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10 Unit12-Writing

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LESSON PLAN UNIT 12: Music Lesson: Writing I. Aim: Writing some information of a composer. II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to write about the biography of a composer or a person they like. III. Teaching aids: Computer, projector, board, markers. IV.Teaching techniques: Discussion, Sharing and comparing. III. Procedure: Setting order and checking attendance. Time Content Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 5’ 12’ Warm-up: Guessing picture Answer: Van Cao +Set the scene We are going to learn how to write about the person’s biography. +Pre-writing Task 1: Using the prompts to write about the famous American composer. *Game: Lucky star. -Provide class into two teams. -Introduce the game and say out the rule. -Teacher gradually shows the picture. -Guide and control the class to play the game. -Congratulate winning team. -Say the introduction for the today lesson. -Ask and explain the some new words. -Divide class into two teams. -Give the rule for this game. -In turn, call Ss to choose the star. -Listen to the T and do what T says. -Listen to the T. - Raise hand and say out. Give a big hand. -Listen to the T. -Look at the screen. -Listen and answer. -Work in groups. -Read out the answers. -Look at the screen, listen to T and -1- 15’ 10 3’ +While-writing Task 2: Write the story of Van Cao with some giving information. Answer: Van Cao was born on November 15th, 1923 in Nam Dinh province in a poor workers family. He started to compose music when he was very young. In 1939, he wrote his first song and he quickly became famous. He composed Tien Quan Ca (National Anthem) in 1944. His artistic works were songs, poems, paintings. He died on July 10th, 1995. He was known as a very talented musician and highly appreciated by the Vietnamese people. +Post-writing Sharing and comparing Homework: Write the story of a person you like best. -Click to show the correct answers, explain and check in front of the class as a whole. -Go through. -Keep Ss in groups and explain Task 2. -Click mouse to show information of Van Cao. -Run through some difficult words or sentences if necessary. -Click to show the correct answers and explain. -Control the class. - Show homework on the screen. correct (if necessary). -Work in groups and listen to the T. -Look at the screen. -Listen to the T. -Sit in groups and listen to the T. -Look at the screen and listen to T. -Work in groups to write the story. -Listen to the T and look at the screen. -Share the story to other groups until they receive their old story. -Copy down. -2- . and answer. -Work in groups. -Read out the answers. -Look at the screen, listen to T and -1- 15’ 10 3’ +While-writing Task 2: Write the story of Van Cao with some giving information. Answer: Van. Ca (National Anthem) in 1944. His artistic works were songs, poems, paintings. He died on July 10th, 1995. He was known as a very talented musician and highly appreciated by the Vietnamese people.

Ngày đăng: 19/10/2014, 00:00

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