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Tiny ABC workbook

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Susan Rivers Oxford University Press 198 MadISOn Avenue. New YOO. NY 10016 USA Grem Cloreodon Street. O~lord OX2 SOP Engtond O~lord New YorlI At/lens Auckland Bongkok Bogota Bucnos A rres Calcutta C<Jpe Town Chennoo Dar es SoIoom Deltu Florence Hong Kong /slonJ'Jul Karachi Kuala Lumpuf Madnd Melbourne MexICO Crty Mum/)Or N(mobr Pons 500 Poulo SIngapore Torper Tokyo Toron/o Warsaw and assocIated companres in Berlm IboOOn O XF ORD is a Irodell'lOn.; ot Oxford University Press IS BN 0-19·435392·3 Copynghl Cl 1999 Odord UniverSity Press No unouthorized photocopying . All oghts 1 " ' Ved No port ollnlS publlcotlOO may be reproduced. stored on 0 relf,eval system. or Ironsrnltled. In ony lorm or by ony means. electronIC. mechofllcol. photocopymg. recordlllg or Otherwise w(lhoutlhe pnar written permISSion 01 Orlord UllIVerSity Press ThiS booi<; is sold subject 10 the condition Ihol lt sholl 1101. by way Ofl<ode or Ol heMise be lent. resold. hlled oul or otherwise Circulated W1thout the publisher s poor consenl III any form 0 1 binding or cover ol her lnon that III which It IS published ond without 0 Similar conditlOfl Including thiS condition being ItTlpOsed on the subsequent purchaser. Ed, lono l Ma nager: SheJogh Speers Editor EdYIord YoshIOka Pr oductIOn Editor: M an.; Steven Long Element ory Design Monoger DoriS Coon PIIlZOO DeSIgner: MO J·Bott Hogsled An Buyer· Donna Goldberg Prod Udlon Monoger; Abram H olt Producti on coo rdmator: SnonlO Persaud Printing (lost dign): 10 9 a 7 6 5 4 32 Printed III Hong Kong. Cllarael. r I/Iu,trollans by Kothleen McCo r dl'Bookmoker s, Ltd . Other illustrations by Anne Kenned~IHK Po rt1 olio. Inc .• Oono Rega n. Nancy Tobil\l$quore Moon . Vdmo Cl is_DiIIon lefterino by RIIo LoSCOlo eo e,. design by DorIs Chen Pinzon Cover ilJuslroll(lrt by Kathleen McCorct/Booll;makers. Ltd and Rita t.ascaro Workbook Susan Rivers Oxford University Press Introduction The Tmy Talk A8C Workbook II'IIrodUCeS preschool Slodents 10 the letter! ol the alphabet or>(! thEll r basIC sounds It prOVides baS>(: ~stenong comprehenslOfl achv,t,es plus SImple practICe BK9I'C,Se5 tOf reading and wnttng these letters In a f~n and mean,ngful format The ABC Workbook can be used elthe, Indepenoenltv or as an Inlegrated supple- ment to the regular Tmy Talk course COURSE DESCRIPTION Tiny Talk IS a three·level cOl.l~e desogned tor preschool al'ld kondorganen cnlld,en The goal ot this sefle, IS 10 help yoong ch~dren budd strong hstenmg and spea~lng !Jo;lIls In English by haw19 them In t eract wltn warm. lovable characters In everyday real-~fe SltuahonS The three levels a,e each dIvided in to A and B SectlOl1S Each at theSe SiK sectIons Includes a Stud6m Book, a Workbook Poeture Cards. Wall CharlS. and a Cassette Each Teachers 800Jt combInes ,nslrtJCll ons for both Ihe A and B sectlOOS PuppelS at the tour rna,n characterS are also ava,lable. BV coordInating the use at all th8S8 COI'flIXJfllffits. the teacher can enable students to understand and pract ICe II wodo vafl8ty at basIC Engksh patterns The Tiny Talk SOt1gbook teaMes the words and muSIC to all5'~ t y songs w nnen espeoally tor IhlS senes by Carolyn Graham . TINY TA LK ABC WORKBOOK The Tiny Tall<. ASC Wor.lcbook . which II used In conl~nctlOfl Wl lh Tiny Talk Siuden t Book 3A and Student Book JB, provkies young leamers WIth a simple Introduction to lhe alpl'lat>el and baSIC phonIC$. It inlroduces new vocabulary usmg all lWenty'SI~ leiters and their souncts. al'ld recycles many words already learned In l he regular rmy Talk Srucienl Books. Very young sl udems WIll enJOY learmng the alp/'labet through words al'ld prcIures that are penlnenl and mlereshng 10 the" age group. A vallety ot fun age-appropnate actlVltlCS reintlll" ces lhe IeltefS andlhell' sounds. end gIVes students sImple practICe In h5lenmg. speak'ng. readmg and wr,1ong T im ing Lelte~ shoukl be Inuoduced one or IWO at a lIme at the begInnIng or end ot each etass meetIng. Appro~,malely lo-t5 rn.nutes are r&quo.ed to leach each leller lhoroughly TOUR OF A UNIT The Tiny Talk AB C W Ol ~boOk conSistS at IwentY -51 ~ regula, umts plus two review units (one ha llway through the booI<. and one al the end). Each regutar unit presents a sm- gIe lene r 01 the alphabet in a lwo-page spread Every reg u lar unt ltollows the same lesson progresslOfl In five slages. Each s lage IS clearly cued bV SImple Icons f or boIh teacher and student re te reoce a l e tt er lind So und In lr adue l io n The top left comer o tlhe le ft ·hand page introduces the uppe r· and lo wercase torms 01 the targe l le n er In a large. easy-IO-recognoze lo n na l. The lop right comer con ta ins an amusing scene depictIng one OI lhe principal Tiny 18lk charaC le rs - the toy bears Benny and Sue - having t un while N1teractll'lg wilh two other characters Of it ems thaI model the ta . get le tter. F or example , in the S&cond unl l (8 b) Sue IS shown about to hand a balloon to a smiling baby The twO modolllcms aro Ihen Isola!e<I and enlarged 10 I". mloole sec t oon 01 the page lor adciltronal StQht and SOUnd recognlllOf'l. Many oj l hese 'ofWQf(Is WI,' be recycled on suDSequeni phon<C$ a ChvlUes The correspond rig SOClIOtl on lhe A.BC WorkbOoolr Casse'ltt PfOVIdes add,:oonal support IOf mtroducu'lg and rev.ewlng the names artd sounds ot botl1 the largcllenors and t he model ortIs US ing lhesa leIters o letter Format i on Practice The bonom third 01 the page provides a sLn1ple tracing and wl1tmg actIVIty 11 not only snows l he correel stroke Ofoor for willing both the upper· and l owe rcase lorm s 01 the larget lener, but also provides clear tracmg templales' over v.hl ch stu clenlS c an beg'n 10 Iorm Ihe le:ters be lore proceeding to wille them completely on Iheir own. EJ l etter·Rel nl orcemen t A ctivi ty TI'Ie lop ha'l of lhe II ght ·hand page leatures a lener·re<nfofce me nt aCIIVlIy that varies <n !enTlat lrom u nl' 10 unit FOf e~ample , in one unil sludenlS mrght li nd ,md Clrck: l ene r:; hidden 1M a scene: in another th ey mtght nav igate a Simple maze 10 reach an t\em tha i con l ams the tat'Q81 lener lor that unit. Other actM ti es Include colonng vocabu lary "ems !hal tealure larget leners, matching poctures 10 corrOS9Ofldlng lenels , Of frnding and CI IdIng target lenels ,th,n a fUmble 01 oth ef le llers II Ph oni cs Practice A phonICS actiV ity appea ri ng JUS! btt!ow the mitldlo 01 the page maintains the same lonnat throughoUt the book . The leach9!" e ther plays the three words for this 5eCtlOll on the A.BC Wor~booIr CaS$ene or reads them aloud from the tapescnpt on pages 4-7. Students I slen 10 each 01 the throe words tmce . then CIrcle those p>CllJres thaI feature the target lener lor tha i unit F or ekilmple on the phono;s e~ercose lor the third UM (C c) StudenlS 'ill see and hear the loIkT,'.1ng three Ilems gill. tcJOIue, cal They must Circ le t he pICtures oj the c:ook>e and lhe cal mthelr books bul no! that of the gIrl III Chant The un" concludes WI'.h a lun and interactive chanllha l appears in rebus I Ofm 31 11"10 bottom 01 the page. The chant Pfovides cumulallve reV KlI'I and relnlorcement f or all the letters lea rn ed by students to date The teacher can either play thC ABC WOl"kboo~ Cassette to lead the chant. Of direct the chant personally by referring 10 the tapcscript on pages 4-7 ABC WORKBOOK CASSETTf The ABC Worl<book Cassette features the lenllf names. their basic sooncls. and the si mp le words used 10 present these sounds. II also Kldudes the phonics and chant aCllVilles fOf each uml Available ,n either American or British English verslOlls. lh e Casselle dearly and cti r edly models f\8hve·speaker pronunciatlOl'l and ontonatlOl'l. 11 may be used bolh ,n class and al home lor extra reinforcement. tn "od uclltoo • Tapescripf Please nOll' the l oIlowof1g oonven\JOr1S In the text below; (I) leller names are written In cap lt al !cU(!rS (iOf examp le.E) (2) Leller sounds arc IndIC ated by phonellC symbols . 101' e.a mple .l k l ropresents !he "hard C" sound. The phonetic symbols are l or adult reference only and should ~ be taught to young chIldren <l Ithe preschoolll<.lndergarten level (3) The live vowels are Introduced and modeloo only WIth short vowel soUflds. ( oil Hand claps are indicated by aSlen sks (., In the chantlrnes t hat appear allh e end of each regular unrt ,to - POi" , - 9 t. Listen and repell. , - '"' A. 1a:1. applt A lrtf, itIlf • . Llat l" and c:irele. ap/* . 1m . 000Ir S. Ctynt . Usten Ind repelt . )l wice ] [ twICe ) [ tWl(;u ] (twice] I-I A • ~I" hI /rl fa:1" [lIUE!(Itrmes) linen chaot ) AI Bb - Poges 10 -11 1. Listen and r.pu!. B - B .l b /, baby B. lbI. brtloon • • Llaten Ind clrdt . baby. dotX. brtar 5. Chllnt. Ualen lnet repat. [twice) [twice) [twiee] [twice) I-I 8· fbi " fbi fbi Ibl " [ hee cmesl (thIn chant:] A-8 1 Ce - Pogea 12-13 1. u.t.n and ~ C ~ - C, It /, CIt C ./ t /, ~ 4. l isten and Ci rcle. ~. coo~"e. cal S. Chlnt. Liaten and repea t. C " / k/ ' I II Ikl I H' [three twncsj [t hen chant:] A 'C' Dd - Pog ''' - 15 1. Liaten and repelt. D """~ D. l oJ/ , ~Uf D ./ dl. donut 4. Li sten Bnd clrele. [twice) I-I I-I I-I I -I baIcrcfl. do!} , IbWt [twice each] 5. Chant Uaten and repeat. D' fiji ' l iJ l Idl fd/ ' [UUIte '<mes] [thon ehan t] A-DI E, - Pog 1 6-17 1. Ullen and repeat. E ", E ./c/. egg E ./C/. e /~ 4. Li."" Ind drde . I-I , , [twic e, [ 1wQ ] I-I ~m . ,,~'~ . app. (Iwict Neh) 5. C"-'t. Ultfll.nd r.fll" E' /c/ ' /c //cll cl ' (three times) (!hen chenI :] A-EI Fr - Pug II - I 9 1. L1, I. n and repeat. F .~ .~, F ./ f /. 1fmc8 F. 10 . la ffI'W •. Listen and clrcte. Mh. MUS6. I6r1Cfl [twee ] [ twee] (twlce[ [rw ;"J [twice[ ( tw ic e e&Ch] 5. Chant. LIsten and repeal. F' I II ' I f! I f I 1 (/' IthflHl timesJ [tl'len chant.[ A ' F' Gg - Pug •• 20- 21 I . LIlt en Ind repeal G .,,"" G. / g / .~ G. IQI. garden 4. Ll l t ln Ind circl e. key. j1ard6n. goal (twice] (twICe] (twIC e] (twiceJ [ twICe] [twice each] 5. Ch an t L I,t.n Ind re po! at G' Ig l ' Iyl 191 1 91 ' (three timesJ 1~( Mnt l A 'G I Hh - Pog. . 22- 23 1. Usten Ind repeat . " fle<ic;opter H, Ihl. /I<0Il56 H ./ hl. ~16r 4. Li t ten In d circle. (twice] I-I I-I [twice] [twice] hoI dog, hauss. fsfmfl( [lWIce each] 5. Ch.,.,l. lI,t en I nd repea t. H' I hl ' I hl I hl I hl ' [Ihf IimnJ It ,,*, chan!:1 k ' HI 11 - Flog 2'1 - 25 1. U . ndr_t. , - 1,111 . Igloo 1.1, 1, Inuct [Iwioe) llwioeJ [twiceJ [ twice ] I-I 4. Lis ten Ind d rde . /IM>glJ1OI . onsect. 'f}Ioo [Iwioe NCtl] 5. Chant . list en and r~a l . ,. 1,1' 1,1 1,1 hi ' [three ~mt$1 [Itlen Chant J A' " JJ - Pog 26- 27 I . Llil in and repeat. , - ,., J. I dY . /fffJ J. I d~ /. jutc6 4. lIltln a nd circle. juIc • • lung. Jackel [ tw ic e] [twoee) (lwIee] (tw oee) (tw oee) [ Iwoce NdI) 5. C hant . Usten and repelt . J' I dl l ' I dy Id31 Id31' [111'" ~ mes] (then chant] A ' J' Kk - Pog 28- 29 t. Listen and ,e peat . K ki lt ka ngilfOO K. / H. /a le K. / k/. kangaroo 4. Utle n a nd Circle. kite. girl. key I-I [twiceJ [ 1Wiee) (twic.) I- I (TMC:It ead'lJ 5. Cha nt. Us t en I nd ' epnt . K' l k/ ' / kl /k l/ kl ' [lhf ~maej (thef1 c hantJ A- 'K I II - Pog •• 30-31 t. Us ten a nd repeat . e , " L., III , IM I L., Ill , lamb 4. Ut ten Ind cl rdl . I -I I -I -I (1Wic:e] I-I INI . Nne( lollipop [ 1WIctrI """"J 5. C hant u.tIn.oo fI'pHL L ' 111' 11/ III I II ' [th,"IimItJ [then d>it nt:J A -oU TOjIoMc.1pt • Mm - Pages 32 - 33 I . li s ten end "pest • ~ ~w M, Iml. m.rmt M. Iml. monsll'l'" 4. L ls t ~ n and ci "," . ",,/'fO r 1l'IO<)II LJI1der illII'ICe ] [- I [ tWICe ] [1IO'ICe] [t eel S. Chant. Ust ~ n and repeat. M ' /m/ ' / m/ lm l I m l' [ !hf~t~S] [trlen C/lilnt ] A ' M' Nn - fIog .s 36 - 31 1. Us t en end re pea t. N - N, 1 11 1, nest N .l n /. newspaper 4. Li slen and circle. nest . r7IC>'1 .\:ey , "," Sf! [twice] [ twICe ] I- I [I' '''ice] [tNice] [ tw , ceeach] S. Cha nt. USlen end re pea t, N' I" I ' /nll n /l nl ' [then cnant'j A 'N ' 00 - Poge. 31 - 39 1. Li st , en d repeeL o ~ O. lu I, octopus 0, lui . (10" 4. LIlt , a nd cl ",' e, [tIlree 1>n1n[ [ twi ce] [ twICe ] [twice) [!'Mee) [twice] ac~ el6VfItw, os t rict! ( tw i ce each ] S, C hant Li ste n and repea t, o ' lui ' 101 10 1 /01 ' [troee limes] [Ihen d\aoI :) ,0. -' 01 Pp - PoeM 140411 I , lI . .no:! I'Iopeat. P ,. "". P, Ipl, piu.a p. Ipl, pirate [twica] [twica] [twice] [- , - , 4. Ut ten and circle. fNd, przz. poano [ !Wee each] $. C twon l. List en e nd pea t. P' / pl ' l p l/ p ll p l ' [threetlfnH) [t!'Ien c~ant] A .pI Qq - Pages '12 - '13 t . Listen and r epea l. o q"~1 """'" o ~ '" r qu;I! o ~" ;, queen 4. l "'ten "nd CIrcle. (t"'lCeJ [t WICe] [,", ICeJ [tWIOI!J [,",IOOJ QtJi>~CW1 m.1Ii<. g;orrMn q.,eetl [ t,,"ICC eacn! $. Chant lIslen an d rtpen O' L / "h l ' ~,,' [th'~llmes] (!hen chanl J A '0 ' R, - Pag.II4I4- 145 I . l i llen a nd re pea l. R ro o;el ralfJbow R .I , I. rocket R 1< 1, rlfinbow 4. Utlen and circle . Itv.oce] [twICe) ] tw oce] I -I [ tWICe) _ , lamp. robDI [TwICe each] 5. Chant USl en and repe al R' 1, 1 ' I r' /rl /. , ' [ I ~ree lLITMIS) [I nen chant :] A- 'R I s. - Pag '+6-'11 , . LIst en and r epe at . S [t;o ;ce l ,~ [Mice) [1IO>ee) S. k l. sun I-I S ,/ll, sa~ I-I •• Ulte n en d em e . sock. sun. t.1n [twice each] $ , Chent . Uste n e nd ' epee l 5 ' 1. , ' 1.1 lsI 1$1 ' [three times) [ !hen cha nt ] A-<S I I. U. 1 1tIl ,00 repeM. T "''' """"'" T.III. wrtJe T." ', ~ 4. U.um and circle. ~ . ~ . /e,'epno1B {twICe] { twICe ] [ twoee] ( Iw lce] [lwlCe] S. Ch;lot.lisl en and repeal T' II I ' / I II I /I I / ' [threewnesJ [then chant:) A • TI Uu - Po gl. 50- 51 I . USlen and repeat. U - -~ U. IA /. umbrella U. /A /. upstair. 4. L ls len and circle. ( twICe ) [-I [-I [ -I [-I umbteUa. underwear. osl nch ( twICe each ] S. CllanL L i, t en and repell . U ' /A/ " IAI /.1 1.1 • [three 1ltneS] [Itlen chant:] A "W Vy - Pages 52 -53 I . LI , len .nd repeal . V - V .l vl. >'iItI V .l vl. wgetables 4. U'len and Circle. [twice] [twice] ( IWICII J [ !Wiee ) [!Wie e] kwt!r . VIOIIin. \o'C9Bt~ [tMce coch] S. Chlnt . Listen and repeal. V' /vl ' / v' /~IIv/ ' ,Ihree bmesl [then ch:>nI :1 " -VI w., - P gil 511 - 55 1. u.t.,. end repeet. W - W. Iw/. MoOrm W .I I. wal~ 4. Usten and Circle. MoOrm hal. It'!tch 5. Chanl . L iste n and repe . W· / v. / " /w l Iw l 1 / ' [lhreebmllS] [then chant] A -W' x. pgg •• 56 - 51 1. Ultln and repeal . X - X, t h /. 100' x' /h l. SIX 4. Lillon and circle. boIo'. Si X, book [ -, {twIc.] [ twice] [ 1WIc:e] {twice) ltwK:e each] 5. Cha nt. List en and repeal . X ' 1 ~ ~/'/bl I h l I h l ' [three Iimes[ [then chant] A 'XI Vy - Pogn 58- 59 1. Llilen and repeat . V ,.,.'" -, Y ./ j/. )0-)'0 Y ./ j/. yogurt 4. Llal en and circle . ['-' [ -, ItWlCe] (TwIC.] [twice) ;I16r. yawn. )'O-YO [twice each] 5. Chant. Listen and repe . Y' / jl " /jll j/ lj/ " jthr H1Jn ''''] I then chant] A- Y/ Z:.: - Pogn 6G-61 1. listen and repUl Z = Z. 1z/. zebra Z. 1z1 • .roo 4. LI.ten and circle • .roo. Ipidet. dpper 5. Chant. Li.ten and repeat. ''''''''' [twice) [-, , -, [- , Z ' hi" hi hi 11./ ' [thnte times] [then cI\wot:] A-oZl TS !pl . apple ant 0 / ~'\ ~ 7\ D' o . patterns The Tiny Talk SOt1gbook teaMes the words and muSIC to all5'~ t y songs w nnen espeoally tor IhlS senes by Carolyn Graham . TINY TA LK ABC WORKBOOK The Tiny Tall< either play thC ABC WOl"kboo~ Cassette to lead the chant. Of direct the chant personally by referring 10 the tapcscript on pages 4-7 ABC WORKBOOK CASSETTf The ABC Worl<book. mean,ngful format The ABC Workbook can be used elthe, Indepenoenltv or as an Inlegrated supple- ment to the regular Tmy Talk course COURSE DESCRIPTION Tiny Talk IS a three·level

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