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Lead generation PDF and study guide

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Vừa học tiếng anh vừa kiếm tiền thông qua Network Marketing. Các bạn đam mê công nghệ, yêu thích kinh doanh và có vốn tiếng anh đáng kể, đây là cuốn sách giành cho bạn. Hãy vận dụng lợi thế của mình để kiếm tiền thông qua cuốn tài liệu hữu ích này. Chúc các bạn thành công.

1 By Shawn Johnson - Copyright © 2014 Success Driven Mastermind – Connect with me on Facebook Lead Generation PDF – Study Guide & Success Training Resources [click the link below to discover my shortcut 3 step system to build your business] http://www.empowernetwork.com/commissionloophole?id=shawnjohnson Connect with me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shawn.johnson.73 Everyone knows leads are the life line of any business. If you are not generating leads, you are not making any money. And if you are not making any money, instead of running a profitable business you will be running a non-profitable business. So what can YOU do today to start generating leads in your business on a consistent basis? There are a few components needed in order to start capturing leads and sending them to your offers. The first thing you will need is a capture page. A capture page or some call it a squeeze page or landing page is simply a webpage used to capture someone’s information in return of giving them something in return. Whether it’s a free report, free video, free training etc. Most capture pages at least capture a person email address to the minimum. Some request more 2 By Shawn Johnson - Copyright © 2014 Success Driven Mastermind – Connect with me on Facebook information such as name, email, and phone number. Below is an example of a simple capture page. You will notice it is offering marketing information in exchange of you providing your email address. Some companies provide ready to go capture pages for you use to promote your business products or services. When you start getting a little more advance there are companies you can use to create your own capture pages so you can stand out from the rest of the pack. I will provide a few resources at the end of this report for you to check out. So now that we have the capture page out of the way, the next piece of the puzzle is to have an auto responder. An auto-responder is basically a service that stores and communicates to your leads that you generate. Let me put it this way, an auto responder communicates with your leads automatically via email at the frequency you chose. 3 By Shawn Johnson - Copyright © 2014 Success Driven Mastermind – Connect with me on Facebook You also can set it up where it only sends out emails when you send out an email. However you use it is up to you but it’s a must have if you are looking to make any real money online. Reason being is because every lead you generate will not buy on the first exposure but may by after being exposed to your offer at least 7-10 times. This is why having an auto responder is important. Not only does an auto-responder helps you communicate and build rapport with your leads. It also gives you a better chance to make multiple sales to those exact same leads over time because they like you and trust you. So now that you understand the importance of using a capture page and an auto- responder for generating leads and communicating with them, let’s talk about getting traffic! 4 By Shawn Johnson - Copyright © 2014 Success Driven Mastermind – Connect with me on Facebook There are several ways to get traffic to your capture page, so you can start generating leads for your business. KNOWING HOW TO GENERATE LEADS AND USE A CAPTURE PAGE AND AUTO-REPONDER CORRECTLY IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECTS OF ANY BUSINESS. USING THEM CORRECTLY WITH THE RIGHT OFFER, YOU CAN LITERALLY WRITE YOUR OWN PAYCHECK. The link below will give you even more training on how you can start generating 10-20 leads and 2 sales a day in your business: http://www.empowernetwork.com/commissionloophole?id=shawnjohnson So when it comes to generating traffic, there are free and paid strategies you can use. Below I will list a few free and paid platforms you can use to start sharing your capture page to generate leads. Let’s begin! Free Marketing Strategies & Platforms Facebook: This is an awesome platform to share your information. Facebook is the #3 most visited website in the world so you know it gets traffic. That same traffic you can funnel to your offers once you learn the dynamics of marketing on Facebook. Twitter: This is a platform where you can use no more than 142 characters when posting a message. However it still is the 9 th most visited website in the world. It’s definitely an art to marketing on Twitter, but when done the right way, you can start generating 10-20 leads a day on auto pilot. Instagram: This is a hot new platform that gets tones of traffic via mobile phone. You can visit it via the internet but most marketers are using it on their mobile phones to connect with like-minded professionals as well as generate leads and make sales in their business. Recently Beyoncé used Instagram to release her album and it broke sales records on iTunes. So it’s safe to say that it’s an awesome platform to use to generate leads and build your business. However it’s a right way to do it so you can experience top notch results. 5 By Shawn Johnson - Copyright © 2014 Success Driven Mastermind – Connect with me on Facebook Blogging: This is one of my favorite platforms to use to generate leads and build my business online. Blogging not only helps you build your business by sharing information about your products and services, but it separates you from all the other reps in your company who may not be blogging at all. Blogging helps you reach potential customers as well as potential team members who are actively searching for your information. Personally I have been using this platform along with a simple 3 step formula to successfully build a five figure business online. [Click the link below to discover the 3 step formula you can use in your business] http://www.empowernetwork.com/commissionloophole?id=shawnjohnson Video Marketing: There are multiple free video platforms you can use to generate leads and build your business online. You have YouTube, and Vimeo which are 2 of the mostly used by marketers. Marketing via video is great because it helps the viewer get more in touch with you and your information. Also the more people watch your videos (if you are sharing quality information) the better chance that they take an interest in what you are selling because now they start to trust you because they feel that they know you. Outside of blogging this is like my second best platform to use when marketing. A strong message along with a strong call to action can result in BIG results when using video marketing in your business. [click the link below to learn how using video and a blog can boost your business] http://www.empowernetwork.com/commissionloophole?id=shawnjohnson Article Marketing: Article marketing is another great way to generate leads for your business. It’s basically valuable content a reader can use that you post or submit on a blog, press release site or an article directory. Done the correct way, it can be found on the search engines like Google by people looking up that specific information. This can be done by using seo, or keyword research which is another entire training in itself. 6 By Shawn Johnson - Copyright © 2014 Success Driven Mastermind – Connect with me on Facebook In short, article marketing can pay off big time generating you timeless leads upon leads from content you did only one time. I call this the residual lead affect because an article you did 5 years ago can still pull leads if the information is relevant. One of my favorite places to post an article or content is my blog or ezinearticles.com . Other places you can post articles or press releases are prweb.com , goarticles.com to name a few. There are many more you can find just by doing a search on the web. Ok now let me share a few paid strategies and platforms you can use to build your business. I will not go into detail, but I will list some of the same strategies and platforms I use when doing paid advertising. Paid Marketing Strategies and Platforms Facebook Ads: Facebook is a very good place to market when it comes to doing paid ads. You can either do ppc (pay per click), sponsored ads which can include marketing a post or your personal Facebook fanpage. Solo ads: Doing a solo ad is the fastest way to get traffic, leads and sales on complete auto-pilot. In a nutshell, a solo ad is basically you paying someone to email your offer to their list of subscribers. Even though it’s not guaranteed you will get any sales, I find it one of the fastest and most effective ways to generate leads as fast as yesterday! Banner Ads: Banner ads are another good way to market your home base business. You can market banner ads wherever someone is selling banner ad space. This could be on a blog (yours or someone else’s), a banner site or a company website to name a few places. All you need is a banner and a website you like to direct your traffic to once they click the banner. To get better results use a capture page or squeeze page. A banner ad can cost anywhere from $25 - $10,000 and beyond. It all depends on your marketing budget. 7 By Shawn Johnson - Copyright © 2014 Success Driven Mastermind – Connect with me on Facebook Classified Ads: Classified is a good place to market as well. It’ simple to do and takes up little time to set up. Some of the popular places to put classified ads have been Craig list and Back page and a lot of marketers use then regularly. They are usually a few lines of texted followed by a link that you want your prospect to click on to get more information, which in returns sends them to your capture page. Over all placing classifieds is not hard, you just have to know your target market and write the ad targeting them only. This will yield you better conversions which in the long run can leads to higher sales. What you should do now! So I just gave you an overview of some free and paid marketing strategies and platforms you can use to build your business. The key thing to do right now is to take massive action. Start using what I have shared with you TODAY. [click the link below to discover how I automate my leads flow and biz sales] http://www.empowernetwork.com/commissionloophole?id=shawnjohnson BONUS Because I truly want you to SUCCEED, I am also providing you with a few bonuses to help you on your journey towards financial freedom. At the end of the day outside of generating leads and making sales, its 3 things you truly need in order to have success in the homes base business industry. You need: 1. Marketing Education – No matter what business you are in you need marketing education. If you are looking to build your business empire online you need to know how to MARKET. If you miss this and you do not invest in your marketing education you will get stuck and eventually fail. 8 By Shawn Johnson - Copyright © 2014 Success Driven Mastermind – Connect with me on Facebook 2. High Converting Sales Process – If you are looking to generate leads and turn those leads into sales (sometimes automated sales) then you need a high converting sales process. I personally use the Empower Network Viral Blogging System which allows you to build a relationship with your audience without picking up the phone, doing 3 way calls and chasing friends and family to get them in your business. 3. A Mentor – If you are looking to cut your learning curve and get to success fast, having a live mentor who can help you is the key. I have been doing very well online the last 2 years as well as some of my friends and people on my team. I don’t say that to impress you but I say it to press upon you that having a mentor by your side to cut your learning curve will put you 12 months ahead of your competition. Take action right now: Click here to pre-qualify for mentoring! Now that you understand what it takes to be successful outside of generating leads and making sales, here are some of the resources I use to build my business online. Success Training Resources Lead Capture/Squeeze Page Software Leadpages - Leads capture page/squeeze page software. Point and click, easy to use and set up. Set yourself apart from reps using the same company capture page system. (Highly recommended) Auto-Responder Service Used to store your leads and gives you the ability to follow up with your leads via email automated follow ups, or broadcast. I listed 2 of the most popular and most reliable one’s for you to choose from. (A must have) • Aweber 9 By Shawn Johnson - Copyright © 2014 Success Driven Mastermind – Connect with me on Facebook • GVO Viral Blogging System Empower Network – Already done for you blog that requires no set up. Point and click that saves you tones of time and frustration that usually comes with setting up a blog. Also comes with 8 core commitment training videos to help you get to $10,000 in your home base business. Also comes with higher level marketing education – Viral blogging academy, Inner circle, 15k per month formula, The Costa Rica, The Master’s Retreat Course and more…(Highly recommended) Mailbox Relationship Builder Sendoutcards – I use this service to build relationships with my team and my customers. An easy to use services that allows me to connect with people on a more personal basis using greeting cards that are sent directly to their home address. This separates you from all the noise online give you a more personal touch. (Perfect for businesses that have auto-ship customers) Plug and Profit System Plug and Profit System - Done for you free system designed to help you make multiple streams of income to fuel your primary business. This is a newbies DREAM! Ready to go – no set up required. I personally use this, which sends me 5 checks each month. (Suggested) Now since I should you some of the resources and tools I use in my business now let me give you access to some FREE mindset and personal development training that will help your prosper in your business. I was always told that you should work more on yourself than your business because when you do everything will fall into place. With that said here are some of my favorite Success Training Videos for personal development and mindset personal growth: Jim Rohn Avoid excuses and focus on solutions http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uk-VRJhby8I 10 By Shawn Johnson - Copyright © 2014 Success Driven Mastermind – Connect with me on Facebook Do successful people do http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo0cqvB5cL8 Take risk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOuRJcMEWTg Anybody can http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hCFGhmL2HI Walk away from the 97% http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfXYPKjzSQY Bob Proctor Paradigm – Video 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VUwsObucuI Goals – Video 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7ofI5CTIq8 The Terror Barrier http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96mv4c8fJ8g The Funded Proposal What is a funded proposal? If you are spending money in your marketing to generate leads, what happens if those leads say no to your opportunity? On the flip side, wouldn’t it be awesome if you still could profit even if a prospect says no? Indeed it would. So in one sentence let me share with you how a funded proposal can help you build your business. A funded proposal is a marketing plan that you can use to sell an inexpensive information product to your target market. The course magnetic sponsoring goes into a little more [...]... truly want you to grow your business and have success If you study this PDF and take action on the information I have shared I can promise you that your business will look different in the next 90 days If you have any questions feel free to email me at support[at]shawnjohnsoninc.com You can also take advantage of my FREE 30 minute coaching valued at ($67) Just click here and fill out my survey I look forward... They say Leaders are Readers! Reading not only expand your knowledge but it is also enhances your personal development and allows you to be more articulate in your speaking as well as marketing By Shawn Johnson - Copyright © 2014 Success Driven Mastermind – Connect with me on Facebook 14 Get On Your Company Calls - Attending your company conference calls are important It keeps you motivated and connected... to bring you in an avalanche of leads and maybe sales check out the Internet Traffic Formula which is a product inside of Empower Network Just join Empower Network here to get access to it New Member Coaching – A new member coaching is designed to help you set up a game plan for your new team member so they can be successful You use this time to see where they are at and where they want to go As their... about this and breaks it done from A-Z It’s like the bible of the funded proposal Below I have created a diagram showing you how using a funded proposal in your marketing can help you build your business The System Set Up Your Marketing Funnel Generate Traffic Convert Traffic into Leads Enroll People into a Funded Proposal Sponsor Distributors Into Your Primary Company So now that you understand a funded... people just like you as well as people you may be connected to on social media Events are powerful and have been known to explode your income as well My mentor once told me, get 100 people to an event and you will be a 6 figure earner So if you want to leverage events to sky rocket your success attend and bring as many of your team members as you can By Shawn Johnson - Copyright © 2014 Success Driven... you to not only beat your competition but it also allows you to be the expert in sharing your knowledge about your products, services and vision It also serves as a personal ATM machine if you follow the training here Market Daily – If you want to have a constant flow of leads as well as make 2 sales a day in your business, you have to market daily Whether you are doing Facebook ads, YouTube videos or... your vision and why you are doing your business Create a saying you say to yourself every day when you wake up – to remind yourself why you are doing what you are doing Get All In – Make sure you are upgraded to the highest level inside of your particular business This allows you to make the maximum amount of money in your compensation plan Blog Daily – If you want to build a presence online and if you . Johnson - Copyright © 2014 Success Driven Mastermind – Connect with me on Facebook Lead Generation PDF – Study Guide & Success Training Resources [click the link below to discover my shortcut. helps you communicate and build rapport with your leads. It also gives you a better chance to make multiple sales to those exact same leads over time because they like you and trust you. So now. they like you and trust you. So now that you understand the importance of using a capture page and an auto- responder for generating leads and communicating with them, let’s talk about getting

Ngày đăng: 14/09/2014, 00:13