Facebook Applications 100 Success Secrets phần 4 potx

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Facebook Applications 100 Success Secrets phần 4 potx

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53 Can Facebook be used as a Marketing Tool of a Business Company? The face of the marketing arena has been consistently re- surfacing. Many new things and many new tools have been coming out ever since the Internet market has exploded into such a huge business platform. Many Internet marketers are aggressively finding ways and means on how they can better capture potential clients for their company. With the recent growth that Facebook has faced – from new applications being developed and re-building their platform – Facebook is seen as one of the potential business networking sites that companies can use to market and advertise their products and services. The recent addition of Marketplace – the ability of any Facebook user to post and out an advertisement on his own page – made a revolutionary impact on the new face of Facebook. Moreover, the inclusion of the events in Facebook such as web based seminar, tele-seminar, and online interactive presentation, made a quite impressive mark to generally of the marketing and business sector. Little by little, Facebook makers are experimenting on in- cluding more applications and features that a lot of marketing and social networking sites are actively doing this time. Social networking sites like Friendster.com is very aggressive in push- ing a website that acts as both social and business network site. Facebook has started re-inventing its applications by putting a little o the marketing aspect in order to capture both the consum- ing public and the business sector. And Facebook has been very successful in doing this with its launch of many new applications like Video and news feed. Now, many aggressive businesspeople and Internet mar- keters are seeing Facebook as the new spot where they can do marketing. 54 The Commandments in Advertising on Facebook Many people see the great potential of Facebook concern- ing marketing and advertising. The multi-million followers that Facebook has all over the world, it is no doubt that it can be considered as a powerful and strong form of advertising and marketing. By demographics, Facebook has a recorded audience of almost 36 million people scattered under two types: the casual visitor and the frequent visitor where 72% of that figure is accounted to the latter type (frequent visitor). However, since Facebook is something that remains “un- tested” in terms of its capability as a marketing tool, many advertisers still feel incompetent on how they can effectively advertise via Facebook. Below are some of the steps that you can consider to take prior the actual advertising: a. Since Facebook is considered a multimedia plat- form that you can use in advertising, you may want to prepare the kind of advertising material that you will use. If you are considering a graphic-based ad material it is suggested that you pick the right and appropriate application that will match your type of advertisement. b. You have to make sure that your advertisement ma- terial creates an over-all impact not only to a specific type of account holder but substantially covering the whole population of the Facebook users. As a tip, you can create different varia- tions on your ad materials so that viewers will be able to see one that is specifically designed for them. 55 c. Monitor the progress of your advertisement. It is not safe to say that once an advertisement has already been launched on your Facebook all else will follow. You have to make sure that your job as a marketer does not end from there. 56 Are Facebook Applications Geared at Gen- erating Income? Facebook is a machinery that was developed in order to generate income and potentially the makers of it rich and fa- mous. Everything else that is included on Facebook is geared at generating revenue and income. This applies to the applications that were made either by Facebook developers or the third party programmers. Applications on Facebook allows for the whole site to sus- tain the interest of the followers/users. It is a history that when Facebook started to open the source of the application to all potential third party application developer, Facebook has reached unequal ranking from the web engine. The application development made Facebook sustain its popularity to this date. There Facebook applications when counted seem to have reached a couple of hundred applications. They have been categorized specifically based on the usage that it has. This goes to say that more and more income and revenue have been gener- ated because of the continued production of applications on Facebook. Otherwise, if no revenue is being earned out of these applications, there would be an immediate termination in the production of applications. Facebook applications are integral part of it. The existence of Facebook is not complete when these applications are fully integrated with its main engine. And as part of the modernization in Facebook, more and more applica- tions are being developed and produced. It is to be understood that Facebook is a revenue generat- ing site. The reason for its existence is supported by its vision to bring income and revenue to the company. 57 Facebook and Google: Both Driven by Ja- vaScript Language What do Facebook and Google have in common? This is a question that a lot of people find very intriguing to answer. Apparently, not so many people understand what Google is all about and what Facebook tries to encompass. From the looks of it, there is absolutely no similarity between Google and Facebook in terms of platform and structure. However, there is one com- mon thing about these two – the language that they use. Both Google and Facebook are driven by the powerful Ja- vascripting Language. Although not all sections and aspect of Google and Facebook are made and crafted using the Javascript Language, majority of the features that Google and Facebook have were made and driven by Javascript language. Not a lot of people really understand about what both of these are capable of doing, however, there a lot of people who understand that every section of Google and Facebook are capable of being remedied using this scripting language. The features and powers of Javascript language in trying to make each application software impeccably useful are close to being limitless even when there are new and more innovative scripting language that are sold in the market these days. The main platform of both Google and Facebook are being lifted from the main structure of Javascript language. Little by little, Google and Facebook are ensuring that the sudden rise in the use of far more advanced scripting language such as Perl, PHP, and Ajax would not affect the whole original structure that both of these have. 58 Is Facebook Turning Away People from the Traditional Means of Getting Connected? The technology brought us, people, into where we are right now – informed, educated, and advanced. This seems to be a very good place for all of us because it made things for us pretty simple, very fast, and essentially comfortable. But how about our traditional means to communicate and get connected? Where has it gone? Has technology turned away people from the tradi- tional way? In the early days, people have been very aggressive in try- ing to know how far the technology can be stretched. And suc- cessful have they become, they finally were able to draw the line where technology can be extended. What used to be very pains- taking to do is now very comfortably being done; what used to take days to communicate, now we can do it in a matter of sec- onds; and what used to be impossible to do, now everything is very possible to be done with the present technology. Before, if we want to be connected to our relatives and friends, we do it with a lot of effort of creating a handwritten mail and have it snail mailed. And if we want to show them our recent photos we need to have a picture taken and have the film devel- oped in a photo studio and wait for lifetime before it gets to be done. But now, everything else is made digitally fast and effi- cient from taking a snap shot to having it posted to your own account and be viewed by not only your friends and relatives but by the whole world via a social networking site like Facebook. Facebook has indeed captured the hearts of many. And by so doing, many have been attracted to use it as a way to get connected with their relatives and friends. This is how technol- ogy has gone so far! 59 The Effective Ways to Include Facebook in the PR Strategic Plan Public relations and communications is one of the impor- tant portals that any company should consider looking at. When the communications department has failed in its mission, the whole company will suffer. Many companies are engaging at hiring the best Public Relations people who can easily and effec- tively handle all communications of the company whether they are internal or external communications. Many PR specialists are using a helping tool to support the communication process in the company. Some are using sold programs to help them “remember” all the things that need to be communicated or related to people. Others are practical enough to use free, web-based software to help them with their PR works. One of the widely used free software is the Facebook. Facebook is a very powerful tool that one can use to help any PR person to organize and facilitate any PR or information that needs to be communicated external or internal of the or- ganization. In order to effectively include Facebook as part of the whole PR Strategic plan, the following are being suggested: a. Make sure that everyone is informed about the use of Facebook. As a PR specialist who uses the tool you need to make sure that you get all the respondents involved with your tool. Have these people registered with the same software tool. b. If you are dealing with external clients that need to receive communication, you can inform them about the tool that you are using and ask for their permission to be invited. 60 c. Make sure that the company leaders are also in- volved with this. It is only with their involvement that you can maximize the usage of this software tool. 61 Are Indian Users Receptive of the Display Advertising by Facebook? Indian nationals are known to be rooting their life based on the cultural and spiritual aspects that their homeland can bring. Their art and graphic forms are all driven by the culture that they have. When modern technology began to invade the world, the Indians were not exempted from being hit by the modernization. In the advent of Internet technology, India became one of the few countries that have been exposed with it. Most of the Internet outsourcing jobs were channeled through the Indian nationals for economic reasons. Because of this, Indians became the primary users of the technology brought to us by the Western people. This is the reason why it is not possible to claim in any aspect that Indian users would not be as receptive in terms of what the technology can do for us. The Facebook display advertisement is one of Facebook’s major components. Experts are claiming that Indian users may not be as receptive when these types of advertising materials will be created specifically for them for reasons like cultural adher- ence. However, what these experts overlooked was the fact that Indian users just like any other users have been accustomed to what modern technology can do and can bring. Facebook makers were correct in their perception about considering what specific type of people may think about a certain application. However, it is also necessary that when they think about cultural difference, they also need to consider how far the technology has reached the country and the people who live in there. 62 Hot and Sensational Tips to Maximize the Features of Facebook The Facebook website is one of the most sought after so- cial networking sites these days. It levels with the popularity of some other favored social networking sites such as MySpace and Friendster. In order for Facebook to be competitively equal with all these other social networking sites, it consistently re-designs and re-develops its features and functions. This strategy of Facebook allowed them to capture not only a single section of potential market but generally a wider scope of market is being targeted. And with the launching of the new applications of Facebook such as the Marketplace and Events, not only was it able to establish a new market for them but it has potentially expanded the market that it targets – the business and the professional sector. Now, more professionals and businesspeople are engaged in using Facebook because they see the potential of having the means and power to use this site for their professional organiza- tions. Their issue now lies on how they can better maximize the features of Facebook for their organizations to benefit further: a. Choose wisely which application best benefits your organization and dwell with it. There are so many applications that Facebook has, it is best that you choose (by studying them one by one) only those apps that make sense to your organiza- tion. b. Once an application has been chosen, make sure that you develop an outline on how you can further utilize its functions. The outline serves as the guide on how you can make the application potentially functional and useful. c. Experiment on other applications by combining different applications. You will never know how beneficial a [...]... makers are targeting Facebook has been competitively working on their online games applications There were some recent additions on the applications of Facebook specifically the ones that were designed for online games Online application games like Poker, Pet Society, Geo Challenge and Kidnap are few of the newest applications that have been recently added on the application directory of Facebook The continued... audience that Facebook has makes it rather very easy for anyone to build a strong pool of audience without even trying b Facebook is continuously growing and expanding What is good about Facebook is that it never tires to grow and progress unlike many other social and business networking sites Facebook is continuing to evolve and with this evolution comes a very promising future to the user c Facebook has... deal in experimenting on it 64 Facebook and its New Face as a Business Networking Tool Generally of people do not perceive Facebook to become an instrument for business Facebook is perceived to be an application where people can post their pictures and shout outs that they feel like voicing out However, with the evolving change in the type of followers and users that Facebook has started to draw these... facilitated among these various applications Interoperations of these applications have also resulted into another issue which bears more dragging problem – compatibility issue The Application Server (the one that dominates the other applications) was able to deploy patches for the compatibly and interoperability issues and have been successful to finally merge these applications with the mobile technology... to business enthusiasts), many experts believe that Facebook is ready to face a new challenge – that is, becoming a tool that be used in business networking Below are some of the forecasted benefits in having Facebook as a business/social networking: a Facebook has an instant follower that can be nurtured If someone tries to revolutionize the use of Facebook as a business networking system, he immediately... influential tools in order to reach out to many people The inclusion of the events on Facebook made it very revolutionary and evolving And as part of the modernization in the Facebook, the events feature was added specifically to allow people earn a lot from it Below are some of the ways on how can you make your Facebook events become profitable: a You start with a good event name You may think that... think again The name of the event creates a wide impact on how you can generate more money on your Facebook; therefore, you need to make sure that you realistically create a sound and high impacting event name b Make sure that your Facebook events are not privately open to a few close people If you want your Facebook events generate more profit then you have to make it publicly open Not only that it is... popularity to the consuming public Just like the other equally popular networking sites, Facebook has never lost its touch in terms of public viewing and following As it is, Facebook continues to attract more and more users all over the world as it tried to maintain competitive with the other networking sites 65 Facebook, MySpace, and Bebo: Are these Recommended Job Search Sites When you are trying... Merging of the Open Social Application, Facebook, and IPhone It is quite technical to discuss about how open social application and Facebook are being driven by another server application in order to achieve the kind of utility value that an application has been designed for However, just for the sake of clear discussion, the Open social application and the Facebook application are two of the APIs... have a large network in the Internet The ads that are being posted on their pages can also be a good source of job 66 Simple Ways to make a Facebook Event Profitable Facebook is being given a new look now that things are becoming a bit competitive With the new Facebook, you can basically add events on it and earn profitably out of these events These events are categorized as either being web-based . production of applications on Facebook. Otherwise, if no revenue is being earned out of these applications, there would be an immediate termination in the production of applications. Facebook applications. on Facebook is geared at generating revenue and income. This applies to the applications that were made either by Facebook developers or the third party programmers. Applications on Facebook. marketing. 54 The Commandments in Advertising on Facebook Many people see the great potential of Facebook concern- ing marketing and advertising. The multi-million followers that Facebook

Ngày đăng: 14/08/2014, 17:21