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Giáo viên: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn BÀI TẬP VỀ NGỮ ÂM 1 PHẦN 1: Chọn từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác so với các từ còn lại 1. A) nurse B) films C) stops D) coughs 2. A) artificial B) distance C) centre D) cells 3. A) designer B) zoo C) Switzerland D) tables 4. A) although B) width C) thump D) thank 5. A) thought B) tough C) bought D) fought 6. A) raised B) talked C) watched D) laughed 7. A) homeless B) done C) become D) month 8. A) hidden B) minor C) written D) kitten 9. A) many B) lamb C) handle D) camera 10. A) there B) appear C) wear D) prepare 11. A) occupy B) puppy C) ready D) study 12. A) accident B) success C) accurate D) accept 13. A) private B) irrigate C) guidance D) environment 14. A) instruction B) shrub C) eruption D) supply 15. A) necessarily B) mechanic C) exception D) apprentice 16. A) basic B) erosion C) loose D) recycle 17. A) worry B) infer C) dirtying D) fertilizer 18. A) mile B) militant C) smile D) kind 19. A) relaxed B) mounted C) collected D) needed 20. A) picked B) considered C) stayed D) received 21. A) women B) bench C) lend D) spend 22. A) food B) good C) look D) blood 23. A) property B) access C) possession D) American 24. A) much B) number C) cut D) put 25. A) particular B) park C) smart D) hard 26. A) Africa B) access C) ache D) man 27. A) cat B) certain C) cook D) Canadian 28. A) respect B) send C) set D) then 29. A) good B) book C) use D) sugar 30. A) brain B) lamb C) comb D) climb 31. A) forget B) open C) popular D) font 32. A) easy B) seat C) learn D) eat 33. A) prepare B) engine C) invention D) electricity 34. A) pleasant B) health C) breath D) breathe 35. A) child B) chill C) chemistry D) teacher 36. A) threaten B) breath C) health D) breathe 37. A) English B) Africa C) Chinese D) America 38. A) main B) certain C) complain D) explain 39. A) preserve B) sack C) reason D) poison 40. A) nightmare B) care C) are D) share 41. A) heart B) earn C) heard D) learn 42. A) fear B) near C) clear D) pear 43. A) cost B) most C) hot D) lot 44. A) nation B) vase C) nature D) grade 45. A) enough B) account C) surround D) outdoor 46. A) phoned B) called C) cooked D) climbed Giáo viên: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn BÀI TẬP VỀ NGỮ ÂM 2 47. A) can B) cell C) call D) cold 48. A) enough B) courage C) encounter D) nourish 49. A) machine B) cheap C) teacher D) child 50. A) wants B) books C) stops D) sends 51. A) surface B) necklace C) face D) palace 52. A) ticked B) looked C) booked D) naked 53. A) chew B) news C) crew D) screw 54. A) chat B) sad C) state D) map 55. A) teach B) meet C) feather D) seat 56. A) cow B) low C) how D) round 57. A) case B) age C) carry D) vapour 58. A) oxygen B) slowly C) healthy D) supply 59. A) count B) amount C) mountain D) course 60. A) complete B) object C) defend D) prevent 61. A) rhinoceros B) habitat C) vehicle D) whale 62. A) involved B) decided C) explained D) swallowed 63. A) admit B) confide C) decide D) retire 64. A) land B) save C) cramp D) cash 65. A) tapes B) cakes C) chores D) dates 66. A) picked B) considered C) stayed D) received 67. A) women B) bench C) lend D) spend 68. A) communicate B) private C) translate D) tolerate 69. A) nation B) access C) Australia D) failure 70. A) eager B) treat C) Area D) ease 71. A) scientists B) satellites C) Abnormalities D) birthmarks 72. A) friend B) guest C) gesture D) women 73. A) laser B) cancer C) Attack D) scalpel 74. A) nations B) speakers C) languages D) minds 75. A) English B) African C) American D) Private 76. A) about B) sound C) count D) wounded 77. A) family B) can C) party D) graduate 78. A) high B) advice C) guide D) river 79. A) pleasure B) please C) easy D) leave 80. A) graduated B) asked C) processed D) finished 81. A) bank B) safe C) value D) cash 82. A) wine B) decline C) design D) engine 83. A) nation B) national C) nationality D) international 84. A) respect B) send C) set D) then 85. A) intention B) question C) action D) mention 86. A) give B) five C) hive D) dive 87. A) feature B) reason C) season D) pleasant 88. A) one B) orange C) dozen D) cover 89. A) enough B) plough C) laugh D) myself 90. A) proud B) plough C) group D) south 91. A) stall B) take C) spray D) pavement 92. A) ache B) chemist C) Christmas D) approach 93. A) continent B) alone C) involve D) property 94. A) industry B) dust C) must D) confuse 95. A) English B) Africa C) Chinese D) American Giáo viên: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn BÀI TẬP VỀ NGỮ ÂM 3 96. A) missed B) jumped C) arrived D) rained 97. A) few B) new C) threw D) knew 98. A) nicest B) largest C) hottest D) best 99. A) bare B) dare C) care D) car 100. A) so B) show C) who D) though 101. A) children B) child C) line D) sign 102. A) thank B) thick C) they D) thin 103. A) either B) neither C) height D) leisure 104. A) name B) flame C) man D) fame 105. A) chief B) of C) leaf D) thief 106. A) this B) thick C) Maths D) thin 107. A) students B) lectures C) speakers D) nations 108. A) cost B) most C) hot D) lot 109. A) delicate B) prefer C) reference D) chemical 110. A) ear B) hear C) near D) heart 111. A) beams B) tops C) months D) locks 112. A) homeless B) done C) become D) month 113. A) book B) smooth C) good D) look 114. A) tolerated B) needed C) collected D) looked 115. A) utter B) custom C) cutting D) use 116. A) talk B) call C) shake D) wash 117. A) mile B) militant C) smile D) kind 118. A) preserve B) sack C) conserve D) poison 119. A) enough B) courage C) encounter D) nourish 120. A) machine B) cheap C) teacher D) child 121. A) wants B) books C) stops D) sends 122. A) mile B) militant C) smile D) kind 123. A) relaxed B) mounted C) collected D) needed 124. A) utter B) custom C) cutting D) use 125. A) talk B) call C) shake D) wash 126. A) mile B) militant C) smile D) kind 127. A) sun B) summary C) success D) submarine 128. A) cough B) mountain C) about D) amount 129. A) declare B) prepare C) are D) rare 130. A) satellite B) light C) might D) lit 131. A) device B) Advice C) practice D) mice 132. A) nature B) mature C) picture D) future 133. A) scientists B) satellites C) Abnormalities D) birthmarks 134. A) food B) tooth C) flood D) smooth 135. A) weather B) theatre C) feather D) swear 136. A) property B) access C) possession D) American 137. A) pipe B) decide C) shine D) give 138. A) under B) umbrella C) unit D) mum 139. A) wait B) wash C) wall D) walk 140. A) off B) of C) safe D) knife 141. A) thus B) bus C) must D) busy 142. A) amount B) count C) mountain D) course 143. A) deer B) sheet C) meet D) beef 144. A) proofs B) looks C) lends D) stops Giáo viên: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn BÀI TẬP VỀ NGỮ ÂM 4 145. A) near B) bear C) hear D) dear 146. A) sugar B) cassette C) fashion D) passion 147. A) slogan B) motor C) total D) proper 148. A) come B) roll C) comb D) grow 149. A) while B) which C) who D) white 150. A) hour B) honest C) heir D) hospital 151. A) surface B) necklace C) face D) palace 152. A) ticked B) looked C) booked D) naked 153. A) chew B) news C) crew D) screw 154. A) wants B) books C) stops D) sends 155. A) tired B) irregular C) hire D) nice 156. A) passage B) age C) stage D) page 157. A) between B) bet C) set D) met 158. A) sleep B) sheep C) bed D) complete 159. A) father B) bag C) bath D) heart 160. A) private B) village C) pretty D) hat 161. A) job B) box C) boss D) walking 162. A) foot B) look C) school D) cook 163. A) teacher B) term C) other D) together 164. A) property B) access C) possession D) American 165. A) much B) number C) cut D) put 166. A) particular B) park C) smart D) hard 167. A) fly B) dry C) easy D) fry 168. A) sleep B) sheep C) complete D) bed 169. A) look B) book C) shoot D) took 170. A) case B) age C) carry D) vapour 171. A) oxygen B) slowly C) healthy D) supply 172. A) count B) amount C) mountain D) course 173. A) nightmare B) care C) are D) share 174. A) heart B) earn C) heard D) learn 175. A) fear B) near C) clear D) pear 176. A) enough B) courage C) encounter D) nourish 177. A) machine B) cheap C) teacher D) child 178. A) wants B) books C) stops D) sends 179. A) know B) show C) now D) go 180. A) heart B) earn C) learn D) burn 181. A) hear B) near C) dear D) bear 182. A) pleasant B) health C) breath D) breathe 183. A) industry B) dust C) must D) confuse 184. A) forbid B) offer C) contour D) crop 185. A) account B) exhaust C) automobile D) storms 186. A) toward B) reward C) discard D) Award 187. A) reason B) son C) busy D) easy 188. A) good B) book C) use D) sugar 189. A) choose B) child C) change D) chemistry 190. A) retain B) certain C) again D) pain 191. A) women B) wonder C) one D) come 192. A) pharmacy B) Apply C) pretty D) quickly 193. A) entrusted B) liked C) distributed D) included Giáo viên: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn BÀI TẬP VỀ NGỮ ÂM 5 194. A) main B) certain C) complain D) explain 195. A) stopped B) hated C) needed D) wanted 196. A) reason B) son C) busy D) easy 197. A) report B) section C) problem D) reason 198. A) although B) width C) thump D) thank 199. A) thought B) tough C) bought D) fought 200. A) raised B) talked C) watched D) laughed 201. A) technology B) uncertainty C) contrary D) Apply 202. A) vapour B) contour C) odour D) favour 203. A) leader B) unpleasant C) Ahead D) breath 204. A) although B) width C) thump D) thank 205. A) strawberry B) contrary C) identify D) perversity 206. A) elevator B) corn C) generator D) liquor 207. A) intimate B) irrigate C) tolerate D) communicate 208. A) looked B) united C) stopped D) missed 209. A) take B) place C) hall D) name 210. A) pleasant B) seat C) heat D) team 211. A) concentrate B) cool C) centre D) camp 212. A) weight B) eight C) height D) eighth 213. A) exercise B) decide C) mile D) practice 214. A) jogged B) cooked C) gained D) smiled 215. A) thousand B) southern C) loud D) mouth 216. A) almost B) most C) lose D) low 217. A) laughed B) arrived C) needed D) stayed 218. A) than B) this C) think D) other 219. A) language B) nature C) natural D) international 220. A) English B) Australian C) Chinese D) American 221. A) formal B) love C) come D) some 222. A) sword B) swan C) swim D) swear 223. A) focus B) cancer C) facial D) chemistry 224. A) line B) middle C) satisfy D) kitchen 225. A) enjoyed B) watched C) stopped D) cooked 226. A) gave B) slave C) hat D) escape 227. A) delicate B) prefer C) reference D) chemical 228. A) friendly B) bury C) pretty D) pleasant 229. A) bad B) catch C) fan D) wash 230. A) population B) proper C) pollution D) popular 231. A) rotation B) crop C) soil D) job 232. A) metal B) element C) environment D) immense 233. A) discussion B) exception C) revision D) attention 234. A) reason B) sun C) busy D) easy 235. A) culture B) manure C) future D) nature 236. A) worked B) stopped C) forced D) wanted 237. A) breathe B) breath C) sea D) seat 238. A) think B) thanks C) three D) that 239. A) emit B) erosion C) decree D) problem 240. A) preserve B) conserve C) present D) visitor 241. A) developed B) drained C) washed D) conserved 242. A) women B) wonder C) one D) come Giáo viên: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn BÀI TẬP VỀ NGỮ ÂM 6 243. A) entrusted B) liked C) distributed D) included 244. A) honest B) house C) hour D) heir 245. A) art B) paper C) lazy D) late 246. A) mountain B) blouse C) ground D) soup 247. A) manure B) pasture C) Adventure D) measure 248. A) supposed B) collected C) Admired D) posed 249. A) quiet B) activity C) title D) quite 250. A) butter B) put C) sugar D) push 251. A) few B) new C) threw D) knew 252. A) pretty B) get C) send D) well 253. A) master B) transitional C) spot D) sound 254. A) dispose B) poisonous C) pollution D) Atmosphere 255. A) pleasure B) lead C) release D) unpleasant 256. A) nitrogen B) fertile C) dirty D) oxide 257. A) transitive B) determine C) keenness D) satisfaction 258. A) occupy B) ready C) puppy D) study 259. A) five B) give C) hire D) dive 260. A) comb B) bomb C) lamb D) tomb PHẦN 2: Chọn từ có trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết có vò trí khác với các từ còn lại 1. A) attraction B) satisfactory C) occupation D) disappointment 2. A) irrigate B) important C) pollution D) particular 3. A) company B) occasion C) restaurant D) instrument 4. A) carriage B) custom C) decree D) success 5. A) ancestor B) industry C) equator D) compressor 6. A) weather B) animal C) human D) material 7. A) historical B) politics C) computers D) adventure 8. A) contribution B) society C) action D) demanded 9. A) direction B) comfortable C) argument D) essential 10. A) industry B) injection C) influence D) introduce 11. A) occasionally B) preferentially C)potentially D) successfully 12. A) provide B) portable C) Canadian D) suitable 13. A) tolerate B) problem C) picture D) conservation 14. A) production B) satisfy C) mistaken D) however 15. A) interesting B) surprising C) amusing D) succeeding 16. A) industry B) engine C) major D) familiar 17. A) combine B) visit C) occur D) emit 18. A) pollute B) fertilize C) recycle D) enviroment 19. A) begin B) visit C) become D) release 20. A) decree B) discard C) dispose D) delete 21. A) provide B) language C) garbage D) police 22. A) above B) aside C) infer D) sanguine 23. A) chemical B) delicate C) dependent D) company 24. A) cancer B) treatment C) tissue D) disease Giáo viên: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn BÀI TẬP VỀ NGỮ ÂM 7 25. A) scholarship B) chemistry C) attractive D) continent 26. A) discover B) Londoner C) interesting D) scientist 27. A) economic B) revolution C) reservation D) possibility 28. A) without B) doctor C) pasture D) cover 29. A) assignment B) reasonable C) acceptable D) election 30. A) decide B) expect C) extra D) believe 31. A) atmosphere B) emission C) combining D) pollution 32. A) influence B) national C) popular D) conservation 33. A) apology B) canoeing C) industry D) disaster. 34. A) interview B) internal C) applicant D) supportive 35. A) certificate B) apartment C) individual D) biology 36. A) scientific B) available C) suspicious D) supportive 37. A) enrichment B) rotation C) mineral D) important 38. A) extreme B) exchange C) poison D) drainage 39. A) goodbye B) except C) themselves D) gesture 40. A) discover B) represent C) inherit D) experience 41. A) uncertainty B) accurately C) exceptional D) particular 42. A) nature B) future C) picture. D) manure 43. A) formal B) provide C) problem D) supply 44. A) employment B) different C) president D) evident 45. A) engineer B) national C) scientist D) figure 46. A) intelligent B) interest C) dependent D) computer 47. A) fellow B) follow C) yellow D) allow 48. A) maintain B) entertain C) fountain D) retain 49. A) intend B) district C) traffic D) center 50. A) property B) familiar C) discussion D) activity 51. A) produce B) product C) nation D) chemist 52. A) business B) occasion C) comfort D) militant 53. A) property B) necessity C) Russian D) lecturer 54. A) spoken B) people C) master D) regard 55. A) scholarship B) importance C) foreigner D) outnumber 56. A) encounter B) difficulty C) overcome D) tendency 57. A) different B) element C) rotation D) fertilizer 58. A) conserve B) mineral C) drainage D) poisoning 59. A) friendly B) guidance C) expect D) wonder 60. A) obstacle B) employment C) encounter D) disappoint 61. A) satisfied B) tolerated C) occupied D) expected 62. A) attendance B) apprentice C) constructor D) tolerance 63. A) intensity B) accurate C) accessible D) miraculously 64. A) valuable B) untreatable C) solidify D) conventional 65. A) company B) occasion C) restaurant D) movement 66. A) fertilize B) recycle C) material D) environment 67. A) pollution B) contaminate C) mineral D) exclaimation 68. A) vapor B) carry C) garbage D) exhaust 69. A) accuracy B) authority C) discovery D) accompany 70. A) organization B) conclusion C) liberation D) scientist 71. A) welfare B) resource C) surgeon D) timber 72. A) throughout B) volcanic C) unpleasant D) reasonable 73. A) accomplishment B) government C) practice D) vapor 74. A) attractive B) important C) tolerant D) expectant 75. A) conserve B) concious C) preserve D) prevent Giáo viên: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn BÀI TẬP VỀ NGỮ ÂM 8 76. A) natural B) chemical C) economical D) industry 77. A) magic B) weaken C) happen D) begin 78. A) poisonous B) infectious C) artistic D) religious 79. A) ambulance B) yesterday C) furniture D) policemen 80. A) enrich B) enter C) enlarge D) enclose 81. A) visiting B) opening C) gathering D) canceling 82. A) furniture B) information C) answering D) quantity 83. A) costume B) learning C) engine D) device 84. A) together B) pagoda C) excursion D) evening 85. A) provision B) decision C) Canadian D) admission 86. A) algebra B) radius C) triangle D) prevention 87. A) permission B) altitude C) gradually D) stimulate 88. A) begin B) visit C) become D) release 89. A) decree B) discard C) dispose D) delete 90. A) scholarship B) chemistry C) attractive D) continent 91. A) engineer B) afternoon C) Vietnamese D) document 92. A) without B) doctor C) pasture D) cover 93. A) permission B) altitude C) gradually D) stimulate 94. A) atmosphere B) emission C) combining D) pollution 95. A) influence B) pollen C) popular D) conservation 96. A) become B) invite C) visit D) reclaim 97. A) business B) occasion C) comfort D) militant 98. A) decide B) expect C) extra D) believe 99. A) decree B) carriage C) conquer D) follow 100. A) forest B) supply C) garbage D) oxide 101. A) produce B) product C) nation D) chemist 102. A) rotation B) prevention C) different D) protection 103. A) pollute B) supply C) provide D) healthy 104. A) report B) revolution C) renew D) prepare 105. A) compare B) single C) include D) consult 106. A) importance B) precision C) business D) protection 107. A) prepare B) section C) problem D) reason 108. A) attraction B) satisfactory C) occupation D) disappointment 109. A) assistance B) injury C) confident D) circumstance 110. A) republic B) advantage C) concentrate D) container 111. A) socialist B) advantage C) explaining D) allowance 112. A) admit B) account C) conquer D) decree 113. A) office B) surgery C) moment D) apply 114. A) conductor B) conference C) confidence D) contestant 115. A) destroy B) pollute C) industry D) expensive 116. A) custom B) favour C) garden D) increase 117. A) address B) involve C) respect D) access 118. A) language B) involve C) foreign D) succeed 119. A) conservation B) environment C) erosion D) alternative 120. A) poison B) timber C) immense D) contour 121. A) private B) regard C) approach D) permit 122. A) property B) language C) reasonable D) possession 123. A) together B) occasion C) introduce D) expectant 124. A) release B) cancer C) human D) surgeon Giáo viên: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn BÀI TẬP VỀ NGỮ ÂM 9 125. A) interesting B) popular C) beautiful D) important 126. A) education B) intonation C) development D) population 127. A) focus B) notice C) absorb D) interest 128. A) intensity B) accurate C) accessible D) miraculous 129. A) valuable B) untreatable C) solidify D) conventional 130. A) restaurant B) interesting C) satisfy D) volunteer 131. A) gather B) protect C) suggest D) reform 132. A) legal B) custom C) reverse D) travel 133. A) perversity B) authority C) responsible D) revolution 134. A) disappear B) minutes C) increase D) disagree 135. A) translate B) transform C) transact D) tragedy 136. A) technique B) treatment C) guidance D) agree 137. A) performance B) horizon C) restaurant D) ambulance 138. A) recycle B) exhaust C) invention D) pollen 139. A) industry B) influent C) convenient D) country 140. A) algebra B) radius C) triangle D) calculus 141. A) permission B) altitude C) gradually D) stimulate 142. A) compare B) single C) include D) consult 143. A) importance B) precision C) business D) protection 144. A) actually B) educate C) organism D) contaminate 145. A) commune B) monetary C) elaborate D) modesty 146. A) accurate B) customer C) computer D) exercise 147. A) contaminate B) supervisor C) investigate D) comfortable 148. A) computer B) museum C) important D) visitor 149. A) document B) achievement C) investment D) excitement 150. A) employee B) volunteer C) afternoon D) invention 151. A) accurate B) educate C) demonstrate D) persuade 152. A) accommodation B) individual C) accomplishment D) administration 153. A) reference B) involvement C) emotion D) protrusive 154. A) throaty B) throughout C) without D) although 155. A) despite B) within C) beside D) gender 156. A) gelatin B) locative C) hospital D) patriotic 157. A) remoteness B) requirement C) requisite D) requester 158. A) adequate B) soothingly C) adjunction D) crushingly 159. A) sooner B) callan C) behalf D) carefree 160. A) evacuee B) Vietnemese C) kangaroo D) abnormal . Giáo viên: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn BÀI TẬP VỀ NGỮ ÂM 1 PHẦN 1: Chọn từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác so với các từ còn lại 1. A) nurse B) films C) stops. outdoor 46. A) phoned B) called C) cooked D) climbed Giáo viên: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn BÀI TẬP VỀ NGỮ ÂM 2 47. A) can B) cell C) call D) cold 48. A) enough B) courage C) encounter D) nourish. confuse 95. A) English B) Africa C) Chinese D) American Giáo viên: Huỳnh Quang Minh Tuấn BÀI TẬP VỀ NGỮ ÂM 3 96. A) missed B) jumped C) arrived D) rained 97. A) few B) new C) threw D) knew

Ngày đăng: 24/10/2014, 21:00

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