You Should Know An A to Z Guide to Perfect SPellinG bo que swave narl fabulus laural vindacate colliseum fabul us orda ne scientiffic cammel zylaphone allaby entrapren ure distenguish venchure u u David Hatcher, MA andd Jane Mallison, MA g e i i o x i o e e i Over 12,000 of the most MiSSpelled WordS! hoW to spell www.adamsmedia.com $9.95 (CAN $11.99) Reference ISBN-13: 978-1-4405-0616-1 ISBN-10: 1-4405-0616-7 Ceilling. Beleive. Scissers. Do you have trouble spelling everyday words? Is your spell check on overdrive? Well, this easy-to-use dictionary is just what you need! Organized with speed and convenience in mind, it gives you instant access to the correct spellings of more than 12,500 words. Also provided are quick tips and memory tricks, such as: • Help yourself get the spelling of their right by thinking of the phrase “their heirlooms.” • Most words ending in a “seed” sound are spelled “-cede” or “-ceed,” but one word ends in “-sede.” You could say the rule for spelling this word supersedes the other rules. No matter what you’re working on, you can be confident that your good writing won’t be marred by bad spelling. Words You Should Know How to Spell takes away the guesswork and helps you make a good impression! SPELL IT RIGHT—EVERY TIME! David Hatcher, MA has taught communication skills for three universities and more than twenty government and private-industry clients. He has written and cowritten several books on writing, vocabulary, proofreading, editing, and related subjects. He lives in Winston-Salem, NC. Jane Mallison, MA teaches at Trinity School in New York City. The author or coauthor of several books, she worked for many years with the writing section of the SAT test and continues to work with the AP English examination. As a junior high school student, she was the runner-up in her school’s annual spelling bee, done in by the word “souvenir.” She lives in New York, NY. WORDS HOW TO SPELL Hatcher, MA & Mallison, MA YOU SHOULD KNOW [...]... auctioneer autobiografy autobiography audable audible Autobonn Autobahn audaccious audacious autocrasy autocracy audassity audacity autocratt autocrat audiance audience autodidac autodidact audiollogy audiology autoerrotic autoerotic audiovizual audiovisual autograff autograph auditoreum auditorium autohipnosis autohypnosis auditt audit autoimune autoimmune audittion audition automattion automation audittor... autohypnosis auditt audit autoimune autoimmune audittion audition automattion automation audittor auditor automatton automaton Audobon Audubon autonnomous autonomous auer hour autonnomy autonomy augary augury autonommic autonomic auggar auger (tool) autoppsy autopsy augger augur autorchy autarchy aughte aught auttoharp autoharp augmint augment autumnel autumnal Augusst August autysm autism aul awl auxillery auxiliary... referred to chronic hick upping Even worse, spelling checkers are totally impotent in regard to determining what correctly spelled word fits your context When you write that the vice president of the company had “free reign” to make decisions, your spell checker doesn’t know that you meant to use “free rein,” a metaphor drawn not from royalty but from horses And although many people have their laptops... assist you, and beginning to work out tips and hooks of your own can be even more beneficial This dictionary also helps by being a book that fits in your hand, your pocket, and your bag Whatever your goal, this is the book for you! introduction  |  xi A Most Commonly Misspelled Words • absence • accommodate • achieve • acquire • address • among • apparent • argument • athlete • awful Words You Should Know. .. Not to mention that we write (or try to write) “ophthalmology” for a word almost everyone pronounces “ofthamology.” If you decide to work for— or at least to cheer for—further radical changes in standard English spelling, fine In the meantime, you re going to have to cope with the current system as best you can What About Spell Check? We’re not mind readers, but we suspect you ve been thinking, “but spell. .. attention astronommical astronomical attick attic asturn astern attol atoll asuage assuage attomic atomic asurb acerb attomize atomize asymetry asymmetry attonal atonal atach attach attop atop atack attack attornies attorneys 16  |  Words You Should Know How to Spell Incorrect Correct Incorrect Correct attrabute attribute auspisces auspices attracsion attraction auspiscious auspicious attribusion attribution... practically welded to their hands, some of us still have moments of writing when we’re away from a computer and its program You Can Be a Better Speller It’s not only helpful to bulk up the spelling lobe of your brain; it’s also possible This book can help you Let’s begin to look at some specifics As you glance through this book, you ll see columns of common misspellings and their correct counterparts You now... axxiom axiom avverse averse axxis axis avvert avert ayatolla ayatollah avvian avian aysle aisle avviation aviation Ayurvedda Ayurveda avviatrix aviatrix azalia azalea avvid avid azmuh asthma avvocation avocation azzimuth azimuth avvoid avoid Azztec Aztec awakenning awakening azzure azure 18  |  Words You Should Know How to Spell B Most Commonly Misspelled Words • baffle • balance • balloon • beginning •... anoynt anoint ansestor ancestor antidoat antidote ansillery ancillary antihistammine antihistamine antabiotic antibiotic anti-intellectuel anti-intellectual antaboddy antibody antimacasser antimacassar antacyclone anticyclone antinna antenna antagen antigen antinym antonym antaggonize antagonize antioxident antioxidant antidisestablishmentarianism Words You Should Know How to Spell |  11 A Incorrect... their correct counterparts You now have instant access to the correct spelling of more than 12,500 words, organized with speed and convenience in mind This book takes the guesswork out of spelling In our Spell It Right Appendix you ll also find various cautions, memory hooks, notes about words that do or do not follow rules, and guides to help you sort out tricky pairs such as affect and effect or

Ngày đăng: 26/10/2014, 07:35

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