BS 544022000 Installation and maintenance of flues and ventilation for gas appliances of rated .pdfBS 544022000 Installation and maintenance of flues and ventilation for gas appliances of rated .pdfBS 544022000 Installation and maintenance of flues and ventilation for gas appliances of rated .pdfBS 544022000 Installation and maintenance of flues and ventilation for gas appliances of rated .pdfBS 544022000 Installation and maintenance of flues and ventilation for gas appliances of rated .pdfBS 544022000 Installation and maintenance of flues and ventilation for gas appliances of rated .pdf
[...]... operation, and the ventilation is within 10 % of the current requirements, then it may not be necessary to inform the customer © BSI 6 July 20 04 13 BS 5440- 2: 2000 Figure 1 — Typical air vent arrangements 14 © BSI 6 July 20 04 BS 5440- 2: 2000 Figure 2 — Free-areas © BSI 6 July 20 04 15 BS 5440- 2: 2000 NOTE Compartment vents (1 and 2) as per 5 .2. 2 Figure 3 — Air vents in series 16 © BSI 6 July 20 04 BS 5440- 2: 2000. .. Installation of flues and ventilation for gas appliances of rated input not exceeding 60 kW (1st, 2nd and 3rd family gases) — Part 1: Specification for installation of flues BS 54 82- 2:1997, Domestic butane- and propane -gas- burning installations — Part 2: Installations in caravans and non-permanent dwellings BS 54 82- 3:1979, Domestic butane- and propane -gas- burning installations — Part 3: Installations... standard 12 © BSI 6 July 20 04 BS 5440- 2: 2000 6 .2 Passive stack ventilation Passive stack ventilation (PSV) shall be considered independently from the provision of ventilation for gas appliances COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON 6 .2 For advice on the effects on flueing of appliances see part 1 of this standard PSV is a ventilation system using ducts from the ceiling of a room to terminals on the roof,... yachts and other vessels BS 5871-1:1991, Specification for installation of gas fires, convector heaters, fire/back boilers and decorative fuel effect gas appliances —Part 1: Gas fires, convector heaters and fire/back boilers (1st, 2nd and 3rd family gases) BS 5871 -2: 1991Specification for installation of gas fires, convector heaters, fire/back boilers and decorative fuel effect gas appliances — Part 2: ... 5440- 2: 2000 Bibliography Standards publications BS 36 32: 1995, Specification for residential park homes BS 525 8-10:1980, Safety of domestic gas appliances — Part 10: Flueless space heaters (excluding catalytic combustion heaters) (3rd family gases) BS 525 8-11:1980, Safety of domestic gas appliances — Part 11: Flueless catalytic combustion heaters (3rd family gases) BS 5410-1:1997, Code of practice for. .. 1: Installations up to 45 kW output capacity for space heating and hot water supply purposes BS 5410 -2: 1978, Code of practice for oil firing — Part 2: Installations of 44 kW and above output capacity for space heating, hot water and steam supply purposes BS 5410-3:1976, Code of practice for oil firing — Part 3: Installations for furnaces, kilns, ovens and other industrial purposes BS 5440- 1:1990, Installation. .. effect gas fires of heat input not exceeding 15 kW (2nd and 3rd family gases) BS 5871-3:1991, Specification for installation of gas fires, convector heaters, fire/back boilers and decorative fuel effect gas appliances — Part 3: Decorative fuel effect gas appliances of heat input not exceeding 15 kW (2nd and 3rd family gases) BS 7860:1996, Specification for carbon monoxide detectors (electrical) for domestic... domestic use BS 8303-1:1994, Installation of domestic heating and cooking appliances burning solid mineral fuels — Part 1: Specification for the design of installations BS 8303 -2: 1994, Installation of domestic heating and cooking appliances burning solid mineral fuels — Part 2: Specification for installing and commissioning on site BS 8303-3:1994, Installation of domestic heating and cooking appliances. .. Establishment, Garston [10] BRE Information paper 21 / 92 — Building Research Establishment, Garston © BSI 6 July 20 04 21 BS 5440- 2: 2000 BSI — British Standards Institution BSI is the independent national body responsible for preparing British Standards It presents the UK view on standards in Europe and at the international level It is incorporated by Royal Charter Revisions British Standards are updated by amendment... permanent ventilation is required for a multi-appliance installation, this should, wherever practicable, be sited between the appliances © BSI 6 July 20 04 11 BS 5440- 2: 2000 Where, for whatever reasons, two or more chimneys serve a common space, the draught of the stronger chimney can influence the pull of the weaker and cause spillage This can happen with gas- fired appliances of different types and even . STANDARD BS 5440-2:2000 Incorporating Amendments Nos. 1 and 2 Installation and maintenance of flues and ventilation for gas appliances of rated input not exceeding 70 kW net (1st, 2nd and. the provision of ventilation for gas appliances. C OMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON 6.2 For advice on the effects on flueing of appliances see part 1 of this standard. PSV is a ventilation system. another for the solid fuel appliance. Further advice is given in Appendices 1 and 2 of the HSC publication “Safety in the installation and use of gas appliances . [8] The ventilation provision for