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what is mpi portran

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Cấu trúc

  • What is MPI?

  • History & Evolution

  • Why Use MPI?

  • Programming Model

  • MPI 1.1 Overview

  • MPI 2 Overview

  • MPI Resources

  • General MPI Program Structure

  • Example

  • Slide 10

  • MPI Header Files

  • MPI Naming Conventions

  • Initialization

  • Termination

  • MPI Processes

  • Communicators and Process Groups

  • How many CPUs, Which one am I …

  • Compiling, Running

  • Slide 19

  • MPI Communications

  • Point-to-Point Communications

  • Send / Receive

  • Send

  • Receive

  • MPI_Recv Status

  • Message Data

  • Basic MPI Data Types

  • Slide 28

  • Message Envelope

  • In Order for a Message To be Received …

  • Slide 31

  • Blocking Send/Recv

  • Buffering

  • Slide 34

  • Communication Modes for Send

  • Communication Modes

  • Properties

  • Slide 38

  • Slide 39

  • Slide 40

  • Deadlock

  • Slide 42

  • Send-receive

  • Slide 44

Nội dung

1 What is MPI?  MPI = Message Passing Interface  Specification of message passing libraries for developers and users  Not a library by itself, but specifies what such a library should be  Specifies application programming interface (API) for such libraries  Many libraries implement such APIs on different platforms – MPI libraries  Goal: provide a standard for writing message passing programs  Portable, efficient, flexible  Language binding: C, C++, FORTRAN programs 2 History & Evolution  1980s – 1990s: incompatible libraries and software tools; need for a standard  1994, MPI 1.0;  1995, MPI 1.1, revision and clarification to MPI 1.0  Major milestone  C, FORTRAN  Fully implemented in all MPI libraries  1997, MPI 1.2  Corrections and clarifications to MPI 1.1  1997, MPI 2  Major extension (and clarifications) to MPI 1.1  C++, C, FORTRAN  Partially implemented in most libraries; a few full implementations (e.g. ANL MPICH2) MPI Evolution 3 Why Use MPI?  Standardization: de facto standard for parallel computing  Not an IEEE or ISO standard, but “industry standard”  Practically replaced all previous message passing libraries  Portability: supported on virtually all HPC platforms  No need to modify source code when migrating to different machines  Performance: so far the best; high performance and high scalability  Rich functionality:  MPI 1.1 – 125 functions  MPI 2 – 152 functions. If you know 6 MPI functions, you can do almost everything in parallel. 4 Programming Model  Message passing model: data exchange through explicit communications.  For distributed memory, as well as shared-memory parallel machines  User has full control (data partition, distribution): needs to identify parallelism and implement parallel algorithms using MPI function calls.  Number of CPUs in computation is static  New tasks cannot be dynamically spawned during run time (MPI 1.1)  MPI 2 specifies dynamic process creation and management, but not available in most implementations.  Not necessarily a disadvantage  General assumption: one-to-one mapping of MPI processes to processors (although not necessarily always true). 5 MPI 1.1 Overview  Point to point communications  Collective communications  Process groups and communicators  Process topologies  MPI environment management 6 MPI 2 Overview  Dynamic process creation and management  One-sided communications  MPI Input/Output (Parallel I/O)  Extended collective communications  C++ binding 7 MPI Resources  MPI Standard:  http://www.mpi-forum.org/  MPI web sites/tutorials etc, see class web site  Public domain (free) MPI implementations  MPICH and MPICH2 (from ANL)  LAM MPI 8 General MPI Program Structure 9 Example #include <mpi.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { int my_rank, num_cpus; MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_cpus); printf(“Hello, I am process %d among %d processes\n”, my_rank, num_cpus); MPI_Finalize(); return 0; } Hello, I am process 1 among 4 processes Hello, I am process 2 among 4 processes Hello, I am process 0 among 4 processes Hello, I am process 3 among 4 processes On 4 processors: 10 Example program hello implicit none include ‘mpif.h’ integer :: ierr, my_rank, num_cpus call MPI_INIT(ierr) call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD, my_rank) call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD, num_cpus) write(*,*) “Hello, I am process “, my_rank, “ among “ & , num_cpus, “ processes” call MPI_FINALIZE(ierr) end program hello Hello, I am process 1 among 4 processes Hello, I am process 2 among 4 processes Hello, I am process 0 among 4 processes Hello, I am process 3 among 4 processes On 4 processors: [...]... tag1=1002; MPI_ Status status; MPI_ Comm_rank (MPI_ COMM_WORLD,&rank); … if(rank==0) MPI_ Send(A, 10, MPI_ DOUBLE, 1, tag, MPI_ COMM_WORLD); else if(rank==1){ MPI_ Recv(B, 15, MPI_ DOUBLE, 0, tag, MPI_ COMM_WORLD, &status); // ok // MPI_ Recv(B, 15, MPI_ FLOAT, 0, tag, MPI_ COMM_WORLD, &status);  wrong // MPI_ Recv(B,15 ,MPI_ DOUBLE,0,tag1 ,MPI_ COMM_WORLD,&status);  un-match // MPI_ Recv(B,15 ,MPI_ DOUBLE,1,tag ,MPI_ COMM_WORLD,&status);... rank,ncpus; MPI_ Status status; … MPI_ Comm_rank (MPI_ COMM_WORLD,&rank); … // set num_students,grade,note in rank=0 cpu if(rank==0){ MPI_ Send(&num_students,1 ,MPI_ INT,1,tag1 ,MPI_ COMM_WORLD); MPI_ Send(grade, 10, MPI_ DOUBLE,2,tag1 ,MPI_ COMM_WORLD); MPI_ Send(note,strlen(note)+1 ,MPI_ CHAR,1,tag2 ,MPI_ COMM_WORLD); } if(rank==1){ MPI_ Recv(&num_students,1 ,MPI_ INT,0,tag1 ,MPI_ COMM_WORLD,&status); MPI_ Recv(note,1024 ,MPI_ CHAR,0,tag2 ,MPI_ COMM_WORLD,&status);... MPI_ COMM_SIZE(comm,size,ierr) Compiling, Running  MPI standard does not specify how to start up the program  Compiling and running MPI code implementation dependent  MPI implementations provide utilities/commands for compiling/running MPI codes  Compile: mpicc, mpiCC, mpif77, mpif90, mpCC, mpxlf … mpiCC –o myprog myfile.C (cluster) mpif90 –o myprog myfile.f90 (cluster) CC –Ipath _mpi_ include –o myprog myfile.C –lmpi (SGI)... other MPI routine can be called after this call, even MPI_ INIT()  Exception: MPI_ Initialized() (and MPI_ Get_version(), MPI_ Finalized())  Abnormal termination: MPI_ Abort()  Makes a best attempt to abort all tasks int MPI_ Finalize(void) MPI_ FINALIZE(IERR) integer IERR int MPI_ Abort (MPI_ Comm comm, int errorcode) MPI_ ABORT(COMM,ERRORCODE,IERR) integer COMM, ERRORCODE, IERR 14 MPI Processes  MPI is process-oriented:... Everything is ok; otherwise, something is wrong ierr = MPI_ Xxxx(arg1,arg2,…); ierr = MPI_ Xxxx_xxx(arg1,arg2,…);  MPI constants all uppercase MPI_ COMM_WORLD, MPI_ SUCCESS, MPI_ DOUBLE, MPI_ SUM, … 12 Initialization  Initialization: MPI_ Init() initializes MPI environment; (MPI_ Init_thread() if multiple threads)  Must be called before any other MPI routine (so put it at the beginning of code) except MPI_ Initialized()... the address buf  MPI data types:  Basic data types: one for each data type in hosting languages of C/C++, FORTRAN  Derived data type: will learn later 26 Basic MPI Data Types MPI datatype C datatype MPI datatype FORTRAN datatype MPI_ CHAR signed char MPI_ INTEGER INTEGER MPI_ SHORT signed short MPI_ INT signed int MPI_ REAL REAL MPI_ LONG signed long MPI_ DOUBLE_PREC ISION DOUBLE PRECISION MPI_ UNSIGNED_CHAR... MPI_ Comm_rank() MPI_ Comm_size() MPI_ Send() MPI_ Recv() MPI_ Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_ Comm_rank (MPI_ COMM_WORLD,&my_rank); if(my_rank==0){ strcpy(message,”Hello, there!”); MPI_ Send(message,strlen(message)+1 ,MPI_ CHAR,1,99 ,MPI_ COMM_WORLD); } else if(my_rank==1) { MPI_ Recv(message,256 ,MPI_ CHAR,0,99 ,MPI_ COMM_WORLD,&status); printf(“Process %d received: %s\n”,my_rank,message); } MPI_ Finalize(); return 0; } 19 MPI Communications... Receive … MPI_ Send(message,strlen(message)+1 ,MPI_ CHAR,1,99 ,MPI_ COMM_WORLD); MPI_ Recv(message,256 ,MPI_ CHAR,0,99 ,MPI_ COMM_WORLD,&status); …  Message data: what to send/receive?  Where is the message? Where to put it?  What kind of data is it? What is the size?  Message envelope: where to send/receive?  Sender, receiver  Communication context  Message tag 22 Send int MPI_ Send(void *buf,int count ,MPI_ Datatype... long MPI_ DOUBLE_PREC ISION DOUBLE PRECISION MPI_ UNSIGNED_CHAR unsigned char MPI_ UNSIGNED_SHORT unsigned short MPI_ COMPLEX COMPLEX MPI_ UNSIGNED unsigned int MPI_ LOGICAL LOGICAL MPI_ UNSIGNED_LONG unsigned long int MPI_ CHARACTER CHARACTER(1) MPI_ DOUBLE double MPI_ BYTE MPI_ FLOAT float MPI_ LONG_DOUBLE long double MPI_ PACKED MPI_ BYTE MPI_ PACKED 27 Example int num_students; num_students: 0  1 double grade[10];... received message: MPI_ Get_count() Int MPI_ Get_count (MPI_ Status *status, MPI_ Datatype datatype, int *count) MPI_ GET_COUNT(STATUS,DATATYPE,COUNT,IERROR) integer STATUS (MPI_ STATUS_SIZE),DATATYPE,COUNT,IERROR MPI_ Status status; int count; … MPI_ Recv(message,256 ,MPI_ CHAR,0,99 ,MPI_ COMM_WORLD,&status); MPI_ Get_count(&status, MPI_ CHAR, &count); // count contains actual length 25 Message Data  Consists of count . MPI_ XXXX_XXXX(arg1,arg2,…,ierr) ierr = MPI_ Xxxx(arg1,arg2,…); ierr = MPI_ Xxxx_xxx(arg1,arg2,…); MPI_ COMM_WORLD, MPI_ SUCCESS, MPI_ DOUBLE, MPI_ SUM, … If ierr == MPI_ SUCCESS, Everything is ok; otherwise, something is wrong. 13 Initialization  Initialization:. utilities/commands for compiling/running MPI codes  Compile: mpicc, mpiCC, mpif77, mpif90, mpCC, mpxlf … mpiCC –o myprog myfile.C (cluster) mpif90 –o myprog myfile.f90 (cluster) CC –Ipath _mpi_ include –o. binding 7 MPI Resources  MPI Standard:  http://www .mpi- forum.org/  MPI web sites/tutorials etc, see class web site  Public domain (free) MPI implementations  MPICH and MPICH2 (from ANL)  LAM MPI 8 General

Ngày đăng: 24/10/2014, 21:28



