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famous wonders in over the world

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  • Great Wall of China

  • Petra in the Arabah

  • Chichen Itza in Yucatan Peninsula

  • Colosseum of Rome

  • Christ The Redeemer Statue on Corcovado Mountain

  • Angkor Wat Temple

  • The Forbidden City in Beijing

  • Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an

  • St. Peter’s Basilica

  • Valley of the Kings

  • Temple of Heaven in Beijing

  • Jerusalem Old City

  • Canals of Venice

  • Grand Canyon in Arizona

  • -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

  • Delphi, an Archaeological Site in Greece

  • Stonehenge in Wiltshire

Nội dung

Great Wall of China The Great Wall of China, a memorable landmark, is the most popular tourist attraction in China. The Wall has fascinated the minds of many in the world and it is part of the Seven Wonders of the World. The Great Wall is the ultimate tourist destination for sightseeing. People from all over the world visit China to see this exotic architecture because it is one of the most appealing attractions of China. It has its share of fans including those who spread speculations about it being seen from the moon. Why, When, and Who Built The Great Wall? Looking down at the Great Wall from the sky is truly amazing, the Wall resembles a Chinese dragon circling the mountains. There is a common term use by The Chinese call “Wan Li Chang Cheng” which defines as “Wall of 10,000 Li” (10,000 Li = 5,000 km). There were three main Chinese dynasties that contributed to the construction of the Great Wall: first, the Qin from 221-207 B.C., then the Han from 206 B.C – 220 A.D and the Ming from 1368-1644 A.D. Their common purpose was to stop the “barbaric” Huns in the North from invading the Chinese borders. Millions of people labored on the Great Wall and many died while working. How Long is The Great Wall? After the Qin emperor unified China, he connected the walls across the country into one, The Wall extended up to 10,000 Li (5000 km) and it helps keep out intruders from the north. What seems to be a Chinese zigzag dragon, the Great Wall of China spreads across deserts, rivers, mountains, grasslands and plateaus expanding nearly 6,700 kilometers. It has been built for over 2 millenniums and it stretches from the east side to the west side of China. Due to modern technologies and lack of usefulness, pieces of the structure are left in ruins and the Chinese leaders do not care to fix it. This marvelous segment of Chinese heritage swept through Shanhaiguan Pass, then to Liaoning, then Hebei, continuing onto Tianjin, expanding to Beijing, reaching Shanxi, and into Inner Mongolia, next to Ningxia, arriving at Gansu and finally ends in Jiayuguan Pass. The Great Wall length measures about 6,700 km long. Height wise, it is 4.5m to 9m. Depth wise, it is 4.5m to 8m. The entire structure was built by hand using stone, bricks, soil, sand, straw, wood, clay or whatever was available depending on the territory and time period. The Great Wall Today The existing Wall today was constructed by the Ming Dynasty over 600 years ago. During that time, the original wall was in ruins. Ming emperors order to rebuilt the wall over the course of 200 years. The reason the wall still stand today is because there was an invention during that time, mixing rice flour to create extremely tough bricks and mortar. Today, few parts of the Great Wall are in great condition because it was restored to attract tourists. To get a good deal on a tour to The Great Wall visit -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=- Petra in the Arabah Petra is a site in the Arabah, Jordan that was discovered by a Swiss explorer called Johann Ludwig Burckhardt in 1812 and is considered to be, yet another splendid beauty in the history of mankind. Arabah is a section of the Great Rift Valley and it is located between the Dead Sea (north) and the Gulf of Aqaba (south) forming part of the border between Jordan (east) and Israel (west). Petra represents the ancient world’s heritage culture. It is a beauty hidden behind layers of mountain. The ones who have seen it say it is a treasure beyond comparison. It is now said to be one of the seventh wonder of the world and it belongs to the UNESCO world heritage site. The entire red rose city of Petra has such a charismatic appeal that it attracts anyone & everyone who enters the city, taking them to a different world of divine beauty and mystery. Petra mainly is admired because of its picture perfect architecture, its complex structure, quality and the non mentionable mere size. Petra is said to have its origin before 106 AD; its culture is said to have been flourished in almost 400 years old. The one’s who visited it say that it is a site that can never be forgotten. The city of Petra takes its name, which is the Greek word for “rock”, from the fact that it is most notable for its buildings and tombs that are carved directly into the red sandstone that serves as the city’s natural protection from invaders. Its popularity with tourists may also have a connection to the city’s Biblical significance. It is here where King Aretas called for the arrest of the Apostle Paul at the time of his conversion. Location & How to Get to Petra This historical fortress is located 170 miles southwest of Amman, Jordan on the edges of the Wadi Araba desert. It is also 50 miles south of the Dead Sea and the only way to enter the city is through a narrow crevice called the Siq. One has to uncover a very narrow path of mountains, kilometer by kilometer before they get to see the majestic beauty of Petra.This path is only about five meters wide, with sandstone walls towering up hundreds of meters high on both sides. This long, narrow & not very well lighted gorge is very cool & soothes the visitors before it unfolds the mystery step by step. A taxi is the best means of transportation to get from the Queen Alia International Airport to Amman. Remember to ask the driver to take you to the Wahdat bus terminal, since there are two major bus stations in Amman. Destinations are usually printed in Arabic on the respective buses, so if you do not read Arabic, ask to be shown to the bus that will take you to Petra. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=- Chichen Itza in Yucatan Peninsula Chichen was founded by the Maya civilization in 400 AD and it is located in the north central, north of Yucatan Peninsula now called Mexico. Chichen has a history that is 1500 years old and is located 75 miles from Merida. It is said to have been the main regional point for different ceremonies. During the earlier days & time, it was governed by priests. Chichen means “At the mouth of the well of Itza”. The word Chi stands for ‘mouth’, Chen for ‘well’ and Itza for ‘the Itza tribe’. The main belief is that people were thrown from the top as a sacrifice to make their god happy and the ones who could survive were the ones who were believed to be seers. The site predominantly contains many buildings of stone in various stages of thier preservation and has been stored properly. The site is built in different architectural styles. It has a very clear cultural mix and difference of the Mayan and non Mayan civilization. The Chichen site has in total three divisions: the north, central & and the south group. Where one group is in the Toltec style and the other gives an idea about the early period and the old Chichen culture. Since this is the most famous Mayan Pyramids, it has been thoroughly researched by private agencies. Not really. It is now a federal property and it is maintained by the Mexico’s nation Institute of Anthropology and History. The best time for site seeing is either early morning or late in the afternoon. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=- Colosseum of Rome Colosseum is one of the greatest architecture ever built in the history of Rome. The Colosseum was originally known as the Flavian Amphitheatre and is the largest amphitheater to have ever been built in the Roman Empire. It is a circular structure that occupies a site east of the Roman Forum. This Amphitheater was built to organize gladiator contests, dramas and games like hunting animals, constructing mock sea battle and the public could also view it in the open, and cheer their favorites. Built in the center of Rome itself, its construction began sometime between 70 and 72 AD and was completed in 80 AD when Titus was the ruling emperor. It has a seating capacity of 50,000 spectators. The Colosseum over the years has been broken by natural disasters like earthquake; even then, it is one of the hot spot of tourist visits in Rome. Very near to the Colosseum is the training school for the gladiators and it is worth the look. As compared to the oval shape of the Colosseum, it is triangular in shape. Other areas of attraction are places where the armor was built, then where the wounded gladiators were cured and not to forget the burial ground where the dead gladiators rested in peace. Today, the Colosseum is used for religious purposes. The Pope leads a procession on good Fridays called the station of the cross. Currently, the Amphitheater is very rich in Flora. There are more then hundreds of different kinds of Flora present on the ancient walls of the Colosseum. The Colosseum of Rome has been given great importance by the media and that is the reason why a lot of Hollywood movies have been shot in this amphitheater. The famous movie “Gladiator” is highly influenced by the Roman culture and the gladiator contests. Traveling to the Colosseum The fascinating history that involves bloodbaths and battles associated with the structure is what draws visitors to this historical site. Getting to the Colosseum by taxi or bus from the airport is easy enough, but the line to get into the site itself can be excruciatingly long, especially during the very busy summer season. Aside from going there at any other time, there are other ways to get around these long lines. You can buy your ticket either at the Roman Forum or the Via de San Gregorio (these ticket counters are usually line-free), or you can even get them online. You can also buy a combo ticket that covers several of Rome’s main attractions, or call the office to reserve your ticket in advance. Another good way to avoid long lines at the Colosseum entrance is by joining a tour group. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Christ The Redeemer Statue on Corcovado Mountain Christ the Redeemer is a statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The statue is 120 ft tall and has a weight of 635 tones. It is now a part of the new Seven Wonders of the World. It is located in the Corcovado Mountain which is at a peak of 700 meters i.e. 2,300 feet in the Tujuca forest National Park overlooking the city. The statue is made of concrete and soapstone. As a symbol of Christianity, it has become an important icon of Brazil, with Jesus Christ appearing to open his arms wide to embrace the entire city below. It was in 1850’s when for the first time it was suggested to make the statue of Christ on the top of Carcovado by a catholic priest called Pedro Maria Boss. The request of the finance was sent to Princess Isabel to build this huge religious mountain. Initially, the idea was not thought to be a very good one. It was only in 1921, when a need and a proposal of a large landmark were thought about and finally the statue was made by the catholic Circle of Rio. During this time, in order to gain more publicity, a group organized an event for a week where donations were taken from the public and signatures were taken for those who were in favor of the making of the statue. Most of the donations came from the Brazilian Catholics. A lot of suggestions were given; some suggest that the cross of the Christ should be represented along with Christ, or an idol of Jesus with a globe in his hands. But finally, a statue of Jesus with open arms was chosen. Construction of this religious symbol took nine years to complete, beginning in 1922 and ending in 1931. The brilliance of its engineers was revealed when it was struck by lightning in February of 2008 during an electrical storm. Several trees were felled by that storm, but the statue was left unscathed, owing to the fact that it was made with a top layer of soapstone, which is a good insulator. Traveling to Christ The Redeemer Devotees flock to the site to get a sense of the peace and hope it provides, and ordinary tourists approach it to appease their curiosity regarding the spirituality that this statue evokes on most people. Once in Rio, you could get a taxi that will bring you straight to the top of the mountain where Christ awaits. But if you want to take a more scenic route, then you need to go to Rua Cosme Velho 513 to purchase tickets for the train that will take you uphill. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Angkor Wat Temple Built from 802 to 1220 AD by the Khmer civilization, the temples at Angkor represent one of the most enduring and astonishing architectural achievements of humankind. The more than 100 stone structures that we see today are the surviving remnants of a grand administrative, religious, and social metropolis. The other buildings (public buildings, palaces, homes, etc.) were actually built from wood and do not exist anymore. Conventional theories assume that the land where Angkor is located was chosen as the settlement spot due to its strategic position for military purposes, as well as its agricultural potential. However, other scholars think that the location and the arrangement of Angkor was based on planet-spanning sacred land from archaic periods. Angkor Wat was built early in 1100s by Suryavarman over an estimated 30 years and honors Vishnu, the Hindu god. The ruins are a symbolic structure of Hindu cosmology. This is actually the biggest monument in the group, as well as the best preserved. The wonder is located about 4 miles to the north of Siem Reap and south of Angkor Thom, and Angkor Wat is only accessible from its gate to the west. Angkor Wat consists of a huge temple that symbolizes Mt. Meru, a mythic mountain, and its 5 walls and moats are a representation of mountainous chains, as well as the cosmic ocean. This temple was a funerary temple built for King Suryavarman II. The vast compound’s short dimensions are aligned precisely along the north-south axis, and the east to west axis was diverted deliberately 0.75° to give its observers an anticipation of the equinox in spring for 3 days. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The Forbidden City in Beijing Forbidden city of China is located right in the heart of Beijing and was the home of 24 emperors of the Qing and Ming Dynasties. The grand palace’s construction was started during the Emperor Yongle’s 4th year of ruling the Ming Dynasty in 1406, ending 14 years later in 1420. During ancient times, the emperor was claimed as the son of heaven, therefore having supreme power. Their home on Earth was a replica, built to resemble the Purple Palace in heaven where God lived. A place so divine as this was certainly forbidden to ordinary people, which is where the Forbidden City got its name. Its splendid architecture is a representation of the culmination and essence of the traditional architectural accomplishment of the Chinese. The Palace Museum has become a real treasure of Chinese historical and cultural relics and was recognized to be one of the top 5 most important palaces worldwide. During 1961, the museum was named an important historical monument under the Chinese central government’s special preservation. Then in 1987, the museum was a nominee of the world cultural heritage, which UNESCO nominated. The Forbidden City is the country’s best preserved imperial palace and the world’s biggest ancient palatial structure. It covers about 72 hectares of area, having a total of 150,000 square meters of floor space. There are 90 courtyards and palaces, 8,704 rooms, and 980 buildings. The city is surrounded by a moat that is 6 meters deep, as well as a wall that is 10 meters high, having a gate on every side. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an The Terracotta Warriors and Horses literally means “Soldier and horse funerary sautés”. Qin Shi Huang was the first emperor in China. It is a belief that these warriors are real soldiers who were buried with their king so that they could guard him in his next life. The Terracotta civilization is from the 210 BC but was discovered by a bunch of farmers in 1974. The average height of this army ranges from 6 to 6.5 feet and they are standing as per their roles; it seems just ready to go for the war all fully dressed with their weapons. The generals are in the front being the tallest followed by acrobats, bowman and infantry soldiers. This site is totally unbelievable, breathtaking and is considered one of the wonders of the world. In total, there are over 8000 soldiers, 130 chariots, 520 horses, and 150 cavalry horses. Much of it is still buried in the grounds. It is said that the statues were constructed by local craftsman. In total, eight different kinds of moulds were used to create the face. Clay was added to the mould to give a proper structure and facial expression. All of them vary in their height, hair style as per their rank. There are a total of four pits that are 7 meters deep. The fist pit is 230 meters long and has 8000 odd figures. The ceiling is all water proof and made of reed mats and is wooden. This is for sure worth seeing and must not be missed by anyone who visits china. -=-=-=-=-= = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- St. Peter’s Basilica St. Peter’s Basilica is one of the four Basilicas that Rome has. It is officially known as Basilica di San Pietro in Vatican and it is located in the Vatican City of Italy. This is not a cathedral where the Bishops used to sit. This Basilica is where St. Peters was buried and is a burial site for many popes who came after St. Peters. St. Peter was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus and later became the Bishop of Rome. The church in the Basilica has been present in this site since the 4th Century. This site, because of its uniqueness, artistic beauty and historical association, attracts many visitors and pilgrims. Its history takes us back to the 1st century AD when Jesus was crucified. One of his twelve disciples was Simon, known as Peter, who took a good position amongst Jesus’ followers. St. Peters played great importance in founding and establishing the Catholic Church. Peter was in the ministry for thirty years, after which he took a tour of the Rome. He was executed in 64 A.D. He was crucified head downward as per his request in the Circus, now known as the St. Peters Square. It is considered to be one of the holiest & the largest of all the Catholic Churches of the Christendom. The main building is very impressive and stood 138 meters. Its passage is about 218 meter long. The interior consists of the Pieta by Michelangelo, Papal Altar by Bernini and the Monument to the Stuarts by Canova. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Valley of the Kings Valley of the Kings is a magnificent valley in Egypt located west of the Nile River. The valley contains many tombs of the new kingdom and it is divided into two: the west and the east valley. The east valley is more famous and attracts more visitors to it as it has most of the tombs in the new kingdom. Because of the symmetry and the beauty that the tomb holds, visitors find it extremely difficult to make a choice of entering the tomb. Since they are so many in number, yet having there own uniqueness that it becomes almost impossible to cover all of them. One of the special tomb is called the Tutankhamen(KV62), which needs a different ticket to enter. All the tombs are not open all the time. Some are only used for special occasions and some of them are closed for restoration by the government. These tombs have undergone many changes in the past 500 years of use. Another tomb called Tuthmose III is in the East valley and is one of the ancient one that has its own history. It is made in an oval shape and has some stick figures all over it. It has a metal staircase that takes you down to the tomb which is worth a look. Horemheb, Ramesses VI’s is yet another tomb that is worth spending time in. Recently, the KV5 tomb is given a lot of attention and again is located in the east valley. Almost 120 rooms have been discovered, however, they are not open for common visitors and the public. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=- Temple of Heaven in Beijing The Temple of Heaven in China is also called the Altar of Heaven. It is a multifaceted as well as complicated combination of religious and philosophical traditions and concepts. The temple is situated in the south east part of Beijing. The temple in older days was visited by the Ming and the Qing dynasties during annual ceremonies, especially for having a good harvest. Currently, the temple is one of the most popular places for exercise, as it has a huge park. The Temple of Heaven was constructed by King Yongle during the 1406 to 1420. It took a total time of 16 years to build. King Yongle was also the one who made the entire Forbidden City of China in Beijing. It however, got its name changed during the 16th century when emperor Jiajing was the ruler. He also contributed significantly by building three more temples, which were called the Temple of Sun, The temple of Moon and the Temple of Earth. The Temple of Heaven was further renovated during the 18th century by the King Qianlong. During the year 1914, the swearing ceremony of the Yuan Shih Kai also took place in the Temple of Heaven. It was during this time that he declared himself as the Emperor of China. The temple now is a part of UNESCO, World Heritage Site. During the year 1998, the temple was declared as the masterpiece in architecture and design in the entire world’s civilization. -=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=- Jerusalem Old City Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and also the largest city in Israel. Jerusalem Old City is said to be the oldest and the holiest city in the world. It has a history that takes you back to the 4th millennium BC. The old city is full of sites that are holy and thus attracts pilgrims from all over the world. It is a belief that anyone who is a Christian, Jew or Muslim must once pay visit to this holy place. Jerusalem is in the center of the globe and is claimed by all religions. The old city is fill with plenty of temples and ruins that any visitor can visit. The old city of Jerusalem has a very strong combination of the Jewish and Arab culture. Its main attraction is in the overcrowded cities, local shops selling souvenirs and some remains of the roman dynasty. The Tower of David is where King David had his resting place. But the main focal point of attraction is where Jesus is said to have been crucified. Also, it has the famous ‘wailing wall’ which was once called the Solomon temple. The wall has lots and lots of scribbled messages to God, that are hidden behind the stones. The wall is usually a very enchanting place for the tourists to come and get a firsthand experience of some common Jewish rituals. The dome of the rock represents the holiest place of the Islam religion. Out of all the famous museums, the Citadel , the Bible and the Israel Museum are worth seeing. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Canals of Venice The beautiful Venice is surrounded by water all over and is located on the north of Italy. The capital of Venice is Veneto. It is commonly known as the city of lovers, water and also the city of bridges. It is spread over 118 Islands, not very big in size. Venice is very famous in the worlds because of its canals. The city has in total 150 canals and the most important canal in Venice is called the Grand Canal. It is responsible for managing the traffic in water by corridor management. Instead of visiting any place by transportation means of roads or air, it is very common to find water buses and water taxi. It seems that the people here live in a different land and world altogether. During the day time, the city is very much crowded with visitors all across the world trying to experience love and romance in the city. Narrow yet beautiful canals, bridges streets give a very different feel of the place. Anyone who visits this place immediately falls in love with it. The nights on the other hand are quiet and peaceful. Motor boats are not allowed to travel in small canals that are narrow, windy and lead to the old city. The city has almost 400 bridges and the Grand Canal cuts the city equally into two proportionate halves from the north to the south. The total length of the Grand Canal is three kilometers. One of the constant threat that the city is experiencing is the air, wind and water pollution over and above the natural disaster like the flood and weakening infrastructure of the building. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Grand Canyon in Arizona The Grand Canyon is the largest known rift in the world. The Grand Canyon is a steep-sided gorge that were made by the Colorado River in north Arizona, USA. It is because of heavy mineral deposits that one can see the canyon as bright red, brown and orange in color. This canyon is a part of the large Grand Canyon national park designated by Theodore Roosevelt. The park is almost 277 miles long and 4 to 18 miles wide. The canyons are the main point of attraction in the nation park. The president of The United States, Theodore Roosevelt, used to quite often come to the national park for enjoyment and hunting. Statistics show that the canyons were made by the Colorado River some six million years ago and have the deepest depth, of over a mile. It is said that the river started cutting layers of rocks from the west initially and gradually moved to the east. The place was inhabited by the Native Americans who lived within the caves. The site during this time was a holy place for the pilgrims and the first person to explore this part of the world was a European guy who arrived from Spain to this site in 1540. During the year 1869, Major John Wesley Powell made the first recorded journey to this place. Some of the best adventures that a tourist can indulge into are Colorado River rafting, helicopter tours and other guided tours via land. One can stay in the best Grand Canyon hotels and lodges to make the journey memorable. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Delphi, an Archaeological Site in Greece Delphi, a modern town in Greece is a famous archaeological site in the valley of Phocis. Delphi is located in the center of Greece, on the terraces that border the slope of Mount Parnassus. It also includes the Sanctuary of Apollo, a place where the ancient Oracle once lived. It was the place of the Delphic Oracle in Greek mythology when the main god of worship was Apollo. It is a site that is a must view for those who have always been influenced by the charm of the Oracle. The history shows that Delphi was populated during the Neolithic era. During 100 B.C., it became an important center for religious and political activities. It is interesting to know that the exact function of the Oracle cannot be found in any of the prehistoric documents; it is only the importance of Delphi that is documented well. Delphi of Greece was considered to be the center of the world and the Oracle was a religious naval that was famous for predicting the future. Since the Oracle could predict the future, most of the kings and common people used to consult the Oracle on matters that were of great importance. These matters would include things like small house hold disputes to big war conditions. Because of its future telling capabilities, it created a name and a reputation of its own not just in Greece but in the entire world. Some of the common sites to visit in Delphi is the famous temple of Apollo, The Tholos, the Delphi Museum and the Charioteer of Delphi. The drive to Delphi from Athens is almost one and a half hour. One can reach Delphi by air or road. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stonehenge in Wiltshire Stonehenge is a prehistoric and a mystical monument which is located in the county of Wiltshire, England. It is situated almost 3.2 km west of Amesbury. The Stonehenge is a formation of stones in a circular fashion that are standing upright. The construction of this prehistoric monument started some 5000 years ago and it is amazing to know that these stones are still in place after 5 millenniums. Different scholars have different thought about the Stonehenge. Some say that the stones initially were to erect; it was only after 2400 BC that they changed positions. Others say that the blue stones could have been the ones that were erected. The site of Stonehenge is also another addition to the UNESCO and a part of the World heritage Sites since 1986. It is also protected by the scheduled Ancient monument. The Stonehenge is a pride of the national trust of the country. Recent evidence has shown that the Stonehenge has served as a burial ground right from the beginning. It has been notified that the people who have been buried in the ground date back to the 3000 BC. The huge stone formation and a mysterious past is what draw maximum tourist attraction every year to this site. It is said that almost 8,000,000 visitors come to visit this place. All the stones are said to be placed perfectly with the sunrise and thus makes it very clear that the place was also being used as a ground for worship. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-= [...]... học sinh TµI LIƯU THAM KH¶O 1 S¸ch gi¸o khoa, sách giáo viên sinh häc 6 – Ngun Quang Vinh (chủ biên) – NXB GD- 2002 2 S¸ch gi¸o viªn, giáo viên sinh học 7 – Ngun Quang Vinh – NXB GD- 2003 3 S¸ch gi¸o khoa sinh học 8 – Nguyªn Quang Vinh – NXB GD - 2006 4 S¸ch gi¸o khoa, giáo viên sinh học 9 – Ngun Quang Vinh – NXB GD- 2004 5 Båi dìng thêng xuyªn chu kú III, qun 2- Ngun H¶i Ch©u- GD – 2007 6 t lát Sinh... tÝnh tÝch cùc häc tËp cđa học sinh, h×nh thµnh ë học sinh nh÷ng kü n¨ng míi Qua c¸ch híng dÉn học sinh quan s¸t mÉu vËt, m« h×nh hc tranh ¶nh, häc sinh m« t¶ hc tr×nh bµy ®ỵc h×nh th¸i cÊu t¹o mét c¬ thĨ sinh vËt b»ng ng«n ng÷ sinh häc mét c¸ch chÝnh x¸c , khoa häc.Tõ ®ã ®· h×nh thµnh vµ ph¸t triĨn cho học sinh kü n¨ng tr×nh bµy mét vÊn ®Ị nµo ®ã tríc nhiỊu ngêi mét c¸ch tù tin , l«i cn ngêi nghe §©y lµ... còng rÊt quan t©m Lµ mét gi¸o viªn d¹y m«n sinh häc t«i sÏ kh«ng ngõng phÊn ®Êu, häc hái kinh nghiƯm ®Ĩ rÌn cho học sinh kü n¨ng tr×nh bµy trªn mÉu vËt, m« h×nh hc tranh ¶nh §Ĩ mçi tiÕt d¹y ®Ịu cã thiÕt bÞ d¹y häc nh»m ph¸t huy tÝnh tÝch cùc, t duy s¸ng t¹o cđa học sinh §ång thêi rÌn lun cho học sinh kü n¨ng tr×nh bµy trªn mÉu vËt, m« h×nh hc tranh ¶nh.T«i xin ®Ị xt víi ban qu¶n lý, ban l·nh ®¹o ngµnh... chất lỵng cao h¬n rÊt nhiỊu 15% lµ học sinh thÝch ph¬ng ph¸p d¹y vµ häc cò Trong 15% nµy ®a sè lµ häc sinh u kÐm, bëi c¸c em chØ thÝch nghe gi¸o viªn trun ®¹t h¬n lµ sù tim tßi, suy nghÜ PHẦN THỨ TƯ: BµI HäC KINH NGHIƯM §Ĩ thùc hiƯn chuyªn ®Ị nµy, gi¸o viªn chØ cÇn học sinh chn bÞ thật kü bµi tríc khi lªn líp NÕu d¹y bµi cã mÉu vËt, yªu cÇu học sinh chn bÞ theo nhãm (nhng gi¸o viªn còng ph¶i phßng... nh÷ng bµi cha cã, đng hé kinh phÝ cho nh÷ng bµi d¹y cã mÉu vËt gi¸o viªn ph¶i mua Trªn ®©y lµ chuyªn ®Ị víi ý kiÕn cđa t«i, rÊt mong q thÇy c« tham kh¶o, ®ãng gãp ý kiÕn ®Ĩ gióp t«i rót ra kinh nghiƯm vµ hoµn chØnh h¬n cho ®Ị tµi cđa m×nh 11 KIẾN NGHỊ: Để nâng cao chất lượng dạy và học của môn sinh học của trường tôi có vài kiến nghò sau: - Đối với môn sinh học đặc biệt sinh học 8 dụng cụ thiếu nhiều... còng ph¶i phßng ngõa, ph¶i chn bÞ) §Ĩ tiÕt d¹y s«i nỉi gi¸o viªn ph¶i t¹o høng thó víi học sinh, ®a ra nhiỊu t×nh hng cã vÊn ®Ị yªu cÇu học sinh gi¶i qut Kinh nghiƯm cho thÊy nÕu gi¸o viªn thêng xuyªn gäi c¸c em lªn tr×nh bµy trªn mÉu vËt, m« h×nh hc tranh ¶nh tríc líp th× sÏ ngµy cµng rÌn lun thêm cho häc sinh kü n¨ng tr×nh bµy và mạnh dạn h¬n KÕT LN Víi c¸ch d¹y häc b»ng ph¬ng ph¸p míi gi¸o viªn... hành sinh học riêng để nâng cao chất lượng các bài thực hành Vì thực chất nếu thực hiện một bài thực hành trong vòng 45 phút thì không thể nào thực hiện tốt được Hơn nữa nhiều bài thực hành mổ các động vật như: Ếch, Giun, Cá… thì phải có nơi thực hành cụ thể tránh gây mất vệ sinh làm ảnh hưởng tới các giờ học sau - Ban giám hiệu nhà trường, tổ bộ môn cần quan tâm và tạo điều kiện giúp đỡ về kinh phí,... trường, tổ bộ môn cần quan tâm và tạo điều kiện giúp đỡ về kinh phí, điều kiện và tinh thần về các bài thực hành ngoài môi trường tự nhiên (thực tế thiên nhiên) ở lớp 6 và lớp 9 - Cần kết hợp chặt chẽ với ba mơi trường giáo dục đặc biệt là hội cha mẹ học sinh và các tổ chức có liên quan như: ban dự án bảo vệ rừng, khu sinh thái, khu du lịch, ban quản lý bảo vệ mơi trường, nhằm giúp đỡ và tạo điều... ®ỵc rÊt kh¶ quan th«ng qua kÕt qu¶ häc tËp ë học sinh KÕt qu¶ ®¹t ®ỵc nh sau: 85% lµ học sinh thÝch ph¬ng ph¸p d¹y vµ häc míi §a sè c¸c em rÊt høng thó, say mª yªu thÝch m«n häc th«ng qua ph¬ng ph¸p d¹y vµ häc míi Víi ph¬ng ph¸p häc míi ®· gióp c¸c em cã kü n¨ng tr×nh bµy trªn mÉu vËt, m« h×nh ho¹c tranh ¶nh tríc líp Tõ ®ã, c¸c em ®· m¹nh d¹n h¬n, t tin h¬n khi tr×nh bµy mét vÊn ®Ị nµo ®ã tríc nhiỊu... giáo viên sinh học 9 – Ngun Quang Vinh – NXB GD- 2004 5 Båi dìng thêng xuyªn chu kú III, qun 2- Ngun H¶i Ch©u- GD – 2007 6 t lát Sinh học 7 Lý luận dạy học sinh học đại cương (ĐHSP) - Đinh Quang Báo - NXB GD 8 Hướng dẫn Chuẩn kiến thức kĩ năng mơn sinh học THCS - Ngơ Văn Hưng (chủ biên) - NXB GD 12 MỤC LỤC 1 Lời nói đầu: - Lí do chọn đề tài Trang 1 - Phạm vi đề tài . of China The Great Wall of China, a memorable landmark, is the most popular tourist attraction in China. The Wall has fascinated the minds of many in the world and it is part of the Seven Wonders. of Chinese heritage swept through Shanhaiguan Pass, then to Liaoning, then Hebei, continuing onto Tianjin, expanding to Beijing, reaching Shanxi, and into Inner Mongolia, next to Ningxia, arriving. depending on the territory and time period. The Great Wall Today The existing Wall today was constructed by the Ming Dynasty over 600 years ago. During that time, the original wall was in ruins. Ming

Ngày đăng: 19/10/2014, 10:00

