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realtime operation of reservoir system in flooding season on vu gia thu bon rivers

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INTRODUCTION 1. The necessity of the research On river system Vu Gia - Thu Bon they have been building a lots of hydro-reservoirs, and this will affect the flooding control of these reservoirs. The process of reservoir contain the fixed activities, lack of method warning and forecasting flood actions. Besides, the realtime operation of reservoirs is applied less, especially in Centre of Vietnam. So, the research on realtime operation which has the warning and forecasting model is neccessary and meanful in science and practice. This not only for the reservoirs in Vu Gia- Thu Bon but also for others in the Centre. Therefore, I suggest the PhD thesis "Realtime operation of reservoir system in flooding season on Vu Gia Thu Bon rivers" 2. Purpose of the research Dissertation research model building operating systems in real-time reservoir flood season and the period of application for reservoir system on the Vu Gia - Thu Bon to improve efficiency and reduce flood impacts do not cause positive for downstream areas, while still ensuring generating purpose. 3. Tasks of the research (1) Analysis, problem setup reservoir system operation in real time. (2) The study built a model of warning, flood forecasting system of reservoirs on the Vu Gia-Thu Bon system operator serving. (3) Dissertation research model building operating systems in real- time reservoir flood season and the period of application for reservoir system on the Vu Gia - Thu Bon to improve efficiency and reduce flood impacts do not cause positive for downstream areas, while still ensuring generating purpose. (4) Evaluate usability in actual operation of reservoirs on the Vu Gia- Thu Bon river and applicability to other reservoir systems of the central region. 4. Research methods (1) Methods of analysis, synthesis. (2) Method of forming causal analysis. (3) Methods of system analysis. (4) Methods inherited. 5. Theoretical and practical significance of the research Theoretical significance: Thesis will contribute to the development of the field of operation of irrigation systems in Vietnam, as well as contribute to a solution for the development of the field of water resources development in the world Practical significance: thesis oriented technical solutions. The specific objective of this project is to create a program capable of calculating support decision-making in the operation and flood control reservoir system. As the scientific basis for the addition of operating procedures and also had a form of case studies can be considered applicable to other river basins of the central region. Simulation model that authors can build application for flood forecasting and safe operation of flood control reservoirs on the Vu Gia-Thu Bon. 6. Scientific Approach (1) On the basis of theoretical models, build a simulation model from the rain and flood forecasting system operator for the upstream reservoirs. The model is connected to the downstream region is simulated by MIKE 11 models available. The model calculates the flood is linked simulations in real-time systems. (2) On the basis of the model is established considering operation scenarios reservoir system to overcome the limitations of operating procedures issued reservoir due to limited flood forecasting. (3) Develop a process to operate in real time in order to improve the efficiency of flood relief, flood discharge safely secure and store water for generating purpose and downstream water supply. 7. New findings of the research (1) Establish a program to calculate the simulation model (MOPHONG - LU) integrated three models : model rain flow, reservoir operation model and computing lu river to the uplands in Vu Gia - Thu Bon serve for flood forecasting with time scheduled from 3 to 5 days as the basis for determining the reservoir operating mode in real time. (2) For the first time the method of construction of reservoir operation in real time to the reservoir system on the Vu Gia - Thu Bon flood period fully capable in practical applications. (3) On the basis of studying the operational plan for flood control reservoir system , has proposed raising the capacity of flood control and flood prevention capacity operating modes appropriate to improve efficiency for flood relief downstream , is the basis for additional reservoir processes approved. CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH ON REALTIME OPERATING SYSTEM RESERVOIR 1.1. Overview of domestic Research Reservoir operation system is one of the issues that many research institutions interested in research on practical applications of the reservoir system in our country. 1.2. Overview of international Research The problem of operating the system in real time is a very complex problem, because the reservoir system has its own characteristics, so no program can completely solve this problem. 1.3. Proposed research 1. Building forecasting models / flood warning from the rain, which caused flooding rain is predicted by the model predicted rain. 2. The model calculates the flood is linked simulations in real-time systems. 3. The software to calculate the flood in river systems. 4. Application of simulation models for system operation problem of reservoir flood season scenarios reservoir system operation'' reasonable'' to satisfactorily resolve the conflict between generating purpose and lowering flood level. CHAPTER 2. SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL BASE OF ESTABLISHING THE REALTIME RESERVOIR OPERATION PROBLEM DURING THE FLOOD SEASON FOR RESERVOIR SYSTEM ON VU GIA-THU BON RIVERS 2.1. Flood Characteristics formation on Vu Gia-Thu Bon 2.1.1. Geographical location: Basin located Coordinates 16o03'- 14o55' north latitude; 107o15 '- 108o24' East longitude. 2.1.2. Topographic features: In general topography of the basin varies so complex and fragmented. Topography people tend to tilt from West to East 2.1.3. Features rivers Vu Gia - Thu Bon river's length and slope of the river to prevent large. 2.1.4. Formation characteristics of flood in the river system Characteristics rain causes flooding Heavy rainfall combined with steep terrain is the main cause of floods in Quang Nam. Characteristics flood mode Quang Nam has the most terrain is hilly to steep country the ability to focus quickly. 2.2. Reservoir system and the task of regulating reservoir system 2.2.1. Flood control reservoir system on the Vu Gia - Thu Bon river Mainstream Vu Gia - Thu Bon and will have built large reservoirs . 5 reservoirs is responsible for downstream flood relief : A Vuong , Song Tranh 2 and Song Bung 2 and Song Bung 4 and Dakmi 4. 2.2.2. Tasks and processes regulating reservoir operation flood period Designing tasks of 5 reservoirs are defined as follows: - Water supply for downstream dry season period with a total volume of about 273.9 million m3 moderator . - Power generation capacity has been designed in accordance with the hydro plants are listed in the table above . - Cut flooding downstream with the flood of applications with frequencies ranging from 5 % to 10 % , equivalent to major floods occur in 2007 and 2009. Table 2.9. Welcome flood water level and flood prevention capacity of the reservoir is responsible for downstream flood level No Reservoir MND (m) MNC (m) W tb 10 6 m 3 W hi 10 6 m 3 Z đl W fl 10 6 m 3 N lm Mw 1 Song Bung 2 605 565 94,3 73,9 600(*) 13,45 100 2 Song Bung 4 222,5 205 510,8 234,0 218(*) 68 156 3 A Vương 380 340 344 266,5 376 43,92 210 4 Dak Mi 4 258 240 310,3 158 255 49,94 148 5 Song Tranh 2 175 140 733,4 521,17 172 81,85 190 Total 1993 1253.6 257.2 804 Note: (*): imcome flood water level suggested by author. 2.3. Methodological basis for reservoir operation in real time 2.3.1. The concept of reservoir operation in real time Reservoir operating in real time is a method which determines the operation at a certain time depending on the state of the system at that time and forecasted information in the next paragraph . Decision operator = F ( + System Status forecast results) 2.3.2. The main contents of operating system problems in real-time reservoir Perform an operational processes in real time to any reservoir system include: ( 1 ) data collection system ; ( 2 ) banking data storage and data management systems ; ( 3 ) analysis of program results ; ( 4 ) the program flow forecasts in real time ; ( 5 ) simulation program activities reservoir system. 2.3.3. Description and operating principle reservoir flood control systems in real time Calculate the forecast rain and flood forecasting and reservoir buttons to enter the river catchment . * Simulation model with inputs including * Decision operating system according to the calculation results of the simulation model . Operation flood control reservoir system with rain forecast for 3-5 days , the time period between the forecast and update operational decisions is operational decision Δt at any time is to follow the steps follows : Figure 2.2 Schematic diagram between the components of system operation problem - Step 1 : At any time during the operational phase , carried out on the basin precipitation forecasts . - Step 2 : Calculate the flow forecasting process water to enter the save button and the corresponding rain forecast . - Step 3 : Analyze system status . - Step 4 : Calculate movements determine the reservoir water level and water flow of the flood-control button on the system . Step 5 : Decide a reasonable plan to operate the system. Decision will be adjusted to operate continuously at the next moment during system operation. 2.3.4. Scientific basis and practical problem setup real-time operation for flood control reservoir system on the Vu Gia - Thu Bon river Problem operated reservoir flood control systems based on the following grounds : (1) The requirements and the need to establish operational problem of reservoir flood control systems in real time . (2) The ability to forecast rain caused flooding and flood forecasting and reservoir buttons to enter saved the whole system . (3) The ability to choose the available models or new models developed in accordance with operational problems posed. 2.4. Set math operation and regulation of real time flood period reservoir system on the Vu Gia - Thu Bon 2.4.1. Determine the purpose of research 1. Application method operates in real time period for the reservoir flood season name Vu Gia - Thu Bon . 2. Developed a simulation model to serve flood forecasting and reservoir operation flood control reservoir system in real time , testing for Vu Gia - Thu Bon during the flood season . 3 . Propose to operate reasonable flood control reservoir system 2.4.2 . Scope of the Study 2.4.2. Scope of the Study Space research Includes 5 reservoirs downstream flood control mission , which is the A Vuong reservoir , Dakmi 4 , Song Tranh 2 , Song Bung 2 and Song Bung 4. The limitation Thesis only solve part of the problem reservoir system operation in real time , including : - Development of simulation models for flood forecasting served from rain and reservoir operation . - Application has been made to model the problem of operating the system as a result of hydrological forecasts . - On the basis of research operating system script flood control reservoirs , operation and propose appropriate flood forecasting method defined in the thesis. 2.4.3. Approaching method 1 . Construction of flood forecasting models estimated time of 3-5 days and is continuously updated in the forecast period as a result of rain forecast . 2 . For the upstream sector , construction program "MOPHONG – LU" 3 model by integrating components : flood forecasting model and enter the reservoir flow model and calculate the flood in river simulation models operation of the reservoir . For downstream use MIKE 11 model . 3 . Flood scenarios. 2.4.4. Research Contents 1. Development of simulation model system upstream region serves operate flood forecasting and reservoir system in real time ; 2. Application of simulation model to calculate the operation scenarios reservoir system . From recommendations on processes that operate in real-time flood period for the reservoir system on the Vu Gia - Thu Bon. CHAPTER 3: ESTABLISHING A MODEL FOR SIMULATION AND FLOOD FORECAST RESERVOIR SYSTEM REALTIME OPERATING UNDER REAL- TIME SYSTEM FOR RESERVOIR IN VU GIA-THUBON 3.1. Overview of the model application in reservoir management and operational orientation in dissertation research 3.1.1. Introduction of the management model of reservoir operation The RIBASIM model , MIKE - BASIN been widely applied in preparing the planning and management of water resources for a river basin but no application in reservoir operation system. MIKE 11 model type model suitable for operational flood forecasting and flood control reservoir system . However, the model applies to applications for operational problems reservoir flood control systems still need to write the command to operate the floodgates and also very complex. 3.1.2. Summary of simulation modeling applications in reservoir operation system in real time Currently there are two models tend to simulate applications in reservoir operation system : 1 . Tend to use models available 2 . Development of models to suit the problem reservoir system operation over time . 3 . Comment: It is difficult to model applications are available to operate the math reservoir flood control systems in real time . Today 's commercial development trends 2 3.1.3. Orientation of the thesis research Based on these observations , the authors study the construction of a generalized simulation model ( MOPHONG - LU ) problem serving operate flood control reservoir system . The model will be applied on the Vu Gia - Thu Bon river and assess applicability to other watersheds have similar conditions. [...]... Application MOPHONG - LU model for Vu Gia - Thu Bon MOPHONG - LU model is applied to the upstream Vu Gia - Thu Bon Application content includes 2 models : ( 1 ) Determine the model parameters and ( 2 ) application in reservoir operation in real time System Characteristics Vu Gia - Thu Bon river Vu Gia - Thu Bon and Vu Gia River include 2 Bon. Khu income from sources upstream of the Association of. .. problem of real-time reservoirs operation with flood controlling purpose on the Vu Gia- Thu Bon River in flooding season (2013), Journal of Water Resources & Environmental engineering, Vol 42, pp 33-39 ISSN 1859-3941 3 Le Hung, To Thuy Nga (2013), Application of HEC-RESSIM model in simulating hydro -reservoir systems on Vu Gia – Thu Bon Basin, Journal of Water Resources & Environmental engineering, Vol... for reservoir system on the Vu Gia Thu Bon River 2 The thesis complete overview of the research related to the field of reservoir system operating in real time From these principles of operation of the system in real time , on the basis of analyzing the characteristics of flood Vu Gia - Thu Bon river , the author has established a math operation flood control reservoir system , define solution -oriented... the Vu Gia - Thu Bon 18 rain gauges , flow measuring stations 2 and 6 water stations Flood control reservoir system System Vu Gia - Thu Bon has 5 large reservoirs to regulate flood control on the Vu Gia four reservoirs in which there are two types of serial clock is the Song Bung 2 and Song Bung 4 , two lakes and parallel to the A Vuong DakMi 4a , Song Tranh 2 reservoir on the Thu Bon basin... (2014), Assessing the impact of the flooding control to the electric generation of hydropower reservoirs in Vu Gia – Thu Bon river system , Science and technology journal of agriclture & rural development, pp 135-140 No 234+235, ISSN 1859-4581 5 To Thuy Nga, Le Hung, (2012), “Impact of flood spill A Vuong hydroeelectricity reservoir on the inundation of Vu Gia – Thu Bon downstream”, Journal of Water Resources... ensuring generating purpose and water filled pool area at the end of the flood season CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS CONCLUDIONS 1 Research on reservoir operation flood control systems in real time is a problem complicated and diversified research has not been widely adopted For reservoir system on the Vu Gia - Thu Bon River , although there have reservoir processes , but due to the flood forecasting... Simulation model that authors build uplands Vu Gia - Thu Bon River is set under general direction Therefore, if you are going to be able to complete applications for other basins in Vietnam However, to add the interface to facilitate the user 6 Results application simulation models for operating the reservoir system on the Vu Gia - Thu Bon river there are certain limitations due to insufficient rainfall... diagram include: 11 and 137 cross the river: Upstream boundaries: is the process of actually measuring air flow in the front door of the lives of the calculation period : + Hydrological stations on the Vu Gia Hoi Hotels + Nong Son hydrological stations on Thu Bon River Downstream boundaries: the process is positive tide now measured in the doors of life in the calculation period : + Vu Gia River : in Han... Hai Chau - Da Nang, Time day month year 2014 The thesis is available at: 1 The National Libraly 2 The Infomation Resources Center, University of Danang PUBLICATIONS OF THE AUTHOR 1 Tô Thúy Nga (2013), “Setting up the flood simulation model for operating the reservoir system on the Vu Gia- Thu Bon river in flooding reason.”, Journal of Water Resources & Environmental engineering, Vol 42, pp 18-24 ISSN 1859-3941... stations is negligible Ministry hydraulic roughness parameters as above can be used in other simulations floods CHAPTER 4: PROPOSED PLAN AND FLOOD PREVENTION CAPACITY MODE DOWNSTREAM FLOOD RELIEF VU GIA- THU BON TOWARDS REALTIME OPERATING SYSTEM RESERVOIR IN REAL TIME 4.1 Set system options scenarios flood prevention capacity and regulatory regime for flood relief reservoir system on the Vu GiaThu Bon . Determine the model parameters and ( 2 ) application in reservoir operation in real time. System Characteristics Vu Gia - Thu Bon river Vu Gia - Thu Bon and Vu Gia River include 2 Bon. Khu. 2.2. Reservoir system and the task of regulating reservoir system 2.2.1. Flood control reservoir system on the Vu Gia - Thu Bon river Mainstream Vu Gia - Thu Bon and will have built large reservoirs. of construction of reservoir operation in real time to the reservoir system on the Vu Gia - Thu Bon flood period fully capable in practical applications. (3) On the basis of studying the operational

Ngày đăng: 04/10/2014, 12:45



