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Trang 1for Digital Communications, 5th Edition
(Chapter 2) 1
Prepared byKostas StamatiouJanuary 11, 2008
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Trang 2b In exactly the same way as in part (a) we prove :
ˆx(t) = ˆx(−t)
Exploiting the phase-shifting property (2-1-4) of the Hilbert transform :
2[−jδ(f − f0) + jδ(f + f0)] = 1
2j[δ(f − f0)− δ(f + f0)] = F−1{sin 2πf0t}Hence, ˆx(t) = sin ω0t
d In a similar way to part (c) :
x(t) = sin ω0t⇒ X(f) = 2j1 [δ(f − f0)− δ(f + f0)]⇒ ˆX(f ) = 1
2[−δ(f − f0)− δ(f + f0)]
2[δ(f− f0) + δ(f + f0)] =−F−1{cos 2πω0t} ⇒ ˆx(t) = − cos ω0t
we have : ˆx(t) =ˆ −x(t)
have that :
ˆX(f )
= |H(f )| |X(f )| = |X(f )| Hence :
ˆX(f ) ... class="text_page_counter">Trang 4
Problem 2.3
A well-known result in estimation theory based on the minimum mean-squared-error criterion states
series expansion... class="text_page_counter">Trang 43
for Digital Communications, 5th Edition
(Chapter 3) 1
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Problem 2.9
We know from Fourier transform properties that if a signal x(t) is real-valued then its Fourier
is real-valued is : Sl(−f)