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a deployment guide for education

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BYOD devices A deployment guide for education January 2014 Table of contents 2 Devices for BYOD 3 Smartphones 3 App-based devices 4 Laptop client computers 4 Tablet PCs with pens 6 Choosing a BYOD model 6 School-denedsingle-platformlaptop 7 School-denedsingle-platformlaptopplusanotherdevice 8 School-denedmultiplatformlaptop 8 Studentchoiceoflaptoportablet 9 BringwhateverdeviceconnectstotheInternet 10 Building a secure BYOD environment 11 Building a supportable BYOD environment 11 Technicalsupportfordevices 11 Maintenanceofdevices 11 Softwarelicensing 12 Security 12 School policy, parental consent, and BYOD 12 Devicelifecycleandwarranties 13 Preparing the infrastructure 13 Network and security considerations 14 File considerations 14 Print considerations 15 Softwareconsiderations 16 Collaboration considerations 16 Communicatingconsiderations 18 Conclusion 1BYOD DEVICES BYOD devices A deployment guide for education Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) models are becoming increasingly popular in schools. The strategy enables students to use their own computers or other devices as part of the educational experience to perform research, complete homework, and involve themselves in classroom activities. The tightening of school budgets and the consumerization of technology make the BYOD model attractive: With tools such as SkyDrive and Microsoft Ofce365,BYODbecomeseveneasier. Today’sstudentsaredigitalnatives,andtheyregularlyusemultiple devices.WithaBYODsupplementalmodel,studentsmightbe assignedalaptopfromtheschoolwhileusingtheirowndevice,as needed.ButBYODisnotappropriateinallcases.Legalstipulations maypreventschoolsfromrequiringthatstudentsusetheirown devices—forexample,determiningliabilityintheeventadeviceis damagedwhileinuseinaclass.Incaseswheresuchissuesmayexist, schools must plan to provide students with devices where necessary or use an alternative model. Also, teachers need to adapt their curriculatoaBYODdeploymentandmustbecarefultouselearning toolsfunctionalonalldevicesintheclassroom. ThisguideprovidesinformationaboutBYODforeducation,including devicetypes,BYODdeploymentmodels,andinfrastructure-related considerationsforBYODdeployments. CASE STUDY Miami-Dade County Public Schools case study: School District Uses Technology to Promote Efciencies and Improve Education at http://www.microsoft. com/casestudies/ Microsoft-Enterprise- CAL-Suite/Miami-Dade- County-Public-Schools/ School-District-Uses- Technology-to-Promote- Efciencies-and-Improve- Education/710000001252 2BYOD DEVICES Devices for BYOD TherearefourprimarytypesofBYODdevices: • Smartphones • App-based devices • Laptop client computers • Tablet PCs with pens Eachdevicetypehasitsownstrengthsandweaknessesinaneducationalsetting.Forexample, certain devices center on consumption rather than creation—a limitation that can be a hindrance foracurriculumthatrequirescontentcreation. Table 1 compares the devices involved in BYOD deployments. TABLE 1 BYOD Devices Smartphone app-baSed device Laptop cLient computer tabLet pc with pen Internet access Yes Yes Yes Yes Audio-video capture Most Most Yes Yes Keyboard Small Medium Full Full Note-taking Very limited Yes Yes Yes Video conferencing Yes Yes Yes Yes IT manageability Some Some Yes Yes Educational applications Limitedfor classroomsetting Limitedfor classroomsetting Yes Yes 3BYOD DEVICES Smartphones SmartphoneshavealimitedroleinaBYODscenario.Theymightenablestudentstorecordclasses orpresentationsforlaterplaybackorcollaborateonassignmentsanduseeducation-relatedapps, buttheirsmallscreensizemakesin-depthresearchorhomeworkdifcult. Strengths: • Internetbrowsing • Lightweight • Camera/video capabilities Weaknesses: • Small screen size • Studentsmayusethemfortextingorvoice calls • Potentialliabilityforusageandloss • ManagementandcontrolforITtypically requiresMicrosoftExchangeServeror WindowsIntune • Limited ability to run some common educational apps App-based devices App-baseddevices,suchasWindowsRTdevicesoranAppleiPad,havegreaterpotentialthan smartphonesforenhancingthelearningexperienceandforuseinaBYODscenario.Thesedevices havealargerkeyboardfornotetaking,alargerscreenforresearch,andthepotentialforcontent creationandcollaboration.Mostapp-baseddevicesalsoallowuserstoaddanexternalkeyboard. Strengths: • Largerscreenthanasmartphone • Content-creation potential • Lightweightandportable Weaknesses: • May not have the ability to run all educationalapplicationsneededfora givencurriculum • Digitalkeyboardcanbeerror-proneand cramped(thoughexternalkeyboardsare available) • LimitedmanagementandcontrolforIT, althoughExchangeServerandWindows Intuneprovidesomemanagement capabilities 4BYOD DEVICES Laptop client computers Laptopsenableafullcomputingexperience.Theyprovidetheabilitytorunalleducational applications,haveafullkeyboard,andpromotecollaboration. Strengths: • Full screen and keyboard enable content creation and research • Internetbrowsingcapabilities • Resourcessuchasmemory,processing power,andUSBportsforrunning specialized educational applications • MosteducationalappsareavailableforPCs • ITcanmanagethelaptopsrunning Windows editions that support it Weaknesses: • Not as portable as a tablet • Inconsistentcongurationscanleadto usageproblemsforstudents • Computermaynotbeprotectedagainst viruses and malware • Powerandbatterylifemaybeissuesifthe laptopisusedthroughouttheday Tablet PCs with pens AtabletPCoffersthetabletexperiencewiththeadvantagesofalaptop.UsingatabletPCwitha penprovidesthebestofbothworlds—thepowerofalaptopintheformfactorofatablet. Strengths: • Resourcesforrunningeducational applications • Internetbrowsingcapabilities • Tabletexperiencewhenneeded,laptop experiencewhenneeded • ITcanmanagethedevicesrunning Windows editions that support it Weaknesses: • Most tablet PCs are not as portable as a true tablet • Inconsistentcongurationscanleadto usageproblemsforstudents • Devicemaynotbeprotectedagainst viruses and malware • Powerandbatterylifemaybeissuesifthe tabletisusedthroughouttheday 5BYOD DEVICES Additional resources: • Bring Your Own Device To School at http://www.microsoft.com/education/en-au/Documents/ Downloads/WindowsintheClassroom/Bringyourowndevicetoschool-briengpaperK-12. pdf • “EmbraceBringYourOwnDevicescenarios”(Windows8EnterpriseBYOD)athttp://www. microsoft.com/en-us/windows/enterprise/scenarios/BYOD.aspx 6BYOD DEVICES Choosing a BYOD model SeveralmodelsexistforBYODimplementations,fromschool-denedBYODtoopenBYOD implementations.TheoverallgoalwithaBYODdeploymentistoprovideaccesstothelearning environment24hoursperday.ThissectionlooksatthedifferentmodelsavailableforBYODinan educational environment. Table 2 discusses the models and related considerations. TABLE 2 ConsiderationsforBYODModels SchooL-defined Laptop SchooL-defined Laptop pLuS another device SchooL-defined muLtipLatform Laptop Student choice of L aptop or tabLet bring whatever device connectS to the internet Cost School or parent School or parentfor laptop, parent fordevice School or parent Parent Parent Management School Schoolfor laptop, parent/ studentfor device School Parent Parent Capabilities Full capabilities Full capabilities forlaptop, device used as a companion Full capabilities Some capabilities Limited Support School Schoolfor laptop, parent/ studentfor device School Parent/student Parent/student Application availability All Allforlaptop, device used as a companion All Some Few School-denedsingle-platformlaptop Inthisscenario—themostpopularforBYODdeployments—theschoolworkswithmanufacturers todenethelaptoporsimilardevice,suchasSurfaceProrunningWindows8.1forstudent use.TheschoolfrequentlyworksdirectlywiththePCmakerordistributortodeneasingle manufacturerandmodelforthedeployment.Withthismodel,purchaseofthedevicecanbethe responsibilityoftheschool,theparent,orboth.Additionalpaymentoptionsareavailableifthe 7BYOD DEVICES schoolpurchaseslaptopsinbulk.Forexample,schoolscouldleasethelaptopstoparents.Also, educationaldiscountsmightbeavailablefordevicesandsoftwarethroughtheschool. Benets • All computers in the classroom have the same capabilities, and teachers can build curricula around the capabilities. • ITcanuseprocessesandtoolslikelyalready inplacetomanagethelaptops. • Volumepurchasinglowerscosts. • Support costs are lower, because all laptops are the same. • Fullyfunctionallaptopsmakearangeof learningactivitiesavailable. Considerations • Thecostofthelaptopcanbeahindrance forschoolsorparents,soco-contributions between parents and the school must be dened. • Ownershipofthelaptopbothduring useandafteritslifecyclemustbeclearly dened. • Supportstructuresforthelaptopmustbe dened,whetherthroughtheschool,the manufacturer,orboth. School-denedsingle-platformlaptopplusanotherdevice Inthisscenario,theschoolprovidesalaptopforstudentuse,asitwouldwiththeschool-dened single-platformlaptopmodel.However,thestudentisalsoallowedtobringanotherdevice,such asasmartphoneortablet.Aswiththeschool-denedsingle-platformlaptopmodel,thecost ofthelaptopisbornebytheschool,parents,orboth.Thesupplementarydeviceispaidforand supported by the parent or student. Benets • ITcanchoosewhethertomanagelicensing forstudent-owneddevices. • Themodelenhanceslearningbyallowing exibilityandpersonalchoiceinthe learningexperience. • Allowinganadditionaldevicein schoolenablestheschooltodenethe appropriateuseofsuchdevicesratherthan useoftheadditionaldevicebeingoutside ofschoolpolicy. Considerations • The additional device could be a distraction ifnotusedproperly. • ThepossibilityexistsforunlteredInternet accessthrougha3Gor4Gdevice. • The parent or student must provide supportfordevices. [...]... BYOD, chances are that Internet usage will increase IT must ensure that there is sufficient bandwidth on the network and that network switches and related equipment have the capacity for the additional utilization • Network separation  IT must configure the appropriate protocols and services for BYOD communication For example, a deployment may have a separate wireless network that’s allowed to access... Store  Apps can be installed from the Windows Store where appropriate for the BYOD deployment • Educational licensing programs  Many software vendors offer educational discounts or volume-licensed educational pricing This model may be applicable to a BYOD deployment • Remote access  A technology like RemoteApp can provide remote access to applications, alleviating the need for each device to have a copy... BYOD deployments place at least some of the responsibility for maintenance on IT to prevent students from being without their device for an extended period if it needs to be sent to the manufacturer for repairs Alternately, loaner devices can be made available to lessen the impact of hardware-related problems Software licensing Schools should ensure that software required for education is available for. .. extended warranties and insurance are required Many manufacturers have limited warranties that don’t cover the full lifecycle of the device Repairs for out-of-warranty devices can be costly regardless of who bears the responsibility for that cost Therefore, extended warranties and device insurance can help to mitigate these costs and should be considered in a BYOD deployment Additional resources: • “Managing... which may be a limiting factor Benefits • Students get the power of tablets and laptops in the classroom • Teachers have greater flexibility in learning activities Considerations • Although tablets and laptops are more flexible than smartphones, not all devices have the same capabilities • IT incurs additional costs by providing support • Volume discounts may not exist • Not all educational applications... External storage  Another option is to copy the files to an external location, such as SkyDrive or a USB drive The files can then be opened and printed on a computer with printing capabilities • Apple AirPrint  AirPrint is an option for Apple iOS devices The printer must have AirPrint capabilities, or an AirPrint server must be available for the BYOD devices • Email printing  Many devices support an email-to-print... BYOD deployment Applications may be licensed differently or not available at all depending on the BYOD model chosen Specialized software such as that for mathematics or advanced research can be cost prohibitive and is typically less expensive when licensed by the school Other discounts may be available through educational licensing programs Certain BYOD models will enable VDI, Windows To Go, and other... crossdevice and cross-platform means of accessing files With WebDAV and the appropriate access, students can access their files from anywhere with an Internet connection • Server Message Block (SMB)  SMB shared folders are another option SMB can be deployed through existing infrastructure and provides a familiar access method for files Print considerations Access to printers is another task for BYOD deployments... is a good place to communicate full policies, including frequently asked questions and ways to obtain support • Email  Many schools use email to communicate with parents Where appropriate, email can be used to link to more detailed information on the website • Press release  Distributing a press release to local media helps to increase awareness of an upcoming BYOD deployment With the increased awareness,... infrastructure The overall goal is to ensure that these questions are answered prior to deployment to help make the deployment successful School policy, parental consent, and BYOD With a BYOD deployment, the school must have a clear policy on personal use of the device, both on campus and off campus, that includes software installation, website access, and other uses Related to this policy, parental . Internetbrowsingcapabilities • Resourcessuchasmemory,processing power,andUSBports for running specialized educational applications • Mosteducationalappsareavailable for PCs • ITcanmanagethelaptopsrunning Windows. Lightweightandportable Weaknesses: • May not have the ability to run all educationalapplicationsneeded for a givencurriculum • Digitalkeyboardcanbeerror-proneand cramped(thoughexternalkeyboardsare available) •. devices App-baseddevices,suchasWindowsRTdevicesoranAppleiPad,havegreaterpotentialthan smartphones for enhancingthelearningexperienceand for usein a BYODscenario.Thesedevices have a largerkeyboard for notetaking, a largerscreen for research,andthepotential for content creationandcollaboration.Mostapp-baseddevicesalsoallowuserstoaddanexternalkeyboard. Strengths: •

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2014, 13:53

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Mục lục

    Tablet PCs with pens

    Choosing a BYOD model

    School-defined single-platform laptop plus another device

    Student choice of laptop or tablet

    Bring whatever device connects to the Internet

    Building a secure BYOD environment

    Building a supportable BYOD environment

    Technical support for devices

    School policy, parental consent, and BYOD

    Device lifecycle and warranties