A fivelevel general English course for 1419 yearolds, who are alsopreparing for the schoolleaving exam. A fivelevel general English course for 1419 yearolds, who are alsopreparing for the schoolleaving exam.
[...]... firsttwo questions students askone to questions eachanswer for theirpartner or two follow-up (al gi ves though sw on' tbe possi bl e num ber for 2) thi mistakes write and Monitor and notedownany persistent to themon the boardfor students correct o Conduct brieffeedback asking students reportbackto to a foundout about i nteresti ng have they the cl ass anythi ng theirpartners t Lesson outcome Ask students:Whathaveyou... deci ded had,got waswaiting, saw di w asl i steni ng, dn' thear wasgetting 3 4 5 5 7 I footbalt Katehada shower aftershe had ptayed to Theplantsdiedbecause hadforgotten waterthem we Wewentout afterwehaddoneour homework becausehadlostmyold one I I bought newmobilephone a any petrol Theircarstopped because theyhadn'tbought I locked doorafterI had leftthe house the 22 Exercise page 15 4 o Students in between... further practiceof Phrasalverbs,go to: KEY 17a/ 2a/ 3al 4b/ 5a/ 6 a ,/ 2 1 We've out of food run 2 Y ou' d t er o n a c o a tb e c a u s e sc o l do u ts i d e bet out i t' 3 P leas e any ouloo ka fte rm y p l a n ts ? c 4 They looking are fonruard the holidays to 5 They called the football off matchbecause the rain of 6 She' s look ingor h e rp u rs e f y 7 l ' d lik ey ouput aw a y o u rc l o th e s... tof t he textthatgi ves themthe answ ers al sonotethe num ber and of the questi on nextto w hatthey' ve underl i ned, t hat so duri ng feedback, henyouaskthemto gi veevi dence w f or theiranswers theywittbe ableto find it moreeasily KEY 1b t Lesson outcome B6 2d 3c 4d 5d 6d g Exercise page 4 Gothrough definitions the Do together the firstone or two defi ni ti ons i thcl ass w ar show i ng many the c... to C onnor'si sters s i Exercise page 2 1o o Stu dentdo t he ex e rc i sie d i v i d u a lo r d o i t a s a w h ol e ass s n tv cl KEY 1 at 2on 3 with 4in IAI{ G UA G E I { O T E - GU Y Students no doubtbe veryfamiliar wilt with the wordguy, w hic his an inf or ma l w o rd r ma n l t c a nb e a v e ryu seful fo wordto useat that'in between age'whenboy sounds too yo ung andm on s ou n d s o o l d to... thegrey andwhiteshirt ConnorThat's Kim.He's s brother leff Sarah Sohe'syourcousin too Connor Yes Sarah They don'tlooklikebrothers gotvery ConnorOh,I thinkthey Butthey've do different personalities veryquietbutJeff really Kim's s outgoing Sarah Who's girlon the rightin thewhitedress? the C o n nor t hinks he' s fri e n d f J e ffs c a n ' t me mb e re rname I a o I re h O h,it ' sS and ra younger Sarah... i n ks h e ' s b o u t 4 o ( 7 5 Y s a 7 guy Sa ra h T he in t hew h i te h i rtl o o k s i c e s n C o n nor He' s f r iend m i n e a of Sarah Fromschoo[? Connor No, Mike and I ptayfor the samefootbaltteam on Saturday morntngs y S a r a h H e l o o k sa s t h o u g hh e f a n c i e s o u r s i s t e r C o n n o r Wh a t m a k e sy o u t h i n k t h a t ? S a r a h T h ew a y h e 's s m i l i n... the topics on Givestudents few minutes re-read a to th e let t er s andide n ti fy e to p i c s Ma k ei t c l e a r a ta topi c th th m aybe m ent ione m o re a no n c ea n d n o t a l l to p i c s i l tbe d th w m ent ioned t Lead-in 2-3 minutes S tand n frontofthecl ass, i andaskstudents t o saywhat you adjectives woutduseto describe clothes wear they the (e.g formal, casual, trendy, traditional,... me t s Ci rc ulatandnot edo w na n yi m p o rta nm i s ta k eto b e used e to s fo r a br ieff eedbaca t th e e n d R e me mb e r i n c l u d e ome k positive feedback weIt as o Aska few students reportbackon theirpartners to Forpracticeof Nounformation,go to: KEY 1 -ment :dis appointm e n t, b a rra s s m e e x c i te m e n t em n t, frustration, irritation -ion: confusion, -n es s :hom es ic k n e... page 1 5 P utthe studentsntopai rs descri be hat' s ppening i to w ha i n the pi cture oucoul dencourage Y themto gi veas m uch detai as possi bl e tel l i ng l by themyouaregoi ng t im et hem to andthatbetw een tw o of themtheymustnot st opt alking the before seconds uo 60 are S uggest as w el las usi ng l the w ordsi n the boxt hey that al gi shoul d vei nformati on aboutthe possi bl e a t ionship . classroom lesson of approximately 45 minutes. Solutions and the exam Solutions Intermediate not only consolidates what was studied at Pre-lntermediate but extends it, providing comprehensive coverage. classes are identicat. Tt'at is why Solutions is designed to be flexible. There are five ler,e.s r'Elerne.r:ary, Pre-intermediate, I ntermediate, U pper-inte-e'd iate, Advanced). - WANT. Website The Solutions website with proceduraI notes and keys for the Workbook is at www.oup.com/ett/teacher/solutions A note from the authors Our work on Solutions began in