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Cấu hình, quản trị mail exchange 2007

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Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viênVSIC EDUCATION CORPORATION Select an available domain functional level: •\ After you raise the domain functional level, it cannot be reversed.. Ex

Trang 1

Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên

Mục lục

Install Exchange Server 2 0 0 7 2

Recipient M a n a g e 21

Store M anagem ent 37

M anaging Address L is t 48

Email Address Policy 63

M essaging P o licy 71

Internet Protocol 81

SM TP 93

Anti S p am 96

Trang 2

Install Exchange Server 2007

I Các bước chuẩn bị:

1 Máy làm Domain Controller

2 Raise Doman Functional Level

3 Install IIS, có ASP.Net (không cần SMTP, NNTP như Ex2K3)

4 Install các chương trình can thiết hỗ trợ cho việc cài đật Exchange Server 2K7

a Install Net Framework 2.0

b Install MMC 3.0

c Install MS PowerShell 3.0

d Install Hotfix cho Net Framework 2.0

5 Install Exchange Server 2007

II Thực hiện:

2 Raise Doman Functional Level

Vào Run, gõ vào

Màn hình Active Directory Users and Computers m ở ra, Right Click (RC) trên tên

dom ain chọn Raise Domain Functional Level .

1 ^ A ctive D irectory Users and Com puters

^ Fie Action View Window Help

B (¡¿1 Do* Connect to Domain,

1 por Çomect to Domain Contrôler

butaDomain ) RPQAATrl O N Default cont jnt Organizational Default cont cur Container Default cont

H'lsrTW Raise Domain Functional Level Container Default cont

Operations Masters

Trang 3

Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên


Select an available domain functional level:

•\ After you raise the domain functional level, it cannot be reversed For more information

on domain functional levels, click Help.

Trong màn hình này, nhấn OK

R a is e D o m a in F u n c tio n a l L e v e l

? \ This change affects the entire domain A fter you raise the domain functional level, it cannot be reversed


Trong màn hình này, nhấn O K

R < ii* e D u l l l a i n F u iilIìuiI<jl Level

i j The functional level was raised successfully The new functional level will now replicate to each domain control

a/ the domain The amount of time this will take varies, depending on your replication topology


Trang 4

Read about Microsoft Exchange Server 2007


Microsoft Exchange Server enables u sers to

send and receive e-m ai, schediie meetings,

receive faxes, and receive voice mad

Step 1 : In stal NET Framework 2.0


ã e p 3: In stai Microsoft Windows PowerSheJ’"

Step 4: In s til Microsoft ExchangeStep 5: Get Optical Updates for ttcro so ft Exchange

Step 1 : Instal NET Framework 2.0

D U CATIW jgW gW O T O * ^

ste p 3: Instal Microsoft Windows PowerSheH” *


R ead about Microsoft Exchange Hosted Services

R ead about Mcrosoft Forefront'" Security for Exchange Serve»

Inst«* Fo re fro n t S e cu rity fo r E xch a n g e Se rve r

This wizard WÉ guKje you through th e installation p ro cess

Trang 5

Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên


Mcrosoft Corporation (or b a se d on where you kve, o ne of Its affiliates) licenses this supplement to you If you a re k e n s e d to u se Microsoft Windows operating system softw are (th e “softw are"), you may u se this supplem ent You may not u se it if you do not have a license for th e softw are You may u se a copy of this supplem ent with each va6<Jy k e n s e d copy of th e softw are


By ckking 1 accept th e term s of th e License Agreement" and p io ceed n g to u se the product, I indicate th a t I have read, understood, and ag reed to th e term s of th e End-User License A y eem en t

The terns you selected a re b en g instated


Evaluating laifKh conditionsProperty: DO IE501 FOUND X86.3643236F FC70 IJD3 A536 0090278A1B88, Signal«e: SeãrchForIE5Õl_ENƯ_X86.3ÌM323ÉF_FC70” l ID3~A536_00902?8A1B88

Trang 6

xong Finish


M icrosoft NET Fram ew ork 2.0 has been successfully installed

I t « highly recommended th at you download and instal the latest service packs and security updates for this product

For more information, vis* the fofcxwig Web site:

Product Support Center

U se thu waard to r a t a l the lo*owng software update

Update fo r W indows Server

~ K e x t > ]1 Cancel

Trang 7

Exchange 2007 Tai lieu danh cho hoc vien

PLEASE NOTE Microsoft Corpoiabon (w based

on w h « e you live, one of its affiliates) icenses this supplement to you The supplement is identiied to» use with one oc mote Microsoft opetating system fxoducts (the 'softwaie'l You may use a copy of this supplement with each vafcjy licensed copy of thesoftwafe You may not use it i you do not have a ic e m e foi the softwaie The ,VSIC EDUCATION CORPORATION

I £¡0 Not Agree <*■ JA gtec £ m t

< Back I (ja il > I Cancel

c/trìn h sẽ intsall và S o f t w a r e U p d a t e I n s t a lla t io n W iz a r d

U p d atin g Your S y stem

£ 2 1 Please wait wWe setup n sp ects y o u curent conliguafion archives

T r—Ị y o u cuiient Ses and updates your lies


Checking tot necessary space

DéfaiteRunning processes before install


Trang 8

Completing the Update fo r

W indows S e rver 2003 (K B 907265) In sta lla tio n W izard

You have s u c c e ss fu l compte* ed (he KB907265 Setup

Mkcro»ft Exchyvje Server er*bfes users to

M od and receive e«r*ai, sch edie receiv© fa » « , and recefv« voce mai

Read about W croioft Exchange Hwted Service*

Read «bout WcrMott Fctehcntm S eo * ty for Exchange Serv

Im tal Forefront Sec»x*y for Exchange Server

Trang 9

Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên

Use thtt vazaid lo n stal the lo lo w n j software update

W indows Pow erShell(TM ) 1.0

Please lead the folowng fccense «gieement To continue vwth setup

r~21 you must accept the agteemenl




Mcsosoft Cotpoiation |o* based on you kve one ot its

affèales) kcenses this supplement to you If you a t licensed to

use Microsoft Windows operatng system software (lot whtch this supplement is applicable) (the "so ttw aie'l you may use this


I ß o Not Agree Ỉ.ỐSÊẼ? £ m t

< Back I tjext > I Cancel

Trang 10

Finish Completing the W indows

Po w e rS h e ll(T M ) 1.0 Installation

W izard CATION CORPORATIONYou heve successful completed (he Windows PowetShe^T Ml 1 0 S e iio W eaid

T o close this wizard, click Finish

Exchange Server 2007


5Mp 4: tnsM l M aosoft exchange Step 5: Got Critical Update* for H a « e ft Exchange


Read about Mkroso/t Exchange Hotted Servtce*

Read about W cr«ott F&chcrt'” S e arty for Exchange Serv

IreteN Forefront S e o rty for Exchange Server

Lưu ý : Tuy trong chương trình không thông báo, nhưng bạn phải install chương trình Hotfix cho Net Framework thi bạn mới có thê install Exchange Server 2007.

Chạy tile NDP20-KB926776-X86.exe và thực hiện theo wizard

6 Install Exchage Server 2007 : (Phiên bản 120 ngày) - Chạy file setup.exe ^ click lên Step 4 : Install Microsoft Exchange

Trang 11

Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên


Read^òout Mcroîoft E>chage Serve» 'M )7

L / Ù

In ita l Exchange Server This wtl copy the

needed bmar lẽs and prepare the server to be


Step 1: Install NET Framework 2.0 - tnstalted

Step 2 - Install Microsoft Management Ccntole (MMC) - InstalledStep 3: Install Microsoft Wndows PowerSheJ'“ - Installed

Step j n a d Exchange

Step 5: Get Critical Updates for Microsoft Exchange


Read about fVrosoft Exchange Hosted Services

Read about fVrosoft Forefront™ Security for Exchange Server

Trong màn hình này, nhấn Next

E xchange S erver 2 007 Setup VSIC EDUCATION CORPORATION

This wcard w l gude you through the nstalation of Microsoft Exchange Server 2007

it w i not be used When the etior reportng feature is enabled and the issue has a known solution, the server

w i receive feedback Irom Microsoft This feedback w i contain a Ink to a Web page that may help resolve the problem

Yes (Recommended]

I No I

Trong màn hình Error Reporting nhấn No và click Next

Trong tnàn hình Installation Type, chọn Type Exchange Installation (Default)


Trang 12

Select the Exchange S ervil »lstatohon type:

f r o T ypicjl Exchange S civcr Im tollatio n

i ’ ' ' The iolow ng w l be rvsJiled on this corrputw

-■ ■ Hub Tfaretxxt ie ive f rote

- Ckem Access se<ve< rote

•Malboxseivei rote

•Exchange Management Tools

[ r i Çuitom Exchange Servet Installation

This option lets you select which of the folowng îefve» roles you want to

• Exchange Managemetil Console

Speedy (he pa»h lot the Exchange Setvei m slalvion

|E \P rogi«n FtesVMiciosoitVExehinge Set ve« Btswse

Trong màn hình Exchange Organization, nhập vào tên cùa đơn vị của minh VD

r n

E xchange S erver 2007 Setup VSIC EDUCATION CORPORATION

n IntioAictíon Exchange Giganizalion

n License Agieemert Pteâíe specify the rvarrie tew (his Exchange cnganeation:

n E li« Reporting fvSICLat)

Trang 13

Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên

P / Ï

E xchange Server 2 007 S etup VSIC EDUCATION CORPORATION Chenl Settings

Computers runrog Outlook 2003 and earlier or Entouage requre a pubic foldet database

to connect to Exchange 2007 If you select that you have computers tinning Outlook

2003 and eartec« Entouage m you organization a pubic foldet database w i be created durng setup If you select that you do not have computers running Outlook 2003 and earfej

or Entourage rr you organization setup w i not create a public folder database However,

you can enable Outlook 2003 and earter o Entouage connectivrty by creating a puUc

Idder database at anytime after setup completes

Do you have any cfcnt computers lunning Outlook 2003 and eailrer or Entouage r> you organeation?

Trang 14

□ In sta lla tio n T y p e

0 O rg a n iz a tio n P re p a ra tio n Completed d

Trang 15

Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên

7 Tạo Send Connector đề gởi mail ra internet

■ al* u Mailbox Remote Domains | A cce ptecfeom ains | E-mail Address Policies Hub Trans

_S j Client Access Transport Rules | Journaling Send Connectors | Edge subscriptions

Hub Transport Name Status

Trang 16

Fite Action View Help

c Hộp thoại New SMTP Send Connector xuất hiện Trong dòng Name: gõ vào

C o m pléta

I n tro d u c tio nThis wizard helps you create a new SMTP Send connectoi on the selected Exchange server To confgure properties not shown in this wizaid, in the Exchange Management Console, select the new connector Then, in the aclion pane, click Properties


|Send Tolrd eiretSelect the intended use for this Send connector;

| CustomDescription: Select this option to create a customized connector, which will be used to

tunned with systems that are rwt Exgfianye servers

d Trong Add Address Space, click Add

Address spaceSpecify the address space(s) to which this connector will route m ai

- ^ |Adds an liem to the lis t] * - ^ ^


Trang 17

Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên

D Address sçace Specify the address space(s) to which this connecta will route mal;

Network settings cQa ^

- S ouce Server New Connector Completior


□ Introduction

□ Address space' Netwofk settings

□ SouceServei New Connecor Complebon

Source SeiveiAssociate this connecloi with the following Hub Transpoit setvets Alternative^, you can

| add toge lubscriptions to this list

Name Site RoleÌEX2K7 DefaJt-FistSiteNa Mailbox, Client Access, Hub


N e w S M T P S e n d C o n n e c to r VSIC EDUCATION CORPORATION

A d d re ss spa ce s:

* - D o m a in \s u b d o m a in s Use d om ain n am e system (D N S ): T rue Use E xternal D N S S ervers: T ru e Smart ho st a u th e n tic a tio n : N o n e

S o u rc e S ervers:

E X 2 K 7

Trang 18

[ § Exchange M ana g e m e n t Console

File Action View Help

£3i Microsoft Exchange

8 Tạo Receive Connentor đế nhận mail

a M a Exchange Management Console 4 Server Configuration 4 Hub Transport

Trong tab Receive Connector, RC tr ên Default EX2K7 ■^properties

A ctio n s

H ub T ra

V iew ►[ ? R e ,[ § H elp

Trang 19

Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên

17 T ransport Layer s ecurity (TLS )

I- E nable D omain s ecurity (M utual Auth T LS )

F RflsirAnthftntipfltinn

r~ Ô ]f|^las|ç'aüihentiçat|çinlôniv'âftêr'BariïngTLSI? Ex;hange Seiver authentication

17 Integrated Windows authenticationEx:ernally Secured (for example, with IPsec)

Specify who is allowed to connect to this Receive connector


W Anonyiwus users[7 Exchange users

W Exchange servers

17 Legacy Exchange Servers

r Partners


9 Dung MS Outlook 2007 cấu hình mail client cho Administrator

b Trong m àn hình E-mail account, check vào ô Yes 4 Next

Account Configuration


E-m ail Accounts

Vou can co nfigure O u tlo o k to connect to In te rn e t E-mail, M icrosoft Exchange, or

o th e r E-mail se rve r W ould yo u like to co nfig u re an E-mad account?


(♦ j^es!

C No

c Trong cửa số Auto accounts setup, nhấn Next (nếu muốn MS Outlook tự kết nối với Exchange Server) hoặc đánh dấu chọn vào ô Manually configure server .

Trang 20

Example; barbara@ contoso.com

17 jja n u a ly configure se rver sewings or additional se rver typ e s

< Back N e xt > Cancel

e Trong M icrosoft Exchange Settings, tại dòng Microsoft Exchange server, nhập vào

Computer name (hoặc IP) của máy Exchange Server Trong dòng User Name, nhập

Add New E-m ail Account

M icrosoft Exchange S ettings

You can e n te r th e required inform ation to ccnnect to M icrosoft Exchange

Type th e name o f yo u r Micjo;

adm inistrator

M icrosoft Exchange se rve r: |e x2k7 vsicla b.ne t

I- Use Cached Exchange Mode

Type th e name o f th e mailbox set up fo r yo u b y yaur adm inistrator The mailbox name

is usually yo ur user name

User Name: ¡Adm inistrated I Check Name

f Sau đó, admin tự gởi cho chính mình 1 email đê kiêm tra 4 Gởi được.

Trang 21

Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên

R ecipient Manage

I Mục đích: Hướng dẫn cách tạo và quán lý các loại Recipient thông dụng cùa Ex2K7

II Các bước chuẩn bị:

1 2 máy đã cài Exchange Server 2007 và Outlook 2007

2 2 domain gơi mail qua lại được với nhau

Mail cViewRefreshHelp


I n tr o d u c tio nThis wizard will guide you through the steps for creating a linked mailbox and mail-eni^lng an existing user.Choose mailbox type

(• I User MailboxiThis mailbox is owned by a user to send and receive n used for resource scheduina

Trang 23

Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên

M ailbox SettingsEnter the alias loi the mailbox usei, and then select the mailbox location and policy s


IEX2K7Storage group:

|Fiist Storage GroupMailbox database:

C on figu ra to r! Summary

^ Hoang Minh Chau

Maibox type User Maibox Organizational unit vsiclab.nel/Users

F a il name H oa rig Last name Minh Chau Usef name: Hoang Minh Chau Usei logon name (User Principal Name) hmchau@v$idôb.nel User logon name [pre-Vridows 20001: hmchau Usef doesn't need to change passwotd at next logon Alas: hmchau

Storage Group: First Storage Group Mdibox Database Maibox Database

Select Qrl*c to copy the contents of this page

< B a ck

Trang 24

Summary: 1 ỉem ịs} 1 succeeded 0 failed

Exchange Management Shel command completed:

New-Mallbox Name 'Hoang Minh Chau' -Alias 'hmchau' OfgartizabonalUnil Vsiclab.nel/Useís' -UseiPincipalName 'hmchauộvsiclâb.neỉ' -SarrAccourtName

‘hmchau’ -firstName ‘Hoang' -Initial; “ -LastNarr>e Mmh Chau’ -Password

'System Secunty.SocuteSlting' ReseiPasswadOnNextLogon $f«ls* Database 'CN=Madbox Databa$e,CN=Fii$t Storage

Group.CN=lnfofmationStore,CN=EX2K7.CN=$eivers,CN=E «change! Administrative Group (FNT)IBOHF23SPDLT)XN«Adrnriislfatr/e Groups,OJ-VSIC Education Corpc«atioi%CN=MiciO$ott

user mới tạo

Exchange Management Console

File Action View Help

E m I [ẩlm

£3 Microsoft Exchange + Organizaticn Configuration

S 3 Server Configuration

B t?> Recipient Configuration MailboxDistribution Group

J Mail Contact

t j i j Disconnected Mailbox s3B Toolbox V9

fJ ‘ M a ilb o x - v s ic la b n e t 2 o b je c ts,f Create Filter

Display Name 1 Alias

2 Tạo Mailbox cho User đã có (nhưng chua có mailbox)

□ Us« Type You can creale a new uw* or t«lec* on e»:»r«g uMt lo» whom you want to c M te à nev*

Trang 25

Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên

c Những user nào chưa

có mailbox sẽ xuất

lên tên user và nhẩn


1 Sel ect U ser - vsictab.n et


Name 1 Organizational Unit -Hoang Phung Bao K vsiclab net/Home

U ie i Type

You a n create a new usa 01 select »1 exsing U S « f a whom you



A it $


Completion Sjtvec

| e X2K7 Stfliage group;

1 First Slaage Gioup Mailbox database (Mailbox Database

Trang 26

g jj Hoang Phung f t»

Abas hpòao Serve! EX2K7Stơage GfOup F»d staage Gioup Msfco* Dalabase Mafcox D «labile

Surrrvary 1 #«T<s) 1 succ«eòed 0 faied

Exchange Marvagerner* Shd command completed EnaWe Maibo« IcfcnMy Vadab nei/Home/Hoang Phurig Bao' -Atot *hpfc -Dởíabỏ:« 'CN-MaJbcw Dâ»òb«ộ.CN-frỉt S»C4ôộe

Group CN»lrfc»n^>cm$torcCN-EX2K7.CN«$€fvw.CN*£xc*xingeAdrr« Group |FYDIBOHF23SPDLĨỊ.CN^Admr*$ti«íT»'e G roups, cw «VS IC Educ¿ CapcnatKtt CN -Miciotofi

Exchange CN«$ecvxe:.CM ■Conligurahcn.DC*vìiclab,DC'»oct’

Elapsed T m r 0Ữ00.00

h Kiếm tra lại user Hoang Phung Bao đã có đưực mailbox

3 Tạo Mail Enable User :

reU x c h a n q e M anagem en t Console

M V | l r f t D D A D A T f t U

J L à E iiâ M

f Create N te fMail C ontact - vsic la b n e t 0 objects

Dtîplay Name - I Atas

There ace n o items to show m ths •nevi

f ’ OiKomecti M odiy the Max«num Number of Recperits to Display

( f t Tocfcox Mew Mai Contact

New Mad

User -Vmw

Trang 27

Exchange 2007 Tai lieu danh cho hoc vien

Introduction This wizard w i guide you through the steps foi cieating existing user

Create a mai user for

<• New user Existing user

Use» Inform dlion Errfet the us«* name and account riomWjon

Qiaanéatonal urtt

New Mai User ịv t x t íữ ndAJsefi

Con<}ỉebon fis l ru m e: Inhgl:

Latlnam e

l<>~ I |TiinhBao


|Chau Tiinh Bao

U j« logon name (Us-« Piincipai Name}

□ MaiSefcngt

N ew M dU t« S B

Ccwp*e*on Eÿ«nd e-mũỉ à tỳỷctĩ

Trang 28

g Trong màn hình Configuration Sumary, nhấn New

h Trong màn hình Completion, nhấn Finish

i Mở MS Outlook 2007, dùng profile của Administrator, vào trong Global Address

List, sẽ thấy email address của các user mới tạo

PR E xchange M ứTìôqcm erứ Console

ßle Ạctioo ÿ ew tjeb

I '1 Déconnectec MQdf y the Maximum Number of Rec*»ent5 to Dtíplíy

t e l Toolbox

Trang 29

Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên

Nhản Next

New Mail C o n tact



o Introòixbcn Contact InJ CM motion

□ Comỏcỉ Inf Oí maton

J New Mari Cortoct CoffçWwj

E nta the accourt! nformdiwn that « fequred ío create a new mai contact O f to md-enab

an ewstng raai COrtact

|t lỏnNọocT luongHau External e-md ữòdreií

Trang 30

> Nhắn


> Trong màn hình New Mail Contact - Configuration Sumarv, click New

> Trong màn hình New Mail Contact - Completion , click Finish

1 ® 1 xchonqo Management Console


MKrosoft Exchange

♦ 1 Orọaraabon Configuration

3 Server Configuration

- Recpent Coníigưaboo ftstrfcution Group Mai Contact

*1f, Döconoectfd Madbo í

â Toofcox

M all C o n t a c t - v s i d a b n e t 2 0

t Create Fiter DttçtoyName * 1 Akaî 1 Rectp^ni Type

** Chau TurhOao c*b*o M«IUsef

Tr snMọoc TujongHau TianNọocĩiuoogHau Mal Contact

Contact Infoim alion

Enle! (he account rfom abo n thal IS lequred 10 ctedte a new m ai corrí act « 10 m ai-enable

an e x ilin g m al contact

Q ig an u b o ral Ifik

Name ịTranNpoc Truong Hau Afar

■J, laffgwiBMgiü

I Hal Contact J^JI Disconnected Mai Toolbox

D istrib u tio n G roup - v s ic la b n e t

f Create filter

Display Name - Akas

T kafo MA rv> ilanv l/> ftvKii m rtvf *1 Mgdiy the Maximum Number of R eópierts to Cwp4ay

N ew C'I t r i b u t tor ^ r o u p

Trang 31

Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên

In tio d u c tìo n

This wcâld wil guide you through (he steps foi «eatmg Ò r

mai-etvable an exislng groi4>.

New O is ld b u tio n G roup


> Trong màn hình New Distribution Group - Configuration Sumary, click New

> Trong màn hình New Distribution Group - Completion , click Finish

DnplayM 1 AÂữi 1 R e a p tert Type Detafc 1 PnmaiySM

K l I e c tn c il ĩe c b n ca t Mai Unrvefsd Dirtnbubcm

b Move User vào Distribution group : Đưa 2 user Hoang Phung Bao va Hoang Minh Chau vào trong group mới tạo

Trang 32

’> Dùng Outlook 2K7 gứi email đên technicalCdvsiclab.net, sau đó lần 1 ượt IĨ1Ở m a il cùa

hpbao và hmchau thấy có email cùa administrator gởi.

EEUxchanqe M anagement Console

O a# jis p it^am e Organizational u nit

Tran Ngoc Ttuong Hau T lariNgocTluongHau

e ^ A d d A


Display Name Organizational Unit

¿ 0 Hoang MnhChau vsiclab.net/Home r*« Hoang Phung Bao vsiclab net/Home

Trang 33

Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên

6 Tạo Dynamic Distribution Group

a Tạo 2 mailbox ul,u2 có thuộc tính Department là “Sales’’

> Sau khỉ tạo 2 user

> Làm tương tự như trên với u2

b Tạo Dynamic Distribution Group chứa các Recipient có Department là

áâl Toofcox

V M ailbox - v s ic ia b n e t s o b jects 1

* C/eoie Di«*wN«w, - lAku |R«co<rtT» 1 Pnm»vSMIPA<»*<nt

¿ittkàmntữic* Mrtrtĩb ¿01 Ui*» Hỉ Hoong Mnh CKau KnxKsu UwMt liflHcvjngFtwjrtge-» k-b*c- Uĩ*í Mỉ

dbox AdffiTrilî atop?'* iK lab

Trang 34

HHtxchanqe M anagem ent Console

Distribution Group - vsictab.net

t CceateF* et

Dit play N I Atas I R tc tx e n t T ype Detafe~

^ T«hrucäl Techr»cal Mail Universal Detrfcution Madfy the Maximum Numbef of Recipients to Display

j Conditions Organizational unit:

New Dynamic ịvsidab nei/Usefs Distribution Group

Completion Name

1 Sales Aim*


Distribution Group Completion Include these recipient types:

(• Al recipients types

T he following jpfeciic types:

r Users with Exchange mailboxes

Trang 35

Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên

" Dislibution Gioup Completion

C onditions

Step 1 : Select £ond*ion(s):

□ Reapient is n a Slate or Provmce

0 Recipient is it, a Department

□ Recipient is m a Company

□ Custom Attribute 1 equals Value

□ Custom Attribute 2 equals Value

□ Custom Attribute 3 equals Value

□ Custom Attribute 4 equals Value l~l Custom Attribute 5 equals Value

Ö Custom Attribute 6 equals Value

Step 2 Ed* the condition{s) (dek an undefined value]: Dynamic Distifcution Group contains: AI recipient types

Trang 36

> Sau khi điên giá

ConditionsStep 1 : Select çondition(s):

□ Recipient is in a

0 Recipient is in a

□ Recipient is in a l~ l Custom Attribute

□ Custom Attribute

□ Custom Attribute

□ Custom Attribute

□ Custom Attribute l~ l Custom Attribute

State or ProvinceDepartmentCompany

in the Sales Department(s)

> Trong màn hình New Dynamic Distribution Group - Configuration Sumary, click New

> Trong màn hình New Dynamic Distribution Group - Completion , click Finish

Group mới tạo

x ch a n g e M anagem ent Console

Action View Help

Microsoft Exchange Organization Configur Server Configuration

J , Recipient Configuratic Mailbox

f t , Distribution Group Mail Contact

li l C'i:'VSK3 VE


Distribution Group - vsicla b n e t

ị Create Filter

.Qisnl - I Alia* 1 Rfjr.ipjp.nl TypR.DRtflik Primary SMT p I a

Is ales Sales Dynamic Distribution Group Sales@ vsiclab.n

f t I Sales Sales Dynamic Distribution Group Sales@vsiclab

• Ị ' Technical Techni Mail Universal Distribution Group Technical@ vsic


Mở Outlook 2K7, kiêm tra trong Global Address List sẽ thấy email này

Trang 37

Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên

S to re M a n a g e m e n t

I Mục đích: Tạo mới và kháo sát các thuộc tính của các Mailbox Store và Storage Group

Tạo Storage Group

- Tạo Mailbox Database

Các thuộc tính của các Database

II Các bước chuẩn bị: Máy đã cài Exchange 2007 và Outlook 2007

E x c h a n g e M anagem ent Console

File Action View Help

^ T T in S T M anage c lie n t Access Role

M anage Hub Transport Role

New S torage Group

This wizard helps yo u create a n ew storage group

Server Name:

|E X 2K 7

S torage group name:

jS a le StaffLog files path:

íil»«- nath'

Trang 38

c Click Finish

n N ew Storage G roup

□ Completion

New Storage G roup


C o m p le tio n

The wizard completed successfully Click Finish to close this wizard

Elapsed time: 00:00:10 Summary 1 item(s) 1 succeeded, 0 failed

- Sale Staff &



Exchange Management Shell command completed:

new-StorageGioup -Serveí ‘EX2K7' -Name *Sale Staff* -LogFolderPath 'C :\P togam

F ileî\M ic*osoft\Exchange ServeAM akoxVSale Staff' -SystemFoldePath 'C:\Progtam Files\M iaosoft\E xchange ServeAM akoxSSale Staff'

Elapsed Time: 00:0 ft 10

Select Drl+C to copy the contents of this page

<Back I | E j r g ^ | Cancel I

8 Tạo Mailbox Database

a Tạo Mailbox Database

File Action View Help

E P0 Ổ 03

L i Microsoft Exchange

E Organization Configuratio

B J Server Configuraton Mailbox


EX2K7 H ub T ransport, Client Acce V ersion Í

EX2K7Database Management

B 4 “ First Storage Group

M M ailbox D atabase C: \Pr oci am Files\M icrosoft\E

Trang 39

Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên


□ New Mailbox Database Completion

New Mailbox Database

This wizard helps you create a new mailbox databaseStorage group name:

|EX2K7\Sâle StaffMailbox database name:

I Sale Staff!

Database We path:

I C:\Program Files\M icrosoft\E xchange Server\Maibox\Sale StaffXSale St Brow

w Mount this databaseHelp < Back Nei

Trang 40

□ New Mạbox Database

n Completion


The wizard completed successfully Click Finish to close this wizard Elapsed time: 00:00:34

Summary: 2 item(s) 2 succeeded, 0 failed

^ New Sale Staff £ # ompleteExchange Management Shell command completed:

new-mailboxdatabase -StorageGroup O ^ S a le

S taff ,CN=| nf ormationS tore,CN *EX2K7,CN =S er vers,CN=E xchange Administrate Group (f^DIBOHF23SPDLT)XN Administrative Groups,CN=VSIC Education Corporation,CN =M icrosof t

Exchange£N«Services,CN »Configuration,DC-vsiclabJDC-net' -Name 'Sale Sta -EdbFilePath 'C:\Program FSes\M icrosof t\E xchange Server\Mailbox\Sale Staff's Staff edb'

Elapsed Time: 00:00:08

q Mount Sale StaffExchange Management Shell command completed:

mount-database -Identity ‘CN=Sale Staff ,CN=Sale

S taf f ,CN =1 nf ormationS tore,CN=EX2K7,CN =S ervers,CN =E xchange Administrativ« Group (P/DIB 0 H F 23S PD LT ),CN »Administrative Groups.CN«VSIC Education CorporationXN =M icrosof t

E xchange,CN=S er vices,CNConfiguration,D C=vsiclab,DC=net'Elapsed Time: 00:00:25


Select Ctrl+C to copy the contents of this page

< Back Finish

Qg] Exchange Management Console

Fie Action View Help

[ ? 1 1

I±j -/a*. Organization Configurate

E J - 1 Server Configuration.i m m

Client Access

;• £ Hub Transport

¿¡3 Unified Messaging

B J Recipient Configuration MailboxDistribution Group _ Mail Contact Disconnected Mailbox

B :: Second Storage Group

2 - Public Folder Database


Database File PathC: \Program Files\M icrosof t\E xchange C: \Program Files\M icrosof t\E xchange C: \Program Files\M icrosof t\E xchange

b Chon Database khi tao Mailbox

Ngày đăng: 14/12/2021, 19:24


Hình User - Cấu hình, quản trị mail exchange 2007
nh User (Trang 24)
Hình  trống  New - Cấu hình, quản trị mail exchange 2007
nh trống New (Trang 66)
Hình trước đó,  nhấn - Cấu hình, quản trị mail exchange 2007
Hình tr ước đó, nhấn (Trang 68)
Hình  bên. - Cấu hình, quản trị mail exchange 2007
nh bên (Trang 80)
Hình bên &#34; ì   click vào - Cấu hình, quản trị mail exchange 2007
Hình b ên &#34; ì click vào (Trang 99)




